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November 01, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-01

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The Weather
Generally fair, slightly warm-
er in extreme north portion on
Wednesday; Thursday, rain.

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VOL. XLIV No. 33


________________________________________________________________________________________________ I I I I U

Former Poliee

Ghosts And Goblins Strut


Along State Street



Federal Law Enforcement
Assailed By Watkins In
Address At Law Club
Points To Record
Of Other Attempts
Claims Local Police Are
Able To Handle Crime
Without Outside Aid
Present proposals to enlarge Fed-
eral law enforcement units for aiding
local police are out of order, accord-
ing to Detroit's former police com-
missioner James K. Watkins, '09,
'11L, who insists that, if given a
proper chance, municipal police de-
partments would be capable of cop-
ing with the current crime prob-
Speaking last night in the Lounge
of the Lawyers Club before a group
of 250 students 'and faculty mem-
bers of the Law School, Mr. Watkins,
who is a former Rhodes scholar from
the University, said that in view of
the past record of the Federal law
enforcement officials, great care
should be taken in determining how
much these groups should be en-
"Hysteria has swept over the coun-
try in regard to more extensive law
enforcement by Federal officers," he
I said. "Personally, I am not in favor
of extending any of the activities of
the Federal government at the pres-
ent time. The Federalsecret service
force and the postal inspectors do a
good Job but the accomplishments of
the other units are questionable.
Their success in enforcing the eigh-
teenth amendment certainly cannot
be pointed to with much pride."
Favors Slight Enlargement
Current talk of a Federal "Scot-
land Yard," similar to that of the
London metropolitan police, is ab-
surd, he insisted. Unless it was the
size of a standing army it could not
hope to be very effective, he pointed
out. "Of course the size of the Fed-
eral force could be enlarged slightly
to good advantage but not in any at-
tempt to supercede municipal en-
forcement officers," he stated.
"It is the fault of the citizens that
police forces of the large cities have
become political footballs," the for-
mer administrator said. "That is
one of the greatest problems in mu-
nicipal administration today and it
could be remedied through proper
efforts expended in the right direc-
"A non-political appointment of
the head of the local law enforce-
ment unit would help materially,"
he pointed out. "Appointment of
the police administrator by a com-
mission would take this position out
of politics. There are too many
problems of policy involved in the
police department for it to be suc-
ressfully run in the same manner as
the fire department; but at least get-
ting the appointment out of the
hands of the mayor would alleviate
present matters some," he said.
Suggests Appointing Officials
If the prosecuting attorneys and
the judges were appointed instead of
being elected as they are now we
would probably get better results
from these offices, Mr. Watkins
claimed. We must also get criminal
practice on a higher plane, both by
the prosecution and defense attor-
neys, before we will be able to fight
crime properly, he insisted.
"The public will get the type of
law enforcement it actually wants,"
Mr. Watkins said. "In recent years,
by aiding the bootleg industries and
helping them to build up enormous
profits, the public has virtually fos-
tered rackets, many of which were

unknown before the prohibition era.
Hopes For Change
"It is to be hoped that public opin-
ion will change with the repeal of
the Eighteenth Amendment to the
point where the citizenry will be sol-
idly behind the unequivocal enforce-
ment of the nation's laws," he said.
Mr. Watkins concluded his ad-
dress, which is the first in a series to
be presented by the social commit-
tee of the Lawyers Club, with an ap-
peal to the students of the Law
School to go out into the world of
politics and public-office in an at-
tempt to build up these important
posts in keeping with American tra-
"So soon as men of higher caliber
become willing to accept a public po-

The sweet little kiddies of Ann Ar-
bor, boys and girls together, went on
something of a Hallowe'en rampage
last night and gave the constituted
authorities of the city, as well as
the residents, no end of annoyance.
Reports of gangs of children driv-
ing about Ann Arbor in dilapidated
cars, and raising what the police
blotter explosively called, with a
double underline, Hell, came into the
City Hall all night. The city's darling
youngsters broke windows, marked
up almost anything that could be
marked, stole automobile trailers, at-
tempted to raid fraternities, stopped
cars, and fired bee-bee shots at un-
suspecting pedestrians.
Most of the markings were spon-
taneous, and n'ot too funny, but one
humorist reached a fairly good height
when he tampered with the face of
Captain Stan Fay in the bill-board
advertisement atop Witham's Drug
Store on South University Avenue.
The new face is not only greatly
altered but has an unathletic pipe
sticking out of its mouth.
Automobile trailers seemed to have

a special attraction for the kiddies.
Two were deposited on the steps of
the general library and another was
left before the Lawyers Club.
Members of the Phi Kappa Tau
house successfully met a raid of
nearly 75 youngsters at about 10:30
p. m. with paddles, water hose, and
one unloaded shotgun held in the
hands of a'determined youth in yel-
low pajamas.
Other fraternities and sororities
were invaded during the night's en-
tertainment. At the Alpha Omicron
Pi sorority, a gang entered and was
treated to a mild feast. This proved,
something of an idea to the Delta
Upsilon fraternity members living
next door, a number of whom de-
cided to climb in the back window
of the sorority house and get some
of the cider and apples themselves.
They got what they wanted.
Police reported that although no
arrests were made the number of
children out doing their worst was
the largest in recent years, and the
girls, their exhibitionism hormones
functioning fur'iously, were )the
"cussedest of the lot."


2 Men Hurt As
Oil Fire Rages
At Mt. Pleasant
One Is Fatally Injured;
High Wind Fans Flames;
Explosions Shake City
MT. PLEASANT, Mich., Oct. 31-
(P) - Flames shooting more than 200
feet into the reddened sky tonight
raged unchecked in the fifteen-acre
enclosure surrounding more than 25
tanks of the Roosevelt Oil Co. re-
finery which mysteriously burst into
flame early today, burning a plant
employee fatally and seriously injur-
ing a plant watchman.
Claude Yaeger, 27, was burned to
death shortly after the fire started,
and Albert Ashley, refinery watch-
man, was severely burned about the
hands and face.
The area houses storage tanks that
are filled with thousands of barrels;
of gasoline, naptha, kerosene, dis-
tillate and crude oil, the largest con-'
tainers having a capacity of 55,000'
barrels. Firemen stood helplessly by
tonight, their apparatus useless as
the wind shifted from the west into
the north at dusk, ending the hope
that some of the tanks would be
spared by the hungry blaze.
At brief intervals heavy detona-
tions shook the city tonight as huge
naptha and gasoline tanks exploded
with a deafening roar, shooting cas-
cades of flaming liquid into the air.
The burning refinery equipment is
surrounded by a sparsely settled
neighborhood and no residents were'
believed endangered. The city it-
self is some distance from the re-
finery. Police were keeping specta-
tors at a distance a the wind fanned
the flames toward tanks which be-
came red under the fierce heat, fin-
ally melting to spill their contents
into the path of the advancing fire."
Change Announced In
Inserting D.O.B. Items
A change in the method of in-
serting notices in the Daily Offi-
cial Bulletin was announced yes-
terday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
assistant to President Ruthven.
A slot has been placed in the
door of Room 1021 Angell Hall
and notices may1bedropped in it
any time of the day or night, Dr.
Robbins said. The deadline for
publication in any particular is-
sue is 3 p. m. of the preceding day,
except Saturdays, when copy must
be in the office by noon.
All notices must be typewritten
and signed, and otherwise con-
form with the regulations regard-
ing publication in the bulletin.
lections For
TIWo Pharmacy
Classes eld
At two elections held in the Col-
lege of Pharmacy yesterday, juniors
and seniors selected class officers for
the present academic year.

Applications For Rhodes
Scholarships Are Due
All Rhodes Scholarship applica-
tions must be in tomorrow, it was
announced yesterday by Prof. A. L.
Cross, chairman of the committee.
Applications are to be turned in to
the secretary of the history office or
to Professor Cross. Before Nov. 28
the university committee will choose
the names of five candidates to send
to the state Rhodes Scholarship com-
mittee. These names will not be
made public.
To Hold Dinner
For Community
Fund Workers
Campaign Goal Is Set At
'Less Than .$60,000';
State Aid Is Uncertain
Four hundred workers will gather
at the send-off dinner of the annual
Community Fund Campaign, to be
held Friday night at the Masonic
Temple, it was announced yester-
day. The campaign goal has been
set at less than $60,000, a reduction
from last year.
Not all the speakers have been
selected for the Friday night affair
as yet, but Prof. Alfred H. White
will preside, according to present
plans. ' Professor White, Miss Flor-
ence Pollock, and E. W. Breay form
the executive campaign committee.
It is planned to have many of the
questions which the workers will de-
sire answered discussed by the speak-
ers during the night.
The absence of any certain amount
of aid from the city and State has
prevented the stating of a definite
monetary goal at this time. The
committee has simply said it will be
"under $60,000," and has added that
the definite sum will be announced
some time in the future.
The campaign will be one week in
duration, ending Nov. 10. It will be
a house-to-house campaign, leaders
indicated. For this purpose the city
has been divided into two districts,
the business and the residential.
Louis Ayres heads the business dis-
trict and Prof. F. N. Menefee the
At the send-off dinner, the Uni-
versity Glee Club, under the direc-
tion of Prof. David Mattern, will
Two-Day Campus Sale
For 'Ensian, Directory
The third campus sale of the Mich-
iganensian will be held today and
tomorrow at all important corners
on the campus, according to Robert
Hennoch, sales manager. The Stu-
dent Directory will also be on sale
at this time.
Students who have already made
the down payment of $1 on the 'En-
sian have been reminded that the
second payment of $1 is due before
Nov. 15 under the agreement in-
cluded, in this year's 'Ensian sales
plan. The second installments must
be paid at the 'Ensian offices in the
Student Publications Building, May-
nard Street.
The yearbook will be sold for $3.50
and the directory for $1 during the
two-day sale, Hennoch said.

Two Junior
Classes Name
Business Administration
And Literary College
Presidents Pick Aides
'34 Appointments
Past Due-Bursley
12 Chosen In 2 Groups
By University-Coalition;
J-Hop Officers Later
Committee appointments in the
junior classes of the literary college
and School of Business Administra-
tion were announced by class presi-
dents yesterday.
William Renner, president of the
junior class in the, literary college,
named the following members on two
Executive commitfee: Maxine May-
nard, chairman, Mary Louise Elspass,
Stella Gloss, Helen Loomis, Charles
Atkins and Frederik F. Jones.
Finance committee: Cy Rosenberg,
chairman, Virginia Morgan, Dorothy
Wikel, Virginia Cluff, Richard
Brandt, and Margaret Starr. Renner
stated that the members of the
under-committees of the J-Hop will
be announced in the near future.d
In the School of Business Admin-
istration Ben B. Cannon, president4
of the junior class, named the per-
sonnel of two committees, executive
and finance.{
On the executive committee he
named Robert S. Davis, chairman,
James C. Hills, Donald L. Powers,
Robert W. Malcolm, and Irving Aus-
Roger C. Thorpe was chosen chair-
man of the executive committee andi
other members are Orvil R. Aron-]
son, Louis Klass, Robert M. Shaw,
and C. S. Starropoulos.
Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, president
of the Undergraduate Council, stated
that all senior class appointments
are past due and that all appoint-
ments for junior classes that votedi
last Wednesday are due today.4
Classes voting today must have their1
committees named by Wednesay,i
Nov. 8.
Adelphi House
Announces 15
New Pledgfes:
Adelphi House of Representatives,
campus forensic society, announced
at their regular meeting held last.
night in Angell Hall, the pledging of
15 students into the society.
The men who were pledged are
Arthur Sachs, '37, James McDowell,
'37, Victor Weibert, '37, David I. Ro-
sin, '36, William Harrison Fleming,
'37, Eugene Wilheim, '37, Bernard
Friedman, '37, Robert Fischgrund,
'37, Sidney Sharfstein, '37, Harold
Ross, '37, Sheldon Ellis, '37, Harry
Offenbach, '37, John Stone, '37E,
John Marks, '36, and Charles Wein-
stein, '36.
At the next meeting of Adelphi,
which will be next Tuesday at 7:30
p. m. the affirmative and negative
debating teams of the Varsity squad
will hold an informal debate on the
regular 1933-34 Conference question,
"Resolved that a constitutional
amendment making permanent the
powers of the president as of July,
1933, should be adopted."

Volunteers Submission Of
Wages, Hours Statistics
To Officials By Nov. 7

Washington Officials Also
Await Figures From 50
Other Manufacturers
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.-(R)-
Henry Ford will supply code required
figures to the national automobile
chamber of commerce by Nov. 6 or 7.
Establishment of this intention to-
day raised definite expectation by
Washington officials that his com-
pliance with the code in all respects
would be recorded before long.
The big point of compliance re-
maining to be settled was that of
collectivebargaining with employees.
The issue is drawn squarely in the
case of the Edgewater, N. J., Ford as-
sembly plant strike, and Senator
Wagner, chairman of. the national
labor board, told newsmen today that
a determination was expected soon.
Expect Answer Soon
Strikers have been heard by plant
managers, who referred the demands
to Dearborn. Ford's answer said Wag-
tier, was "expected early this week"
and the chairman was not disposed
to press the issue until adequate time
had been allowed. Asked how much
time should be allowed he said, "that
will have to be decided later," ob-
serving also: "There comes a time
when there is no longer any nego-
He refused to express his own opin-
ion as to whether any genuine col-
lective bargaining had taken place,
saying the facts at Edgewater and in
the parallel situation at Chester, Pa.,
"tells the whole story."
Announced By NRA
Ford's intention to supply the
wage and hour figures was an-
nounced by the NRA, and it was
done without singling out the Dear-
born manufacturer for special atten-
tion such as caused vigorously worded
protests from the Ford company last
A press release stated that Hugh
S. Johnson had been advised by the
N. A. C. C. that practically every
manufacturer had submitted the re-
quired wage and hours reports or had
promised it not later than Nov. 10.
First was given a list of 24 smaller
companies whose reports are in.
Then, in alphabetical order a list of
27 other firms with the dates by
which they expected to report. Vir-
tually every big company in the list
and Ford was in the list and Ford
was in his proper place.

Ford Agrees

Invitations have been sent to fifty
members of the senior classes of all
the schools and colleges on the cam-
pus by Phi Kappa Phi, national hon-
orary scholastic society, it was an-
nounced last night. The names of
these students will not be published
until the society has received no-
tices of the acceptance of the invita-
The upper one-third of all senior
classes are selected for membership
in the society. Initiation will take
place when formal acceptance of the
invitations has been made.

Campus Reds, Whites Present
A Broken Front To The World

A short time ago a great middle-
western newspaper editorially spec-
ulated on the thoughts of Dr. Karl
Marx if the celebrated apostle of rad-
icalism should return from the grave
to pay a ghostly visit to the Century
of Progress Exposition. The paper
concluded that Dr. Marx might be
permitted "a wry smile."
Dr. Marx's "wry smile" could easily
broaden into an ear-to-ear grin or
fade into perplexity if he should pay
a visit to the University campus.
"Liberalism," or "radicalism" among
student groups here is just that-
perplexing, and a little comical.
At Michigan the National Student
League and the Campus Socialist
Club have been the focal points of

Then there is a secret organiza-
tion of "pure Fascists," with a sa-
lute-and everything.
Each organization categorically
denies that it has anything to do
with any of the others.
In addition to the four organiza-
tions already mentioned there is a
Republican Club, a Democratic Club
(a non-campus group with campus
participants), a Co-Operative Board-
ing establishment in the basement of
Lane Hall, a Co-Operative House, a
Socialist House, and isolated Young
Communist Leaguers, unaffiliated
Reds, Pinks, lounge Pinks, the Great
Center, to which 90 per cent of the
student body belongs, and the de-
fenders of the American nation
which may be broadly classed as So-

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