ers Thursday er at night; rFriday. I V *Afr Ia1 Colgate Plan W'ir, Recognition; An 01 To Signor Gallo. I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1933 PRICE 34 __________i_.______* r aily Founder ics Suddenly t Ohio Home Mimic Says Theatre Will Go On Furnishing Best Entertainment F ir s t Business Manager Partly Responsible For Success In Early Years Was Professor At Ohio When He Died Daily First Established As Paper By Independent trdents Club One of the founders and the first business manager of The Michigan Daily, Dr. Matthew B. Hammond, 91 died suddenly Sept. 28, at his home in Columbus, according to word re- cently received by The Daily. Dr. Hammond, who was largely re- sponsible for the financial success of The Daily in its earlier years, was a distinguished professor of eco- nomics at Ohio State University at the time of his death. It was at the beginning of that famous period in American social his- tory known as the "Gay Nineties" that Dr. Hammond, as one of the outstanding independents on the University campus, together with Herbert B. Shoemaker, '91, was able to get the University Independent association to establish a weekly newspaper in .competition with the Chronicle, controled at that time by fraternity men. Independents Boycott Campus politics in those days took the form of a contest between the fraternity men and the independents. As a result, first fraternity men and then independents would be selected as; managing editor and business manager of the Chronicle. In 1889- 90, a dispute arose between the two factions regarding which group should contirol the publication for the second semester. The independents put a finish to the matter by leaving the paper altogether and urging a boycott by the student body.' Then, in the spring of 1890, the newly-formed independent associa- tion agreed to put out a paper of its own. HFammond was chosen business manager and Shoemaker was selected managing editor. Before the close ,of the school year, enough pledges for subsriptions to the paper had been obtained to insure its success and a contract for its publication was is- sued. Two Papers Combined In the meantime, the Chronicle and the other campus publication, the Michigan Argonaut, combined for the purpose of putting out a paper three times a week. Realizing that in order to compete with the new paper, the independent publica- tion would have to come out daily, Hammond managed to get the mem- bers of the board to agree to a share in the responsibility for putting out a daily paper. He then sold enough advertising to merchants in Ann Arbor and De- troit to put the publication upon a sound financial basis and decided to call the new sheet the U. of M. Daily instead of the U. of M. Independent. The new printing venture was a success from the beginning and prof- its realized from the publication were turned over to the independent as- sociation, although, according to most (Continued on Page 3) 'Dinner At Eight' Will Play Here "I am perfectly certain that the theatre will continue - as the place where one may get the best in en- tertainment," Dorothy Sands, tal- ented stage star who opened the Ora- torical Association lecture series last night, declared in an interview yes- terday. "But the position of the stage is something like that of the symphony concert -there is no room for any- thing but the best. There is no room for any show that is not a hit. Movies and the radio have supplanted the cheap and tawdry theatre, but they will never take the place of that which is sympathetic and artistic," she said. "I am convinced of this because of the amazing interest I find in the theatre no matter where I go. I find college audiences the most exciting. They usually understand the back- ground of the stage and are far more responsive than any other group." Asked what American actresses she admired most, Miss Sands named Ina Claire, as a comedian, Katherine Cornell, for tragedy, and character- ized Helen Hayes as "one of our very best actresses."~ "No one can have any conception of the amount of detail demanded in the staging of such a presenta- tion as "Our Stage and Stars,' she said. She began worx on her present show in January, and after months of research, writing, building of cos- tumes, rehearsals, and other details that went into the making of it, went on the road with the show late in September. Miss Sands, whose home was in Cambridge, Mass., and who attended Radcliffe College, had never been in Ann Arbor before, but called the town and campus "simply beautiful" and "a grand place" after a long walk yesterday morning. Institute WVi*l Convene For 1933 Session To Open Fourth Annual Convention Of Parent Education Institute NRA Approves Plan To Unify U. S. Industry lw ill Centralize Business Organization With Little Federal Control To Speak Saturday _ i To Discontinue' Convicts' Band Concerts So on Prisoner Escapes After A Performance; Director Ousted For Ten Days Inmates of Jackson State Prison will no longer be allowed to wander about the State giving musical per- formances, engaging in parades, par- ticipating in banquets, and quite generally having a good time, War- den Peter Gray has announced. The musical organizations of the insti- tution will fill the contracts they have already made and that will be all. This action resulted after Charles Case, one of the members of the prison band, escaped from the or- ganization when it appeared in De- troit last week. E. D. Cooley, the band instructor, has been suspended for 10 days. Commenting upon his decision, the warden said, "We are going to give the people of Michigan and of Jack- son a rest and we are going to give ourselves a rest." The prison band recently appeared in Ann Arbor, having been brought here as a publicity stunt for a local newspaper. It paraded about the town, flags flying, crowds watching, and a general holiday air prevailing. A special reception committee of city officials met the organization and an American Legion Drum and Bugle Corps escorted it through the city. All this fanfare caused consider- able criticism at the time, and The Daily, commenting upon' the specta- cle editorially, declared, "The effect of this parade can only be the op- posite of that which would promote abhorrence of all law violations and violators. The effect will be to arouse sentiment other than that depreca- tion which makes for obedience." Mana For Codes Is Here; Hours Of Studying Regulated America's mania for signing codes about everything under the sun has not escaped the Michigan campus if one is to judge by the "studyingl code" which four students recently signed, pledging themselves to spend at least 18 hours each week "on the books." "We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to study at least three (3) hours a day, six (6) days a week," the petition reads. Penalties are pro- vided by fines of a package of ciga- rettes to be given to each student over the prescribed 18 hours by each man who falls under, with additional penalties being levied as the stu- dent's study hours fall farther below the mark. Dorothy Sands Enthusiastically Received Here A large and enthusiastic audience last night greeted Dorothy Sands, "supreme contemporary mistress of imitation," who opened the 1933-34 lecture series of the Oratorical As- sociation in Hill Auditorium with her "one-woman show" of American stage history. Of the seven periods in the history of the American theatre chosen by Miss Sands for representation in her offering, "Our Stage and Stars," none was so loudly applauded as the study in movie vampires which closed the program.. Appearing as Greta Garbo, Theda Bara, star of the silver screen in 1913, and lastly Mae West, Miss Sands brought the review to a rous- ing climax with her vivid and accu- rate impersonations. She also gave the audience an insight into her rapid-change technique as she changed her make-up on the stage for the last series of characteriza- tions. Tickets for the appearance of Edna St. Vincent Millay, distinguished American woman poet, on Nov. 15, and for the remainder of the Ora- torical Association series will go on sale at Wahr's Bookstore at noon to- day, Charles Rogers, '34, president of the association, announced last night. Henderson Speaks Tonight At League S e v e n Speeches Feature The First Meeting; New Members Enrolled Enrollment of members and seven addresses on pressing educational topics will feature the opening ses- sion today of the fourth annual Par- ent Education Institute, which is convening here through Saturday. Prominent among the lecturers will be Dr. William D. Henderson director of the University Extension Division, who will speak at 7:30 p. m. in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on "Revamping Public Education." Dr. Henderson is substituting for Dr. Frankwood E. Williams, New York psychiatrist, who was unable to ap- pear here because of illness. National Officer Speaks At the morning meetings in Uni- versity High School Auditorium lec- tures will be given by Mrs. B. F. Langworthy, first vice-president of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, and Dr. Margaret Wilker, director of the Nursery School of the University Elementary School. Mrs. Langworthy will speak at 10:15 a. m. on "The Parent Teacher Association in Relation to Reconstruction in Ed- ucation." Dr. Wilker, speaking at 11:20 a. m., will discuss "Co-Opera- tion of Children in the Home through Language Influence.'' These two lec- tures will follow the introduction of Mrs. D. W. Stewart, president of the Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers, by Dr. C. A. Fisher, as- sistant director of the Extension Di- vision.: Reconvening in the auditorium at 2 p. m.after an adjournment for lunch, the institute members will hear four discussions of delinquency. Prof. Willard C. Olson of the School of Education will speak on "Personal- ity Factors in Delinquency," Prof. Ar- thur E. Wood of the sociology depart- ment will speak on "Sociological Fac- tors in Delinquency," and Dr. Maud E. Watson of the Children's Center of Detroit will consider "The Clinical Approach to Treatment." Following an intermission, Judge D. J. Healy, of Juvenile Court, Detroit, will pre- side at a discussion of "Delinquency During the Depression." Institute Part of Program The Parent Education Institute is one part of a four-point Parent Ed- ucation Program, and is arranged and conducted by the Extension Di- vision, the School of Education, and the Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers. The other three points of the Parent Education Program are (1) lectures and conferences on par- ent education in Hartland, Pontiac, and Benton Harbor-St. Joseph; (2) the Parent's Hour radio program broadcast from the University cam- pus for 19 Sundays of the University year at 5 p. m.; and (3) a plan for the formation of Parent Education Study Groups throughout the State. Measure Also Has Johnson's Support Manufacturers Take Step In Direction Of Closer- Knit Industry WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. -(P) - Plans to unify American industry from a centralized business organi- zation with a minimum of Federal supervision received the support of Gen. Hugh S. Johnson and the NRA today. They were proposed by Gerard Swope, chairman of the board of General Electric, at an assembly of commercial leaders here. The project was advanced by the General Electric head with the sug- gestion that upon the Industrial Re- covery Act might be built a better business structure, "more in keep- ing with our democratic philosophy and traditions than we have had in the past," and with the warning that unless industry organizes to govern itself "either the State or Federal Government will-with the conse- quent paralyzing effects on initiative and progress. Action on the plan was postponed for committee study, on the recom- mendation of Henry I. Harriman, president of the Chamber of Com- merce of the United States. This unit in the Swope program would be merged into a greater National Chamber of Commerce and Indus- try, into which would fit all the trade associations of codified indus- tries. Harriman said later that there was a great deal of dissatisfaction among American business men over the Na- tional Recovery Administration's pro- gram and added that "very little of the present NRA" would be retained: under the proposal of Swope. Meanwhile, a definite step in the direction of a closer-knit industry was announced by the National As- sociation of Manufacturers. At a meeting yesterday in New York, at which were representatives of 26 ma- jor manufacturing groups, including the Iron and Steel Institute, the cen- tral organization was strengthened. Creation of an advisory committee of the National Industrial Council of the National Association of Manufac- turers was announced to "consider and take appropriate action" upon national matters.' Co-Operative Board Rates Cut To $3.15 Floyd Dell, well-known lecturer, author, and former newspaper writer, who will deliver two addresses Sat- urday before members of the Parent Education Institute. Two Students Suspended B Faculty Group Takes Action After Arrest By Police For Disorderly Conduct Two students were suspended from the University yesterday by the fac- ulty disciplinaryrcommittee as a re- sult of their arrests last week by local police for drunken and disor- derly conduct. The students, Wilfred H. Tisch, '34, and John S. Doherty, '37, were suspended for an indefinite period and letters have been sent to their parents informing them of the rea- sons for the action. A meeting upon the two cases was held earlier in the week by the dis- ciplinary committee of the Under- graduate Council and the action- taken by the faculty committee yes- terday was in full accordance with the penalties recommended by the student group. Rhode Island Oil Tank Fire Takes 3 Lives Election' Held Foo 4 Classc Washtenaw Wins T h r Literary College Offic Cook Is '36 President Phillips Heads '3 Medics; Clark La Engineering College G Independent-Fraterni Fox Elected Presiden Follo~wing the reversal InP dominance begun last week at junior literary elections, sophor members of the Washtenaw-Coali party placed all their candidates cept one in office yesterday. Julie Kane, Collegiate Sorosis, the only State Street candidat win. She gained the office of se tary unanimously after her oppor Eileen Simpson, Mosher-Jordan, barred from the election because is in the School of Education. Four classes balloted in all, s omores In the literary :collegea College of Engineering, and fresh in the Medical School and School. The fifth election, by Me School sophomores, was postpone 32 Votes Difference In the literary college, where ond year students .cast more vi than in the history of classe tions here, James Cook, Alpha Ka Lambda, was chosen president, 244 votes cast for him. He defe George Northridge, Delta Tau D who received 212 votes. For the vice-presidency, Wini Bell, Chi Omega, defeated Zeck, Mosher-Jordan indepenc 247 to 207. James Eyre, indepen defeated Woodward Grove, Zeta for treasurer, polling 236 vote Grove's 200. Margins were unus slim for all offices. In the College of Engineering,] ert Fox, independent, defeated f old Hertz, Alpha Sigma Phi, for presidency, 62 to 23. Kenneth Mc independent, was elected viceG ident over Anthony Dauksza, i pendent,' 59 to 26. Underwood-Is Secreta Warren Underwood, Theta Xi, chosen secretary without an o nent. Charles Framburg, Delta Delta, was named treasurer it votes. He defeated Elwood Moi who received 25 votes. Charles Prick and Robert Han were elected to the Engine Council and Honor Council re tively, defeating Joseph Newman Stuart Reed. All are independent cept Reed who isa member of L da Chi Alpha fraternity. All wie candidates are members of the ternity-Independent party. Freshmen in the Medical S chose Robert W. Phillips, presi Robert J. Willson, vice-presi Carmine I. Razzano, secretary, John S. Betz, treasurer. The suc ful candidates defeated, Oros Root, Benjamin Van Zwaluwen Sarah Bennett, and Maurice Bo] For first year honor the fres chose Peter Crabtree, and for year Joseph Sklauer. Mark Cov and Harry Arnkoff were the c candidates for these positions. Wins By Four Votes John S. Clark was named I dent of the freshman class it Law School, defeating John Sc ler by the small margin of 72 I James F. Clay defeated John B. tin for vice-president, 78 to 63. E idan E. Ruge defeated Charli Chapman, Jr. for the secretar by two votes, 72 to 70. Leonard I man was elected treasurer, defe William T. Tinker 72 to 67. All elections were conducte members of the Undergra Council assisted by members o Union executive council, exce the College of Engineering, wher Engineering Council officiated. bert E. Bursley, '34, president o Undergraduate Council, annou that appointments to class cor tees must be made within one by those presidents chosen toda Spanish Club Member Addressed By Jimi Striking Farmers Will Continue, Leader Says DES MOINES, Iowa, Nov. 1-G')- Continuance of the farm strike will depend upon President Roosevelt's disposition of agricultural demands to be presented at Washington to- morrow by four governors, Milo Reno, strike leader, said tonight. "The strike is not called off in any sense of the word," Reno asserted. "And it never will be until our de- mands are met. It's up to Presi- dent Roosevelt now." Reno termed the present status of the 11-day strike that of "inactive suspension," permitting berry farm- ers to market their perishables. The order to withhold grains and live- stock still is in force, Reno said. Series Of Big Explosions Terrorizes Tiverton; Six Are Injured TIVERTON, R. I., Nov. 1.-(A) - Three men were known to be dead, a fourth was reported killed, another was missing and six were hurt as fire and destruction visited the plant of the New England Terminal Co. today. Women fainted, others became hysterical, and firemen and police- men were singed by the heat as oil tanks exploded and rocked the coun- tryside for miles around. Until tonight huge columns of smoke rolled into the sky while the fire defied the efforts of Tiverton, Fall River (Mass.), Boston, and Providence firemen. The dead were: "Chief" Gaylor Henshaw, a Chero- kee Indian, of Vinita, Okla. Lester Mornback, of Tulsa, Okla. Henry St. Peitte, 23 years old, Fal River. The injured: Hubert Smith, Oklahoma; Frank Aguiar, 42; Christopher Aguiar, 47; Manuel Luis, 39, and Manuel Duarte, 21, all of North Tiverton; Edward Hornback, Tulsa, Okla. Frank Aguiar and Luis were not expected to live. Board rates at the Michigan Co- operative Boarding House, located in the basement of Lane Hall, have been reduced from $3.50 a week to $3.15, State 3 per cent retail sales tax not included, according to Bruce J. Man- ley, Grad., chairman of the executive board of the Co-operative. Single dinners are now 25 cents, with breakfasts and luncheon at 20 cents, not including tax, Manley said. Two full-time chefs, working under the NRA, and 40 students working 16 hours a week for their board, are now employed by the Co-operative. The organization's purchasing agent is the only salaried employee. n tire Week Eight," under the di- ert Henderson, will be the Majestic Theatre eek, beginning Nov. 12, f New York stars who ng it at the Dramatic roit. ction includes Blanch many Broadway suc- lays the part of Car- the leading character. are Lester Vail, Ains- Thelma Paige, Edith ancis. Compton, Amy ne Weber, Arthur Da- Henderson. mnbers of the cast is r, '32, remembered on ie successes he scored lub and Play Produc- ions while he was here. the Minnesota-Michi- LITVINOV SAILS PARIS, Nov. 1- (AR) -Maxim Lit- vinov, Soviet foreign commissar, sailed from Cherbourg today on the Berengaria en route to Washington for his conversations with President Roosevelt concerning Russian recog- nition. Floyd Dell, Institute Lecturer, Is Former Newspaper Reporter Culver Alumni Club Will BeOrganized Former students at Culver Mili- tary Academy who are now enrolled in the University will meet at 7:30 p. m. today in Room 321 at the Union to form a Culver Club on the campus, it was announced yesterday by Lewis Kearns, '35, of the Union executive council. Formation of the club is one step in plans of officials to establish a number of similar groups for stu- dents from various preparatory schools and localities, Kearns said. Church School Workers To Meet For Discussion At a meeting to be held at 8 p. m., tonight in the Parish Hall of the' Bethlehem Evangelical Church school workers of Ann Arbor will gather to hear discussed the essential purposes of character training which the church schools of the city offer. Fritz Kreisler To Appear In Choral Union Concert Nov. 9 opinions differ as to whether a reporter or a lecturer occupies a. higher position in the social scale. Floyd Dell, who will deliver two of the feature lectures Saturday before audiences of the Parent Education Institute, can probably attribute his present eminence as a lecturer to his early experience in newspaper work. Writers, according to him, are the interpreters of life, evaluating for us our human experience. As a novelist, "-16. -4+.r~n++ 4t 4 1 a f.. la he has said, "by my gradual expul- sion at a very early age from most of the other available ways of making a living." After several years of reporting on small town papers he became literary editor of the Chicago Evening Post in 1911, where he built up a book section which became known as one of the liveliest and most stimulating of any western newspaper. Fame came to him when he pub- lished his first novel, "Moon-Calf," ,_ nh a h rl.nyinl PC--+a +h The "King of Violinists," Fritz Kreisler, will take the platform of Hill Auditorium next Thursday night, Nov. 9, for the second concert of the 1933-34 Choral Union Series. It will be his eighth appearance in Ann Arbor. His program, which was announced yesterday by Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the School of Music and the University Musical Society, will contain numbers by Grieg, Bach, Schubert, Mozart, Tschaikowsky, and nCYa lin i don appearance was in 1901 and. since that time he has played fre quently in the leading musical cen- ters of Europe and the United States. His violin is one of the most valuable instruments in the world - the Josef Guarnerius del Gesu of 1737. His program for next week, in which he will be accompanied by Carl Lamson, will be as follows: Sonata in C minor (for violin and piano), by Grieg, (1) Allegro molto appassionato, (2) Allegretto espres- siva alla romanza, (3) Allegro ani- mato: and Chaconne (for violin 1 -y -p Appropriations for public in Porto Rico were 31 times in 1928 than 1898 after 30 Y American occupation, accord Dr. Buenaventura Jimenez, Ph at the Health Service and a n Porto Rico, in a speech last ni 7