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November 10, 1933 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-10

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ciberg Denies
RA Shackles
nerican Press
ernoon Discussion Is
evoted To The Public
chools And The Press.
larshall Presides
n Kraus, Edgar Guest
o Talk Tonight At The
ress Club Banquet.
(Continued from Page 1)
alism department. President
nder G. Ruthven delivered a
preliminary address welcoming
:onvention to Ann Arbor and
ing the high responsibilities
i devolve upon newspapermen
afternoon session, presided
by Schuyler Marshall, editor
ublisher of the Clinton County
blican News, St. Johns, Mich.,
levoted to the general topic of
Public School Crisis and the

D~istinigu~ishled Faw iiliy lie iner Dies

Accountants To
Gather Here In
Industrial Affairs Will Be
Discussed In Conference
At Union Nov. 17
Social control of industry, the Fed-
eral Securities Act, and State cor-
poration acts will be the chief topics
of discussion at the ninth annual
Michigan Accounting Conference to
be held Friday, Nov. 17, in the Union.
At the afternoon session, which
will be devoted to a consideration of
the Federal Securities Act, the speak-
ers will be Baldwin B. Bane, chief
of the Securities Division of the Fed-
eral Trade Commission, Walter A.
Staub; president of the New York
Society of Certified Public Account-
ants, and Henry C. Murphy, econo-
mist of the National Bank of De-
Robert E. Payne, president of the
Illinois Society of Certified Public
Accountants, will present a discussion
of the Michigan Corporation Act as
it relates to the preparation of bal-
ance sheet statements at the morning
session, following which Eric L. Koh-
ler and William T. Sunley, both of
Chicago, M. D. Harris, Lansing, and
M. B. Walsh, Detroit, will take part
ink the round table discussion.
"Current Developments in the So-;
cial Control of Economic Life" will
be the topic of Prof. I. L. Sharfman,
chairman of the economics depart-
ment, who will speak at the banquet
at night. Paul W. Pinkerton, Pitts-
burgh, past president of the Ameri-
can Society of Certified Public Ac-
countants, will act as toastmaster.
Geo'rge P. Ellis, Chicago, now the
president of the American Society of
Certified Public Accountants, will
speak at the luncheon on "The So-
cial Responsibility of the Account-
ant." Dean Clare E. Griffin of the
School of Business Administration is
to preside.
Delta Epsilon Pi Hears
Greek Archbishop Talk

Londoners Are Bewildered By
Fast Pace Of 'Dinner At Eight'


There is an old tradition that an
Englishman never gets a joke until a.
week later.
And now at last the English are
admitting it.
Sophisticated Londoners thronged
to the play, "Dinner at Eight," sen-
sational Broadway success which
Robert Henderson will bring to the
Majestic next week. But English
critics were ready to admit that the
racy American technique was a bit
too fast for them.
Although the play was presented
especially for London with an all-
English cast, the rapidity of its play-
ing tempo and the swiftness of its
typical American wit set a pace
almost too fast for British tastes.
Morgan, critic of the London Times,
reviewing the acting of Irene Van-
brugh, one of the stars of the Eng-
lish production wrote: "Has Miss
Vanbrugh ever before been thus ac-
celerated? If any are in doubt of the
value of craftsmanship to an artist,
here is their answer. Miss Vanbrugh
responds brilliantly to the producer's
pedal; her acceleration is smooth and
faultless; one hears every word, and,
if a leisurely English mind could jump
fast enough, one would understand
every word she speaks."
"As it is," Mr. Morgan continued,
"one leans back and hopes for the
best. Miss Vanbrugh, an American
hostess, is inviting guests to attend'
a dinner-party a week hence. With
the eye of the cinematographic cam-
era, we peer swiftly and curiously
Governing Body Of Local
Alumni Club Will Meet
The board of governors of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Club of Ann Ar-
bor will hold a meeting at the Union,
at noon today, at which time J. Ev-
ans Campbell, '18, Owosso publisher.
and director from the ninth district
of the Alumni Association. will speak.
This meeting is called for the pur-
pose of outlining the activities of the
local alumni group for the coming
year, according to T. Hawley Tap-
ping, general secretary of the Alumni

into their private lives. The pace
never slackens. In serious investi-
gations of the soul, this method is
magificent but a little comfortless.
For England, this play is just 20 per
cent too fast. It is not pleasing to
bolt good wine."
"And the wines are good," Mr.
Morgan admits. "When they are not,
the play is still violently progressive.
The scenes flash past. 'Stop'! one
cries, 'let us know more'! or 'Stop!
that was beautiful.' 'Nonsense,' the
authors reply, 'this speed, this rock
violence, this incompleteness, is the
rhythm of the life we seek to repre-
sent.' Perhaps they are right."..
Nor was Mr. Morgan alone in his
view. Littlewood, critic of the Morn-
ing Post, was frank in his admira-
tion. "It is first class satirical enter-
tainment," he said. "In its freshness,
its contempt of tradition, its frank
challenge to 'talkie' technique, it has
all the excitement of a great arrival.
There are scenes written with a slash
and brilliance and racy, let-it-go in-
vective none of our English dram-
atists seems nowadays to have the
fire for."n
Thesis And Bed Of"
Sororsis Senior Are
DestroyedBy Fire
Temporary pandemonium reigned
at 12:30 a. m. yesterday at the Col-
legiate Sorosis house when a pre-
sumably dead match tossed on the
bed of Betty Long, '34, came to life
and set fire to the bed clothes.
According to reports the girls
formed a fire brigade using waste-
baskets and other handy implements
lying about to quench the flames.
Even water glasses were pressed into
service. The fire was finally extin-
guished with a rug but not until it
had reduced the mattress and sev-
eral articles of clothing to ashes.
Humorous as the incident appeared
an element of tragedy entered when
Miss Long revealed that a thesis
which she had spent long hours on
had also been lying on the bed.

Prisoner Calls Hearing
Unfair; Seeks New Trial
A motion requesting a new trial
for Gerald Fahndrich and asking for
a change of venue will be brought
before Judge George W. Sample Mon-
day by William L. Throp, of Detroit,
and Arthur Lahman, of Ann Arbor,
attorneys for Fahndrich.
The papers will charge that Fahn-
drich did not have a fair trial, that
the verdict was contrary to law and
to the evidence produced, and the
jury was illegally constituted and
prejudiced by actions of the court
and prosecutor.
Fahndrich was sentenced Saturday
to serve 15 to, 30 years in Michigan
StatePrison at Jackson for robbery
armed,' having been found guilty of
robbing the Forest Chase home in
Milan, of $500.
H. P. Marley To Head
Ann Arbor Ministers
At a business meeting held re-
cently the Ann Arbor Ministerial
Association elected the Rev. Harold
P. Marley of the Unitarian Church
president for the coming year. The
new vice-president is the Rev. C. W.
Carpenter of the Second Baptist
Church. The Rev. John H. Shilling
of the West Side Methodist Church
was re-elected secretary-treasurer.
All the votes were unanimous.
In addition to the election of offi-
cers, the meeting received reports on
the, work of the Council on Religious
Education and the religious census of
students in Ann Arbor public schools.
Every woman ought to own a red
hat for the stimulation of her spirits.
-- Catherine Oglesby.
Flight Instraction
Local Passenger Flights
special charter' Trips
Airline Reservations
Municipal Airport
4320 South State
II I Day Phone 9270
Night Phone 7739

e first speaker was Prof. Arthur
oehlman of the School of Edu-
i who discussed "The Problem
axation in the Public School
ils Government Co-operative.
vernment was originally re-
d as a co-operative agency
gh which expenditures were
for matters of public concern
i were beyond individual means,
dicated. "Now it is popularly
ied as organized brigandage."
sked that the press more ade-
lv acquaint the public with the
tions and aims of education.
f. George E. Carrothers, direc-
f the Bureau of Co-operation
Educational Institutions, was
opinion that government was
- too much .upon itself in the
f services given.
Proposes New Legislation
cation is a "continuous inter-
rocess" in which the student
assume his full share of respon-
y, he said. He advocated a one-
, non-partisan, continuously-"
ng legislature of about 15 mem-
vho would have the people's in-
s at heart and would be entirely
e the sphere of nefarious po-
n James B. Edmonson of the
tion school also stressed the im-
ice of informing the public of
ms, scope, and achievements of
iblic school system. "We should
he said, "to .keep constantly
the people the ideal of a free
school open to all the children
iless of social and economic
of their parents."
ing the discussion session
followed the formal addresses
. White of the Detroit News
d the great importance of the
al side of education and said
t was this phase of education
made truly intelligent living

Prof. Lockwood Succumbs At
Age Of 62; Was Noted Pianist

(Continued from Page ]1
Paris, Vienna, Florence and other
European musical centers before re-
turning to the United States. In this
country he gave concerts in all of
the large American cities and became
the head of the piano department at
the School of Music in 1900.
Professor Lockwood possessed an
unusual musical repertoire, playing
most of the important compositions
entirely from memory. For a num-
ber of years he gave in Ann Arbor a
series of lecture recitals in which he
presented 28 to 30 programs in a
single season without the use of a
written or printed score. In addition
to the Choral Union concerts, fac-
ulty recitals, and other local musical
series in which he participated, Pro-
fessor Lockwood also gave each year
many invitational recitals at his
home, to which faculty members,
students and other local music lov-
ers were welcomed.
At one time, because of his phe-
nomenal technique, he was invited
to play at the White House in Wash-
ington by President Theodore Roose-
Despite his outstanding success in
the field of music, the artist was ex-
tremely modest and never cared for
the glamour surrounding public per-
formance. His greatest joy seemed
to be derived from teaching students
and from his allied activities at the
School of Music.
W. S. B. Matthews, considered the I
leading contemporary music critic,
once said that Professor Lockwood
was undoubtedly among the three
erary college will also speak. Edgar
A. Guest will greet the club. Fol-
lowing the banquet a reception will
be held at 7:30 p. m. in the Grand
Rapids Room of the League.
To Discuss'"New Deal"

greatest pianists that America has
produced, and ranked his work with
that of Paderewski and other out-
standing artists of the time. When
the Polish concert star was here last
year he spent some time visiting Pro-
fessor Lockwood at his Ann Arbor
Professor Lockwood is survived by
his brother, Samuel P. Lockwood,
former head of the violin department
of the School of Music who now
spends most of his time in Europe,
a sister, Ann Lockwood, of Kingston,
N. Y., a nephew Norman Lockwood,
professor of theory at Oberlin, and a
niece, Albertine Lockwood, who is
now studying in Italy.
The body will lie in state from 9
to 12 a. m. today at Hildinger's Fun-
eral Home at 310 South Division St.,
where friends will be permitted to
call. During these hours all classes
and other activities in the School
of Music will be dismissed.
Announcement has been received
here of the appointment of Prof.
Glen E. Carlson, Michigan graduate,
and now a member of the sociology
department of the University of Red-
lands, Redlands, Calif., to represent
the University of Michigan at the
inauguration of Clarence Howe Thur-
ber as president of the University of
Redlands on Monday, December 6.

Archbishop Athenagoras of the
Greek Orthodox church, the Most
Reverend Archbsihop of North and
South America, was entertained dur-
ing his recent visit to Ann Arbor by
members of Delta Epsilon Pi frater-
nity, composed of members of Greek
Speaking before them in a meeting
at the Union, he said that they were
the real pillars of Hellenism in the
United States. He promised them
complete co-operation in forming an
intercollegiate council of Greek stu-
dents for the purpose of encouraging
more young Greeks to enter institu-
tions of higher learning.


ing at the morning editorial
ice on economic problems,
onard L. Watkins of the eco-
department criticized the
it's swing to a policy of eco-
ationalism and declared that
e greater degrees of stability
fidence to international rela-
Zan any so-called managed
C. F. Remer, also of the
cs department, said that no
what the domestic policy of
ry it can hardly succeed in
g the prosperity it desires
freer international trade
Epstein Will Speak
am Epstein, secretary of the
ion for Social Security, New
ill be the principal speaker
econd Press Club dinner at
today in the League. Mr.
a persistent advocate of so-
trance and old-age pensions,
r responsible for old-age pen-
s in 25 states, it is said.
Edward H. Kraus of the lit-

At the 9 a. m. meeting today the
general topic will be "The New Deal."
Mr. Richberg, who spoke at the ban-;
quet last night, will speak on "The
National Situation." Other talks at
that time will be those of Prof. I. L.
Sharfman, chairman of the econom-
ics department on "The Industrial
Situation" and Judge Arthur Lacy on
"The Banking Situation."
The press in relation to the chang-
ing social and political order will be
the topic at 2 p. m. today. Speakers
to be heard at that time are Carl
F. Delano, chairman of the legisla-
tive sub-committee which is drafting
the State liquor bill, on "The Press
and Liquor Control"; Prof. Lowell
Carr of the sociology department on
"Our Changing Social Institutions";
Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the educa-
tion school on "Social Control: Edu-
cation and the Press"; and Mr. Ep-
stein on "The Press and Individual


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'El ,.

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