The Weather
Fair in south, cooler in cen-
tral and north Tuesday; Wed-
nesday unsettled, but fair.
C, r
"The March of Time," Prime
Minister Bennett Looks At In-
VOL. XLIV No. 32
3 Sophomore
Schools Will
Nam f f e icers
Medical, Engineering And
Literary Colleges Are To
Elect Leaders
Council Plans Vote
For '36 Lawyers
Bursley Declares Students
Wishing To Vote Must
Identify Themselves
Number three in the series of class
elections will be held tomorrow.
Sophomores in the literary college,
the Medical School, and the College
of Engineering will elect their offi-
cers for the year.
In addition, members of the first
year class in the Law School and
Medical School will ballot tomorrow.
Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, president of
the Undergraduate Council, stated
yesterday that any other second year
class wishing to hold an election will
have to petition the council by
Thursday, such petitions to be left at
the Union.
In the event that sophomore
classes do this in any school or col-
lege a date for a special election will
be set for them, Bursley said. This
has already been done for some jun-
ior and senior classes that did not
vote at the regular time.
Hours and rooms for the five elec-
tions to be held tomorrow will be set
by the Council tonight and an-
nounced in The Daily tomorrow
morning. Juniors in the School of
Education have petitioned for a spe-
cial election and a date for them
will be set in the near future, Burs-
ley said.
The most active campaigning
among sophomores is in the literary
college, with the State Street-Inde-
pendent party and the Washtenaw-
Coalition party contending for sup-
porters. Both groups selected their
candidates last week, except for one
or two of the offices. to be filled,
and the nominees for these will be
announced by each sometime today,
leaders said.
Only one party, the Independent-
Fraternity-Co-operative 'group, has
named a slate in the College of En-
gineering so far.
Ed ucator Gives
A Solution For
Peace Problem
Also Offers Four Policies
For Settlement Of Re-
cent German Actions
If disarmament is to succeed it
must be through the collective effort
or all the nations in limiting or at
least supervising the importation of
certain key minerals, indicated Dr.
Alfred Zimmern, professor of inter-
national relations at Oxford, who lec-
tured here yesterday on "A Policy for
the Disarmament Conference."
The four possible policies open to
the world's nations for the settle-
ment of the dangerous situation.
brought about by recent German ac-
tions were outlined by Dr. Zimmern.
They are: Germany can be entirely
ignored and the situation allowed to
work out as chance dictates. This
would be a suicidal policy, said Dr.
Zimmern, asGermany is at the mo-
ment rearming and is increasingly
becoming a menace to world peace.
The second possibility is that new
treaties be negotiated. This, too, he
said, is impossible in view of the psy-
chological effect it would have. The
German people under the leadership
of the Nazis are not convinced of the
fact that they were beaten in the
World War. They are sensitive to the
accusations of war guilt. The pro-
gram of reparations and the Treaty
of Versailles are sore spots in their
national consciousness. To go to them
now with new treaties might be con-
strued as a tacit admission of the
justice of their claims, he contended.
The third possible course is the use
of certain sanctions, as the occu-
pation of the Ruhr, which are pro-
vided for in the peace treaty. This
would be undiplomatic and the use of
force might precipitate a dangerous
situation, Dr. Zimmern said.
The last course open Dr. Zimmern
calls "collective precautions." This
would require the co-operation of the
Slosson Talks On Religion To.
Freshman Round Table Group
"There is no atheism today except
pessimism and there is no sustained
pessimism except atheism," said Prof.
Preston W. Slosson of the history de-
partment, addressing members of the
Freshman Round Table Sunday at
the League on the subject "Religion
In This Changing World."
Professor Slosson stated in his
speech that the great paradox of
modern religious life is that by any
absolute standard of judgment re-
ligion is growing, but relative to the
growth of secular interests and in
the push of every day life it is being
forgotten. He said that greater
numbers are attending churches
every year, more money is given to
missions, bigger and better churches
are being constructed, and greater
ability and talent is being demanded
from ministers each year.
"At no time is religion free from
danger," said Professor Slosson, "but
each age has its own dangers. At
one time religion must face a fron-
tal attack in the form of persecu-
tions and in another age it must
face an intellectual attack in the
form of rationalism, as it did in the
time of Voltaire." Today, according
to Professor Slosson, it is an attack
of indifference which religion is fac-
ing. He said that religion is ignored
because of the tremendous push of
secular matters. "There is less dis-
belief and skepticism today but there
is also less theological interest."
Professor Slosson said that it is
on the constitutional side of our
life that we most need to be Chris-
tian." We don't steal so much from
one another. Personal life is toler-
ably Christian but when we band to-
gether, organize, then we are pagan.
"To look at modern business, poli-
tics, and diplomacy," he continued,
"Christ never lived and Christianity
was ' never a great religion."
The kind of religion that we need
today, stated Professor Slosson, is a,
dangerous one. Dangerous in the
sense that it is dangerous to get in its
way. Morality is not a delicate and
tender plant, it is dangerous. He said
that there are not nine of the Ten
Commandments left when one of
them is broken. Break them and they
break you and your institution, he
In conclusion Professor Slosson
said that no one today is se-
cure; sheltered and free from the
struggle for existence. Insecurity is
the great mark of modern life. There
is not one government free from the
threat of revolution, not one trade
that may not be seriously changed,
nor one skilled profession that may
not be dispensed with, and not one
single individual has security for life.
Thus, he said, it is the wisest course
to apportion the rations, and chart
the dangers. ,
A. _______________________________________________
Chairman For
Crease Dance
Other Comnitteemen For
Lawyers' Annual Spring
Party Also Appointed
Charles R. Sprowl has been ap-
pointed general chairman of the
.Crease dance, annual spring party
given by the senior class of the Law
School, by the class' newly-elected
president, Frank E. Cooper.
Announcement of Sprowl's ap-
pointment was made yesterday, along
with that of committeemen for the
dance and chairmen of the other
committees of the graduating law
Those who are to assist Sprowl in
the arrangements for the Crease
dance are: Robert M. Cooper, music;
Edgar B. Galloway, decorations; Jo-
seph F. Ruwitch, tickets; Dean A.
Esling, invitations; and Charles H.
Miltner, chaperones.
The list of committeemen for the
the affair includes Henry H. Dobbin,
Edward K. Ellsworth, Lawrence E.
Hartwig, Kenneth L. Houck, David
K. Rankin, William G. Sutter, and
Buford A. Upham. James C. Wilson
was named chairman of the com-
mittee in charge of "Raw Review,"
humorous burlesque of the Law Re-
view, which is published at the time
of the Crease dance for the patrons
and guests attending the functions.
Other committee c h a i r m an ap-
pointed by Cooper are: Arne R. Vogt,
advisory; Earl V. Rupp, zanes and
pipes; Donald F. Winters, cap and
gown; Elbert G. Manchester, class
picture; Richard E. Hole, finances;
Francis M. Hughes, reunions; Harry
L. Merdzinski, senior supper; and
Alfred Brunson McChesney, social.
GIURGIU, Rumania, Oct. 30.-OP)
-King Boris, of Bulgaria, and
King Carol, of Rumania, met today
on the Royal Rumanian yacht and
went sailing on the Danube to dis-
cuss' common problems.
Murder Case
Is Postponed
Til December
Irregularities In The Jury
Panel Are Discovered At.
Clerk's Ofice
The trial of Brent Dunn, alleged
murdered of John Rhinehart, was
postponed until the December term
in circuit court yesterday afternoon
when it was discovered that the pan-
el from which the jurors were drawn
contained many irregularities.
In many instances more than the
legal number of names for a district
were filed, and in others, particularly
in the case of Ann Arbor, there were
less than the required number, rec-
ords at the office of county clerk
Harry Atwell showed.
The case could not be tried with
these irregularities present, it was
ruled by Judge George W. Sample in
postponing the trial. Dunn's case
will probably be the first on the De-
cember panel, it was indicated.
The trial nearly came to an end
early in the day when George Mead-
er, defense attorney, asked for a
postponement until D. Y. Dunn, a
brother of the man on trial, could
be examined in Kentucky. Meader
wished to have D. Y. Dunn give some
knowledge on the character and the
sanity of his brother. The defense,
it is believed, plans to attempt to
prove that Dunn was insane when
the murder was committed.
Judge Sample denied this first mo-
tion, saying the brother was a per-
son who was interested enough in the
outcome to attend the trial itself.
Pace Convicted Of
Trespass By Jury
The threatened invasion of Ann
Arbor by Communists at the trial of
John Pace never materialized yes-
terday, and the Detroit radical had
his appeal heard, and was found
guilty, without any excitement.
Institute For
Educators To
BeHeld Here
Parent Educapon Group
To Open 3-Day Session
Voelker And Dell
Among Speakers
School Of Education Here
Is Represented By Many
Well-Known Lecturers
Michigan educators and parents
interested in modern educational
trends will focus their attention on
Ann Arbor Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday of this v$eek, when the
fourth annual Parent Education In-
stitute meets here to consider "Re-
construction in Education." The
meeting is sponsored by the Exten-
sion Division of the University, the
School of Education, and the Michi-
gan Congress of Parnts and Teach-
Prominent on the 'hursday morn-
ing program will be the address at
10:15 a. m. in Univer ity High School
Auditorium by Mrs. .. F. Langwor-
thy, first vice-president of the Na-
tional Congress of Parents and
Teachers, who will discuss "The Par-
ent-Teacher Association in Relation
to Reconstruction in Education."
This talk will follow immediately the
introduction of Mrs. D. W. Stewart,
president of the Michigan Congress
of Parents and Teachers, by Dr. C.
A. Fisher, assistant director of the
Extension Division.
Prof. Olson To Speak
Prof. Willard C. O1son of the
School of Education will consider
"Personality Factors 1 Delinquency"
at a conference begi'ning at 2 p. m.
in University High S'chool Auditori-
um. Following Professor Olson's talk
Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the sociolo-
gy department will speak on "Socio-
logical Factors in Delinquency," and
Dr. Maud E. Watsoj of the Chil-
dren's Center of Detroit will tell of
"The Clinical Approach to Treat-
Judge D. J. Healy, of Juvenile
Court, Detroit, will use "Delinquency
During the Depression," as his sub-
ject at a discussion at 3:30 p. m. in
the auditorium. A speaker yet to be
announced will replace Dr. Frank-
wood Williams, of the national com-
mittee on.mental hygiene, who was
scheduled to speak at 7:30 p. m. in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Will Dine in Ballroom
A dinner at 6 p. m. in the Ballroom
of the League, and talks by Dr. Paul
Voelker, state superintendent of pub-
lic instruction, Mrs. Langworthy, and
three University men will be high-
lights of the Friday program. Dr.
Voelker will speak at 3:15 p. m. in
University High School Auditorium
on "The Reconstruction of the State
Program for Education." Other ad-
dresses will be given by Prof. Arthur
Moehlman, Prof. Stuart A. Courtis,
and Prof. W. C. Trow, all of the
School of Education.,
Two lectures by Floyd Dell, well-
known author, will be features of the
Saturday meetings. He will speak at
10 a. Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre on "Education for Life in the
Machine Age," and at a noon lunch-
eon in the Union on "Parents and
Children Growing Up." Dr. Frank
N. Freeman, professor of educational
psychology at the University of Chi-
cago, will discuss "Education for a
Co-Operative Social Order" at 9 a. m.
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, and
"The Activity School," about noon
in the Union.
An enrollment fee of $1 will admit
parents to all sessions of the Insti-
tute. There is no charge for the eve-
ning meeting Thursday, and the Fri-
day dinner and the Saturday lunch-
eon are open to those who purchase
dinner or luncheon tickets even
though they have not regularly en-
rolled in the Institute.
Pharmacy Elections Will
Be Held This Afternoon
Juniors and seniors in the College
of Pharmacy will hold a special elec-
tion this afternoon for officers of
each class. The date was announced
yesterday by Gilbert E. Bursley, '34,
president of the Undergraduate Coun-
cil, after the two classes had peti-
tioned the council.
Sigma Delta Chi Will
Houses Begin
Price Survey
Of All Foods
Wholesale Canned Goods
Initial Items Listed By
Stewards' Association
Savings Greater If
More Houses Join
Survey Results Available
To All Interfraternity
Council Members
A survey of all prices which are
being offered by various wholesale
houses on canned goods is being
made by the Stewards Association
under the direction of Frederick F.
Jones, '3, recently elected president.
The purpose of the survey, Jones
stated yesterday, is to help fraterni-
ty and sorority houses save money
in their purchases.
The Stewards Association was
formed last week at one of the in-
formal meetings of all the stewards
that have been sponsored by the In-
terfraternity Council. The object of
the association, according to Jones, is
to try to save money for the houses
by an exchange of house managing
ideas and by improving the efficiency
of the steward's departments.
"We intend to make this service
extend to all forms of food products
soon," he said, "but have started with
canned goods because they are easier
to survey." The aim of the associa-
tion is to establish in the near future
a co-operative association similar to
those in operation at Ohio State Uni-
versity and Oregon State College,
Jones disclosed.
Invite Professional Houses
The results of the survey will be
available for all houses that are
members of t h e Interfraternity
Council, and a special invitation has
been extended to the stewards of
professional fraternities to attend the
meetings of the Stewards Associa-
tion and to become affiliated for the
purposes of this plan.
"It is not the intention of the as-
sociation to force any house into
joining," Jones said, "but we believe
that only by getting as large a num-
ber as possible of the houses on cam-
pus to co-operate can we save the
maximum amount of money."
To Hold Period Meetings
Meetings of the stewards will be
held from time to time in order to
discuss the program, but no meet-
ings have been scheduled so far and
will not be scheduled until definite
results have been obtained on the
filling out of the price book for
canned goods, it was announced.
Stewards who are interested in
joining the association may do so by
notifying the offices of the Interfra-
ternity Council between 3:30 and 5
p. m. on any afternoon, preferably
Monday, it was announced.
Detroit Council Asks
Roosevelt Bank Help
DETROIT, Oct. 30.-(AP)--The
direct aid of President Franklin
D. Roosevelt to bring about the
opening of the closed First Na-
tional Bank of Detroit and the
Guardian National Bank of Com-
merce, whose closing last Feb. 14
marked the beginning of the
State banking holiday, was re-
quested in a resolution. adopted
unanimously by the city council
Coincident with adoption of the
resolution, announcement wa s
madethat beginning Nov. 15, the
two banks will begin another dis-
tribution of impounded funds to
depositors. Depositors in the First,
National will receive 10 per cent
of their original deposits; those
in the GuardianNational will re-
ceive 20 per cent. Both banks
have previously distributed 40 per
cent of their deposit liability.
Former Detroit
Police Head To
Speak -tonight
Appears At Lawyers Club
To Discuss Problems Of
District Attorney
James K. Watkins, former police
commissioner of Detroit, and now a
practising lawyer of that city, will
open the gates of Lawyers' Club
lectures at 6:45 p. m. today in the
Lounge in the Lawyers Club. His
topic will be "The Criminal Law in
Mr. Watkins, who is a graduate of
the University and a former Rhodes
scholars will discuss in his talk the
problems of policy and practice which
are faced by a district attorney's of-
fice in the prevention, detection, and
punishment of crime.
The lecture opens a series which is
sponsored by the social committee
of the club and which will include
four other addresses to be given dur-
ing the coming three months. All of
the lectures will be open to students
and faculty members connected with
the Law School.
Prof. I. L. Sharfman, head ,of the
economics department, will give the
second lecture, on the relation of
law to economics, Nov. 14. Prof. Rob-
ert G. Rodkey, professor of banking
and investments, will speak Nov. 28
on "Current Banking Legislation,"
and on Dec. 7, Prof. Leonard L. Wat-
kins of the economics department
will analyze "Contemporary Currency
Problems." The name of the fifth lec-
To Avoid
Gold War
Administration Seeks To
Join With Great Britain
On Higher Price Plan
Leith-Ross Confers
With U. S. Officials
Inflationist, Conservative
Criticize Roosevelt Plan
As Of Little Value
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.- (P)-
Anxious to avoid an unrestrained
monetary war, the Administration to-
night sought an understanding with
Great Britain on the application of
President Roosevelt's plan to steady
exchanges and increase prices by
buying foreign gold.
For the London Government, Sir
Frederick Leith-Ross, expert on in-
ternational finance, interrupted his
conferences on the war debts, to talk
with American fiscal officials on the
economic possibilities behind the
presidential plan.
Meanwhile, exponents of varied
schools of, economic thought shook
their heads and predicted disappoint-
ing results. Slumping markets spoke
the opinion of the Nation's stock and
grain traders.
Prepare For Purchases
Nevertheless, Mr. Roosevelt's assis-
tants prepared to make purchases of
the precious metal in European mar-
kets by Wednesday.
Leith-Ross discussed the situation
with Gov. Black of the Federal Re-
serve Board and Acting Secretary
Dean Acheson of the treasury. Both
attended the White House conference
yesterday, at which the plan to
broaden gold, buying was decided
While none of the three would dis-
close what was taking place, most
observers regard. it as self-evident
that British fiscal authorities would
not sit idly by and watch the dollar
be further depreciated, with conse-
quent loss to British manufacturers
and exporters.
The result could be, it was argued,
either a determined British effort to
defeat the purposes of the American
plan or else, and preferably, an
agreement by which the unpleasant
potentialities of the plan cauld be
Deal in Foreign Exchange
The mechanics of the gold buying
require dealing in foreign exchange.
Purchases at London must be paid
for in pounds, those made at Paris in
francs. The pounds and francs must
be bought in bills of foreign ex-
change. Dollars must be sold for
them, thus materially increasing the
dollars offered for pounds and francs
and therefore depreciating the dol-
lar's value in relation to the foreign
Great Britain could retaliate, it
was said, by buying more and more
dollars, offering more and more
pounds, in an effort to keep the dol-
lar from sliding precipitately. If
President Roosevelt should be suc-r
cessful in this international game,
experts said that the British equal-
ization fund which would carry on
the transaction for the London Gov-
ernment would suffer huge losses.
If an agreement could be reached
whereby the two nations would work
in co-operation, many economists
held, advantages probably would ac-
crue, although France might be a
potential sufferer, possibly to such
an extent as to relax its already pre-
carious hold upon the gold stand-
Some economists contended that if
Paris abandoned gold, the world sit-
uation would be more conducive to a
stabilization agreement, since all the
important nations would be placed
on the same footing. A principal
cause of the failure of the London
Economic Conference was an inabil-
ity for France on the one hand and
Britain and America on the other to
find a common approach to the prob-
lems presented.
From opposite sides of the mone-
tary question, the Roosevelt plan was
criticized today. Holders of such op-
posed views as Sen. Elmer Thomas,
(Dem., Okla), leader of the congres-
sional inflationist bloc, and Sen. Da-
vid A. Reed, (Rep., Pa.), spokesman
for the conservative Republicans,
found a common ground for crit-
turer will
be announced in the nearI
Forensic Society To'
On Recognition Of
At the regular meeting of Alpha
Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma, honorary
forensic society, at 7:30 p. m. today,
Paul E. Belknap, '36, recently pledged
to the society, will lead a discussion
on "The Recognition of Russia."
At 7 p. m. tryouts will be heard.
The list of students who were pledged
to the society was also announced.
They are: Arthur Marlow, '36, Paul
Belknap, '36, Karl Nelson, '37,
Charles Ashton, '34, Robert Janda,
'35, Paul Von Bergen, '37, Frank
Aldrich, Jr., '37, and Alvin Zander,
Press Convention
To See New Play
Written especially for the occasion,
Prof. John L. Brumm's newest play,
"Why Print That?" will be presented
before members of the fifteenth an-
nual University Press Club Conven-
tion by Play Production classes, Fri-
day night, Nov. 10, in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
This marks the third season Play
Production has produced one of Pro-
fessor Brumm's plays before the Press
Convention audiences.
Rehearsals for the play have
started, Valentine B. Windt, director
of Play Production, said yesterday.
However, the cast was not made
While the theatre has been re-
served for invited guests of the con-
vention, it was announced that bal-
cony seats for the one performance
will be placed on sale for general
campus admission.
Health Service Head Suggests
Change In Physical Education
'Modern Germany Repeats Old
Diplomatic Blunder' - Slosson
A revised program in physical edu-
cation, based upon the belief that
all college students should have
enough physical training so that it
will be of benefit to them in later
life, was suggested yesterday by Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe, director of the
University Health Service.
Under the system, all the under-
graduates in the colleges of the Uni-
versity would have to pass a physical
examination, but if they did so at
the beginning of their first year they
would be excused from further phys-
ical education requirements.
As a supplement to the first year
of elementary instruction provided
for those who need it to pass the
useful after graduation. Under the
second, the students would have to
exhibit a knowledge of leadership in
physical activities such as would be
useful after graduation with younger
people. Under the third, the students
would be examined for a general
health knowledge, and under the
fourth, they would be required to
pass certain health requirements so
that all physical deficiencies might
be removed.
It might take two or three years
for a student to meet these basic
requirements, but as the course
would be largely instructive, it should
be no more difficult to pass than
other college courses, it was said.
Modern Germany has repeated the
diplomatic blunder made -by the old
monarchjr before the World Whr,
that of frightening other nations of
Europe into alliance against her, and
this fact makes a general European
conflict of serious proportions un-
likely at present despite the talk of
Nazi leaders, in the opinion of Prof.
Preston W. Slosson of the history
department, who has recently re-
turned from a year of teaching in
English universities.
"An unarmed Germany is now rat-
tling the sabre in much the same way
the Kaisers did from 1890 to 1914,"
Professor Slosson believes. "But now
even Austria is against her and
if she could find an ally, which is
"very unlikely."
England does not fear Germany or
Naziism, Professor Slosson reports,
but she regards the Nazi movement
with annoyance as a disturbing ele-
ment in European peace. Up until
1930, England tended to favor Ger-
many against what she regarded as
undue severity on the part of France,
but since the growing instability and
fanaticism of German politics, in-
creased by popular disapproval of the
persecution of the Jews, have altered
British feelings.
"The greatest tragedy to Germany
would not be a war, bad as that
would be, but a continuance of the