THE MICHIGAN DAILY EDNESA NOVEM This design was submitted to the Farmers Holiday Association as a suggested recovery emblem for agriculture. The eagle clutching the pitchfork is in green, on white background, surrounded by a purple border. It was designed by J. H. Skalstad of Minneapolis. March Reviews Developing Of Chinese Culture Says Progress Of Their Art Shows That A New China Will Arise From Chaos "Art is the most intimate expres- sion of a people's nature, and the manner in which the Chinese art has absorbed foreign influences in the past shows that out of the present chaotic Sino-Japanese situations a new order will arise, stronger and better," Benjamin March, curator of the division of the Orient in the Mu- seum of Anthropology, stated Mon- day night in a talk to the Exchange Club. Chinese painting, sculpture, and handicraft has progressed steadily through 40 centuries, according to Mr. March, and this people has con-, tributed many indispensable inven- tions to modern culture and indus- try. The characteristic of Chinese art is that it is creative, not adaptive, he continued, this nation has devel- oped a culture which is essentially its own and that culture has not been changed by the many powerful influ- ences in the past which would have vitally affected that of other coun- tries. Mr. March drew from the manner in which Chinese culture has prog- ressed, the conclusion that China would once again rise to the position of a first rate world power and will be a tremendous market open to American business and industry. "There are certain differences be- tween the methods of Oriental and European artists which make it hard for those accustomed to European art to understand that of China. Instead of painting from models or direct view of the subject, the. Chinese ab- sorb an atmosphere and when ready paint their piece from the heart and their impressions," Mr. March said. Artists do not paint their land- scapes, in the painting of which they are most accomplished, from a single point of view but draw each object in the picture from the viewpoint in which they can best see it, he con- cludcld. The lecture was illustrated by slides of pieces of bronze work, pottery, and paintings. Carlton Angell, Uni- versity sculptor, introduced the speaker. Prof. Lee Travis at the University of Iowa placed ping pong on the curriculum in his speech clinic as the part of a program to cure stut- tering. The Union officials are appointed upon a merit basis by members of the Union board of directors after seekers for the positions of president and secretary have made formal ap- plication, been interviewed, and rec- ommended. The higher officials of the League - the president, vice- president, secretary, and treasurer- are elected by all the women on cam- pus after nominations by a board of representatives, especially recruited for that duty. Both appointments and elections take place in the spring of the school year. The Union system, which was larvard Professor Is Afraid NRA May Result In Fascism CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 31- -- Philip Cabot, professor of Uub- lic Utility Management at Har- vard University, is fearful that the NRA may lead the United States into fascism. "As an emergency measure," he says, "this program was necessary aned wise. But if we allow ourselves to be lulled to sleep by addresses of the president about the new deal and appeals for co-operation by the National Administrator, we may wake up some morning to find our- selves In a new world. "We should face the fact that in this crisis we have made a long step in the direction of fascism." Mack Department Store Holds Personality Contest Miss Ruth Clinton, 4 Marshall Court, won the Personality Girl Con- test of the Mack Department Store it was announced yesterday. She will receive a free trip to the Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago, a room at the Palmer House, and two tickets to the Fair, as her prize. Co-eds in Soviet Russia are ma- joring in shoe making and minoring in carpet weaving so that they may prepare themselves for careers in the industrial world. students to serve as an electoral board. That board elects a president and a recording secretary to serve for one year from a group of applicants, all of whom are members of the ex- ecutive council of the Union. The council is composed, of juniors who have served since their fresh- man years in increasingly important capacities in the Union organization. The electoral board, immediately after its appointment, calls for pe- titions from applicants. The peti- tions, for the most part, ordinarily include a survey of what the indi- vidual has done on campus, what he has done in the Union, and what he will do should he be appointed. SENIORS! Make Your Ensian Appointment Now! I 1FREE SOUVENIRS? The quality of our work and the price we ask for it prohibits the use of addi- tional premiums. N\ Established 1890 DISTINCTIVE PORTRAITURE FOR 44 YEARS Studio: 319 E. Huron . . .. Dial 5541 FULLY PACKED.CIGARETTE Choice tobaccos- and no loose ends -make Luckies burn smoothly This young lady is one of a small army of inspectors. Her job is to examine Lucky Strike --to make sure that it comes up to the exact standards we set. Every Lucky Strike she passes is full weight, fully packed, round and firm-free from loose ends. And no Lucky that she examines leaves without this of( That's why each and every Lucky draws ,v so easily-burns so smoothly. UU8SS8SU SU~nEIISIt -......,........... . . . .....