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November 12, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-12

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Resolution Of
Press Group
Asks Freedom
No Agreement Is Reached
On Child Labor Clause
Of NRA Newspaper Code
Vote Of Thanks Is
Extended Richberg
Bingay Hits Exploitation
Of Crime For Circula-
tion; Gorman President
Demand for a "specific declaration
and assurance" of a free press in the
newspaper code was voiced in a res-
olution adopted by the University
Press Club of Michigan yesterday as
it brought to a close its fifteenth an-
nual meeting.
Two clauses of an earlier resolu-
tion, those pertaining to the justifi-
cation of child labor and to a state-
ment of the advanced position of
newspapers in regard to wages, hours,
and working conditions, were strck
out because the club could come to
no substantial agreement concerning
As the resolution was finally passed
it embodied a word of thanks to Don-
ald R. Richberg, general counsel for
the NRA who spoke before the club,
but concluded that because of its
responsibility, the club, "representing
in its memberships, the rank and file
of newspapers, large and small, in
this state," felt that "no newspaper
code should be approved which does
not specifically declare and assure
to the public the continuance and
preservation of a press free from any
summary power, mechanism, or de-
vice that might .operate to restrain or
color its utterances."
Gorman Elected President
Michael A. Gorman, managing edi-
tor of the Flint Journal, was elected
president of the club for the coming
year. Two vice-presidents were
named, J S Gray of the Monroe Eve-
ning News, and George R. Averill of
the Birmingham Eccentric. Prof.
John L. Brumm of the journalism de-
partment, secretary of the club since
its founding, was again voted secre-
"Papers should not make news, but
they should print news thoroughly
and truthfully," Malcolm Bingay of
the Detroit Free Press told members
of the club at the morning meeting
in the Union yesterday, which had
for its topic "Crime and Racketeer-
ing." Papers should not exploit crime
for circulation purposes, he stated.
Deprecates "Yellow" Press
The responsibilities of the press are
far more important to newspapers
than freedom of the press, he de-
clared. Newspapers should be taken
away from the circulation managers
and given back to the editors, who
would avoid this so-called yellow
journalism, he concluded.
Albert E. Ewert, chaplain of the
Michigan State Prison, urged that
legislation should remove the power
of sentencing by judges and install a
system under which the question
should be not how long the sentence
should be, but when the criminal
should be released. In this way, he
stated, society could be rid of its
feeble-minded and degenerate crim-
"Prevention of crime should be
started at an early age. This should
be accomplished by our school sys-
tems, which should teach social ethics
to the students," he said.
"Unless there is some change in

our present newspapers, a code will
have to be drawn up which will put
the newspapers under Federal cen-
sorship," Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the
sociology department told the dele-
gates. The papers of today are paying
too much attention to crime and vice,
he added.
He also stated that our present pa-
role system is inadequate and that
our prison system is not keeping up
with the times. The press, he con-
cluded, has a great responsibility.
Second Gardenia Goes
To Virginia Chapman
"In recognition of an excellent
performance" Gargoyle's second
Gardenia was last night awarded
to blond Virginia Chapman, '35,
who played the part of Gilda
Munn, in Play Production's
dramatization of Prof. John L.
Brumm's play, "Why Print That?"
This production marks Miss
Chapman's dramatic debut on the
,amn a

Plan Campus
Poll To Test
Undergraduate Council To
Hold Poll On Important
Campus Issues
Disarmament, Auto
Ban Are On Ballot
Recommends Probation
For Houses Which Have
Two Disciplinary Cases
The student body will be given an
opportunity to express an opinion on
the Division Street beer ordinance,
the automobile ban, disarmament,
proposals, and other local and na-3
tional issues at a campus straw vote'
to be conducted this coming week, ac-
cording to members of the Under-
graduate Council, who yesterday
passed a motion in favor of such a
vote. The balloting probably will take'
place on Thursday.
A group of questions, to be decided
upon by members of the Council, will
include these proposals and others
which are considered of current in-
terest. .
To Vote On Campus Ber
Students will thus have an oppor-
tunity to go on record as favoring
or opposing the existing ordinance
which limits the sale of intoxicating
beverages to points west of Division
Street, proposals for modifying the
existing automobile ban, and the
stand the United States should take
in regard to disarmament.
At the meeting plans for sending a
cheerleader to out-of-town football
games were also discussed. It was de-
cided that according to regulation the
funds for such a step would neces-
sarily come from the various class
Meeting dates and budgets for cl,
dances were also considered at the
time. It was decided by the mem-
bers of the Council that all class
committees, dues, and other matters
of importance in relation to class ac-
tivities should be investigated and a1
report submitted to the Council. A
meeting of the various class presi-
dents of the literary college and the
Engineering college and of the dance
committee chairmen was arranged
for the near future.
May Penalize Fraternities
As a' result of discussion in regard
to the recent action of the disciplin-
ary committee of the Council, a mo-
tion was passed favoring the recom-
mendation that any fraternity hav-
ing members disciplined by the fac-
ulty committee on two or more oc-
casions during one semester should
be placed on probation. The rule is
not to be retroactive. It was ex-
plained that the ruling was based on
the theory that a fraternity could do
more to regulate the conduct of its
individual members than could the
Committee reports made at the
Council meeting disclosed that ap-
proximately 35 class elections had
been managed during the past month
by the Council, necessitating the use
of 5,000 numbered ballots. The ex-
pense of printing the ballots was ma-
terially reduced this year by having
them printed on a standard form to
be used at all elections, it was ex-
The complete minutes of the Coun-

cil meeting will be published in Tues-
day's issue of The Daily.

Michigan's Vic
Continues As

Doubt that the Community Fund
would be able to reach the $60,262.61
goal that had been set for it was
expressed by Prof. A. H. White of the
engineering school, chairman of the
executive committee, last night.
The campaign. was originally
scheduled to end Friday night, but
inasmuch as only about 25 per cent
of the goal had been pledged or re-
ceived at that time, it was decided
to extend the drive until Monday.
Even so, Professor White said, attain-
ing the amount of money hoped for
was unlikely.
"The people realize the need of this
fund, and would be willing to give
what they have in the past," he said,
"if they were only able to do it. But
our solicitors have found that many
people simply cannot donate as.much
money as they have upon other occa-
Professor White declared, however,
that he was not worried about the
slowness of the money in coming in.
"Ours is not a campaign based upon
a grand hullabaloo for three days to
be followed by inaction," he said. "We
expect to get a great deal of our
money later in the year.
The amount of money pledged so
far stands at $16,904.73. If this sum
is not substantially increased, a
number of the organizations in the
city which-depend upon the fund for
a good deal of their support will find
that they will have to curtail their
programs seriously, it was indicated.
No formal report is scheduled for
today, although the fund association
campaign headquarters in the Y. W.
C. A. building will be open in the
afternoon for the convenience of
those solicitors who wish to report
additional contributions.

Owing to difficulties in casting
"Hotel Universe," Comedy Club will
present instead, Edwin Gramercy
and his Detroit Laboratory Theatre
Company in John Millington Synge's
"Playboy of the Western World,"
next Friday and Saturday nights at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The play was met with considerable
confusion, mixed with applause and
hissing at the opening in Dublin at
the famed Abbey Theatre. For sev-
eral weeks the company fought for
freedom from mob censorship. The
audience was puzzled and shocked
at the wild language, and continued
to pack the theatre and raise such a
din that the lines could scarcely be
Gramercy, who is :directing the
play, is not unknown to Ann Arbor
audiences, having appeared in various
productions here in past years.

Edna St. Vincent Millay Treads
Road To Fame By Coming Here

Following after Yeats, Sabatini,
Chesterton, Noyes, and Galsworthy,
outstanding literary figures presented
here in past years by the Oratorical
Association, Edna St. Vincent Mil-
lay, distinguished American woman
poet, comes to Ann Arbor and to Hill
Auditorium at 8 p. m. Wednesday.
Interest in the appearance of Miss
Millay is running high, according to
officials of the association, and the
public address system will be in-
stalled so that she may be heard
equally well from all parts of the
Miss Millay's fame has been gained
through her public appearances as
well as through her writings, it is
said. Her platform and radio pro-

ond April," "The Lamp and the
Bell," "Two Slatterns and a King,"
"The Buck in the Snow," "The Prin-
cess Marries the Page," and "Fatal
Of "Fatal Interview," one of her
later efforts, critics have been lav-
ish in their praise. Burton Roscoe,
in Arts and Decoration, says, "Your
children and your grandchildren, if
they love beauty, will reproach you
if they find that when you had the
chance you failed to appreciate the
honor of living while Miss Millay
"Greatness is present in these son-
nets," 0. W. Tirkins writes in the
Saturday Review of Literature. "For
this is a work that obliterates types,

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