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October 29, 1933 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-29
This is a tabloid page

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STEPPING AROUND left end for a five-yard gain, substitute halfback Jacobs of Lafayette proved
himself an effective ball carrier during the Leopard's tussle with New York University at the
Yankee stadium. The Pennsylvanians missed a chance for a tie on a poor placement in the final
quarter and went down to a 13-12 defeat. International News Photo

HONORING Dr. John H. Finley, associate editor of the New York
Times, this bronze bust by the late Dykaar will be presented to the
College of the City of New York in honor of the publicist's 70th birth-
day. Wide World Photo

"THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT" faces the facade of the beautiful Me
the campus of Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif., the outstandin
kind in the United States. The facade is done in full color mosaic work s
ground of gold tile. The tile as well as the workmen were imported from
the work in 1903.

"FRONT BOY" . . . and five hundred college men applied for the bus boy jobs at a New York City
hotel, much to the consternation of the publicity hating management, who confiscated the plates of the
unfortunate lensman in the middle of this melee. Jobs are scarce for college men these days in the largest
city in the United States, and an advertisement will bfing a like rush of applicants for almost any kind of
position. Wide World Photo

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