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November 10, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-10

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t i

Established 1890


r r Pr ,.u U~~O~lA0~~i~ M nx1 N .,uEm
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Jontrol of Student Publications.
Member - of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
ion a-1 the Big Ten News Service.
ar00i tdoF (lleinte VMS
-1933 NAIokWAL . co~a' ws -1934.T
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
>ot otherwise redited in this paper and the local news
lublished herein. Aill 'rights of republication of special
Lispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
econd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
'hird Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail.
1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
nail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
inn Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 21214.
Represertatives: College Publications Representatives,
no., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
oylston Street, Boston; 812 North Michigan Avenue,
- Telephone 4925
TY EDITOR....................BRACKLEY SHAW
weO. ' EDIrO.................CAROL J. HANAN
IGH'I EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
iam G. Ferris,.John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
VA Vleck,; Guy M. Whipple, Jr-.
PORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
artur sW CaStens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin,
#Irjoie Wesern.' ,.4
11'e rASrISTANTS:y, a Bates,Eleanor Blum,
ilis Jottr, Mwarie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
.EPORTERS: Roy Alexander, John A. Babington, Ogden
G. Dwigt,' Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Ted R.
Evans,- Brnard H. Fried .Thomas Groehn, Robert D.
Gutlirie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Thomas H. Kleene, Rich-
ard E. Lorch, David G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman,
Kenneth Parker, George I. Quimby, William R. Reed,
Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St.'Clair, Arthur S. Settle,
Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur M.
Taub, Philip T. Van Zile.
TOMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer,
Florence Harper, Marie Held, Eleanor Johnson, Jose-
phine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie
Resnick, Mary Robinson, Jane Schneider, Margaret
Telephone 2-1214
. . . ... ..... CATHAINEMC HENRY
EPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef-
iSSTSTANTS:'Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra-
mer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard,
James Scott, David Winkworth.
ane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred Bell, Mary Bursley,
Peggy Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia Daly, Jean Dur-
ham, Minna Giffen, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackso, Isabelle Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret
Mustard, N ha Pollock, Elizabeth J. Simonds.
vthletic Board Passes
tadium Drinking Rule.. ..
N O ONE who has attended football
games can deny that they are the
ccasion for considerable drinking. As long as
ais drinking resulted in nothing offensive to
ther spectators, few sensible persons payed much
ttention to it; but it became increasingly the
ase that the drinkers so attempted to impress
heir hilariousness on others that the others were
revented from following the game and occa-
onally suffered bodily injury.
This situation grew until it became apparent
aat the Board in Control of Physical Education
ould have to do something about it. What they
'ould do was a matter of much speculation. Their
roblem was a complex one. For a rule against all
rinking would be unenforceable, and any other
ule would admit the principle that a reasonable
mount of drinking is to be countenanced.
It was obvious that the second sort of rule was
>under, but the question became, would the board
Lave the courage to pass it?
In the letter which the board is sending to pr-
hasers of tickets for the remaining home games
shows that it has had the courage to pass the
)under rule. The regulation set forth in this let-
er is that, for the protection of the body of pa-
ons, the board will evict from the Stadium any'
erson whose conduct is as a result of drinking of-.
mnsive to other persons. And the letter also states
hat the board has no concern with the habits
nd tastes of those patrons who are not offensive.
The ruling of the board is thus both realistic
nd fair. It is realistic in its frank acceptance
f the actual situation, and it is fair in the prin-
iple of the rule it lays down for the situation's

ontrol. It should not only solve this year's prob-
?m, but also set a sound precedent for dealing
'ith variants of it as they may subsequently arise.
-C. H. S.

small convenient form is also occasionally included
in this category.
Fraternity men make use of files which mem-
bers in years gone by have taken the trouble to
compile for them. Non-fraternity men are at a
distinct disadvantage when reviewing time comes
if they cannot look over what amounts to a brief
outline of the course before taking the final.
Examination files are in use at Harvard and
other schools in the East, and we heartily recom-
mend that they be introduced at Michigan.
Musical Events
TO' THOSE who have never heard Kreisler be-
fore, and there were many among the huge
audience, the concert was probably a thrill. For
there was melody, and more melody, played with
every conceivable shade and nuance. To begin
with the Grieg Sonata (in C-minor) contains
three kinds of Grieg melody, all of them voiced
full and true by the artist. The first is sonorous,
low, and plaintive, the second, flowing and clear,
the third, a picturesque lilt. The Bach Chaconne,
difficult and lengthy, did prove itself a high-light
in the concert, in its nicety of the short melodic
phasing, and its plasticity. Kreisler has a manner
in his unaccompanied work of bringing out the
closing phrases with a tone entirely fresh, either
in firmness or featheriness.
After the intermission came the group which
has the Kreisler style firmly attached to it. Here
tunefulness, melody, had predominagnce. Com-
posers known for their melody, in fact, were fea-
tured: Schubert with an Impromptu, closely re-
sembling his renowned Ave-Maria, and the Ballet
music from 'Rosamonde"; Tchaikovsky with An-
dante Cantabile, that song which sings itself, and
the Humoresque, witty and vivacious; Rimsky-
Korsakov, with his Hymn to the Sun, rich ad
warm in its melody. The four caprices that fol-
lowed were all gay and light, the last, the A-minor
of Paganini, having a flute-like quality when it
wasn't speaking the tricks of Paganini. For en-
cores Kreisler played three lyrical pieces that have
his indelible stamp upon them: Londonderry Air,
Schone Rose Marind, and Diebesfreud.
For those who have heard Kreisler before, there
was some disappointment in the program, but
actually much pleasure in hearing him again. It is
to be remarked that whatever hurry and stiffness
there was in his performance, was forced by the
unbending accompaniment, for il the Bach,
there was ease and self-containment. It is felt
that Mr. Lamson might have been a little less
anxious to acknowledge -the applause directed in
the main to Kreisler: The last group seemed more
fluent with more give-and-take between the
violin and piano. -
Young people have grown up on Kreisler, older'
people are tremendously fond of him. He is an
endearing personality. He will still continue to
draw large audiences, and it still is a privilege to
be a part of one of his audiences..
-Sally Place.
The Theatre
Following its present extraordinary success at,
the Cass Theatre in Detroit, we areespecially anx-
ious to bring "Dnner At Eight" to Ann Arbor;
primarily, I suppose, because it is one of the best,
and most representative of the modern American
plays. Its success in London and New York and;
in Chicago, where it is now playing, subscribe to,
its brilliant qualities as theatrical entertainment.1
"Dinner at Eight" is frankly the saga of New
York -high, low and medium society.. It is the
story of a Park Avenue dinner-party, and all
the tangled threads that weave themselves into it.
It is multi-colored, like a kaleideoscope, touching;
everything from broad farce to real tragedy. It is,
ironic, subtle, shrewd and penetrating. It is, I feel,
as do all the audiences that have packed theatres-
to see it, rousing theatrical fare. It is exciting
Last spring we tried every ruse we could contrive,

to secure permission to present "Dinner at Eight";
in the Dramatic Festival. I even +went personally
to see Mr. Kaufman, one of the authors. The1
owners were adamant, and we could not secure it.J
We covered our disappointment with securing
"Design for Living." If we were to wait until the
next spring Festival to do "Dinner at Eight," itI
would be too late. The play would by then be an
old story.
At the moment, however, it is the most valuable
piece of theatrical property in the country. It is
too good a play, and too fine a production not to
let Ann Arbor see it. Following the Ann Arbor'
engagement we return it for a second week to De-a
troit and then take it to Gi'and Rapids and Toledo.
It is to be one of the opening productions of our
Festival season at the Tremont theatre in Boston,;
opening Christmas night.
But there is still another reason for bringing
"Dinner at Eight" to Ann Arbor, entirely aside,
from the quality of the play or the players. In
the back of our minds, we have always longed to
do an elaborate and new interpretation of "Mac-
Beth" with Blanche Yurka and Robert Loraine. It
will be modelled somewhat on the startling new,
production of the play which I saw at Stratford
this summer .in England under the direction of
Thomaso Komisarjevsky. In it, I feel Miss Yurka
as Lady Macbeth will make theatrical history. She
should be superb.
If "Dinner at Eight" has a successful engage-
ment in Ann Arbor, I am sure we can. come back
in December with the "Macbeth," just before we
go to Boston. The two plays should form a little -
and very brilliant Festival in themselves. The
greatest of all heroic plays and the best modern'
American comedy!'

Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars definitely
recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior;
no stars, stay away from it.
(No Stars) "SATURDAY'S
Jim Fowler.... ....Robert Young
Joan Chandler.,.... . ..Leila Hyams
Alan .......... Johnny Mack Brown
Thelma............. Mary Carlisle
The title of this movie is unfortunately just a
catch for another football story. Having on ordi-
nary plot in which the hero gets in the usual dif-
ficulties the night before the game, is helped out
of it by his friends, and plays in the big game,
"Saturdayday's Millions" contains too few good
elements to be worth while. It is heroics about the
good old days of football, about duty to the uni-
versity, and such. If this theme were carried out
to a proper extreme it could have been made into
a good comedy. On the other hand, if the sugges-
tion made by the title had been well elaborated,
it could have been excellent satire on the present
condition of football. But into the heroics are
woven snatches of sophisication, messy love scenes,
and comedy which practically falls flat before it
begins. This mixture produces a sad effect, and
when the pieced-together football scenes are
flashed on the screen, one wishes for the slow-
moving Moran and Mack comedy, the Don Aspiazu
rumba short, and the news reel, which are very
slightly entertaining themselves.
Robert Young does not look unlike a football
star, and his acting is convincing in spots. His
radio speech scene is fairly amusing and his
broken-wrist portrayal is realistic. Leila Hyams is
her usual self, and the combination of these two
would make a good team if they had a good vehi-
cle and a good director. C. B. C.


Art Reviews

(Alumni Memorial Hall, Oct. 26 to Nov. 15)
THE JURY of the present exhibition is to be
complimented on the clear cut way in which
it has raised the standards of the annual show of
the local artists. It is immediately apparent that
it could have gone further in this direction, but
as a group the works shown are distinctly superior
to any other such groups of recent years.
Perhaps there should always be two shows: one
judged as is the present exhibition, and one, per-
haps previously presented, unjudged. It is not
likely that the latter form of exhibition would pre-
sent any problem of wall space, and pictures of
merit might occasionally appear only in such com-
pany, for it is unfortunately true that judgments
of ordinary art juries are very fallible.
Probably the most striking piece in the show is
Jean Paul Slusser's "By the Sea," but it does
not seem to me to represent the best work. It
presents a lessening of the tension found in much
of his painting - in itself perhaps a good thing -
but there is also less sensibility in it, and a curious
romanticism, not only of the picturesque, but
almost of a melodramatic nature.
Another water color by the same artist, "Flow-
ers," is a much finer thing. The technique is
unusual in his work, but has been employed by
Schmidt-Rottluf and by the more widely known
George Grosz. It consists essentially, I believe, in
having the paper very wet, dropping the paint on,
and letting it spread or in blotting it at a cer-
tain stage. The present picture has a very rich
tone. The two oils by Slusser are typical of his
mastery of this medium.
John J. Clarkson is represented by four works.
"Street" is very good. There is a stimulating qual-
ity about it as well as vigor and sincerity. It is
somewhat reminiscent of Raoul Dufy, but the re-
semblance is of a surface liveliness; the real rela-
tionship - as in other water colors by Clarkson
- seems to be with Marin. This latter may be
seen more clearly in "Bathing Beach," where there
is a tendency to abstraction. In the "Portrait of
Jost Herrmann" the artist displays -his genuine
ability to paint with oils, but for some reason the
result is not entirely satisfactory.
Clarkson has probably not quite discovered his
individual idiom, and it is to some extent adopt-
ing the ones he finds at hand. If he is to use
the latter with complete success, he will have to
rmake sure that whatever is significant for him is
contained in them.
There is a piquancy that is very pleasing in the
"Studio Interior" of Mina Winslow. Martha Par-
ker's "Liberty Street" is vivid and personalized.
"Old 97" and "Read Wall Street"-by L. L. Wood-
worth are very pleasant. The soft tones and the
drawing remind one of Feininger. Jean Dow
Bacher has a nice drawing.
The relatively high level of the exhibition gives
an interesting view of the unformulated aware-
ness of the change in the general attitude toward
art which a more inclusive show might blur. Here
are to be found many of the currents which are
moving, or have recently been moving, artists
everywhere in Europe and America. Some might
criticize such exhibitions as the present for having
taken over the forms too readily and without the
compulsion that motivated the artists who were
largely responsible for the types of painting found
here, and while it is undoubtedly true that some
of the work is here merely because similar work
is in New York and Paris, it is probably more just
to say that the spirit responsible for the invention
of the style is at work throughout much of the
Western World, and if many of the artists who
use it have not, the credit for thinking it out,
wherever they find complete expression in it, they
are justified in their use of it.
It would be interesting to study the sources of
the appeal of certain types of subject matterj

It's a good. number to keep in min 1.
You'll want it if you've
a hook, o ' key or fountain pen, theni
if you've by chance
a coat, a badge, or hat
will help to find the owner. But that
isn't all. If you would like to
a room, or have one rented, the
same little number will (o it. A lot
of other things too . . . try it
Phone 241214

rnination Files. .


A CONDITION which should be
remedied is the system which al-
fraternity men an undue advantage over
non-fraternity men in the question of con-
ng the files of past final examinations and
e quizzes which most houses maintain.
some courses, the professor puts the past
ninations on file at the library for the bene-
f the students who feel lost at the end of
course. While it is conceded that some stu-'
s will not actually need the assistance of

-Cabout the GARGOYLE this year.
- 3 People all over are talking about
this new development in college
magazines. And now it's being
said on campus that there'll be
-. another issue out on the sixteenth
of November, the Thursday be-
fore Minnesota. Don't fail to get
your copy. It will be even better


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