rain or slightly L Sir igan ~ai Editorial Athletic Board Pa: dium Drinking Rule;1 Examination Files. qo. 41, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1933 PRIC 14 %F. I E - th Takes Old, New Champions Carry On Struggle For Indian Freedom Artist esidence Lockwood, Long A ity Member, Is A m Of Arthritis Of His Death ocks Associates sor Was Classed As Of America's Out- ing Musicians lbert Lockwood, professor of the University School of :o a number of years ago nction as one of America's atest pianists, died of arth- 0:20 a. m. yesterday at his 1 Hillside Court. He had ember of the University fac- 3 years. or Lockwood's death came ck to the University and al world. He had been in Ith until last spring, when d while driving his car in or. He spent the summer t his home at Keene Valley, the Adirondacks, and ap- have recovered thoroughly returned to Ann Arbor at ng of school this fall. ity officials ahd music loV- n Arbor were grieved when By COURTNEY A. EVANS An old and a new champion of In- dian liberty met last night, when Dr. Jabez T. Sunderland, the aged, white haired, former Ann Arbor minister and A. Fenner Brockway, young, forceful member of the radical wing of the British Labor Party, were fea- tured speakers at the banquet of the Hindustan Club to celebrate the birthdayof Jawaharal Nehru, leader of the movement for the indepen- dence of India. "Jawaharal Nehru is actually more the representative of the young, com- ing generation of India than is Ma- hatma Gandhi," Brockway stated in opening his speech. He-went ahead to point out since the masses of the Indian people had joined the move- ment for independence, the wealthy Indians now have lined up with the English. "When the Indians produce a man of such ability as Jawaharal, instead of the English placing him in the midst of his own people to lead them, they throw him into prison," Brock- way continued, pointing out that Ja- waharal has just been released from an eight month's sentence. "That spirit can never be crushed by all the power of Great Britain," Brockway concluded. The aged Dr. Sunderland, speak- ing with all his skill as an orator of the old school, began by paying the tribute to Mr. Brockway, "There is one Englishman who doesn't sit on the fence, who has, backbone, who dares to say what he believes; that man is Fenner Brockway." Dr. Sunderland continued by point- ing out the evils of the ordinance system under which the Indians are ruled. "The denial of trial by jury, of witnesses and counsel during trial, and being tried while absent, are far worse evils than any of the laws of the famous Star Chamber," he con- tinued. "The government keeps no records, may seize private property, without remuneration, and whole vil- lages are punished for hiding a per- son thought to be a suspect. "If such atrocities as these were tried in one corner of England the whole country side would rise in re- volt," Dr. Sunderland concluded. U.S. Officials WatchLiquor Revenue Now Government Prohibition Agents Won't Meddle With Opened Saloons Roosevelt Outlines New Repeal Policy Will Attempt To Round Up All Big Bootleggers And Racketeers WASHINGTON, Nov. 9- (RP) - A disposition to concentrate on reve- nues from liquors day by federal offic that would govern tween now and the repeal of the eightg At the same ti] clear that prohibit concentrate their rounding up of bio was indicated to ials as the policy their actions be- effective date of enth amendment. tie, it was made on agents, woul activities on the bootleggers and Kreisler Gets OvationFrom Filled House Hill Auditorium Is Packed By Capacity Crowd Of Enthusiastic Listeners Program Finished By Three Encores Compositions By Famous Artists Are Played By 'King Of Violinists' Fritz Kreisler, famed Austrian viol- inist who presented the second of the 1933-34 Choral Union concerts last night in Hill Auditorium, was ac- corded a distinct ovation by one of the largest and most enthusiastic au- diences ever assembled in Ann Arbor. More than 5,000 persons were in the auditorium for the concert, Kreis- ler's eighth appearance in Ann Arbor. All permanent seats had been sold for the concert early in the day yes- terday and temporary seats were placed on the platform and tickets for standing room in both balconies were sold, officials of the School of Music stated last night. The "King of Violinists" responded to the long applause of the audience by offering three encores at the close of his program. He presented his own arrangement of Londonderry Air and his two compositions, Schone-Rose- Marind and Liebesfreud.- The main program included num- bers by Grieg, Bach, Schubert, Tchai- kovsky, Tchaikovsky-Kreisler, Rim- sky - Korsakov - Kreisler, Parpora, Wieniawski, and Paganini. The viol- inist was accompanied by Carl Lam- son. The third concert of the current series will be presented Wednesday, Nov. 22, when the Vienna Boys Choir, under the direction of Georg Gruber, comes to Ann Arbor. Other programs will be presented by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Maria Olszew- ska, contralto, Sergei Rachmaninoff, pianist, Lily Pons, soprano, Poldi Mildner, pianist, the Detroit Sym- phony Orchestra, and Gregor Piati- gorsky, violoncellist, in the order named. Drinkers Are Will Remain To Speak Nov. 11 i of All A. Si NRA; Says Prei I1 Richberg Defen y" ; f Quarter Mark,' Is Reached In CharityDrive Inability To Reach Some Of Large Contributors Is Given As Explanation. Approximately 25 per cent of the desired total had been collected by Community Fund workers last night, Miss Ruth Owen, executive-secretary of the fund committee, announced. The sum now collected and pledged stands at $14,440.83 while the goal is $60,262.16. This sum is slightly below that of last year, Miss Owen said. However, this might be accounted for, she said, by the fact that some of the larger contributors whose pledges - were countedati ne las$ year had hot been reached as yet. Whether this condition was true or not, Miss Owen said she did not know. An extension of the campaign until Monday or some other time next week was quite possible, she an- nounced. The executive committee, which would decide whether the cam- paign should be extended and for how long a period, has not been called as yet. It may be called at any time, however. Students Will Debate Today Over The Air 'D rum Major Day' Will Feature Two 8-Year-Old Leaders lis Iriends ana gen- animous to all with in contact or who came within the sphere of his influ- ence. The School has lost an out- standing member of its staff and the community and the musical world generally, one of the great musicians' of the day." Professor Lockwood was born April 3, 1871, at Troy, N. Y. His musical education included six years of study with Reinecke, three years with Les- chetizky, and a number of months under Buonamici in Florence. Les- chetizky once said that he consid- ered Albert Lockwood and Ignace Paderewski his two outstanding pu- pils. Professor Lockwood also grad- uated from the Leipzig Conservatory before appearing before European audiences. He played with success in London, (Continued on Page 6) Tisch Case Is Reconsidered By Committee Tomorrow will be "Drum-major Day" in the Michigan Stadium. For, among the many features planned in addition to the Iowa- Michigan game itself, there will be two drum-majors on the field to assist the Fighting Hundred's pranc- ing leader, Donald A. Strouse, '35. Assisting Strouse between halves will be two eight-year-old drum-ma- jors, stars in their line. Bobby Weir, 800 S. Main St., who performed with the Varsity Band last year at the Northwestern game, will lead half the band in a special formation and Dick Avery, Battle Creek, will lead the other half. When the two meet in the center of the field they will turn the band over to the Fighting Hun- dred's six-foot leader and march to the sidelines. Bobby, who will wear a blue uni- form, has marched at the heads of bands of various fraternal organiza- tions. Dick, who will step on the field clad in an all-white uniform being specially made for him, has marched at the head of the bands of Battle Creek High School and Albion College and the American Legion drum and bugle corps of Battle Creek. An extensive program of compli- cated formations has been planned by officers of the band, which will also substitute for the University of Iowa unit. Closing the between- halves program - provided the wea- ther is not so inclement as to pre- vent it -will be the first appearance of the Michigan Singers, an organi- zation of Varsity Glee Club members who will sing Michigan songs with the band. Sewage Plant Contract Is Studied By Council. After listening to city attorney William Laird read the important features of the Federal government's contract concerning money loaned to the city for building a sewage dis- posal plant, members of the Com- mon Council last night decided to turn the matter over to a special committee. E. E. Lucas, president of the coun- cil, appointed councilmen Walter Sadler, William Faust, Redmond Burr, and E. Meyer; city attorney William Laird and city engineer George Sadenburgh to compose the committee. The committee is to study the contract and report its findings to the council as soon as possible, racketeers. The drive for collection of revenues would bring federal agents into ac- tion along the line: that their duties will pursue after repeal becomes ef- fective on Dec. 5. This would in- clude an endeavor to collect revenues from moonshine distillers. The policy upon which federal of- ficials were said to have agreed would direct their activities toward collect- ing revenues from liquor instead of prosecuting small offenders. In many cities of the country, sa- loons have been opened wide to all comers. If such a policy as was out- lined were followed closely, it would put federal official4 on the trail of revenues from the ' liquors sold and after the big liquors handlers rather than setting them on the operators of small liquor selling establishments. The policy was outlined at about the same time that President Roose- velt went into a meeting with a spe- cial committee with cabinet officers to fix. government policies on a mul- titude of questions affecting repeal. Announce More Appointments To Committees -Associated Press Photo * * * , W. M. Brucker To Talk Here Armistice Day R.O.T.C. And Varsity Band To Parade In Memorial Services saturday Wilber M. Brucker, '16L, former governor of Michigan, will speak or the subject "They Also Marched," a: the principal address of the Armis- tice Day memorial services, to be held at Hill Auditorium- Sa4urdaymor ning. Mr. Brucker is himself possessed of an extensive war record. Sergeant along the Mexican border, he served in the Medical department. During the World War, he was 1st Lieuten- ant, 166th infantry in the 42nd Di- vision. He served from 1916-19. Preceding the memorial exercises, a parade will be held, in which the University R.O.T.C. and the R.O.T.C.- Varsity Band will participate. Presi- dent Alexander Grant Ruthven, May- or Robert Campbell, and Mr. Bruck- er will reviewd the parade from the steps of Hill Auditorium. Warned Again By Coach-Yost Maintains That U Is Between '. And Individual Ridicules Cha Of A Dicta Speaker At Prer Banquet Says ' Alone Began R By GUY M. WHIPP Characterizing the "halfway house" betwee lividualism on the rig: 'ocialism on the left as venture well worth the he devotion of the co ld R. Richberg, genera he NRA, last night d TRA before a session aersity Press Club of M n the ballroom of the His defense included a gorical denial that the D tends to shackle the pr ition of the aims of tRecovery Act, and a p ?apermen to be sure o before launching what h be a "welcome critical a Attacks "Rugged Ind "This country is be 3hance to solve its o ;hrough the use of s %odes," Mr. Richberg exj ;overnment has stepped off the anarchy which;1 'rugged individualism' he which only a 'halfway h rnment control can h ut in a democratic na ours. "We are going to hav The appearance over station WJR today of four members of the wo- men's Varsity debate squad marks the second such debating broadcast participated in by local feminine de- baters. A vital phase of the radio industry will be discussed at 2 p. m. during what is known as the Uni- versity Hour. In November last year four out- standing members of the squad ar- gued against each other on a ques- tion similar to the one being dis- cussed this year. The question to be considered this afternoon is: "Resolved, That All Radio Broadcasting Should Be Con- ducted in Stations Owned and Con- trolled by the Federal Government." PROFESSOR'S WORK EXHIBITED A collection of sketches and water colors by Prof. Roger Bailey of the faculty off the College of Architec- ture, has been placed on exhibit at the Cranbrook Museum of Art, Cran- brook, Bloomfield Hills. Presidents of the freshman medical and senior dentistry classes yesterday announced appointments to their committees. In the latter, according to tradition' in the School of Dentistry, the class officers compose the personnel of the executive committee. Harold An- derson, president, will act as chair- man of the body. Other members are A. W. Marcombe, Douglas Walter, I. I. Nedelman, and N. J. Allstin. Gordon J. Birnie. was appointed chairman of the finance committee,{ to be assisted by Burton Baker, C. P. Thomas, and Claude Kemmink. As chairman of the invitations committee Anderson picked Edmund Barbara. Committee members are Al- bert Grob, Otis Hoffman, and Phillip Lynch. Faustin N. Weber was appointed chairman of the athletic committee, assisted by R. D. Hewitt and Clarence Benneth. The cane and pipe committee is made up of John Charters, chairman, Stewart Carr, J. Walter Seeburger, and Henry Wilbur. Stadium Officials Ordered To Eject All Spectators Found Drunk The arrival of cold weather and the possibility that icy winds swirling through the Stadium tomorrow may bring out a preponderance of flasks and assorted bottles brought renewed emphasis last night on Athletic Di- rector Fielding H. Yost's new anti- drinking edict. The printed request, issued with all tickets for the Iowa game and signed by Coach Yost, called attention to the large number of arrests for drunkenness at previous games and warned against offensive public drunkenness. Stadium employes have definite orders to eject and punish spectators found drunk, the notice said. The general tone of the notice was that, while the Board in Control of Physical Education "has no concern with the habits or conduct of those who do not prove offensive," officials will not countenance public intoxica- cation. COUNCIL TO MEET TODAY. The Undergraduate Council will meet at 4:15 p. m. today in the Union, according to ,Gilbert E. Bur- sley, '34, president. He urged that all members be present at this time for the consideration of matters on the regular schedule. I Bad Weather Cancels Today's Pep Meetings Fear that inclement weather and lack of time would prevent a large enough attendance caused student leaders last night to can- cel the pep meeting scheduled for this afternoon. There will be no pep meeting tonight either, they announced. Members of the Varsity Band were instructed by Kenneth 0. Campbell, '34E, manager, to dis- regard marching orders which called for the band's appearance. .. we can reconcile the interests c manufacturer, the laborer, an 'onsumer in a planned ecc which will ban forever the ol ,em of boom, depression, and boom, depression, and so on in that progressivelybecome sh Trend Away From Dictatc Mr. Richberg ridiculed the cl ;hat a dictator is at the helm NRA, adding that the trend i away from the dictators and ": ,rial Caesars" of the pre-1929 e "Those who fancy they see "ator in the person of Pre Roosevelt are forgetting an a portant factor," Mr. Richber ;fared. "That factor is that socialism and dictatorship ar necessarily the only alternati rugged individualism and strained competition. The NR located another alternative - nocracy of fair-play and clean Detitlon." Discusses Press Freedom Speaking pointedly to his au >f newspapermen on a peri ubJect of late origin - freed he press-Mr. Richberg em ;ally stated in much the same amployed by Hugh S. Johnson :ecent Chicago speech that "th 'ias consistently refused to u 4icensing provision on the pres ,hat "only imaginary enemies ')een sighted. "No action has been taker ;ontemplated to deny the prE liberty guaranteed to it in th Amendment to the Constitutio: Richberg said. "Any statemE ,he contrary are preposterous The distinction between th and PWA, or Public Works Ad tration, and the AAA, or Agric Adjustment Administration, stressed by Mr. Richberg, wh mented on the widespread igi he had found concerning thes ing government recovery unit Mr. Richberg was introdu Prof. John L. Brumm, head (Continued on Page 6) UNIVERSITIES GIVEN ME The University of Minneso University of Delaware, and S s University were awarded . medals for distinguished ser promoting international.-g( a and understanding by the Fid e gress, convening at Rabat, M on Is Same As ommended By luate Council sciplinary committee sidered the case of h, '34, who was last from the University period for drunken conduct and for not re the disciplinary the Undergraduate time his case was On the cap and gown committee Anderson appointed George Heller, chairman, and H. R. Woodruff, M. R. Gray, and Walter Mulder., Otto Ricker will head the publicity committee, with E. P. Dunnigan, J. J. Haverman, and T. W. Howson as as- sistants. The last group, the social commit- tee, is made up of Frederick Oles, W. W. Steele, E. J. Blackmore, and Ed- win Fritz. wi^ _ ition. f yesterday's delibera- ided that Tisch's sus- continue until such n of Students and the iterary College see fit i to the University. It t this would be done ials concerned had a urance that the stu- in the future would be . It was stated, how- h was not to apply at he Dean of Students morning. hich the faculty com- sterda was in exact 'Why Print That?' Opens Tonight At Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre 'Playboy Of The Western World' Will Be Given By Comedy Club "Why Print That?" by Prof. John L. Brumm of the Department of Journalism, will open tonight at a Special performance in the Lydia- Mendelssohn Theatre before mem- bers of the University Press Club. The play, written especially for the occasion, is a fast-moving, three- act, comedy-farce set in the editorial room of the "Gazette," a metropoli- tan newspaper. Produced by mem- Zimmerman, '35, and Virginia Frink, '35, as Coe, the cub reporter, and Anne Fenway. Hattie Bell Ross, Spec., will play the wife of Professor Fenway, and Elizabeth Griffith, '34, is Penelope Hopkins, the society edi- tor. Lending support to the cast are John Silberman, '35, as Capitalist Oswald B. Potts, Mary Ferris, '35Ed., and Mernice Weatherald, '35, as 'Week Of Prayer' Will Be Sponsored By S.C.A. "A Week of Prayer" will be ob- served from Sunday, Nov. 12, until Saturday, Nov. 18, under the spon- sorship of the Student Christian As- sociation. The program was origi- nated by the National Council of Young Men's Christian Associations. It is planned that meetings will Definite announcement was made last night that Comedy Club will pre- sent the Detroit Laboratory Theatre group in a presentation of J. M. Synge's play, "Playboy of the West- ern World." The play will be run Friday and Saturday nights, Nov. 17 and 18 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, and will replace the pre- viously announced "Hotel Universe." Unforseen difficulties in casting the Barry show, coupled with the op- portunity of securing this play have led to the change. The Laboratory group will be under the direction of fact it was not until the fifth night of the run that the audience was able to hear any of the dialogue. Synge himself attended the second night, found the pit filled with police who were there to keep order, and said afterwards that he sdid not hear over six lines in the whole play. It is filled with uproarious comedy scenes But as they made heroes out of the lowest type of Irish person, the Irish were incensed. Synge said that the show was intended to be a comedy an extravaganza, and was only to amuse, that it appealed to his own ,t 8 d a d x is s, e h ce , n Eight Junior Women