THE MICHIGAN DAILY TERDAY ETON - Republican at'- esident Roosevelt's NRA re severely rebuked by mas Raineyand Repre- seph W. Burns, Chair- House Ways and Means * * * S, Newfoundland - The ns-Atlantic air service al to Liverpool is now ar realization, according nt by Prime Minister F. T LAKE CITY- The outcome reheal campaign in Utah de- upon the Mormon vote, ac- ; to leaders of both factions. * * * r YORK - The closing days of ,yoralty campaign were sent to pitch when 50,000 backers of > H. LaGuardia, Fusion party ate, gathered at a gigantic meeting in Madison Square 1. HINGTON - John H. Fahey ssachusetts was appointed as an of the Federal Home Loan Board by President Roosevelt. ceeds William F. Stevenson of Carolina who has resigned. eatio1 Week imed Forl ember 6-12 Arbor Schools Will erve Significance Of onwide Event INGTON, Nov. 3- (Spe- 'he thirteenth annual Amer- .cation Week will be held all country from Nov. 6 to 12, it >unced here by the National n Association, the American ind the United States Office ation, joint sponsors of the can Education Week this 1 seek the following objec- ), to increase the apprecia- be public in the schools: (2) e the active co-operation of ic in improving the work of ols: (3) to stabilize support ation; (4) to give an account 'ofession's stewardship of the schools; (5) to have every isit his child's school at least iually; and (6) to secure the participation of 100 per cent ducational organizations, in- s, and lay groups which have terest in educational prog- n Arbor the public schools cted to follow the national laid down for observance of n Education Week, officials he outline is as follows:' -- The Increased Responsi- the Schools; Nov. 7 -Fi- Support of the Schools; Nov. it Citizens May Do to Pro- Schools; Nov. 9- Home Dol Co-operation; Nov. 10 - hools and Reconstruction; - The Schools and Loyalty ation; Nov. 12--Safeguard- racter Essentials. Produeers i A Revision Sales Tax LANSING, Nov. 3 -(P) - higan Milk Producers' asso- oday had added its voice to other farm organizations de- >a revision of the sales tax )rthcoming special session of Fusion Party Assails McKee At Large Rally Madison Square Garden Is Jammed By 50,000 Of LaGuardia's Adherents (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. 3.-The Fusion drive to wrest control of New York City from Tammany Hall flared to a white heat today on the heels of a spirited mass meeting in Madison Square Garden which attracted a throng estimated at 50,000 persons. At the same time, Mayor John P. O'Brien, Tammany's entrant in the mayoral race, and Joseph V. McKee, independent, marshalled their forces for a final thrust, ending with mass meetings in Manhattan Saturday night. McKee adherents hailed an an- nouncement by Postmaster General James A. Farley that he would vote for McKee next Tuesday. Farley's statement, issued in Washington, made it clear that he was speaking as an individual voter and not as Democratic national chairman, but McKee supporters considered it the nearest thing possible to administra- tion approval. President Roosevelt previously had declined to take any part in the campaign. The, Fusion rally Thursday night found Madison Square Garden jam- med with a huge, shouting throng that cheered repeatedly as Fiorello H. La Guardia, Samuel Seabury and other Fusionists demanded the per- manent destruction of Tammany Hall. An even larger crowd gathered outside the garden and at the end of the rally police had a sizeable job on their hands breaking up the jam that resulted. LaGuardia, Fusion's candidate for mayor, again assailed bossism, as- serting the only issue before the city was: "Does it want a boss or does it want a Mayor?" Mayor O'Brien and his group, La- Guardia said, are "creatures of Tam- many Hall and rejoice in it." McKee wound up his Brooklyn campaign with a speech which he devoted almost entirely to LaGuardia, calling him unfit for the mayoralty and characterizing him as a "dema- gogue." Coleridge Letters Edited By Griggs The recently published volume "Unpublished Letters of Samuel Tay- lor Coleridge" were edited by Prof. Earl L. Griggs of the English depart- ment. This collection includes some 400 letters, nearly all of which are pub- lished for the first time. Some of the recipients of these were such not- able literary personages as Thomas DeQuincey, Lord Byron, Dr. Samuel Butler, Robert Southey, William Wordsworth, and William Godwin. The work has been met with much favorable criticism. Of it the New York Times says: "In these letters poets and others live again; and one of England's most notable literary periods is again brought to life." The London Times says: "A contribution of first impor- tance! In his letters we see the real, the great Coleridge....A vital work in scholarship." E. M. Forster in the Spectator (London) says: "What a thrilling collection! How well they have been edited! They illustrate every aspect of Coleridge's long life. . . . and constantly give us new light.'' I I Comptroller McCarl May Make NRA Decision Administration Discusses Plan To Aid Farmer Midwest Governors To Fix Tentative D r a f t With Secretary Wallace By Roy F. Hendrickson (Associated Press Staff Writer) W A S H I N G T O N, Nov. 3-The Roosevelt administration, spurred by reports of growing unrest among the mid-west farmers, today drafted a new plan to get higher prices for farmers. Limited price-fixing is under con- sideration, it was disclosed, but de- tails of the plan were closely guarded as five midwestern governors and Secretary Wallace tried to get it in, final form for presentation to Presi- dent Roosevelt. The governors- Herring of Iowa, Olson of Minnesota, Schmedeman of Wisconsin, Berry of South Dakota and Langler of North Dakota-talked over the farm problem with the President Thursday. Mr. Roosevelt read a message re- ceived at his office for Schmedeman, which said that the farm strike had assumed serious proportions in Wis- consin. Then the new plan came un- der discussion. After two hours with the President and nearly three more in the cabinet room with Secretary Wallace and Farm Administrator George N. Peek, the governors left, smiling, and the White House issued this statement: "A tentative plan was worked out. Further conferences will be held Fri- day morning. It is hoped a final plan then will be agreed upon. This plan when completed will be pre- sented to the President for his 6,p- proval."' The plan, it became clear, is in- tended to supplement the farm ad- justment program, centering about production control for basic farm commodities. The governors presented their plan drawn up earlier this -week at a conference in Des Moines where they interviewed representatives of 15 farm organization and listened to their suggestions. This program calls for fixing prices at farm production, costs plus a "reasonable profit"' to producers; quick inflation including issuance of government currency to refinance government indebtedness, and the. licensing of farmers, pro- cessors and distributors to make the fixed prices "effective." -Associated Press Photo A ruling bearing on the controversy between Henry Ford (below) and Gen. Hugh S. Johnson (upper right), recovery administrator, over whether the government legally can make purchases only from signers of NRA codes may be made by Comptroller-General J. R. McCarl (upper left). A Ford dealer in Washington contends that his low bid for Civilian Conservation Corps trucks should be accepted despite the fact that Ford has not signed under the NRA. Seek Ganoster As Responsible For Transport Plane Bombing Athletic Union To Oust Track Metric System NEW YORK, Nov. 3- (R) The Metropolitan and New England as- sociations of the A. A. U. will press for repeal of the metric system when the A. A. U.'s annual meeting is held in Pittsburgh Nov. 19-20-21. The metric system, adopted at- the last annual meeting in order to bring the United States into line wtih most other nations, failed to meet with general approval. The report of the legislation committee, announced yesterday, revealed that both the Metropolitan and New England as- sociations, are strongly opposed to it. Some delegates to the meeting, no- tably Robert Kiphuth, Yale swim- ming coach, will come to the metric system's defense. Kiphuth has sug- gested that it be extended to swim- ming events as well as track and field. Others ,favorable to the sys- tem as a whole, probably will sug- gest that the 1,500 meter run be lengthened to 1,600 to conform more closelyewith the yardage classic of one mile. Government Will Buy State Lands WASHINGTON, Nov. 3-V'P)-The federal government proposes to pur- chase 95,683 acres of state and priv- ately-owned land in Michigan to be added to its holdings in national for- ests and purchase units.' The Michigan land, a part of the total new purchase of 954,632 acres' in twenty states east of the great plains approved by the national for- est reservation commission is divided among the national forests as fol- lows: Huron 12,680 acres; Manistee 68,- 480; Hiawatha 1,151 and Ottawa 13,- 412. The total cost for the Michigan lands is to be $133,623, the largest part of which will go for the Manis- tee unit, representing an expenditure of $85,577. For Huron the cost is to be $29,440; Hiawatha $1,842, and Ot- tawa $16,764. Grosse Pointe Accountant Is Held By Police DETROIT, Nov. 3 - (JP) - Robert P. Davidson, 37, of Grosse Pointe Park, a certified public accountant, is being questioned by police who said he had admitted destroying City scrip. Davidson's arrest, according to Lieut. John A. Hoffman of the spe- cial investigating squad, is linked with that of three men in Battle Creek and two in Flint on Oct. 25 as they were attempting to post bonds authorities said had been sto- len as collateral for loans. Davidson is held on suspicion of having re- ceived spurious scrip and stolen bonds, Hoffman said. "The investigation is only started, Lieut. Hoffman said. "Before we have finished we expect to uncover a nation-wide ring of more or less respectable men who have been deal- ing almost exclusively in stolen bonds and bank securities." Davidson was quoted by police as admitting that he burned the scrip which had been left with him for safe 'keeping after reading of the arrest of the two men who he said asked him to place it in his safe. He told police that he was not aware that the scrip was bogus until that time. Detectives working under Lieut. Hoffman several days ago arrested Adolph Spiro, James Wallace and Maurice Meyers in Battle Creek as they attempted to secure a loan at a bank after postingdas collateral $20,000 worth of bonds thought to have been stolen. On the same day Robert Johnson and William Don- ald were arrested in Flint when they attempted a similar transaction with $30,000 worth of bonds. it CHICAGO, Nov. 3 - () - A the- ory that a bomb left aboard a New York to Chicago transport plane ex- ploded and caused it to crash with the deaths of its seven occupants near Chesterton, Ind., was advanced today by the Tribune when it said it had learned federal men were seek- ing a gangster. While department or 3ustice agents refused to comment, the Tribune said it had learned from an authoritative source that the man sought, whose name was not given, would be charged with murder if caught, for having left the explosive aboard while a passenger on a previous trip. Officials of the United Air Lines, operators of the giant twin-motor ship that dropped out of the skies the night of Oct. 10 while farmers were watching it, said they were not at liberty to comment. They said their part in the investigation was merely to supply information. However, witnesses at the coro- ner's inquest the day after the crash were generally agreed that an explo- sion preceded the crash of the plane, but no one was prepared to say what had caused it. Flames immediately enveloped the wreckage, which was distributed over a wide area of the country-side and made the task of determining the cause of the ship's crackup difficult, but laboratory tests at Northwesternj Adelphi And Alpha Nu To Hear Debating Team Adelphi House of Representatives and Alpha Nu, campus speech or- ganizations will hold a combined meeting at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday in order to hear an affirmative and neg- ative team from the varsity debating squad in an informal debate. The teams will debate on the con- ference question "Resolved That a Constitutional Amendment Making Permanent the Powers of the Presi- dent as of July 1933, should be adopted." University tended to indicate that it was not due to an explosion of the gasoline tanks. The Tribune today said that de- partment of justice agents were working on the theory that the gangster travelling with the bomb, may have feared that he would be searched at the end of the journey and have hidden it under a pile of blankets in a compartment. J. Edgar Hoover, head of the bur- reau of investigation, department of justice, in Washington, the newspa- per said, was in charge of the in- vestigation. The bomb, it was pointed out, might have ridden encased in the blankets several trips before being jolted sufficiently to set it off. As a result passenger lists were being checked carefully and the movements of those who rode in the plane before the fatality are being checked, the newspaper said. A. S. M. E. Will Show Foreign Machinery Film A film describing machinery's ser- vice to mankind, "Machines Are Working For You," will be presented at 7:30 p. in., Monday in Natural Science Auditorium by the student branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The film goes into the history of the machine from prehistoric times until now and gives its development, showing how it has been of help to human beings. It is being distribu- ted in this country by a German or- ganization and it is available to the campus only through a break in its schedule of showings. The admission is free and the public is invited. A "weariness of popular cynicism and sophistication in university cir- cles signals a very definite turn in the tide of spiritual affairs in American colleges," according to Bishop Ira D. Warner of the United Brethren Church. VICTORY BALL NEXT FRIDAY Matt Schiff's 14-pc Orches l'' tra " Steaks, Chops, Dinners and Lunches 5c DRAFT BEER RICE'S RESTAURANT Open Evenings 120 West Liberty Street the seventeenth annual ere Thursday, 500 dele- association adopted a aiming the sales levy un- iers by levying against .irchased" by them for t of their commodities." ag the resolution, the rs joined with the Mich- Grange, the Michigan bureau and other farm nanding that Gov. Com- e changes in the sales he subjects to be sub- e special session. also demanded lower au- nse fees. mtion was among the ears. The controversial t was not mentioned on )lutions asked that the d of health modify its st milk failing to meet rents of its test; urged )osevelt to increase tar- oils, and butter substi- levying a butter process with state and federal and welfare agencies to and asked that welfare chased on the same ba- fluid nronct- requested DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Heller will deliver an address on "Present Status And the Future Out- look of the Jews in Germany." 6 p. m. class in "Dramatic Mo- ments in The History of Judaism." 8 p. m. Meeting of Avukah at the Hillel Foundation. United States Checker Champion: The students and faculty members of the University who are interested in Checkers and Chess will be pleased to learn that Mr. Newell W. Banks, Match Checkers Champion of the United States since 1910, will give an exhibition in Room 302 of the Michigan Union on Nov. 10, at 7:30 p. m. There will be boards and men available for those who care to play. I. . Ii BlueA Sta For 22 years we have sup- plied our trade with this salt Brand SALT WHY? Because we could not buy anything better for Hand or Automatic Softeners. FOR QUALITY SEE Hertler Bros. ' 210 South Ashley Dial 2-1713 II U.___: FOR GIFTS LEATHER GOODS FOR GIFTS BILL FOLDS BRIDGE SETS RDTYT, t, A CrUC' NOTEBOOKS DIARIES TnCnCi ('CnU7EDC I