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October 31, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-31

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Established 1890

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'Published every morning "except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion a- the Big Ten News Service.
ssociatcd folhate rsa
1933. NIA coprAe 1934
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the useg
for republication of all news dispatches credited to itor
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local newsI
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as1
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Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
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Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR....................BRACKLEY SHAW1
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
liam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
WOMEN'S. ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy. Margaret Phalan.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin,
Marjorie Western.
REPORTERS: Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney
A. Evans, Ted R. Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas
Groehn, Robert D. +Gthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski,
Thomas H. Kleene, Burnett B. Levick, David G. Mac-
Donald, S. Proctor McGeachy, Joel P. Newman, John M.
O'Connell, Kenneth Parker, Paul W. Philips, George I.
Quimby, Mitchell Raskin, William R. Reed, Robert S.3
Ruwitch, Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur
M. Taub, Philip T. Van Zile.
WOMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Han.mer,
Florence Harper, Marie Heid, Eleanor Johnson, Jose-
phine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Rosalie Resnick, Mary3
Robinson, Jane Schneider, Margaret Spener.
Telephone 2-121
........................ . CATHERINE MC HENRY
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ASSISTANTS: MegsrBartmess, Van Dunakin, Carl Fib-
iger, Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal,
Joe Rothbard, Janes Scott, Norman Smith, David Wink-
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred Bell, Mary Bursley,
Peggy Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia Daly, Jean Dur-
ham, Minna Giffen, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Isabelle Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret
Mustard, Nina ollook, Elizabeth J. Simonds.
"The March
Of Time".
HE RETURN to the air several
weeks ago on "The March of Time"Y
marked one of the nfost socially significant events<
in the history of radio. Acclaimed by countless
listeners during the past two years as one of thel
outstanding programs of the radio, it has been
sincerely hoped that this feature would become. aI
fixture of national enlightenment. The declara-
tion at the close of last season's 'series by thez
publishers of Time magazine, its sponsors, that1
sufficient funds were not available for its mainte-
nance brought a flood of protests- from listeners
throughout the country, and the program was
continued for another season.1
Definitely unable to sponsor "The March of
Time" independently this year, the editors of Time
were confronted with a truly grave problem. Was
this entrance into the world's news fronts to be
discontinued at the expense of the educational{
interests of the nation? Out of this enigma came3
again the good Samaritan, this time in the personj
of a large industrial concern whch has now be-
come financially responsible for the weekly por-i
trayal of human drama. The elements which have
constituted the successful Friday evening program
in the past have been neither sacrificed nor sub-
ordinated by the change in policy. The "March
of Time" remains a true reenactment of the most
memorable scenes from the news of the week.

Prime Minister Bennett
Looks At Inflation.. .
Canada, thinks inflation is a bad
thing. His argument is that "no country that has'
once experienced inflation of its currency would
want to go through it again."
His reasoning is the oldest and most - pitiful
known to mankind. It has confronted every prog-
ressive idea the world has known. Not a single in-
vention, not a single discovery has been made
without someone saying, "It won't work because
it never has worked."
Progress means change. Yet every change that
is suggested is at\acked because it proposes to do
something that has never been done before.
The kind of inflation that has been envisaged
for this country and is already in process is dif-;
ferent from other kinds in that it is to be con-
trolled. This has never been done before, but that

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to
less than 300 words if possible.
To the Editor:'
Glancing through the bulletin of a local church
this morning, I noticed the following request:1
"'Worthy worship requires worthy giving.'
"We most heartily welcome to our Sunday1
Services many worshippers who are not mem-E
bers of this church, and would request the
visitors to join in the financial support of
these services to the extent of our minimum
membership contribution: 25c per week forc
each adult."
So at last religion has become an economic com-
modity with a price tag affixed. The performers
are more than packing the house, the demand for
seats is exceeding the supply, and it is foundl
expedient to set a minimum price that will elimi-
nate the less profitable worshippers. It would not
be decorous to throw them out the door, nor is itl
necessary when a gentle hint is just as effective.
In this instance the hint might have been more
appropriately headed, "World worship requires1
worldly giving." Such a situation is a far cry fromr
the Galilean and His disdain for material posses-t
sions. It may be far "easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man
to enter the kingdom of God," but I can't believe
that the economically unfortunate therefore have
no need of religious comfort.
-A. W. McMillan, '34.t
A Washington
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.-The farmer uprisingc
in the West, featured by a call for a national
farmers' strike could not have caught President
Roosevelt unawares.
He has been hearing about discontent there andr
elsewhere over NRA versus AAA results to datel
from others than the currency inflation advocates.I
Men who had a lot to do with launching the NRAI
idea have been among those bringing such reportsc
to the White House.c
What to do about it has been the question . Some1
presidential advisers think a new high-command
publicity campaign to get a progress summary off
all sides of the recovery drive directly before the1
people would help.
That accounts for the understanding that cab-t
inet officers are soon to begin a series of talks onl
the progress of particular elements of the recoveryI
efforts under their personal supervision.I
THE substance of any such explanations un-
doubtedly would be to point out that, as aI
whole, the recovery program is only now getting
into action.c
. That is particularly true of NRA. One recent
recommendation to the President is that he sig-x
nalize this by formally ending the blanket code
preliminary period, designed to tide over until the
statutory codes for important industrial groups
could be framed.
A FURTHER indication of the transitory staget
through which NRA is passing is the persistent
rumor that General Johnson soon is to be suc-i
ceeded as NRA administrator.c
At the the White House it is denied that an ulti-i
mate change might be made, putting a man of a
different type in charge during the enforcement1
period; but when that might be done is another
matter. Yet it is known that Mr. Roosevelt al-
ready has made at least casual inquiries as to who
might be best qualified to carry forward the NRA.
FOR all the whoop and hurrah about Henry
Ford's failure to date to get into the NRA boat,
high administration officials see no clash of views
between the White House and Mr. Ford to pre-
vent full of co-operation.

A face-to-face meeting between the President
and Ford probably would -solve the difficulty. If
either made the first move toward such a meeting,
it is said the other would be quick to respond. How
to get by that difficulty of who is to make the
first gesture is bothering their mutual friends.
Collegiate Observer
There was something businesslike in the
attitude of one girl at the University of Wis-
consin going through rushing. Through her
father, a bank official, she had access to Dun
and Bradstreet, the book which quotes credit
and financial standings of all chapters. She
investigated thoroughly before pledging a sor-
- *
A University of Washington survey shows that
the average college student carries more money in
his pocket than the average professor does, and
that the professor's secretary carries more than
the two of them combined.
* * $
Love, dumbness, and faculty intelligence are
the reason for freshmen flunking out of
school, according to one of the deans -at the
University of Nebraska.
. . * .* *
Speaking a b o u t unique college classrooms.
Miami University students dive into the depths.
of Biscayne Bay several times a week in order to
search for rare fauna. Also there are several aqua-
planing classes on the west coast. A dunk means

Hopwood Poetry
In "Ann Arbor from Chubb Hill" Mr. Polk re-
cords an experience that has revealed to him
unexpected and stirring beauty as he stood, at
sundown, on the hills to the northeast of the city.
Here, as in several other Ann Arbor poems by
Mr. Polk (not'reprinted in The Daily), he has
used a subject based on observations and impres-
sions of the local scene.
As a whole the poem conveys a sense of "calm
and quiet" well sustained, with the felicitous
metaphor concluding the description of "shadows
of the sunset,"
"Oh subtle pen
Of light that writes on snow!"
The:imagery of the poem, however, is sometimes
inappropriate or blurred, with consequent vague-
ness. Snow that falls "patiently, quietly . . . with
deliberate softness" will not at the same time
come down "fluttering briefly." Nor would a
reader unfamiliar with Ann Arbor get an accurate
suggestion of what Ann Arbor looks like from
Chubb Hill, "a city . . . . nestled far within the
hills;" not even through falling snow would Ann
Arbor, which overflows the narrow valley of the
terrain to the southeast of Chubb Hill, suggest
"nestled far within the hills." Again, the lines
"Till in full bloom the snow
Drinks up the softened light that falls"
mean, I think, that the snow comes faster, more
thickly, bringing with it an effect of sudden twi-
light; but "full bloom'' and "drinks up" have
associations hardly suitable for the present con-
text. Three lines farther I should also question
the unidiomatic phrase "in ease," the more so
because it comes at the close of one of the few
rhyming lines. A poem usually is much more than
the sum of its parts, but the ultimate effectiveness
of a poem depends to no small extent on the
rightness and harmony of its phrasing of suc-
cessive ideas and images.
Mr. Polk's interesting and somewnat puzzling
sonnet, "The Young Chatterton, is ostensibly
composed by Chatterton himself. As is well known,
Thomas Chatterton is the "marvellous boy" of
English poetry, amazingly precocious, who had
before he was eighteen written enough significant
poetry to fill two considerable volumes, only to
die by his own hand after three months of bitter
disappointment and want in London. Mr. Polk
has chosen a single freshly conceived aspect of
Chatterton's unhappy life and has conveyed that
aspect - the troubled boy meditating suicide -
with considerable skill. In the opening lines the
"midnight stallion" seems to symbolize Death
the Deliverer, always in readiness for the "time
I must be off." Then, beginning half way through
line four, in the best passage of the poem, are
references to what Chatterton's unsympathetic
neighbors were saying about this "foolish lad" in
danger of "getting mad with knowledge." The
next lines, referring to his father who rode away
'one night and never came back,' imply that the
elder Chatterton had taken his own life for causes
similar to those now harassing the boy: "They
said these very things of him," the father. And the
sonnet closes with the couplet,
"So let them rail at me, whisper, and scoff,
But I shall keep my stallion at the trough."
As a matter of fact the father was an undis-
tinguished schoolmaster, a singer in an old Bris-
tol church, who died not by suicide but quite un-
sensationally in his own home a short time be-
fore his son Thomas was born. Strict historicity
can of course be too much insisted on, yet in this
instance such divergence from the facts in the
crucial point of the poem would appear a serious
Screen eflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars definitely
recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior;
no stars, stay away from it.

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Lola ...................... Jean Harlow
Space ......................Lee Tracy
Pops ....................Frank Morgan
Gifford Middleton .......Franchot Tone
Brogan..................Pat O'Brien
Mac ....................... Una Merkel
Marquis ............ ..... Ivan Lebedeff
Junior......................Ted Healy
People have often wondered what a movie ac-
tress does when she gets the wrong kind of pub-
licity (the kind that makes her the bad, naughty-
wauty type). "Bombshell" tells the story and
doesn't leave out the details.
The rapid change of events in this picture
keeps the attention of the audience and the verbal
conflicts between Tracy and Harlow will bear no-
tice because they are rather fast and furious.
Ihere is evidence in this picture that Miss Har-
low is trying to gradually work into more "re-
fined" parts . . . at least this was more refined
than "Hell's Angels."
Lee Tracy is the same "Listen Sweetheart" type
that he has been playing in nearly all of his pic-
tures. But his energy and tongue swing the pic-
ture toward the up-grade and with the assistance
of Frank Morgan, who makes almost as good a
drunk as Charles Ruggles, Ted Healy, Franchot
Tone, Pat O'Brien, and Una Merkel, "Bombshell"
is made into a rather good satire on the life of a
Hollywood sensation whether the author meant it
that way or not.
It is humorous to see Jean Harlow work her
eyebrows when she hasn't any; Frank Morgan
manipulating his hands and eyebrows (he has
some) while a little tipsy; Harlow's maid pull
around three rather fussy looking dogs wherever





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