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November 07, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-07

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The 'Weather
Light rain turning to snow
flurries and slightly colder
Tuesday; Wednesday cloudy.


it iF


Not Wanted, Press Dictat<
ship. .. Why Ail The Rumn,
Over Ford?. .


VOL. XLIV No. 38'



_...__,__ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ ____ __ _ __


Two Parties
Enter Frosh
Class Ballot
Additional Parties Name
Candidates On Eve Of
Freshman Election
Identification Is
Necessary To Vote
First Year Men To Vote
In Elections In One Of
Three Schools
As freshman campaigning entered
its final stages last night two more
parties, one each in the literary col-
lege and College of Engineering, an-
nounced candidates for the elections
to be held tomorrow afternoon.
bavid W. Murphy, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, was nominated for president
by the Washtenaw-Coalition party.
For other offices they chose Jane
Fitzgerald, Mosher-Jordan and Kap-
pa Delta, vice-president; Doris N.
Wisner, Alpha Chi Omega, secretary;
and William Barndt, treasurer.
. The Consolidated-Engineer's party
also named candidates in the Engi-
neering college. They are as follows:
for president, Paul F. Kraus, inde-
pendent; for vice-president, Homer
M. Williams, Phi Kappa Tau; for sec-
retary, Ralph E. Smith, independent;
and for treasurer, William O. Lowell,

Would-Be Freshman Politicians Students To

Draw Battle Lines For Election

Added justification for the popularj
belief that freshmen are always green I
has been furnished by the political
antics of the present class of neo-
phytes in preparing for their first
election scheduled for tomorrow
Anxious to prove themselves real
campus politicians, many of the
freshmen, fraternity men and inde-
pendents alike, formed small coali-
tions among themselves almost as
soon as classes began, and formu-
lated plans for nominating certain
of their members on one of the three
tickets. Unfortunately, however, there
was some disagreement among these
factions, for they were not in accord
as to the respective merits of the va-
rious candidates.
The first shot of the actual cam-.
paign was fired by the State Street
group when, after a heated session
surpassed only by the Democratic
National Convention of 1924, they
placed their destinies in the hands
of a campaign manager.
However, many of their number
were not satisfied with the choice,
and, when the manager called his
first caucus, there was no response.
Somewhat startled by this turn of
events, he called one of his cohorts,
and was informed that the caucus
was meeting at another house. ' 4
was also given to understand that
because of the mutiny within the

ranks he was no longer the campaign
The next day, freshmen political
devotees learned of the selection of
an even bigger and better man to
lead the State Street forces. No
sooner had this been made known
than it was discovered that this new
boss was an engineer and, hence, in-
eligible to manage the literary school
Meanwhile, the Washtenaw Al
Smiths were not remaining complete-
ly inactive. They, too, had their dif-
ficulties in securing nominees, and it
is rumored that, in their efforts to
get the 'undivided support of Mosher-
Jordan Halls, they promised them the
chairmanship of the Frosh Frolic.
Washtenaw leaders could not be con-
tacted at a late hour last night to
substantiate this statement. However,
if it is true, it will revolutionize cam-
pus politics.
For the first time in many years,
the independents have actively en-
tered the field of campus politics.
They have not only entered a slate of
candidates in the election, but have
submitted a challenge to the caucus
leaders of the two opposing parties..
Their proposition calls for a dinner
at which the campaign officials of
the winning party will be feted by
the leaders of the two opposing fac-
tions. Neither the Washtenaw or
State group had responded to the
challenge yesterday.

_ I

nominees for the Engi-I
ncil the party named Ar-
ting, Lambda Chi Alpha.
't year Honor Committee
Frank W. Person, Sigma
on, and for the second
Committee Paul T. Nims,
cal School to Vote
r students will also vote
.cal School but so far no
ent of. candidates has been
e are now three parties in
the literary college, and
have been carrying on
m~paigns during the past
ally close election is ex-
those participating. The
t-Independent party has
ced its candidates yet, al-
y have been selected for
men in uidergraduate
than the College of En-
:d the College of Archi-
e in the literary college
was announced by offi-


Charity Drive Nets
$3,847 On First Day
First reports from 15 teans out of
a total of 59 in the Community Fund
Drive, indicated last night that $3,-
847.50 had been collected on the way
to the $60,262.16 goal.
The fund drive began Friday and
will continue until next Friday. Miss
Edith Owen, executive secretary of
the community fund, said that the
preliminary reports showed mostly
small donations. The large dona-
tions are not expected until later in
the week, she said.
Meanwhile the Ann Arbor Cham-
ber of Commerce has gone on record
in favor of the fund. In a recent
resolution it said, "The' Chamber of
Commerce of the city of Ann Arbor
heartily endorses the campaign for
funds inaugurated by the Communi-
ty Fund and urges the citizens to
give liberally to this worthy cause."
Rohrer Named
As Successor To
Hayden's Pos t
H. V. Rohrer, United States trade
commissioner at Manila and a lec-
turer at the University of the Philip-
pines, will succeed Prof. Joseph R.
Hayden of the political science de-
partment, who Friday was appointed
vice-governor of the Philippine
Islands, it was announced yesterday
by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, chairman of
the political science department.
Since Professor Hayden has been
granted leave for but one year, Mr.
Rohrer's appointment is for the re-
mainder of the academic year only.
Before assuming his duties as trade
commissioner Mr. Rohrer was for
three years associated with the Bu-
reau of Foreign and Domestic Com-
merce, with offices in Washington.
He received his education at the Uni-
versity of Washington which awarded
him a bachelor of business adminis-
tration degree, and at George Wash-
ington University, where he obtained
a master of arts degree.
Mr. Rohrer will arrive in Ann Ar-
bor soon, Professor Reeves said.

Hayden To Be
Sworn In Here
At Noon Today
Small Group Of Friends
And University Officials
To Witness Ceremony
Surrounded only by high Univer-
sity officials, his immediate family,
and a small circle of close friends,
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the polit-
ical science department will be sworn
in as vice-governor of. the, Philippine
Islands at a special ceremony to be
held at noon today in the University
Council chambers.
AttorneyGeorge Burke, of this city,
long a personal friend of Professor
Hdyden, was announced by President
Alexander G. Ruthven as the one who
will administer the oath of office.
Gov. William A. Comstock and Mrs.
Comstock are among those who have
been issued invitations to attend.
Others who will be present are Ho-
ration J. Abbott, Democratic national
committeeman, and Robert Schu-
macher, prominent Ann Arbor Demo-
The ceremony has been closed to
the general public in order to prevent
its becoming unwieldy.
Professor Hayden will leave Ann
Arbor this afternoon for Washington
where he will confer with Federal
officials. However, he stated that he
will return here before sailing for
the islands sometime within the next
three weeks.
Dr. J. B. Steere, who is said to be
largely responsible for the excellent
relations now existing between the
University and the islands, will also
be present.
Seniors and juniors in the School{
of Forestry and Conservation will
vote today in special elections for
class officers. Gilbert E. Bursley, '34,
president of t h e Undergraduate
Council, set 5 p. m. as the time for
the senior election and 5:15 p. m.
for the junior. Both will be held
in the Forestry Seminar Room in
the basement of the Natural Science

Vote OnWar
Campus Organizations To
Hold Referendum Fri-
day For Campus Opinion
Daily To Co-operate
By Printing Ballots
Liberal G r o u p s Aligned
With Church Guilds To
Present Questionnaire
on the eve of the sixteenth ob-
servation ofeArmistice DayMichigan
students will have an opportunity to
express their views on participation
in war, according to plans formulated
last night by members of campus
student organizations for a referen-
dum to be held Friday.
Voters will be asked to choose from
one of the three following state-
ments: first, I will not support my
country in any war; second, I will
support my country only in case my
country is invaded; and third, I will
support my country in any war.
Plans call for a - ballot bearing
these questions to be printed Friday
in The Daily. Ballot boxes will be
placed in prominent places on the
campus and voting will take place
during the entire day.
Handbills advertising the referen-
dum and urging students to vote will
be distributed Thursday. It is the
hope of the groups, sponsoring ,this
action that a representative student
opinion on this important question be
Campus organizations bacing this
movement include the Council of Re-
ligion, the Student, Christian Asso-
ciation, the Presbyterian Guild, the
Episcopal Students Club, the Stu-
dent Socialist Club, the Wesleyan
Guild, the Vanguard Club, the Na-
tional Students League, the Interna-
tional Student Forum, and the Roger
Williams Guild of t i First Baptist
Committee To
Collect Senior
Adopts Ruling That '33
Committeemen Pay Dues
Before Christmas
A special committee, formed to as-
sist in the collection of senior class
dues, was appointed yesterday by
John B. Deo, president of the senior
Headed by Harry Hattenbach,
chairman, the committee includes
Lester Harrison, Mary McCarthy,
Katherine McHenry, Fred George,
James Gould, Robert Muzzy, and
Harry McGavran.
Following the policy of the class of
'33 the committee has adopted two
rules covering the payment of the
class dues. All persons appointed to
the various class committees must
pay their dues before Christmas. If
they are not paid by that time, al-
ternate committee members will be
appointed in their place, the an-
nouncement stated. Also, it was de-
cided that dues must be paid before
any invitations can be ordered.
. Dues this year, while the same as
last year, are considerably lower than
previous years, according to Deo. The
fee has been set at one dollar for

each student.~
Collection of the dues will start
next week, Hattenbach said. The time
and place of the collections will be
announced in the near future. It was
urged that seniors pay their dues now
in order to clear the deficit in the
class treasury at present.
Senior dues are used primarily for
alumni expenses, reunion expenses,
and keeping in touch with the stu-
dents after they have left the Uni-
Council To Discuss
Changes In Rushing
Rushing procedure will be the chief
item of discussion at the Interfra-
ternity Council meeting which will
take place at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday
at the Union, according to Bethel B.

Plan To

Fight For Price-
Measures; Farm

Uprising Flares Anew
Will Repeat Demand
For Market Control,
North Dakota Governor
Proposes Embargo On
Foreign Foodstuffs
IBy Associated Press k s
While farmers stood guard over
the roads leading to markets in
desultory picketing throughout the
Midwest Monday, the governors of
their states prepared to carry the
farm strike and the farmers' de-
mands to Congress. -
When that body meets in January,
Gov. Floyd B. Olson of Minnesota
said, Midwestern governorswoulde
launch a fight for governmental price
fixing and marketing control, the re-
quest the, governors unsuccessfully
put before President Roosevelt last
Meanwhile a movement for an em-
bargo on foreign foodstufffs drew a
new recruit in the person of Gov.
Charles W. Bryan of Nebraska. The
embargo was proposed by Gov. Wil-
liam Langer of North Dakota, who
claimed in a speech before Lincoln,
Neb., business men that 10 Midyest-.
ern governors would support it.
Storm zone of the farm strike was
Iowa, where with the farmers discon-
tent running high, officials of Sioux
City asked that troops be assigned
to the region. Guards were thrown
around the court house at LeMars,I
scene of an uprising last spring, andr
officials were probing the burning of
a bridge at James, in Plymouth
county, to see if there were a con-
nection with the strike. :
Rules Houses .
Exempt From
Any NRA Code
Campus fraternities and sororities
are entirely exempt from the NRA
restaurant code or any substitutions
therefore, it was ruled in an official
communication received here Sunday
by members of the Vanguard Club, a
recently-formed liberal organization
whose purpose is to study campus,
political, and economic problems.
This communication, signed by Al-
bert F. Koepcke, special agent of the
NRA in Detroit, and A. J. Barnaud,
district complianc director, is in the
nature of a clarification of an earlier
ruling which, because of an unfor-
tunately worded sentence, made it
appear that fraternities and sororities
were "clubs which served meals for
profit" and should comply with an
NRA restaurant code.
The communication reads as fol-
"It seems obvious from this inter-
pretation (the previous interpreta-
tion) that fraternity houses, which
are in reality the homes of students
while in college, which do not cater
to the general public, and which are
not operated for profit, do not com-
pete with restaurants.
"Their employees, therefore, would
seem to be classed as domestics, and
exempt from the restaurant code sub-

Governors To
Put Strike Up
To Congress

Kreisler A Soldier
And Biographer As
Well As Violinist
Few musically-minded individuals
think of the "King of Violinists" as
an author, but publicity agents un-
earthing information on Fritz Kreis-
ler, who is to give the second of
the series of Choral Union concerts
Thursday night in Hill Auditorium,
have revealed the fact that he did
once publish a book, entitled,
strangely enough, "Four Weeks in the
As the title indicates, it is the
story of the author's personal ex-
periences in the war, as a captain
in the Austrian army. Complete with
illustrations, thevolume was pub-
lished by an American concern in
1915, at a time when war stories were
of interest to the reading public.
Kreisler entered active serviceat
the opening of the war in 1914 and
was retired a short time later after
he was wounded. His wife, to whom
the book was dedicated, served as a
nurse -in the war. The violinist re-
sumed his concert tours of the coun-
try at that time but cancelled all
plans in 1918, when the American
outlook toward all Austrians made it
impossible for him to appear upon
an American platform.1
Fox Chooses
Neumann For
HeadOf Prom
Members Are Appointed
To 3 Other Sophomore
Engineering Committees
Wencel ,A. Neumann, 36E, was
named yesterday :as general chair-
iman of the annual SophomoreProm.
His' appointment, along with that of
members on three other committees,
was made by' Robert S. Fox, presi-
dent of the second-year class in the
College of Engineering.
Two other members of the Sopho-
more 'Prom 'committee were lalso ap-
pointed. They are Rupert D. Bell
and Robert E. Merrill..
Nelson.eroulard wasnamed as
cnairmanof tier ince ommittee,
and hie will !be asisted by John L
Shannon, Harold M. Hertz, Grald
R. Steward, and Charles Marschner-
On the executive committee Wil-
liam W. Farr was named chairmanf
Other members of this group are
Meigs W. BartmessPercival W. Wil-
son, Edwin V. King, ad Lawrence
J. David.
Philip H. Ordway will act as chair-
man of the jackets committee, and
other members on his group are Wil-
liam C. Chapman, Arthur Sehaver,
William H. Eason, and Charles W.
Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, president
of the Undergraduate Council, stated
yesterday that all other sophomore
committee appointments must be
handed to the council not later than
tomorrow, as only one week after an
electio r is allowed.
Medical School Chooses
Second Year Officials
Sophomores in the Medical schoold
yesterday selected class officers for
the academic year in an election fea-
tured by the narrow margins of the
winning candidates.k
For the post of president they
named Harvard.Van Belois, who won
47 to 42; for vice-president, James
Curts, who was elected 47 to 43; for
secretary, Chester Lulenski, 45 to 44;
and for treasurer, Earl Weston, 46
to 44.

Francis Rosenbaum was chosen as
I honor man of the class.

Six States
Face Vote
On Repeal-
Fifth Of U. S. Population
To Pass Today On 21st
Campaign In New
York City Closes
South Carolina, Kentucky,
Pennsylvania Depended
On By Wets For Repeal
(By Associated Press)
Fringed by a multitude of local
questions, Prohibition repeal today
comes before the voters of six states
in what promises to be the decisive
test of whether the Constitution shall
retain its anti-liquor provisions.
More than a fifth of the nation's
population lives in the six states that
are voting on repeal--Pennsylvania,
Ohio, South Carolina, North Caroli-
na, Kentucky, and Utah.
Regarding repeal, administration
leaders who have been urging re-
moval of the Eighteenth Amendment
from the constitution, chief among
them Postmaster-General Farley, ex-
pressed confidence that the day's vot-
ing would signal the end of their
They viewed Pennsylvania, South
Carolina, and Kentucky as virtually
certain to add their votes to the 33
states which have already voted for
repeal and said there was little doubt
that Ohio and North Carolina would
do likewise. They are less certain
about Utah but pointed to the fact
that Sen. A. D. Thomas was elected
on a repeal plank, and that Senator
King and former Governor Dern, now
secretary of war, were advocating re-
NEW YORK, Nov. 6-(W) - The
New ork Ctymyoral camrrpaign
closed today. after an uroarious
three-cornered race fought out amid
the uncertainties of national poltial
cross-currents and the *conion of
tangled party allegiances.
A banker, a Tamimany politician,
and the son of an immigrant Italian
bandmaster are the principals.
Tuesday, some 2,300,000 voters will
choose among Joseph V. McKee, in-
dependent Democrat running on the
ticket of the "Recovery Party;" May-
or John P. O'Brien, the regular Dem-
ocratic nominee; and former Repre-
sentative Fiorello H. LaGuardia, pro-
gressive Republican on the Fusion
For Admission
May Be Altered

Freshman-Independent Nominates
The nominees of the Freshman-
Independent party in this college are
as follows: Paul Forth, president,,
Eleanor Christenson, vice-president,'
Beth Turnbull, secretary, and Henry
Hall, treasurer.
The second -party in the engineer-
ing college, the State Street-Indepen-
dent group, has named the following
candidates: Richard Swegles, Zeta
Psi, president; Robert Dailey, inde-
pendent, secretary; and George Hal-
prin, Tau Delta Phi, Honor Council.
Other nominees will be named to-
morrow, leaders said.
Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, president of
the Undergraduate Council, stated
that all candidates must present elig-
ibility slips from their respective
cleans before they will be allowed to
run in any election. He also explained
that those wishing to vote must be
able to present some positive means
of identification before they will be
given a ballot. University Treasurer's
receipts or Union cards will be ac-
Times and places of all elections to
be held tomorrow will be announced
in the Wednesday issue of The Daily.
Four-Hour Day
Is Advocated By
Prof. Pittman
"The four-hour day for all workers
will and must come into being in
America to enable everyone to have
work," said Prof. Marvin Pittman,
director of the laboratory schools at
Michigan State Normal College last
night at the Exchange Club dinner.
Christian charity is out of date
and Democratic justice demands that
every man have a job, Professor Pitt-
man stated, to make this possible,
with our present labor-saving devices,
no man will be able to work more

A committee to study the possib
ity of changing admission requir
ments to the literary college was a
pointed at a meeting of the facul
of that college yesterday afternoon
The committee consists of Pr(
John Bradshaw of the mathemati
department, chairman, Prof. Loi
Strauss, chairman of the Engli
department, Prof. Fred Wahr of t
German department, Prof. Lev
VanderVelde of the history depai
ment and assistant to the dean, a
Prof. Daniel Rich of the physics c
The committee has not indicat
any definite time at which it will r
port, and has no idea as yet i
garding what changes, if any, will


Michigan Graduates Do Much
To Ai 11Pilpine Relations

Life Of Sir Francis Drake Is
Described By Cross In Lawsuit

Friendly relations between the
United States and the Philippine Is-
lands launched some 60 years ago
by Dr. Joseph B. Steere, of 2501
Packard St., who once led a scientific
expedition through the Islands, have
been continued up until the present
largely through the efforts of Michi-
gan graduates working in the Philip-
pines and Filipinos studying here, ac-
cording to Prof. Joseph R. Hayden
of the political science department,
newly appointed vice-governor of the
Dr. Steere, who is now 93 years

legal adviser to Murphy, are in the.
Philippines at the present aiding thel
perpetuation of what has become
known as the "Michigan dynasty,"
Professor Hayden stated. Murphy
graduated from the Law School in,
the class of 1914. Hill graduated
from the literary college in 1911 and
Kemp received diplomas from the
literary college in 1912 and the Law
School in 1914.
"Murphy, Hill, and Kemp are
merely significant examples of the
Michigan influx into the Philip-
pines," Professor Hayden emphasized.
"There are many more -all Filipi-

It's a far cry from the glamorous
history of that celebrated Elizabeth-7
an pirate and courtier, Sir Francis
Drake, to a prosaic session of the1
Federal district court meeting in
Sioux City, Iowa.
But the' two have been brought to-
gether during the last few weeks in.
the case of the U. S. vs. Hartzell, the
details of which were revealed in the
testimony of Prof. Arthur L. Cross
of the history department, who
served in the capacity of expert wit-
Oscar M. Hartzell, who has been
accused of using the mails to de-
fraud, alleges that he has discov-

ly deported from England as an un-
desirable alien, had been living in
London since 1922.
Professor Cross, a recognized au-
thority on British constitutional his-
tory, was called to testify as to the
financial condition of the British
government during the reign of
Queen Elizabeth. He established the
fact that Elizabeth and the two
monarchs who succeeded her, James
I and Charles I, were almost con-
stantly in a position of financial em-
barrassment. He was called upon to
describe Drake's raid on the Spanish
Main and explained that the great
adventurer's remarkable voyage that
he made around the world in 1577 to
1580 was not a planned expedition.

recommended in the present admi
sion requirements.
The committee on student disc
pline called for suggestions for sui
able penalties in cases of minor st'
dent delinquencies. This was to I
elude those delinquencies which we
of too severe a nature to warrant or
a retirement from extra-curricul
activities and yet were not seve
enough for expulsion. At prese
many cases are being handled by
suspension for some definite peric
Michigan Sngers
To Hold Rehearsc
First rehearsal for the Michig
Singers is to be held WednesdE

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