'he Weather
Cloudy, colder in southeast
portion today; Saturday partly
QJ .g
VOL. XLIV No. 35
Sharfiman Disapproves Of
Government 'Tinkering'
With Currency
Favors Repudiation
Of Experimentation
12 University Professors
Sign Statement Asking
For MoneyStability
Prof. J. Leo Sharfman, chairman
of the department of economics, who
conducts a seminar in public control
of industry, is among 12 professors
who yesterday called for a public
repudiation of the "radical experi-
mentation with our currency" by
President Franklin D. Roosevelt and
other members of the National ad-
ministration. Criticisms of the pres-
ent plans recently appeared in the
Chicago Daily News.
Saying that individual enterprise
could be relied upon to readjust par-
ticular cost and prices, and that re-
covery could be achieved only
through increased business and pro-
duction which would increase na-
tional income, the professors de-
clared. "Tinkering with the monetary
unit will not remedy deep-seated
economic maladjustments."
"The gold content of the dollar
is relatively unimportant in general
price restoration when compared
with bank credit actively at work,"
the report said.
"It is now assumed in Washing-
ton that the price of gold and the
prices of other commodities move
automatically in the same direction
and apparently that there is too
much gold in the dollar to get the
benefits of a higher price level.
"The relationship of gold to prices
is complicated and indirect. It is a
sobering thought that the 1926 price
level was based on a gold dollar of
the old weight. The high prices of
1926 were not due to the manipula-
tion of the gold weight of the dollar,
but were dependent upon a broad
use of bank credit."
It is the 1926 price level which the
administration has said it hopes to
Other professors who signed the
statement were: Professors James
Bell, F. S. Diebler, Ralph Heilman,
and Horace Secrist of Northwestern
University; Garfield Cox, Harry -Gid-
eonse, and H. A. Mills of the Uni-
versity of Chicago; William Kiek-
hoffer of the University of Wiscon-
sin; A. B. Wolfe of Ohio State Uni-
versity; and Ivan Wright of the Uni-
versity of Illinois.
Season Tickets
For Lectures
On Sale oday
Season tickets for the remaining
five lectures of the Oratorical Asso-
ciation series will go on sale at noon
today at Wahr's, it was announced
yesterday by Carl G. Brandt, busi-
ness manager.
Persons who bought single admis-I
sion tickets for the opening lecture
may apply the purchase price on a
complete season ticket by presenting
their stubs, it was said.
Lecturers to appear on the re-
mainder of the 1933-34 series are
Edna St. Vincent Millay, poet, Nov.
16; Col. Raymond Robins, authority
on Soviet Russia, Dec. 12; Air Com-
modore P. F. M. Fellowes, leader of
the Mt. Everest expedition, Jan. 25;
Capt. C. W. R. Knight, authority on
birds, Feb. 20; and Dr. Amos 0.
Squire, consulting physician at Sing
Sing Prison, March 1
Single admission tickets for the
appearance of Miss Millay are also
on sale at Wahr's, Mr. Brandt an-
Cl assElections To Be
Held For Soph Medics
Sophomores in the Medical School
will hold an election for class offi-
cers at 11 a. m. Monday in the East
Amphitheatre - of the West Medical
Building, it was announced yesterday
by Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, president
New Issue Of The Gargoyle To
Have Featured Men's Section
Grade School
Who said that women are invading
the men's world in almost every
field? This "month's Gargoyle will
turn the tables when it appears, for
the men have become mannequins
and the last word in what the well-
dressed man is wearing will be shown
pictorially, with campus "big-shots"
The women started it all with their
department called Sophisticated
Lady, which tells the co-eds what is
new and smart in an unusual man-
ner. But, when this appeared in the'
first issue a distinct green shade was
noticed creeping over the physiog-
nomy of mere man - presto -con-
versations, suggestions and the re-
It seems that the editors of Gar-
goyle are more sensitive to public
opinion and what the students want
than in the past, for demand has
resulted in another change to be
made in the coming issue. Several
thousand letters, or less, were re-
ceived asking that the artists get
busy and give readers more cartoons,
and they say the suggestion is being
followed. Also, they are going to in-
clude more humor, according to
Thomas Powers, '34, managing ed-
These changes are being instituted
as the first results of the request for
open criticism and suggestions that
was included in the first issue, Pow-
ers explained.
Otherwise the Gargoyle will con-
tinue in the form that made such
an apparent hit when it first ap-
peared. It will include number eight
in the series of Preposterous People,
in which another B. M. O. C. will be
shown in his true light, with his idio-
syncrasies bringing about his expo-
In addition another nationally fa-
mous dance orchestra will be dis-
cussed, the football department will
give the Gargoyle's analysis of past
games, and all will be included in
the same sized magazine-40 large
Comedy Club
Will Present
Play By Barry
'Hotel Universe' Is Chosen
For Initial Production;
Gramercy .To Direct Cast
"Hotel Universe," a sparkling play
interspersed with clever comedy,
from the pen of Playwright Phillip
Barry, has been secured for the in-
itial dramatic presentation of Com-
edy Club, Nov. 17 and 18, at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, according to
an announcement made last night by
Clarence W. Moore, '34L.
Phillip Barry's plays are well-
known both on Broadway and in
Hollywood. Hope Williams originally
created "Holiday" on the stage, and
when it was screened a few years
,later, Ann Harding was featured in
the leading role. "Paris Bound," was
probably the last of Barry's plays to
be presented on- an Ann Arbor stage.
It was produced by Comedy Club four
years ago.
"Hotel Universe," is unlike most of
the currently modern plays in that
it is written in one act, lasting about
two hours. Comedy Club's dramatiza-
tion will drop the curtain somewhere
in the middle of the play as an inter-
mission. Following the intermission
the play will be continued from the
The scene is laid on the colorful
terrace of an old hotel in southern
Fance. The entire stage will be used
for the setting. "'Hotel Universe' is
the most artistic show produced on
the campus by Comedy Club for a
number of years," Moore said.
Final castings for the play will be
made this afternoon under the di-
rection of Edwin Gramercy of the
Detroit Little Theatre. Supporting no
leading characters, the cast is evenly
divided among four male and four fe-
male roles.
Staton Claims Political
Enemies Abducted Him
PIKEVILLE, Ky., Nov. 2.-(P)-De-
laring he was convinced his "po-
litical enemies" were responsible for
his abduction, Willis Staton, '58, who
returned Wednesday night to his
home here after being missing since
early last Friday, today planned his
own investigation of the incident.
Staton, who said he was kidnaped
by four masked men and held cap-
tive in a cabin several days before
freeing himself, announced his wife
already had inaugurated a private
investigation of his purported kid-
naping. Officers and a department of
justice agent from Cincinnati started
an investigation shortly after Staton
Many Speakers
To Appear At
Institute Meet
Speeches To Be Heard In
Morning, Afternoon And
Evening Sessions
Addresses by Dr. W. W. White-
house, dean of men at Albion college,
Dr. Paul Voelker, State Superinten-
dent of Public Instruction, and Mrs.
B. F. Langworthy, first vice-presi-
dent of the National Congress of Par-
ents and Teachers, will feature to-
day's meetings of the Parent Edu-
cation Institute.
Dean Whitehouse is to open the
morning program at 9:30 in the Lyd-
ia Mendelssohn Theatre. He will be
followed by Prof. Arthur Moehlman
of the School of Education who
will discuss "Reconstruction in the
Schools" at 10:45.
The afternoon session, meeting in
the University High School Auditori-
um, will start at 2 p. m. with a con-
ference, Dr. W. D. Henderson, Di-
rector of the Extension Division, pre-
siding. Dr. Stuart A. Courtis, pro-
fessor of education, will speak on
"The Co-operative Approach to the
Solution of Educational Problems."
Dr. Voelker will then present "The
Reconstruction of the State Program
for 'Education" at 3:15.
Institute members will convene at
6 p. m. in the ballroom of the League
for dinner. Afterwards they will hear
Dr. W. C. Trow, professor of edu-
cational psychology, speaking on
"The German Youth Movement and
the Schools," and Mrs. Langworthy,
who will speak on the topic, "A Lay-
man Looks at Education."
Dean Potter Of Purdue
Talks Before Engineers
Speaking before the student branch
of the American Society of Mechani-
cal Engineers, the mechanical engi-
neering faculty of the College of En-
gineering, and engineering students
last night at the Union, Dean A. A.
Potter of Purdue University and na-
tional president of A. S. M. E., struck
a cheerful note.
To those of his listeners facing
graduation and no prospect of a job,
he cited an impressive list of great
industrial leaders, including Gerard
Swope, Alfred P. Sloan, and Paul W.
Litchfield, who graduated and got
their start in the severe depressions
of '73, '93, and '07.
Dean Potter urged the engineers
to broaden and liberalize their edu-
cation and to develop their charac-
ter and personality. These things,
as well as technological training, are
needed by the engineer attempting to
get started at this time, he said.
Dr. Henderson, Extension
Division Head, Criticizes
Present Organization
Suggests Ten-Year
Attendance System
Address Features The First
Day Of Parent Institute;
Three Sessions Held
Stressing the necessity of providing
every child from the ages of six to
sixteen with fundamental courses
embodying instruction in matters
that come within the range of his
everyday experience, Dr. W. D. Hen-
derson, Director of the University
Extension Division, last night pre-
sented his plan for "Revamping Our
Schools" to an enthusiastic audience
of the Parent Education Institute at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre as
the highlight of yesterday's Institute
Dr. Henderson considers that our
schools as now organized are suffer-
ing from too much formal grada-
tion; that the whole system for the
first 10 years lacks flexibility. In his
opinion, "In possibly one-fourth of
the high schools of this state the two
upper grades could be eliminated,
provided means are available for the
education of students in special
groups above the tenth grade."
Suggests Reorganization
He suggested the organization of
the public school system on a ten-
year plan, with the eleventh and
twelfth years devoted on one hand to
subjects required for college exami-
nation, and on the other to those of
a strictly vocational nature.
"The school for the first 10 years
would be radically changed," said Dr.
Henderson. "Only five major sub-
jects would be taught and these five
would be taught for the whole 10
years. They'are: f the "tool sub-
jects," readin gwngand arith-
metic; second, health; third, general
science; fourth, the social sciences;
and fifth, elementary appreciation in
artistic subjects, such as music, lit-
erature, drawing, and painting. Very
little emphasis would be put on
grades, and any student who at-
tended school for ten years, con-
formed to the rules of the group,
and who did reasonably fair work
would be graduated."
Says Economy Would Result
It was Dr. Henderson's contention
that his plan would make for both
economy, as far as expense is con-
cerned, and efficiency so far as teach-
ing is concerned. He decried the so-
cial pressure which now exists for
training most students only for the
twelfth grade graduation, and fur-
ther criticized the situation in which
many a student studies algebra, ge-
ometry, and Latin not because he
cares for these subjects but because
he isforced to take them in order
to graduate.
Summarizing his plan, he declared
that it "Provided for 12 years of free
education, with the understanding
that the last two years would be de-
voted to special study along lines in
which the students are qualified to
work or in which they are inter-
While this was yesterday's address,
members of the Institute spent a
busy day listening to other speeches,
most of them being given by Uni-
versity faculty members interested
in various aspects of child training.
Educators Lead Discussion
Mrs. B. F. Langworthy, First Vice-
President of the National Congress
of Parents and Teachers, opened the
morning program at University High
School with a statement of the du-
ties of a local Parent Teacher As-
sociation, stressing the social obliga-
tions of the community toward its
students. She was followed by Dr.
Marguerite Wilker, Associate Pro-
fessor of Education, who spoke on
"Co-operation of Children in the
Home Through Language Influence."
At the afternoon session in Uni-
versity High School, Dr. Willard C.
Olson, associate professor of educa-
tion, discussed "Personality Factors
in Delinquency." Dr. Arthur E.
Wood, professor of sociology, spoke
on "Sociological Factors in Delin-
quency," and the topic was con-
cluded by a speech on "The Clinical
Approach to Treatment," given by
Dr. Maud E. Watson of the Chil-
dren's Center, Detroit. After a brief
intermission the audience joined in
Junior Class Held As Spy
Heads Make
A poimtments
Committees In Dentistry,
Medical, And Engineer
ing School Announced
Finance, Executive
Boards Are Named
L a w y e r s And Architects
Pick Schaible, Cowden
As Executive Leaders
Five junior class presidents, in the
College of Engineering, College of
Architecture, Law School, School of Arvid W. Jacobson, 28Ed., who,
Dentistry, and Medical School, an- with his wife, is under arrest at
nounced appointments to class com- Helsingfors, Finland on charges of
tt terdespionage. Jacobson attended the
mit ees yesterday. University for three years, graduat-
Tage Jacobson, president of the ing from the Schoo of Education in
class of 1935 in the engineering ccl- 1928.
lege, named Joseph Wagner chairman
of the executive committee, and Ward
Wood, Allen Knusi, Chase Teaboldt,A. Drive
and Royer Schlingman as the other A
On the finance committee, Jacob- -Comm ece
son placed Oliver Spark as chair-
man, and Thomas Dooling, Gilbert
Shaw, Lewis Bosworth, and Francis
DuLyn as members of the group.
Medic Committees Chosen $60,000 Has Been Chosen
In the Medical School Louis Zlat- As Goal For Community
kin named chairmen and members
on three committees, as well as a Fund Association
representative on the J-Hop commit-
tee. William Wanger was given the A sum of $1,000 for student emer-
latter post. For chairman of the ex- gency relief and a total sum of $60,-
ecutive committee he appointed Gor- 261.16 have been set as the goals of
don Balyeat, assigned by William the Community Fund Association,
Taylor, Gilbert Reed, Harold Sugar, members of which will meet for a
Victor Linden, and Abe Edelstein. send-off dinner at the Masonic
Sidney Davidow was named chair- Temple this evening before begin-
man of the finance committee, and ning the campaign tomorrow morn-
the other'posts on it were given to ing.
Isabel Wolfstein, David VanDerSlice, The total budget has been reduced
and So Baker. On the social commit- $677.84 from last year's figure. Can-
tee Zlatkin named MauricecHauser vassing will last one week, ending
chairman, John Sauk, Marcus Wei- next Friday, Nov. 10.
ner, and Robert Masahari. Speakers at tonight's meeting in-
In the School of Dentistry, Milton cdude Mayor Robert Campbell, E. E.
Converse named Stewart Miller as Lucas, president of: the-ommon
chairman of the executive commit- Council, Lewis Fohey, chief of police,
tee, and Van Frowine and Stuart and Everett DeRyke, chairman of the
Swanton as the other members. Ron- Washtenaw County Relief Commis-
ald Fox was appointed chairman of sion. Prof. A. H. White of the en-
the financial committee, along with gineering school, a member of the
David Begelman and Richard Hills. executive committee of the associa-
Stuart Swanton will be the represen- tion, will preside. Music will be fur-
tative of the school on the J-Hop nished by the University Glee Club.
committee. The largest single sum in the fund
Olsaver Names Chairmen will go to the Family Welfare Bu-
The fourth class-to name commit- reau, which has requested $9,500.
mee members was in the College of Next to this is the Young Men's
Architecture. Edward Oisaver, junior Christian Association, which has re-
president, placed Ernst Schaible as quested $8,470, and the Salvation
chairman of the executive committee, Army, which has requested $5,828.
and Margaret Culver and Samuel The smallest request is from the
Scheiner on the same body. Council of Social Agencies, which has
asked for $100.
As chairman of the financial com- An effort to help the city's unem-
mittee Olsaver chose Vernon Tree, ployed and needy will be held today
with Richard Robinson and David when 400 Boy Scouts will canvass
Heisler as the other members, the city in a house-to-house cam-
In the Law School Richard Kreuse, paign for old clothes. Today they
president of the junior class, named will leave handbills describing the
six members on two committees. Rob- nature of the campaign, and tomor-
ert Cowden will serve as chairman row they will make their collections.
of the executive committee, assisted The distribution of all articles which
by Clarence Slocum and Herbert Mil- are received will be placed in the
liken. Charles Lawton was named hands of the Family Welfare Bureau.
chairman of the finance committee
and Horace Blackwell and Neil Hayes Announce Registration
committee members. Plans For Illinois Game
WRITER LEAVES GERMANY Plans for registration of Michigan
MUNICH, Nov. 2.-(P)-Noel Pan- alumni and students attending the
ter, British newspaperman accused Illinois football game at Urbana to-
of incorrectly reporting a Nazi gath- morrow were announced yesterday
ering, left the Munich jail and Ger- afternoon by T. Hawley Tapping,
many today as an undesirable alien, general secretary of the Alumni As-
Immediately after he was notified sociation.
that his release was ordered, Panter All graduates and students are re-
signed a statement that he would quested to identify themselves at the
quit Germany within 48 hours. With- regular Alumni Association booth
out losing any time' he boarded a which will be open all Saturday
train, the route of which the British morning at the Inman Hotel, near
Consulate General, on Panter's wish, the Illinois Central station, in Cham-
declined to disclose. paign.
Program For First Of Faculty
Concerts Announced B Moore
The program for the first of the Professor Besekirsky was a dis-
season's series of faculty concerts to tinguished European performer be-
be given by members of the School fore coming to America at the out-
of Music at 4:15 p.m., Sunday, Nov. break of the war. He continued his
5, in Hill Auditorium, was announced residence in this country and became
yesterday by Prof. Earl V. Moore, a naturalized citizen, serving in many
Musical Director of the University. professional capacities in the East
The varied program will be pre- before joining the University faculty.
sented by Arthur Hackett, tenor; Professor Pick had an enviable ca-
Wassily Besekirsky, violin(; Hanid reer in Switzerland and continental
Pick, violoncellist; Joseph Brinkman, Europe before joining the Philadel-
pianist; and the U iversity Sym- phia Symphony Orchestra, under
Proper 'MiXing' Course To Be
Offered By Bartenders Institute
A co-educational institution known
as the American Bartenders Institute'
and devoted to the teaching of how
good drinks are made, and what dis-
tinguishes one from another, has
opened in New York City under the
direction of A. H. Paine, dean of stu-
dents, a former advertising man.
The institution, comprising a
number of class-rooms, is supplied
vorite concoctions. No courses will be
given, however, on the elements
combined in Bowery Smoke or that
favorite of the Broadway clip joint,
Mickey Finn.
After graduating from this course,
the student may elect a semester's
work in the fancier wines and li-
quers. Here he will be taught the dis-
tinguishing characteristics between
chablis and madeira, muscatelle and
riesling, angelica and sauternes,