THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy receivedatthe office of the Assistant to the President UnilU,3:30; 11:34 a. im.Saturday. VOL. XLIV No. 36 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1933 Noticesa President and Mrs. Ruthven will' not be at home to members of the3 faculty and other residents of Ann Arbor on Sunday, November 5. To Deans, Directors; Department Heads and Others Responsible for Payrolls: If you have not already done so, please call at the business Office to approve payrolls. Edna M. Geiger, Payroll Clerk. Faculty of the College of Litera- ture, Science an# the Arts: The reg- ular November meeting will be held Monday, November 6, 1933, at 4:10 p. m., in room 1025, Angell Hall. Among the items of business are the following reports: 1. Erollment statistics a. University as a whole - Kraus. b. Freshmen - Smith, I. M. 2. Deans Conference-Kraus 3. Executive Committee -Parker a. Recommendation concern- ing revision of requirements for admission. 4. Freshmen reports - Humphreys. 5. University Council-- Sharfman. 6. The Library and Foreign Pe- riodicals - Bishop. 7. Committeeson Scholarships - Bartell. 8. Committee on Teacher's Certifi- cates - Crittenden. 9. Committee on Penalties for Vio- lations of Rules of Conduct -Reeves. Daniel L. Rich, Sec'y. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Within a few days, midsemester report cards will be distributed through the Depart- ments. Reports should be sent to my office not later than Saturday, No- vember '8. Instructors are requested to arrange their work so that re- ports may be made by that date. W. R. Humphreys, Assistant Dean. Scholarships open to all literary stu- dents. The blanks must be filled out and returned not later than Nov. 11. No application made after that date will receive consideration. The awards will be made about December 1. F. E. Bartell, Chairman, Scholarship Committee. Special Permission to attend the Policemen's and Firemen's Ball must be obtained at the Office of the Dean of Women. Jeannette Perry, Asst. Dean of Women. Women's Field Hockey: The sched- ule for the Interclass Hockey Tour- nament is: Tuesday, November 7- Freshmen vs. Juniors. Sophomores vs. Seniors. Thursday, November 9- Freshmen vs. Seniors Sophomores vs. Juniors. For Sale: 1 lot wood -mostly oak, hickory and iron wood. Some other mixed in. $2.00 per cord f.o.b. pile. See Mr. Devine at Storehouse E. C. Pardon, Supt. Academic Notices Economics 51: The following rooms have been assigned for the examina- tion on Monday, November 6: Mr. Orr's; sections, 231 A.H. Mr. Mott's sections, 101 Ec. Mr. Horner's sections, 25 A. H. Mr. Palmer and Mr. Devol's sec- tions, N. S. Aud. Sociology 121: An hour examina- tion will be held as originally stated on Tuesday, November 7. Rimsky-Korsakoff-nKreisier: Hymn to : the Sun; Four Caprices: J. B. Car- tier: La Chasse; Wieniawski: Salta- rello: Paganini: B-minor; Paganini: A minor. A limited number of season tickets are still available at $5.00, $7.00, $8.50 and $10.00 each. Tickets for indi- vidual concerts at $1.00, $1,50 and $2.00 each, at office of School of Music, Maynard Street. Twilight Organ Recital: Edwin Stanley Seder, guest organist, will give the following program at the Twilight Organ Recital series, Wed- nesday afternoon, November 8, at 4:15 o'clock to which the general public with the exception of small children is invited: J. S. Bach: Fan- tasia and Fugue in G minor; J. S. Bach: Trio from Secular Cantata "Was Mir Behag" ('Tis by pleasure); J. Brahms: Chorale Preludes (Op. 122); Mark Andrews: Scherzo from Sonata in C Minor; E. S. Seder: The Chapel of San Miguel; Improvisation of an organ Symphony - Allegro, Andante, Scherzo, Finale. many. 'The speaker will be Mr. Wil- liam Muz. Reformed and Christian Reformed Students: There will be church serv- ices sponsored by this group at 9:30l a. m. in the chapel of the Michigan3 League. Rev. B. K. Kulper, of Grand Rapids, will be the minister. Liberal Students Union: Tonight at 7:30 Prof. Norman E. Nelson, of the; English department, will speak on: "The Reflection of Class Attitudes in Literature." All are welcome. The S udy, Unitarian Church, corner of Huron and State. Come and "air" your views. Mr. Marley will speak' at 10:45 a. m. on: "Fifteen Martial Years of Peace." Student-Walther League: There will be a hike and picnic this afternoon.... Those wishing to join meet at St. Paul's Lutheran church at the corner of Third and Liberty Streets at 3:00 p. in. In case of rain the meeting will be as usual at 5:30 p. m. at the church with supper and social hour. Hillel Foundation: The regularl Sunday morning will be held at the League Chapel at 11:15 a. in. Rabbi Bernard Heller will deliver an address' on "Present -Status And the Future Outlook of the Jews in Germany." 6 p. m.. class in "Dramatic Mo- ments in the History of Judaism." 8 p. m. Meeting of Avukah at the Hillel Foundation. Hillel Foundation: Avukah, the Campus. Student Zionist Chapter, presents an Open Forum at 8 p. m. The topic will be, "What Zionism Should Mean to the Student." All are welcome. Coning Events Sigma Delta Chi: There will be a luncheon business meeting for actives and pledges Tuesday noon in the Union. Graduate Students in Education: Dean Huber will speak on "The Meaning of Graduate Study," Mon- day, November 6, at 7:00 p. m. at the Elementary School Library. After a brief discussion led by Dr. Woody, an informal meeting with refresh- nents will follow. Events Toddy Stalker Hall: 9:30 Freshman Round Table at League. Methodist freshmen urged to attend. 10:45 Worship service at First M. E. Church. Dr. Fisher preaching on "My Personal Religious Ex- perience." 12:15 Half hour forum with the Fish- ers on the morning sermon. 3:00 International Student Forum. Student led discussion on "Na- tionalism and Racial Prejudice as causes of War." 6:00 Wesleyan Guild. Worship serv- ice and special forum discus- sion on "My Ideas of an Ade- quate Personal Religion." 7:00 Supper and Fellowship. Special musical program by Achiles Talliferro. Congregational Church: The Stu- dent Club will have as speaker this evening at 6:30 in the church parlors, Dr. Raymond Hoekstra of the Department of Philosophy. Sub- ject "A Philosophy of Art." Mr. Heaps; the Pastor, will speak at 10:45, continuing the series of addresses on "Successful Living." Junior Research Club: Dr. E. J.1 Abbott - "Loudness of Sounds." Business meeting -Election of new members. Tuesday, November 7, at 7:30 p. m., 2082 Natural Science. Graduate Luncheon for Chemical Engineers: The regular luncheon for1 staff and graduate students in chem- ical engineering will be held on Tues - day, November 7, at 12:15 in room 3201 E. Engineering Building. Pro- fessor Max Handman of the Eco- nonlics Department will address the group. Adelphi House of Representatives: Regular meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. in the society's room, fourth floor of Angell Hall. The program will be ja debate between an affirmative and negative team picked from the Var- sity debate squad. They will debate the conference question "Resolved, that a Constitutional amendment making permanent the powers of the President as of July 1, 1933 be adopted. Everyone is welcome. Freshman Engineers: Consolidated (Independent and Fraternity) Cau- cus at the Union at 7:45 p. m. Tues- day, November 7. Get organized for the elections Wednesday. German Film: The German film "Machines Are Working for You" is (Continued on Page 6) CLASSIFIED ;DIREC IlI RVII NOTICE BLUE BIRD BOOK NOOK. Latest. books, clean covers. Sc day. Uni- versity Music House. 6x SHAMPOO and finger wave, 50c Mondays and Wednesdays. Rag- gedy Ann Shop. Phone 7561. .11x BUY NEW AND USED CARS FROM FINANCE CO. 311 W. Huron 22001. 1933, 1932, 1931, 1930 models. 12x ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com- fortable cabs. Standard rates.. 2x LIRETTE'S shampoo and finger wave 75c every day. Dial 3083. 103 LAUNDRY HOME hand laundry. Special, shirts beautifully finished, 13c. Phone 8894. 7x STUDENT and Family Laundry. Good soft water. Will call for and deliver. Telephone 4863. 3x PERSONAL laundry service. We take individual interest in the laundry problems of our customers. Girls' silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty. Call for and deliver. 23478, 5594. 611 E. Hoover. 9x WE DO your laundry work for one- half the usual price. Phone 2-3739. 8x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 4x WANTED HOUSEHOLDERS: Persqns having rooms to rent to Michigan editors attending the Press Club conven- tion in Ann Arbor November 8, 9, 10 and 11, should address post cards to J. L. Brumm, 213 Haven Hall, Campus, giving the following information: description of room, price per night, whether for one or two persons, and directions for reaching the room from the Mich- igan Union. Letters or phone calls are not acceptable. J. L. Brumm, Secretary. 142 WANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD AND new suits ana overcoats. Will pay 3, 4, 5, and 8, 9 dollars. Phone Ann Arbor, 4306, Chicago Buyer. 5x LOST LOST: A carved coral earring Tues- day night at the Union or nearby. Reward. Phone 2-1891. 143 LOST: White gold Elgin wrist watch with gold strap. Phone 2-1069. 144 TAXICABS TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger cars. Only standard rates. 1x Col. Calvin Goddard, director of research in Northwestern Univer- sity's crime detection laboratory, pre- dicts another major crime wave with- in the next few months. p 4 The Michigan League ®' Faculty, School of Education: The regular faculty meeting for November will be held at the Michigan Union on Monday, November 6, at twelve o'clock. C. ®. Davis, Secretary. Graduate School Students: All graduate students who have not filed a formal application for the degree which they are seeking should do so at once. The application forms are available in the office of the Grad- uate School, 1014 Angell Hall. Students specializing in Education need not fill out these forms. G. Carl Huber, Dean. Undergraduate Students of the college of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Undergraduate students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts wishing to become can- diates for a University Scholarship may obtain blank applications in the office of the Dean of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, 1210 Angell Hall. There are three Mandelbaum Scholarships open to men only. There will be some Marsh Concert Faculty Concert: The University Symphony Orchestra, Earl V. Moore, Conductor, with Arthur Hackett, tenor; :Wassily Besekirsky, violinist, Hanns Pick, violoncellist, and Joseph Brinkman, pianist, soloists, will give the following program in the first faculty concert, 3 Sunday afternoon, November 5, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium, to which the general public, with the exception of small children is invited without admission charge. Doors will be closed during numbers: Wagner: Prelude to "Die Meistersinger;" Wagner: Procession to the Minster, Act II, from "Lohen- grin;" Wagner: Aria, "Lohengrin's Narrative" Act III from "Lohengrin" (Mr. Hackett); Wagner: Introduction to Act III; Beethoven: Concerto for Violin, Violoncello,, Piano and or- chestra, Op. 56, Allegro, Largo, Al- legro alla Polacca (Messrs. Bese- kirsky, Pick and Brinkman). Fritz Kreisler Concert: Fritz Kreis- ler, violinist, with Carl Lamson, ac- companist, will give the following program in the Second Choral Union Concert, Thursday evening, Novem- ber 9, at 8:15 o'clock, in Hill Audi- torium: Grieg: Sonata, C minor (for piano and violin) Allegro molto ap- passionato-Allegretto espressiva alla romanza - Allegro animato; Bach: Chacconne (for violin alone); Schu- bert: Impromptu; Mozart: Rondo; Tschaikowsky: Andante Cantabile; Tschaikowsky-Kreisler: Humoresque;I THE AMATEUR THEATRE GROUP formerly the Xerostemians presents NOEL COWARD'S ENGLISH SUCCESS "The g LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE NOVEMBER 7.8 Admissions 50c Phone 6300 or 6893 Proceeds to be devoted to Scholarships in the University A e35c Sunday Night Supper Presbyterian Student ments: Appoint- anaoiunces 9:00 Breakfast at the League. 9:30 Round Table on Social and Religious Trends. Subject, "Is. Religion Coming or Going?" 10:45 Morning worship. 5:30.Social hour and supper. 6:30 Student Forum. "How I Feel About Religion." Leader, Mr. Raymond E. Carroll. Harris Hall: "Conversatione" for students at 7 p. m. Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, Director of the University Health Service, will lead the discus- sion on the general subject, "Alcohol. from a Medical Viewpoint." St. Andrew's Church: Services of worship today: 8:00 a. m. The Holy. Communion, 9:30 a. m. Church School, 11:00 a. m. Kindergarten, 11:00 a. m. The Holy Communion and Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis. Young People's Society of the Church of Christ (Disciples) will hold a meeting at siy o'clock at the church.. Lunch will be served at six and will be followed by a talk con- cerning the present situation in Ger- in the GRILL ROOM PA _ 1U I Gala Week Starts NOV. 12 4matinees: Wednesday, Friday on ST AGE TheROBERT HENDERSON presents The Original STAGE Play-NOT a Pic'ture! Starring BL AN H E. RING Box Office Seat Sale Tuesday Noel Tearle, Ainsworth Arnold, Robert Henderson, Francis Compton, Amy Loomis and a Distinguished Cast of 30. George Kaufman and Edna Ferber's Sensational Success NOTE THESE PRICES: NIGHTS: MAIN FLOOR $1.00 - $1.50 - BALCONY 75c - 50c PLUS MATINEES: MAIN FLOOR 75c - - BALCONY 50c - 25c T MAIL ORDERS NOW, TO THE MAJESTIC 'THEATRETA The League continues to draw more and more of those students, faculty members and townspeople who are food-conscious and wish quality, immac- ulate preparation and cheerful surroundings. ":+ MICH IGAN p. "WHY SHOULDN'T YOU FALL IN LOVE ANDDO'WHAT YOU WANT TO. . BEFORE YOU GET TOO OLD?" I. .1 I'. 11 HILL AUDITORIUM NOW MAJESTIC Wednesday, Nov. 15, 8 P.M. 0"CHAMP"TO ONEs r .A CNUMP..oTHE OThER / FOUR MORE OAFS CONTINUOUS TODAY 1:30 TO 11 P. M. 0 An old favorite returns, better than ever!! To Swipes- the news:) boy, "'Chuck" Connors was the Bowery's big shot. To Steve Brodie, he was just small time. But it was all in fun(oh lJCSEpn M. C!#kL,.. yeah?), and when it xand DARiIYL F ZANUCK cane to a show-downp reset Sboth samethrough,, N iI CE ERYFT ACKIE COOPER AWRA & PERT KELTON V6 xm TRAVLOGUE - MONDAY GUEST FEATURE - ADORAB LE" ANET GAYNOR EDNA ST. VINCENT MILLAY Single Admission 75c & 50c TICKETS AT WAHR'S Special Price ,On Season Tickets l I "HOW'S TRICKS" "I Love Mountain Music" METRO NEWS THURSDAY "Saturday's Millions" The Great Football Picture No. 2 "FGHTING WITH KIT CARSON" "CURSE OF A BROKEN HEART" 4 STAR BROADCAST UNIVERSAL NEWS .:fl', VI 7 .T V}, Qffers You If