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September 26, 1933 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-09-26

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TUESDAY, SEPT. 26, 1933


Star Players
To Lead World
Series' Teams
(Continued From Page 9)
performance for the Senators in his
first year in the big leagues marked
him as in the class with any first-
ranking infielder.
As far as directing ability is con-
cerned, Bill Terry appears to hold
the upper hand. Bill has been in
the big time for a longer time and
has more experience. Last year the
Giants finished in sixth place and
at the start of this season were con-
ceded a lucky first first division
place, no higher than fourth. Terry
whipped the team into the pennant
fight at the outset and imbued it
with the spirit of champions.
Cronin, on the other hand, had a
possible league champion to start
with. Washington had high hopes
of a pennant and the psychological
advantage of having beaten the
world's champions, the New York
Yankees, in the year's games played
between the Yanks and the Senators.
However, C'ronin has to guide him
the experience of Clark Griffith, the
president of the Senator Club and
a former manager and player. The
Senators have been easier to work
with because they have a more ex-
perienced roster than the Giants
have. Almost the entire team, with
the exception of Cronin, has been,
playing major league. baseball for
over two years.
EN AVANT *wvt Qtwe'd k
A ^h
Burr,Patterson & Auld Co.
Meagf.etting' F,.teentty Jewelers
Detroit, Michigan & Wa11.rville, Ontario
For your convenience
Ann Arbor Store
A 603 Church St.

Prices Cut For
Football Games
Here This Fall



Gehrig's Records
Qualify Him As
Babe's Successor

Coupon Books
Local Contests

Cards Fo

(Continued from Page 9)
of the Athletic Association, has an
The student athletic coupon book
given out at the time of registra
tion, is much smaller this year tha
in the past due to the new system o
collecting tuition fees for a single se
mester rather than for the entir
year. The current book includ
coupons to be refunded for the var
ous h'ome football games of the sea
son and eight additional coupons to
be used for first semester basketba
games. A second semester coupo
book, containing tickets for th
events coming during the secon
half of the year, will be given ou
in February when tuition fees f
the second semester are paid.
General admission tickets are al
on sale now for all home footba
games at $1 each plus a tax of1
cents. These tickets entitle the bear
er to any seats located behind th
goals in sections 9 to 15 and 31t
37 inclusive. They iiay be bough
at the stadium just before the gam
or ordered in advance by mail. Tb
Athletic Association hastpointed o
to students wishing to purchas
such tickets for their friends th
much time will be saved by orde
ing the tickets in advance, since
is often necessary to stand in lin
for some time just before a gamei
order to purchase general admi
sion tickets.
In ordersto receive student pre
erence in the allotment of ticket
applications for reserved seats f
the Cornell game, to be played O
tober 14, must' be received by th
Board in Control of Athleticsn
later than 5 p. m., Saturday, Sep
30. The Board has requested th
games early enough to insure prop
students take advantage of the
games early enough to insu
proper distribution.

(Continued from Page 9)
ing up the line, so it looks like Everhardus. Of course, the system would
it have to be revised to fit the capabilities of these men.
r * .
LOUIS WESTOVER turned in a good performance in the running line
Saturday, while Zit Tessmer had an off day. Oliver and Rudness
completed the second-string backfield, and they turned in a fair account
- of themselves.
George Bolas, sophomore quarterback, did some nice work in returning
pints, passing, and tackling. Ward and Petoskey, Wistert and Austin,
k, Kowalik and Savage comprised that famous first-string forward wall, with
n Charles Bernard in the center position. Willard Hildebrand demonstrated
f his versatility by playing alternately at guard and tackle throughout a
e_ large portion of the session.
re Whitey Wistert was called back out of the line to throw one long
es pass Saturday, and it went right to Everhardus although the receiver lost
i- it in the sun. Fred Ratterman played at quarter on one of the White
- teams on the field Saturday; his' leg handicapped his work considerably.
n "NOT that I know anything about sports," said the Perennial Freshman
7Q to us one day, "but it seems that affairs like this Helen Wills Moody
d controversy will help the country a good deal.
ut "Of course, mind you, it takes a very keen . . .. ah . . . . you know,
or analytical mind to figure it all out. I'm not arguing on the angle of
sportsmanship in the case, because I never could see much good in aS
so couple of women dashing around on a square of turf trying to bat at
l)1 little ball over a what-you-may-call-it with a thingmubob in their hand,'
1O or men either for that matter.
r- "What I'm getting around to is plain hard facts.. Me, I'm just likea
h the rest of the great minds of the country . . . looking for things whichc
to is likely to pull the nation out of this depression. Well, when Mrs. Moodyt
ht laid down\her club and decided not to play any more, it started typewritersC
e a-clicking all over the country. Reporters, columnists, editors all went too
ut work. Reams and reams of copy papers was used, and miles of typewriteri
se ribbon wore out, giving the pulp mills and the typewriter industry a bigv
at boom. Then it gave the linotype operators hours of extra work, and evenr
r- the ink industry was helped out as the big presses worked overtime.
it "I think Helen is a benefactor to humanity, and if I was running thisn
ne nation, I'd give the newspaper industry and all the allied industries at
in big boom every football Saturday this fall with a little conspiracy.
s- * *
f_ "SAY the Whiffenpoof College Dingo-Dogs was playing the Smeechville1
ts, Armadillos in one ofthe country's greatest classics. I'd start all this1
or rolling again by instructing one team to get mad and quit at the half,
c- and would the newspaper boys get onto that! .
he "Here's what the papers would say: 'A great grid battle ceased atf
no the half here today as the Whiffenpoof Dingo-Dog eleven defaulted to theP
Pt. Smeechville Armadillos. Goldfarb, center for the Dingos, said that
at Schrynvch, halfback for the Armadillos, called him a harsh irritant, and
er the Whiffenpoof eleven refused to continue the game . . . .' Say, they'dI
ir write about that for the next week, and the industry would boom.
re "It wouldn't take any more than three such incidents and the countryr
would be in fine shape. And nobody would be none the wiser. I'm gladi
I thought of this. Now me and Roosevelt can practically junk the NRAs
or just use it as a sort of sub . . . subsiderary measure . ."
* * * * *,
7T ALL HAPPENED LAST JUNE, after the cessation of hostilities on the
iipart of the University known as the end -of final examinations. We
entered the ante-room to the Holy-of-Holies, down in University Hall.'
After a wait of fifteen minutes we were ushered to the threshold of the
inner Sanctum, where we paused in doubt. (How does one address the
President . .. President Ruthven, Dr. Ruthven, Mr. Ruthven?) We chose
the safe middle course and said, "How do you do, sir?" to the kindly
harassed-looking man who greeted us.
The conversation turned to the Sports page. Here Dr. Ruthven said,
"You know, they've been doing something over there for years, which, to
me as a biologist, is highly displeasing." Paling, we inquired what it was,
although we were flattered to think that the President was numbered
among our readers.
It seems that the staff in past years has fallen into the habit of abbre-
viating the term Wolverines into Wolves, when space in headlines did not
permit the inclusion of the longer word. Dr. Ruthven took pains to point
out that the Wolf was in no way related to the Wolverine, and consequently
the terminology is incorrect. The upshot of the entire affair was that we
promised not to use the offending word any more, and so also to request
the staff.
But now what are we to do? We are left stranded, high and dry, so to
speak, without any short words to refer to Michigan's totem animal. In
dispair, we turned to the Latin name for the species, finding small comfort
in the information that the Wolverine is known to scholars as the glutos
luscus . . . translated as "the glutton." Any inspirations from readers will
be thankfully received, possibly used. At any rate, the President, like the
proverbial customer, is always right.
ACCORDING TO RELIABLE REPORT, John Fischer, captain-elect of
Michigan's varsity golf team, will not be in school next semester. This
outstanding golfer, quarter-finalist in the National Amateur year before
last and holder of the National Intercollegiate title, has been appointed
Secretary of the board in control of the latter tourney.
Charles Koesis, who has distinguished himself as a golfer in Fischer's
class of competition, has returned to the Maize and Blue ranks this year
after a year's absence. He will not be eligible for competition until next
semester. Woody Malloy, Ann Arbor's top club-swinger, is also ineligible
for University competition until then, but prospects for another Conference
championship aggregation at the very least are considered bright.

All the individual tournaments in
the women's athletic department Co-Ed Program
have been pushed ahead by two
weeks this fall, in the hope that the
usual bad weather which has delayed For the first time, two team sports
play-offs for the past three or four are to be featured on the women'
seasons may be avoided Intramural fall schedule. Volleybal
Archery as of te s will butdoor will be added to the tournament pro-
card to get under way. The tennis gram, on which until now hockey
tourney is cut to a singles title race has held first place for team activi.
this fall, eliminating doubles and ties. This innovation was brough
mixed doubles play until the spring about because the.need was felt fo
season. a sport which did not take so man:
Frosh Should Register players to compose a team as doe
Those freshmen who did not sign hockey.
up for tennis at the exhibitions last Last year several sorority house
Wednesday may. still do so if they were excluded from fall competition
are interested in net competitions. by lack of enough athletically-mind
Qualifying rounds for the archery ed women to make up a hockey tear
contest may be shot off any day be- As only six players are necessary fo
fore Saturday. The requirements are a volleyball team, as opposed to th
met by shooting 24 arrows at a dis- eleven for hockey, it is hoped tha
tance of 30 yards, and turning in all houses can enter the tourneys.
scores at the Women's Athletic Intramural activities will not ge
Building. Scores for the preliminary under way for another two weeks
test must be in at the office by Fri- allowing time for the individue
day evening. tourney qualifiers to be complete
Drawings for the archery series and play to start.
will be made up with these scores as
a basis. A talley of 75 points or
more will place the entry in the PRINTING-Lowest City Prices
Columbia Round matches. A lower THE ATHENS PRESS
score will be entered in the Handi-
cap Round. Downtown - 206 North Main
Instruction in archery will be Next to Main Post Office Dial 2-1013
given every afternoon at Palmer WE SELL TYPEWRITING PAPER
Field House at 4 p. m.

By Don Bird
Lou Gehrig, the new "King of
Swat" for the Yankees, has about
the most impressive string of records
of any major league baseball player
for the time he has been active in
the game. "Columbia" Lou became
a regular for the New York Ameri-
cans in 1925, and so far he has rated
the gold star for perfect attendance.
On Aug. 17 he added another rec-
ord to his list by playing in his
1308th consecutive game since lie
went in that first game as a pinch
This achievement in itself would
make any manager proud to have
the man behind it; but Gehrig has at
least eight more record collections.
In 1927 Lou broke the American
League mark for runs batted in with
174, breaking that mark in 1931 with
Gehrig was the first major league
player to hit three homers in one
game, performing this feat on three
different occasions -June 23, 1927,
May 4, 1929, and May 22, 1930.
In 1927, Lou was chosen the most
valuable player in the American
League. The next year he set two
World Series records by batting in
nine runs in the 1928 series and pol-
ing out four homers in three con-
secutive series games.
The 1932 season saw him add a
unique feat to his career by hitting
four home runs in one game June
3, which equalled a 36-year-old rec-
ord held jointly by Bobby Lowe and
Ed Delehanty.
the Location of their New
1308 S. University Ave.
(Near Withams Drug Store)

Al-Weather Coats
AF ll
Cfor Fall
Trench Coats - first quality guaranteed
water proof, $3.50 to $4.50.
Peachskin - the most popular of the
new rubber coats, tan $6.50.
A new light grey rubberized gaberdine
balmaccan, $6.50.
Reversible water proof topcoat and rain-
coat combination, $8.
Rubberized wool tweed in a belted bal-
maccan topcoat model, $10.50.
Finest quality cravenetted g a b e r d in e
utility coat, lined, $12.
See the new WHITE rubber
raincoat. Special at $8.00
SINCE194, ..


OW 1044




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in _. _ . ._ _ __.... . .iii

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