THE MICHIGAN DAILY LY OFFICIAL BULLET lon in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the y. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President 0; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. Story Of Prohibition's 13-Year Decline VOL. XLEV No. 38 ESDAT', NOVEMBER 8, 1933 Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be athome to students of the University on Wednesday, November 8, from four to six o'clock. To Deans, Directors, Department heads and Others Responsible for Payrolls: If you have not already done so, please call at the Business Office to approve payrolls. Edna, M. Geiger, Payroll Clerk.-, Faculty, School 'of Education: A specia meeting of the Faculty of the School of Education will be held in the Library of the Elementary School on Monday, November 13, at 7:30 p. m. the purpose of this meeting is to give opportunity for the dis- 'ission of the organization and work of certain .units of the School of Ed- ucation. C. O. Davis, Secretary. Candidates for Rhodes Scholar- :sIp: Letters have been sent to pros- pective candidates for Rhodes Schol- arships for the meeting Thursday p. n. (Nov. 9). In case any candidate fails to receive such notice, he should ucall upon or telephone the secretary of the history department for an ap- pointment with the committee. Arthur Lyon Cross. Registration: All students inter- ested in securing positions after *raduation in February, June, or Au- -gust, -will meet in Natural Science Auditorium, Thursday, Nov. 9, at 4:15. This is' for both seniors and graduate students, and applies to those interested in either teaching or non-teaching positions. University Bureau of Appointments =and Occupational Information. University Bureau of Appointments & Occupational Information: The following Civil Service Examinations have been announced: Assistant psychologist, $2,600 to $3,100; -Agricultural Economists, $2,600 to '$4,600. Announcements are on file at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for removal of incom- pletes will be Saturday, November 18. In' cases of extenuating circum- stances this time limit may be ex- tended, but a petition for extension of 'time must be filed in the office of the secretary, on or before Saturday, the .28th of 'November. A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean and Secretry. R.O.T.C. Uniforms. Please call for uWforms today between 8:00 and 4:30 p. in. at R.O.T.C. Headquarters. Women's Field Hockey: Games in the sub-tournament, are: November 9- Sophomore II vs. Freshman II. Freshman III vs. University High School. Women's Field Hockey: The sched- ule for the Interclass Hockey Tour- nament is: Thursday, November 9- Freshmen vs. Seniors Sophomores vs. Juniors. Events Today Chemical Engineering Seminar: Mr. Ralph Higbie -wifl be the speaker at the Seminar at 4 o'clock in room 3201 W. Engineering Building on the subject, "Liquid-film-coefficients of Gas Absorption During Short Expo- sures." Luncheon for Graduate Students: at Russian Tea Room of Michigan League. Dean Huber, of the Graduate School, will speak informally about graduate study. Graduate Students are invited to tea' today at Ruthven's residence from six o'clock. especially President four until Quarterdeck Society: Short busi- ness meeting at 7:30 p. m. in room 340. Phi Sigma: Meeting at 8:30 p. m. in Room 1139 N. S. Miss Elzada Clover will speak on "Scientific Pos- sibilities in Texas." Election of new members will be held. It is important that every member be present. Note the change in time made to allow those attending Zoology Seminar the same evening to come. Freshman Engineers: The election of Class Officers for the ensuing year will be conducted in Room 348 West Engineering Building at 11:00 p. m. during the period usually al- lotted to- Freshman Assembly. Bring Treasurer's Receipt or Identification Card for identification. Sphinx: Meeting Wednesday noon at the Union. Vanguard Club wishes to extend a special invitation to women stu- dents to attend its meeting at 9 p. m. Everyone is welcome. 'Ensian Business Staff: Meeting of staff and tryouts at 4:10 p. m. Bring sales books to be checked. Women's Varsity Debating: All women interested in debating will meet in Room 4006 Angell Hall at 4 p. m. for an open discussion of the varsity question. University Girls' Glee Club: Reg- ular rehearsal at the League, 7:15 sharp. All members must be present. Michigan Singers and Varsity Glee Club: There will be a short rehearsal today at 5:00 in the Glee Club rooms in the Union for all those who are to sing at the Iowa game. Anyone who is interested in singing is wel- come. There will also be short re- hearsals at Ferry Field on Thursday and Friday at 5:00 p. m. Please be prompt. No Glee Club rehearsal Thursday night. Why Do We Suffer? If you are in- terested in an answer to this ques- tion come to the meeting of The Theosophical Club (No. 50 of Point Loma, Calif.) in the League Building, at 8 p. m. The object of this club is to study Theosophy as a means of gaining a deeper understanding of life's purpose and of raising human standards on intellectual, ethical, and spiritual lines. Harris Hall: The Cabinet in charge of the student activities at the Hall has decided to continue the Wednes- day afternoon teas which are in the nature of an open house where games of various kinds and cards are played. Tea will be served this afternoon from four to six. All students and their friends are cordially invited. Interfraternity Council: Regular monthly meeting in the Council rooms in the Union at 7:30 p. m. Stump Speakers' Society: There will be a special pledge review meet- ing at 7:30 p. m. in room 316 of the Michigan Union. Regular circle meet- ings start at 8:00 p. m. At 8:45 there will be a general legislative assembly open to the public. Allregularmem- bers and pledges please note. Pioneer Moves Against Saloon Are Recalled Sunday, Nation, Volstead, Capone, Sabin, Boole In Dry Years' History By MARK BARRON NEW YORK, Nov. 7.-(RP)--Thir- teen years of prohibition! Now al- most the end. It began long before midnight Jan- uary 16, 1920 . Before that win- try evening when thousands of sa- loons, thrusting farewell gifts of old brandies and whiskies upon favored customrs, closed their doors for the last time . . . When Wayne B. Wheeler accompanied Senator Morris Sheppard, author of the Eighteenth Amendment, to a little church in Washington to await the minute that liquor would cease to be legal When the Rev. Billy Sunday, speak- ing in Norfolk, Va., shouted, "Good- bye, John. You were God's worst enemy. You were hell's best friend. I hate you with a perfect hatred." Has Early Origin It began, not as prohibition, but as temperance movements in those early pioneer days when the colo- nists first thought of rebelling against Great Britain's increasing taxation. The prophetic wave rolling up towards actual prohibition was felt shortly before the Civil war, died down during that conflict and ap- peared again in 1869 when the Na- tional Prohibition Society was organ- ized in Chicago. Four years later, meeting in Den- ver, they sent a presidential candi- date into the field, but he polled only a few more than 5,000 votes as U. S. Grant was swept into the White House. Maine voted dry in 1846 and Kan- sas wrote prohibition into its con- stitution in 1880, but the actual pros- pect of national abstinence was first suggested, and forcibly so, by a woman. It was militant Carry Nation, with righteousness turned to fury glinting from her stormy eyes, who hurled a 'reforming hatchet into the sparkling show windows of the liquor interests. That was in the early '90's. Wartime Bill Vetoed Carry Nation, unrelenting war- rior, organized the women against the saloon, just as Mrs. Charles H. Sabin, gray haired and attractive, was later, in1930, to organize the women against what former (Presi- dent Hoover referred to, in 1928, as "an experiment, noble in purpose." The first obvious prohibition at- tempts in Congress were seen in 1913, but the dry cause adherents were not strong enough. Yet they were quickly organizing and their oppor- tunity for a coup d'etat came when this country went into the World War. A war-time prohibition measure was passed, but President Wilson, quoting the theory that the liberty of the individual should not be in- terfered with, vetoed it. Nevertheless it was put through as a rider on the Food Bill. After the war Wilson suggested that this measure be repealed, but it was not necessary. The Eighteenth Amendment had been written, was put through and ratified, although Rhode Island and Connecticut never consented to approve it. An article of the constitution is Loses To LaGuardia -Associated Press Photo Joseph V. McKee, Recovery candi- date for mayor of New York, lost out to Fiorello H. La Guardia, Fusion candidate, in yesterday's election. not self-enforcing; it needs a statute for that. So the Volstead law went on the job as policeman for the meas- ure stating that no more intoxicating liquors could be sold after January 16, 1920. Era To Last 13 Years The era of prohibition had ar- rived, an era that was to last 13 years as it wrote an extraordinary epoch into American history. Prohibition started its reign as an enthusiasm. Famous industrial mag- nates, as well as statesmen, mem- bers of the clergy and reform leaders, wholeheartedly endorsed it. Henry Ford said, "Liquor had to go out when modern industry and the motor car came in. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who was later to repudiate it as a failure, was one of its most ardent advocates. The Anti-Saloon League predicted: "Crime will be reduced by at least one-half," and William "Pussyfoot" Johnson, who had lost an eye as the result of an injury in an anti-dry riot, thought that "the world will be dry by 1950." That was in 1920, but a few years later there was evidence that the tide was turning back-slowly, true, but unmistakably. In 1923 New York r - - - - - - - - - - - repealed its state enforcement act and several other states followed suit. Maryland never had one. Troublesome Era Prohibition brought on an almost insoluble melange of problems, both in legislative and enforcement phases. The amendment clashed with the spirit of many older laws, as in the case of the famed Michigan incident when a mother was sentenced to prison for life for selling a pint of whiskey. It happened to be her fourth offense; she was guilty under a law designed to put away habitual crim- inals. After this incident, Michigan changed the law. The liquor industry was outlawed, ahd there seeped in a far-reaching tvi-derworld of an entirely different character from that of the past. "Rum Row," with its smuggling ships, lined up outside the 12-mile ,limnit off the Atlantic seaboard. Bootleggers,lime a quickly flourish- rjg insidious growth, spread their tentacles from coast to coast. Speakeasies suddenly sprang up behind thousands of darkened, ob- scure doorways. (Item: In New York City alone, the police department es- timated in 1929, there were 38,000 speakeasies). Underworld czars like Al Capone, "Legs" Diamond, Owney Madden, Dion O'Banion, Vannie Higgins, Vin- cent Coll, Dutch Schultz, Big Bill Dwyer and Waxy Gordon burst into prominence - they became front-. page figures, parading their activities before a nation that finally turned and closed in upon them. "I Give It to Them" Capone, riding in an armored lim- ousine and giving his friends dia- mond-studded belt buckles as souve- nirs, said: "Chicago wants beer, and I give it to them." Now he has given up his fortress-estate in Florida for a prisoner's cell in the penitentiary at Atlanta. O'Banion, connoisseur of rare or- chids, was shot to death by rivals. His funeral, with the aid of a $50,- 000 bronze coffin, was one that would have made envious an Egyptian king. Diamond, who had "taken on weight" from gangster bullets and was reputed a darling of Broadway show girls, was killed in a dingy rooming house in Albany. A whole mob of hoodlums were lined up in a Chicago garage and mowed down in the noted St. Valentine's day mas- sacre. Coll was dispatched via a ma- chine gun as he stood in a telephone booth. Schultz simply disappeared. Such are typical of the careers of -Associated Press Photo John P. O'Brien, Tammany Hall candidate for mayor of New York ran: third to Fiorello H. La Guardia and Joseph McKee, his two chief oppo- nents, in the election yesterday. La- Guardia won out., the feudal gangster lords, in the mod- ern manner, who rose to power in the prohibition era. A change in The Tide The tide was turning again. Pro- hibition forces, for the first time since 1920, were being confronted with a growing opposition. So, in 1929, came the Jones "5 and 10" law, a stringent measure to send prohibi- tion evaders to prison. But juries were loath to convict under this law. In the meantime, international complications came into the parade. There was the case of the Canadian vessel, "I'm Alone," whose crew was captured off New Orleans because the ship was suspected of being a rum runner. The incident became a se- rious international problem since li- quor, banned on American craft, was not illegal on a Canadian vessel. The United States conferred with foreign powers. Treaties were made with many of them giving this coun- try the right to control liquor traffic on foreign carriers when they were within United States waters. Foreign ships, arriving here, had to have their Third In Mayor Race liquor stores sealed until they were outside the 12-mile limit again. In 1928 and '29, the prohibitionists initiated their great drive to stave off the increasing repeal sentiment. Sen- ator Borah set aside his foreign af- fairs interests for a moment to be- come leader of the prohibitionists in official Washington. Prohibitionists Active Bishop James Cannon, Jr., became more active than ever, but the change of feeling even in the south was seen when Senator Carter Glass, of Vir- ginia, long an ardent prohibitionist, proposed to liberalize the Eighteenth Amendment. Mrs. Ella Boole, president of the W.C.T.U., even to the end believed that "as long as woman suffrage stands, the Eighteenth Amendment will stand also." The 1928 presidential campaign was an outright onslaught against the prohibitionists. Dr. F. Scott Mc- Bride and his Anti-Saloon League adherents found themselves faced with bitter opposition from camps headed by Democratic Presidential Nominee Al Smith and Albert H. Ritchie, the liberal, aristocratic gov- ernor of Maryland. Hoover was elected, but there were indications that the prohibitionists were being pushed onto the defensive. Depression Gives Impetus There came the depression in 1929, and the survival or repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment became not only a moral and a social but also an economic question. The 1930 elections, reflecting the changing pulse of the country, ran up warning flags. In the Senate there were 24 as against a previous total of 14 anti-prohibitionists. The House of Representatives had 162 instead of 76 members in favor of repeal. The most telling offensive against prohibition came in the national con- yentions of 1932. The Republicans favored re-submission of the Eigh- teenth Amendment to the people; the Democrats would accept only outright repeal. The Democrats swept into office, and President Roosevelt, in quick, decisive action, asked for beer and light wines. Fast on the heels of that came the bid for repeal. MATINEES 10c - NIGHTS 15c Starting Today ! DOUBLE FEATURE JUNE CLYDE Her Resale Valuet and BOB CUSTER "H EADIN' FOR TROUBLE" Extra FOX NEWS -4-r .- SECRETARIAL AND BUSINESS TRAINING DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Enter Any Monday Hamcilton Business College State and William Streets Gla Week Starts NOV. 12, WensaFriday on STAGE! T ROBERT HENDERSON presents TheOriginal STAGE Play - NOT a Picture! Starring BLANCHE RING The Grandest PLAY you ever saw! George Kaufman and Edna Ferber's Sensational Success "You will find 'Dinner at 8' an exhilarating adventure" -Free Press NOTE THESE PRICES: NIGHTS: Main Floor $1.10 - $1.65 - Balcony 83c - 55c (incl. tax) MATINEES: Main Floor 83c - Balcony 55c - 25c (inc. tax) Tickets Now On Sale at Majestic Box Office i --- -- - ili d 11-- ________ ------_ ________ -- ----- _-- = = I I Bowling: The bowing alleys at the Women's Athletic Building will be open every afternoon and evening beginning Monday, November 13. University women may bowl every afternoon from 4 to 6; the charge is ,five cents per string. University women and men accompanied by women may bowl every evening from .7 to '9 and Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5. The charge in the evening is fifteen 'cents per string.- Lectures And Concerts Fritz Kreisler Concert: Fritz Kreis- ler, violinist, with Carl Lamson, ac- companist, will give the following program in the Second Choral Union Concert, Thursday evening, Novem-. ber 9, at 8:15 o'clock, in Hill Audi- torium: Grieg: Sonata, C minor (for piano and violin) Allegro molto ap- passionato-Allegretto espressiva alla romanza - Allegro animato; Bach: Chacconne (for violin alone); Schu- bert: Impromptu; Mozart: Rondo; Tschaikowsky: Andante Cantabile; Tschaikowsky-Kreisler: Ihumoresque; Rimsky-Korsakoff-Kreisler: Hymn to the Sun; Four Caprices: J. B. Car- tier: La Chasse; Wieniawski: Salta- rello: 'Paganini: B-minor; Paganini: A minor. 'A limited number of season tickets are still'available at $5.00, $7.00, $8.50 and $10.00 each. Tickets for indi- vidual concerts at $1.00, $1.50 and $200 each, at office of School of' Music, Maynard Street.1 Edna St. Vincent Millay Lecture: Tickets are now on sale at Wahr's State Street Store for Miss Millay's program which is to be given in Hill MAJESTIC 9e . NOW! CHIGA ihan thei OLD, FAMILY/ ALBUM 0 Coming Events Applied Mechanics Colloquium: I. A. Wojtaszak - "Bending of Thin Tubes"; Prof. R. A. Dodge-Review of Literature. Meeting will be held in Room 445 West Engineering Bldg., Thursday, Nov. 9, at 7:30 p. m. Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 Thursday, November 9, in the Observatory lecture room. Dr. W. C. Rufus will speak on the Class O Star, B.D.-|-56 deg. 2617. Tea will be served at 3:45. Vanguard Club: Fenner Brockway, Chairman of the British Independent Labor Party, and Member of Parlia- ment, will speak at Lane Hall at 4:15 Thursday, on "Labor Defies War." The public is cordially invited to at- tend. Cosmopolitan Club: Meeting will be held in Lane Hall on Saturday, Nov.' 11, at 8 p. m. Professor Angell, of the Sociology Department, will speak p. m. The program will take the form of a welcome to members who were absent on leave last year. They will narrate some of their experi- ences. Members may bring friends. Please note change of day from Fri- day to Saturday. Polonia Literary Circle meeting, Thursday, November 9, at 8 p. m., Michigan League. Elections of offi- cers will take place. All members are urged to attend. Badminton: There will be a meet- ing for all women students interested in Badminton in the lounge of the Women's Athletic Building on Satur- day, November 11, at 11:15. There will be an election of interclass man- agers. Women's Field Hockey: Following the Interclass Field Hockey games on November 9 at 5:30, there will be a Hockey Spread in the Women's Ath- letic Building. All interested are asked to sign up with their class manager at once. TOMORROW THE Y EAR'S BIG FOOTBALL ROMANCE! *baturday-s ihns with Robert Young, Leila Hyaims and All-American Stars From the Saturday Evening Post Story by LUCIAN CARY LAST OPPORTUNITY TO SEE CHICAGO'WORLD FAIR GO BEFORE IT CLOSES. AND RETURN Leave Ann Arbor on certain trains carrying coaches, next Friday and Saturday. 'z-_. 4I~ TYPING SHORTHAND BOOKKEEPING Day and Evening Classes Starting Now - also -- nmr "n' natc eoy RIfUER VL vf ~ lvImI I