Weather rain or snow Sunday, ending Monday, and L Alt itgal ~adMi E ditor I . Welcome Home The ' Judge Sample's 'Public der..' Y I r l s VOL XLIV No. 37 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1933 PRICE I Ruthvens Plan Trip ToEgypt Will Sail Dec. 12 For Six Weeks' Stay; President To Study Projects There Vice-Presidents To Direct Affairs Here Ruth ven Will Visit Sites Of Archeological Camps In Egypt,_Baghdad President Alexander G. Ruthven and Mrs. Ruthven will sail Dec. 12 for a six weeks' trip to Egypt, leaving the administration of University af- fairs under the direction of the vice- presidents, it was announced yester- day. The object of the trip is to gain first-hand information regarding the many extensive archeological projects which the University has been carry- ing on there for the past several years. President and Mrs. Ruthven will spend the first few weeks at Kom Aushim, in the Fayoum district. It is at this spot that one of the University excavation camps is lo- cted, near the sites of ancient Ka- ranis and Dime. The group working at this point has been located there since 1924. A visit will also be paid to the site of ancient Sepphoris, which was once the capital of Galilee and is said to be the home of the parents of the Virgin Mary. Excava- tions were made at this point in 1931. Another University expedition that will be visited will be the one located at Baghdad, Iraq, which is the loca- tion of ancient Seleucia. The group working at Baghdad has been on the site for several seasons. Dr. Ruthven indicated that they will fly to this city. TIheir-.son, Peter, is i, member of the expedition now there. Approval of the trip by the Board of Regents was received recently. No- tification has been sent to the deans of the various units of the Univer- sity in order to allow them time to get the affairs of their divisions in order by Dec. 1, the date of the De- cember Regents meeting. Ordinarily this is not called for until later in the month. The Ruthvens will sail aboard the American Export Steamer, Exochor- da, for Alexandria from New York City. Present plans are that they will return in February- , The late Prof. Francis W. Kelsey began the University excavations at Karanis in 1924. Grade Service To Be Offered By Counselor Freshman Pledges May Learn Grades At Office Of Professor Bursley Fraternities and sororities desiring to know the grades of their fresh- man pledges should have them call at the office of Prof. Philip E. Bursley, counselor to new students, in Room 4, University- Hall, it was announced yesterday. This service is being offered this year for the first time, Professor Bursley said, and is intended to re- place the system which was used from time to time in the past by some houses of having their pledges take grade cards to their individual instructors. Only students who are taking courses in the literary college will be able to make use of this service,' different systems being in operation at other schools. Scholarship chair- men of houses which have pledges in the engineering college have been ad- vised to take a list of their m n to Prof. Arthur D. Moore, rather than having the freshmen go directly tol him. Expect Large Crowd To Welcome Varsity A large crowd is expected to greet the Varsity squad of 33 men at the Michigan Central Station when they return at 3:30 p. m. today from their victorious inva- sion of Champaign, where they kept their season's record clear by turning back the desperate at- tempts of the Illini to score an upset over their traditional rivals. with the exception of the Northwestern game at Evanston, Nov. 25, Michigan has completed its away from home schedule for the season. More than 5,000 stu- dents and townspeople welcomed the team home from the Minne- sota game last year after it had won the Big Ten championship. Freshmen Will Choose Officers On November 8 Classes Without Dates Set For Them Must Petition Undergraduate Council The final series of class elections, those for various freshman groups, will be held Wednesday, Nov. 8, in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, the College of Engi- neering, and the Medical School. Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, president of the Undergraduate Council, stated that any other first year groups wish- ing to vote for officers may have an election date set for them by peti- tioning the council. Only two groups have announced their candidates so far, in the liter- ary college and the College of Engi- neering. In the former there are three parties, the State Street, Washtenaw- Coalition, and Freshman-Indepen- dent groups. The latter is the first to have announced its candidates, who are as follows: For president, Paul Forth, vice- president, Eleanor Christenson, Mo- sher-Jordan; secretaryBeth Turn- ball, Mosher-Jordan; and treasurer, Henry Hall. Leaders described the party as a strictly non-fraternity group. The group will meet for the second time tomorrow night at Lane Hall. All freshmen enrolled in under- graduate units other than the College of Engineering and the College of Architecture vote in the literary col-- lege election. In the College of Engineering the State Street-Independent p a r t y named the following for their elec- tion: president, Richard Swegles, Zeta Psi; secretary, Robert Dailey, independent; and Honor Council, George Halprin, Tau Delta Phi. Leaders said that the other candi- dates would be announced within the next day or two. Thief Flees After Holding Up Co-ed An unidentified man, described as wearing a white cap, attempted to rob Virginia Roberts, '35, at about 10:45 p. m. yesterday, near Betsy Barbour House on Maynard Street, fleeing when he found that she had no money. Miss Roberts promptly telephoned police, who made an investigation of the neighborhood without finding any evidence. She was walking between Betsy Barbour House and the adjoining tennis court ' when she felt a gun poked in her back, she said. When the man found that she had no purse, he ran off through the bushes, she told police. Enrollment Is Increased In Literary Unit Total Of Students Shows Drop Of 3.1 Per Cent From Last Year 8,261 Registered In UniversityColleges Law School Gain Largest Of Professional Units; Summer Session Smaller Final enrollment figures released by the registrar's office yesterday show a 3.9 per cent increase in the number of students in the literary college, but a 3.1 per cent decrease in the total number of students in the University. There are now 3,809 students in the literary college - 2,410 men and 1,399 women. The increase among men students is 4.3 per cent and among women students 3.1 per cent. Total figures for the entire Uni- versity show 8,261 students registered. Men students lead almost three to one, there being 5,946 of the former and 2,315 of the latter. Largest Loss in Forestry The greatest drop in any single unit is in the School of Forestry and Conservation, where there is a 17.5 per cent decrease. There are 47 stu- dents enrolled in the school. 4 The second largest enrollment among undergraduate units is in the College of Engineering, where there are 1,196 students. Only two of these are women, which represents a drop of 33 per cent, for there were three last year. There are 7.5 per cent less men students in this college also. The greatest increase is in the Oral Hygiene unit, which, with 18 stu- dents, shows a 100 per cent rise in registrations. Another substantial in- crease is in the College of Pharmacy, which has 51 students representing an 18.6 per cent increase. Law School Gains Of the professional schools, the Law School shows the largest number enrolled, with 508 students. This is a .4 per cent increase over last year. The Medical School has 458 students but shows a 5.4 per cent decrease. A decided drop occurred in the School of Dentistry, which now has 163 students. This is 15.1 perhcent lower than last year. The School of Education has 17.3 per cent fewer students than last, its total being 230. The School of Business Admin- istration remains just even with 144+ students, the same total as last year., The College of Architecture lists 189+ students, a drop of 11.7 per cent. In the Graduate School there are now 1,241 students, this total repre- senting a drop of 12.4 per cent.- Fewer in Nursing School The other two units of the Uni- versity both show drops. In the School of Nursing there are 182 stu- dents, 3.7 per cent fewer than last year, and in the Music School there are 167 students, which is a drop of 11.6 per cent. Outside of the regular students en- rolled there are 1,273 in the exten- sion courses for credit, with 994 of them from the literary college. They are grouped according to the school' or college from which the instructor' giving the course comes. This is a drop of 19.5 per cent.' Figures were also released giving the total enrollment in the 1933 Sum- mer Session. There were 2,962 stu-' dents in attendance, 2,008 men and 957 women. The drop was 21.2 per cent. Says Schools Not T6 Blame For Troubles Chicago E ducator Calls Charge Foolish In Talk Before Pa-ent Institute Curricula Of High Schools Criticized Floyd Dell Praises Extra- Curricular Activities As 'More Educational' "To charge the school with the entire blame for the breakdown of our civilization is simply foolish," stated Dr. Frank I . Freeman, profes- sor of educational; psychology at the University of Chicago, in his address, "Education for a (o-operative Social Order," yesterday morning before the final day's session' of the Parent Ed- ucation Institute the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. "The responsibility of education goes no further than its power and its power is decidedly limited," he continued. "If we are to contribute more than we have, to the solution of our problems, we must assume and be granted a larger share of respon- sibility than we have had." Dr. Freeman criticized "unre- strained individualism" as "respon- sible for much of our troubles," claiming that it had originated as the result of pioneer life he claimed that this ideal is no longer entirely suit- able. Stresses Co-Operative Effort Digressing for a moment, he com- mented on the sloan, "freedom of the press," saying, 'Like Patriotism, it may even prowe at times to be the last refuge of t e scoundrel." In his conclusion{ he stressed the necessity that the cming generation be equipped with an education which puts co-operation at the center of both theory and practice. "With that system," he ended, tley will recognize that an industrial civilization like ours has been brouht into being by the interlocking efforts of the whole people, and that it must accordingly be managed by the co-operative ef- forts of the whole people, in the interests of the whole people." Following this address, Floyd Dell, author and lecturer, presented his views on "Education for Life in the Machine Age." Dell Criticizes High Schools "The high school," he said, "is still run too much like the primary schools on the childhood principle of obedience to teachers." He praised extra-curricular activities as "more truly educational than anything which goes on in the classes." He advised that secondary educa- tion be organized around these ac- tivities and that the present curric- ulum be revised to make room for them. Speaking of parents' relation to their children's education, he stated, "Parents need to be made to understand that text-book learning is not the whole of education, and is in some respects the least important part of it. Strikes at "False Economy" "Children can no longer wisely be brought up according to the maxims of the patriarchal era. Our new world demands new precepts. And parents must learn them if they want their children to be happy." In a special interview Dell severely criticized the present tendency to economize on schools, arguing that since they were undoubtedly the most important builders for the future it would be extremely false economy to fall back on such measures. According to Dr. C. A. Fisher, as- sistant director of the Extension Di- vision, who was in charge of arrange- ments for the entire convention, in- terest ran high throughout the three- day meeting. GRID SCORES Wisconsin 0, Chicago 0. Ohio State 21, Indiana 0. Minnesota 0, Northwestern 0. Purdue 17, Carnegie Tech 7. Iowa 27, Iowa State 7. Navy 7, Notre Dame 0. Michigan State 0, Kansas State 0. Detroit 24, Holy Cross 0. Army 34, Coe 0. Princeton 33, Brown 0. Yale 14, Dartmouth 13. Columbia 9, Cornell 6. Harvard 27, Lehigh 0. Wolverines Stand Off Last Quarter Threats Of Illino To Win By One Point, 7 Veteran Guard Plays Stellar Defensive Game -Associated Press Photo John Kowalik, veteran Michigan guard, played an outstanding de- fensive part in yesterday's victory. The senior lineman, playing in his home state, made tackles all over the field and frequently opened the holes for Regeczi's plunges through a surprisingly strong Illinois line. 1- Churches Will Pres ent Varied Services Today Baptist Students Guild To Change Name To Roger Williams Guild Featuring programs in Ann Ar- bor churches today will be special services to be held at 6 p. m. by the student Baptist organization when it will formally change its name from Baptist Students Guild to the title Roger Williams Guild. The Rev. R. T. Andem of Lansing will speak at the meeting on "Roger Williams' Contribution to the Free- dom of Religious Thought." Rev. An- dem will also be the speaker at the morning services of the First Bap- tist Church at 10:45 a. M. "Fifteen Martial Years of Peace" will be discussed by the Rev. Harold P. Marley of the Unitarian Church in the morning services at 10:45 a. m. The Liberal Students Union, spon- sored by this church, will hear Prof. Norman E. Nelson of the English department, speaking on "The Re- flection of Class Attitudes in Litera- ture." At St. Andrews Episcopal Church, the Rev. Henry Lewis will conduct the service of Holy Communion at 11 a. m. Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, direc- tor of the University Health Service will lead the "conversation" at 7 p. mn. in Harris Hall, Episcopal stu- dent center, discussing the topic, "Al- cohol from a Medical Viewpoint." Continuing his series of addresses on "Successful Living," the Rev. Alli- son R. Heaps of the Congregational Church will preach at 10:45 a. m. The Student Club of the church will meet from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. to hear Dr. Raymond Hoekstra of the' department of philosophy speaking on "A Philosophy of Art." Dr. Frederick B. Fisher of the First Methodist Episcopal Church will con- clude a series of sermons on "God and Religion" in his sermon at 10:45 a. m. on "My Personal Religious Ex- perience." At 3 p. m. the International Stu- dent Forum will meet at Stalker Hall, formerly Wesley Hall, for a dis- cussion of "Nationalism and Racial Prejudice as Causes of War." At 6 p. m. the Wesleyan Guild will have services on and a special forum dis- cuio~rn of "Mv Ideas of An Adeauaite LINEUP Illinois Pos. Michigan Frink ... .. . ...LE .......Petoskey Antilla ......... LT........ Wistert Gryboski .:......LG........ Savage Bloom ..........C........ Bernard Bennis.........RG .....Kowalik Galbreath.....RT........Austin Schustek......RE.........Ward Beynon ........QB............ Fay Lindberg.......LH .... Everhardus Froschauer ... . .RH ... ...... Heston Snook ..........FB........Regeczi Substitutions: Illinois-- Portman for Froschauer; Cummings for Gal- breath; Walser for Bloom; Cook for Snook. Michigan --Borgmann for Savage; Renner for Heston; Hilde- brand for Austin; Westover for Fay. Officials: Referee, James Masker (Northwestern); Umpire, W. D. Knight (Dartmouth); Field Judge, R. C. Huston (Michigan State); Head Linesman, Fred Young (Illinois Wes- leyan). Money Policy Will Be Topic Of Radio Talk A discussion of the national gov- ernment's recent monetary policy, to- gether with a summary of the steps in its development by Prof. Leonard L. Watkins of the economics depart- ment will be the highlight of the week's proggam of the University Broadcasting Service. The talk will be heard at 10 p. m. Wednesday over WJR. The last in a series of broadcasts on reconstruction in education at the elementary school level will be heard at 6 p. in. today, with Prof. Willard C. Olson of. the education school, di- rector of research in child develop- ment, speaking on "The Child- Teacher Relationship." There will be an interlude in the Friday afternoon vocational series this week so that high school de- bating classes may hear a campus team debating uponthe subject: "Resolved, that all radio broadcast- ing should be conducted by stations owned and controlled by the Federal government." "Spencer" will be the topic of Prof. Morris P. Tilley of the Eng- Indians' Attempt At Fr Kick From 31-Yard Li In Final Minute Fails Everhardus Scores All Michigan Poin Winning Score Comes End Of Second Quarte Is Defended Desperat By ALBERT H. NEWMAN MEMORIAL STADIUM, CHA PAIGN, Ill., Nov. 4- (special) Fighting desperately in a series last stands, Michigan heroically fended her goal line throughout most exciting last quarter ever s here and won over Illinois, 7 to "The Champions of the West" still at the top, but it was ony kind fate and Wolverine desperat and fight that kept them there. Punt and pass failing, a prayer the best the Wolverines could do a super-smart Illinois team tempted a field goal after a f catch in the last minute of play, w Michigan leading by a scant po The entire Michigan team had stand impotently by while the cra Illini, fighting deep In Wolverine t ritory for a whole quarter in a fu attempt to score, pulled an alm unheard-of trick out of Coach I Zuppke's bag of football lore i desperate attempt to score th points. Use Novel Play Few of football's most ardent fa know that a team, after making fair catch of an opponent's punt, I the choice of putting theball scrimmage or, makin g, a free , from the point where the ball caught. But Jack Beynon, stellar : dian quarterback and passer, kr of the ruling and almost capitali: on it after making a fair catch Regeczi's punt on -his own 31-y line. Cummings attempted the k from a difficult angle, missing uprights by inches. The game en a moment later. Illinois won the toss and elec to defend the north goal, with an tremely strong north wind at th backs. Due to this fact, the W verines lost steadily on punts ui Regeczi finally punted out of bou on his own 34-yard line. Beynon the line for four yards and C plunged through the Maize and B forward wall for nine yards anc first down on the 21-yard line. Cook Scores Touchdown Beynon was smeared by Petos for no gain, but then the for dropped back and shot a flat p to Portman, who was run out bounds on Michigan's six-yard stri Portman hit the line for three yan and on the next play Cook carr the ball through the center of line for a touchdown. Cummi: missed the try for the extra pc which was to mean' the game. The Illinois score came at the e of 12 minutes of play. Michi held off the scrappy Zuppkemen the remainder of the quarter, & then, at the change of goals, t over the punting advantage. Lindberg, standing deep in his c territory, was hurried on a kick t: went out of bounds on his own yard line. Renner had already placed Heston and now Westo went in at quarter in place of C Fay. Plunges by Renner and Reg brought the ball to the 20-yard li Here Illinois was penalized five ya for being offside, making it f down and 10 for the Wolverines the 15-yard line. Illinois Penalized Renner shot a short pass to toskey over the center of-,the line a seven-yard gain.Everhardus t slammed througi for a first down the four-yard line, and Illinois t time out. They were penalized within one yard of the goal line this extra time-out, taken when of the Illini managers lost count misinformed Coach Zuppke on 1 point. Everhardus saved the gg by skirting right end to score sta ing up. Then, during a dead hu he added the seventh and wint point by sailing the ball between uprights from placement. There time for but one more play bel the gun sounded, ending the per Richberg, NRA Counsel, Will Speak At Press Club Banquet Assurance that Donald R. Rich- berg, general counsel for the National Recovery Administration, will fulfill his engagement as speaker, at the Thursday night banquet of the fif- teenth annual session of the Uni- versity Press Club of Michigan, to be held at the Michigan Union, No- vember 8 through 11, was received by Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the journalism department in a telegram yesterday. Mr. Richberg's address will be broadcast over a nation-wide hook- up. He will also speak at the Friday morning session on "The New Deal." Among the writings of Mr. Rich- berg have been "The Shadow Man," The active political career of Mr. Richberg began in 1913 when he was appointed as a special assistant to state's attorney, which office he held for two years. In 1915 he was Re- publican nominee for judge of cir- cuit court of Cook County, Ill., from 1916 to 1919 and he was special council for the City of Chicago in the gas litigation, from 1915 to 1927. A progressive from the beginning of his political career, Mr. Richberg was Director of the National Legisla- tive Bureau of the Progressive Party from 1913 to 1914, and he served as chairman of the Resolutions Commit- tee at the convention of the party in Will Alter NRA Code To Let More Ford Men Work ON, Nov. 4 -(,P)I- son, NRA administra- nal statement on the >mpany's proposed lay-