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November 11, 1933 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-11

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
Until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.


I -

VOL. XLIV. No. 42
Observation of Armistice Day: In
order that faculty and students may
take part in the observance of Armis-
tice Day, classes throughout the Uni-
ver ity will be dismissed between the
hours of 10:00 a. m. and 12:00 a. m.
Saturday, Nov. 11. Hospitals, clinics,
laboratories, libraries and offices will
remain open.
To the Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
November 13, at 4:15 p. m. in Room
1009 Angell Hall.
Louis A. Hopkins, Sec'y.
University Staff: The Bindery is
prepared to do a limited amount of
binding for members of the Univer-
sity staff. Persons wishing to have
binding done should consult the su-
perintendent, Mr. W. C. Hollands.
Posture Class: Posture classes for
graduate women students will be held
at Barbour Gymnasium on Tuesday
and Wednesday evening of each week
at 7:15 beginning November 14 and
15. Each class will meet once a week.
Ice Hockey for Women: Any wom-
an student interested in playing ice
hockey on Tuesdays and Thursdays
between 2 and 3 should leave her
nane and telephone number at Bar-
bour Gymnasium room 15, telephone
4121, extension 721.

meeting of the
will take place
ber 13, at 4:15

German Departme
on Monday, Novel
in Room 201 U.

Graduate Students In English: A
graduate students in the English D
partment are invited to attend {a d:
cussion of the literary theories
I. A. Richards to be held Friday, N
vember 17, at 4 o'clock in the Alun
nae Room, Women's League (thi
floor). After the discussion, there wv
be a meeting for the organization
an English Journal Club, to which:
graduate students in the Departme
are eligible. A committee will prese
a constitution for discussion ar
Howard M. Jones.
Acolytes (Philosophical Society
Professor Z. Clark Dickinson, of t
Department of Economics, will spec
on "Philosophy of Value: Econom
Values and Their Relation to Oth
Types of Value," Monday evenin
7:30, Room 202 South Wing, Studen
interested in Philosophy and Ec
nomics are invited.
Alpha Nu meets Tuesday, Nover
ber 14, at 7:30 in the Alpha Nu roo
fourth floor Angell Hall. Freshme
and other pledges will present a d
bate. Everyone cordially invited
Hygiene Examination - Wome
Students: The freshmen hygiene ex
amination will be held in the we
amphitheatre of the West Medic
Building on Monday, November 13o
The upperclass examination will 1
held in the same room on Tuesda
November 14, at 4:15. e
Rifle Club for Women Student
All old members of the Rifle Tea;
are asked to report to Captain Curt
at the Women's Athletic Building a
Monday, November 13, from fourt
six o'clock.



Epstein Talks
At Dinner Of
Press Grou p
(Continued from Page 1)
about conditions and this is not the
function of papers," he added. "Our
communities need an organ which will
inform them of social conditions,
and the schools, by means of social
science and better co-operation of
our modern facilities will perform
this function," he concluded.
"There are three major defects in
our present civilization which must
be removed before civilization can be
changed. They are defects in equality,
liberty and education," Prof. Stuart
A. Courtis of the School of Education,
"To accomplish this our education
methods must be changed. Our pres-
ent system needs to be modernized,
as the schools of the future must
teach the students to interpret life.
We must arrive at the point where
the individual will be taught to deal
intelligently with any situation," he
Mr. Epstein told the editors that it
was their fault that the old age pen-
sion was not adopted long ago. He
stated that due to ignorance and
narrow-mindedness on the part of
the newspapers the people were mis-
led. The dole in England, contrary
to most reports, he stated, is success-
ful because of this law, and for the
last three years England has been
affected less by this crisis than the
United States. In conclusion he urged
the editors to support this movement
and realize the good it could do for
the country.

Soviet Commissar Confers With Hull

Sun Is Not Likely
To Flare Up, Says
Prof. McLaughlin
The theory that the sun might at
some time undergo a flare-up similar
to that of Nova Ophiuchi, the star
whose temporary flare-up was dis-
covered a few months ago, is rele-
gated to the realm of improbability,
in the opinion of Prof. Dean B. Mc-
Laughlin of the University Observa-
Professor McLaughlin develops the
idea that stars undergoing "nova be-
havior," belong to a formerly un-
recognized type of "variable" star.
Proof of this, he believes, is shown
by the fact that these stars, which
are subject to brief periods of bright-
ness, are quite surely repeaters. How-
ever, if the periods between flare-
ups are longer than the length of
time astronomical observations have
been taken, there is still a probability
that the sun among other stars might
be in this new variable group. How-
ever, since known flare-ups occur
from 12 to 35 years apart, this is
doubtful. Professor McLaughlin says.

Pink Mail Cards Should
Be Filled Out By Students
Students who have not filled out
"pink" cards giving their full address
at the postoffice are ,probably not
getting much of the mail which is
adressed to them in care of the Uni-
versity, according to A. C. Pack, post-
Mr. Pack made a request yester-
day, that all students secure cards
at either the post office or any of
the branches, fill them out, and drop
them into any letter box.
Science itself is now discarding the
Newtonian concepts. Economics is
becoming humanized. But education
continues to devote its energies to
gathering facts and is scornful of
"mere opinion."-Dr. James F. Hosic,
professor of education at Columbia
NAL is business and financial
education. Send for sample copy
and special student rates with-
out obligation. 44 Broad Street,
New York."

-Michigan Daily Photo
Maxim LItvinoff (left), Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs, is
shown during a preliminary conference with Secretary of State Cordell
Hull in the consideration of the United States recognition of Russia.
Preparation Of Financial Report
Easy ork For Business Office

- - - _

The University Discipline Commit-
tee: At its meeting on November 9,
1933, the Uiversity Discipline Com-
mittee found that Mr. Wilfred H.
Tisch, Lit '34, was guilty of drunk-
enness on the night of October 28,
1933 and ordered that his suspension
from the University, previously or-
dered be continued until such time
as Mr. Tisch give to the Dean of the
'Literary College and the Dean of Stu-
dents reasonable assurance that his
misconduct shall not be repeated. The
Committee further ordered that a
subsequent occurrence of misconduct,
calling for disciplinary action by this
committee, shall be followed by un-
conditional dismissal from the Uni-
Bdminti: The time of the Bad-
nlinItot meeting for women 'students
has been changed from Saturday at
11:15 to Monday at 4:15 in Barbour
Physical Education for Women:
The indoor season begins on Mon-
day, November 13. All students who
have not registered for work for this
coming season are asked to report
to Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
F'aculty Women's Club: The paint-
ing grouip of the art section will meet
with Mrs. Margaret Chapin for in-
struction every Thursday afternoon.
Those interested please call Mrs. R.
V. Churchill, 4655.
Lutheran Student Club will not
have its regular meeting on Sunday
on account of the meeting 'of the
Ohio Valley Conference of Lutheran
Students on November 11 and 12.

Graduate Outing Club will have a
supper hike Sunday. Meet in front
of Angell Hall at 3 p. m. We would
appreciate reservations in advance.
Phone 5745. Bring 15c to cover ex-
penses. All graduate students are
Freshman Round Table will meet
Sunday, November 12, at 9:30 a. m.
In the Michigan League. All fresh-
men are invited to attend.
Stalker Hall (formerly Wesley
Hall): Sunday, Nov. 12:

9:30 The Freshman Round Table at
the League.
10:45 Worship Service at the First
Methodist Church with Dr.
Fisher preaching.
12:45 Inaugprating a new series on
What Is To Be My Life Work.
Dr. Fisher and Dr. G. R.
Meyers of the School of Edu-
cation will speak and lead the
3:00 The International Student Fo-
rum. Discussion of Racial Prej-
udice and Religious Bigotry
as Causes of War. Anyone wel-
6:00 mTheWesleyan Guild. An Ox-
ford Group team from Detroit
will climax the Guild's series
on How Can I Obtain an Ade-
quate Personal Religion.
7:00 Supper and Fellowship. Sup-
per cost 15 cents.

Crossing of social and economic
interests is one of the greatest diffi-
culties to the administration of the
recovery policy, according to Donald]
R. Richberg, general counsel for the
NRA, who spoke at the n-orning
Arbitrary standards, while work-
ing more hardship on some individu-
als than on others, are justified by
such a crisis as we are passing
through, he said. "It has -been a
more trying experience and a prob-
lem more vital to solve than was the
World War," he declared.
"Unless we are to yield to a phi-
losophy of futility, the 'new deal'
merits our most whole-hearted sup-
port," Prof. I. L. Sharfman, chair-
man of the economics department,
said, speaking after Mr. Richberg.
While, he said, there is no basis
for any final judgment at this time,
the recovery aspect of the President's
program is significant as a positive
step and the pace of recovery should
become increasingly more rapid.
"Usually we have merely muddled
through our depressions," he said.
'But this time conditions were so
bad that we were on the verge of a
complete breakdown of oureconomic
system and our social institutions
were menaced. The panic of Febru-
ary and March was effectively stayed
by the Roosevelt program, and one
could feel the immediate restoration
in confidence."~
Judge Arthur Lacy, who was to
have spoken on "The Banking Situ-
ation," was unable to be present.
The four-day meeting of the Press
Club will close with a single session
at 9 a. m. today in the Union. Five
speakers will be heard on the gen-
eral topic of "Crime and Racketeer-
ing." They are Malcolm Bingay, edi-
tor of the Detroit Free Press, Albert
M. Ewert, chaplain of Michigan State
Prison, Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the
sociology department, Capt. Edward
Denniston, superintendent of the De-
troit House of Correction, Plymouth,
and Warden Peter Gray of Michigan
State Prison.
Members of the Press Club will be
guests of the University at the Iowa
football game this afternoon.

Several days ago when the annual
Official Financial Report of the Uni-
,versity made its appearance on cam-
pus, many studied its pages for a rec-
ord of the business transactions of
the past year, and still others
scanned it less thoroughly. Few of
these people knew anything of the
.interesting story of its development
and the process of making it.
Anyone looking at the 75 large and
closely printed pages, 50 of them
crowded full of figures, the remainder
being taken up with descriptions of
special trust funds and general com-
ments on the financial transactions
of the year, would quite naturally be
impressed by the tremendous amount
of work which the formulation of
such a report would seem to entail.
"The surprising fact about this
data," stated Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
assistant to the President, "is its size
compared with the time spent in its
compilation, for, although, of course,
one does not get together and print
a collection of figures like this with-
out some labor, it has come to be a
thing which the business office, so to
speak, takes in its stride."
"It is in the making throughout
the year; at the close of each day's
business all the vouchers dealt with
are classified not only under the pro-
per departmental account but also by
the type of expenditure (salaries,

instruction, or whatever it may be) ,"
he explained.
After the close of the year, all that
remains to be done to finish the task
of compiling the report is the proper
arranging of the totals taken from
the University's books. The only dif-
ficult task is, in reality, the closing
out of all accounts on time, in order
that the data may accurately repre-
sent the transactions of the year.
The report is then checked by a
firm of certified accountants, who
go over the books independently.
Since 1924, the certificate of such a
firm has been attached to each one.
A picture of the complexity of the
sort of accounts that are kept for
the report, Dr. Robbins said, maytbe
gained from statistics issued by the
business office. They report that dur-
ing the school year 1932-33, the de-
partment handled 32,186 orders, of
which 75 per cent were outside, and
46,305 vouchers were passed, of which
only approximately 4,000 were in-
side transactions.
"It is a well-planned financial re-
port (expert accountants have told
us so) and its myriad figures, if
scanned with understanding, give an
accurate picture of one of .America's
great universities in action," he con-
Rivalry between planets will be the
next great force to mold a world

Fifteen years ago the world ended a horrible
period of war with the signing of the Armistice.
Today as we think back over those awful events,
let us pledge ourselves to keep an everlasting
Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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travel, printing, freight, supplies for 'consciousness. - Dr. Jerome Da

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Come and see the
biggest football
picture ever
filmed !

Academic Notices
EnglishI and II: Students of last
year in English T and II who wish
to have their notebooks should call
at the office of their instructor be-
fore the end of November.
R. W. Cowden.
Architectural Exhibition: A collec-
tion of water color and pencil draw-
ings of European architectural and
landscape subjects, by Lorne E. Mar-
shall, '31A, George G. Booth travel-
ling fellow in architecture. Open
daily, 9 to 5, excepting Sundays,
ground floor, Architectural Building.
Public cordially invited.

l LI-N

Presbyterian Student
ments, Sunday:;



9:001Breakfast at the Michigan
9:30 Round Table at Michigan
League. Subject, "Religion and
Personal Conduct."
10:45 Morning Worship, Minister
Rev. Alfred LeeKlaer. Subject,
"Adequate Religion."
5:30 Social Hour and Supper.
6:30 Student Forum. Chicago and
its problems will be the subject
of discussion.

With ROBERT YOUNG, LEILA HYAMS, Johnny Mack Brown,
Andy Devine, Lucille Lund, Mary Carlisle, Grant Mitchell.
From the Saturday Evening Post story by Lucian Cary.


Pictures of Michigan-
Illinois Football Game

a la Cuba"




Events Today
University Club: The first Club
Night of the year will be held in the
Club Room in Alumni Memorial Hal
at 8:30 p. m. The program will take
the form of a welcome to members
Who were absent on leave last year
They will narrate some of their ex-
perinces. Members may bring
friends. Please note change of day
from Friday to Saturday.
Varsity Based: Meet at Morris Hall
at 10:00 o'clock sharp. Wear full
marching uniform and bring march
folio. Coats will be distributed be-


Congregational Church Sunday:
Sermon by Mr. Heaps, "What Is
Right?" Continuing the series on
"Successful Living."
The Student Fellowship will be ad-
dressed at 6:30 by Prof. Rev. E. W.
Blakeman. His subject will be "A
Philosophy of Religion." Discussions
to follow.

Club: Spe-
d altos, at
Room will
board. No

Harris Hall: Sunday 9:30 a. m.
Holy Communion - Williams Memo-
* rial Chapel "Conversatione" for stu-
dents Sunday evening at seven
o'clock. Leader, Professor Cooper H.
Langford of the Department of Phil-
osphy the general topic for discus-
sion will be "Ethics or Religion."
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00
a. m. The Holy Communion; 9:30 a.
m. Church School, 11:00 a. m. Kin-
dergarten; 11:00 a. m. SPECIAL AR-
by the Reverend Henry Lewis.
Young People's Society of the
Church of Christ (Disciples) will
hold a meeting at 6 p. m. Sunday
at the church. At 6:30 a discussion
period will be held.
Roger Williams Guild. 503 E. Huron


Starts Sunday
The Origial Stage PLAY
G NOFbessT A Picture
George Kaufman and Edna F'erber's Sensational Success


Ends Tonight
II O'Clock Vaudeville Show
REXOLA BROS. Ned Norworth & Co.
Perch Novelty Singing & Comedy
Dancing Acrobatic Tumbling
Guest Feature






talker 'Hall (farmierly Wesley
1): Toulchdown_ party, 9 p. m.
her-Burn Orchestra playing for
.cing. Indoor games, fellowship
refreshments. Admission 15 cents
nerson or 25 cen ntpr ennnpe

and CAS T OF 30


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