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Pu~bicaton in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of 'the'
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
Until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.
I i
No. 311
s~enAte Reception: The members of
the faculties and their wives are cor-
dially invited to be present at a re-
ception by the President and the Sen-
ate of the University in honor of
the new members of the faculties to
be held on Tuesday evening, October
31, from 8:30 o'clock until 12 o'clock
in the ballroom of the Michigan
Union. The reception will take place
between 8:30 and 10:00, after which
there will be an opportunity for danc-
ing. No individual invitations will be
sent out.
Women Students Attending the
Ilinois-Michigan Football Game:
Women students wishing to attend
the Illinois-Michigan football game
are ,required to register in the Office
of the ean of Women.
A letter of permission from parents
must be received in the Dean of
Women's Office not later than Thurs-
day, Nov. 2. If a studeflt wishes to
ge :otherwise than by train, special
permission for such mode of travel
must be included in the parent's let-
Graduate women also are invited to
register in the office.
Byrl Fox Bacher,
Asst. Dean of Women.
Academic Notices
Preliminary Examination for the
Ph.D. Degree in English will be given
in the following order:
Nov. 4-Literature of the Renais-
Nov. 11-Medieval Literature.
Nov. 18-Criticism.
Nov. 25-American Literature.
Dec. 2-Linguistics.
University Lecture: Monday, Octo-
ber 30, 4:15 p. m., Natural Science
Auditorium. Dr. Alfred Zimmern,
Professor of International Relations
in Oxford University: "A Policy for
the Disarmament Conference."
Events Today'
Harris Hall: "Conversatione" for
students this evening at seven
oelock. Leader Professor Bennett
Weave'r, Director of the Hopwood
Liberal Students Union: "Music
Appreciation for the Layman" will be
thatopic discussed by Mr. Glenn Mc-
Geoch, of the School of Music fac-
ulty, at the meeting of this group to-
night at 7:30 in the Study, Uni-
tarian Church, corner of Huron and
State streets. The usual open discus-
sion and social hour will follow. Stu-
dents new on campus are especially
This morning at 10:45, Mr. Marley
will speak on "Rommohun Roy and
Annie Besant.'
'Stalker Hall, (Formerly Wesley
Hall), Sunday, Oct. 29:
Round Table for Freshmen.
10:45 Worship Service at the First
Methodist Church. Dr. F. B.
Fisher preaching on "Is One
Religion as Good as Another?"
12:15 The Half Hour Forum with
the Fishers o4 the Sermon.
3:00 The International Student Fo-
rum featuring a discussion on
the causes of War. Student
leaders will be John Brumm
and Ralph Seigalman. Tea will
be served.
6:00 The Wesleyan Guild. Dean W.
R. Humphreys speaking on
"The Bible as a Guide to an
Adequate Personal Religion."
7:00 Fellowship and Supper. All
-Presbyterian Student Appoint-
nienls, Sunday
9:00 Breakfast at the League.
9:30 Round Table on Social and
Religious Trends. Dr. Preston
Slosson will speak this Sun-
day on the subject, "Religion
in this Changing World."
10:45 Morning Worship. Theme, "Ex-
periencing the Divine Fellow-
5:30 Social hour and supper.
6:30 Student forum. Rev. Harold
P. Marley, "Heat in the Coal
Congregational Church: At 10:45
Sunday Mr. Heaps will speak on
"Ways of Meeting a Crisis," being
the fourth address in a series on
"Successful Living."
The student Fellowship will be ad-
dressed by Dean S. T. Dana of the
School of Forestry, on "A Philosophy
of Science." The address will follow
the six o'clock supper.
Student Volunteer meeting on Sun-
day, October 29 at 4:30 o'clock, cab-
inet room of Lane Hall. All those in-
terested in giving service in foreign
countries are cordially invited to at-
tend the meeting. For further infor-
mnation call Mildred Doster, 2-2117.
Hillel Foundation: Regular Sun-
day services at 11:15 a. m. in the
League Chapel. Rabbi Heller will de-
Church of Christ (Disciples) will hold
a meeting Sunday at 6 p. in. at the
church. Lunch will be served at
six and will be followed by a dis-
cussion period at 6:30.
Deutscher Zirkel: Hike Sunday
afternoon (October 29), starting from
League at 2:30. For members and
others interested. Bring a lunch.
Philippine Michigan Club: Regular
meeting on Sunday, Oct. 29, at 3:30
p. m. in Lane Hall.
Scalp and Blade: Important meet-
ing Sunday, 5 p. m. at the Union. All
members are requested to attend.
Vulcan meeting at 5:30 p. m. Sun-
day, October 29, Michigan Union.
Coming Events
Special Assembly: There will be an
assembly for all students enrolled in
Education classes in the University
High School Auditorium at 4:10
Tuesday, October 31. Professor Wm.
Clark Trow will give an illustrated
lecture on "Experimental Schools in
Republican Germany."
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University organist, will give the fol-
lowing program, Wednesday after-
noon, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Audi-
torium, to which the general public
with the exception of small children
is invited:
Dubois: Fantasie Triomphale;
Schumann: Sketch in D flat;
Franck: Cantabile; Franck: Fantasie
in A; Guilmant: Fugue in D; Novak:
In the Church: Karg-Elert; Impres-
sion, Op. 86, No. 9; Diggle: Passa-
caglia and Fugue.
Adelphi House of Representatives
will hold its regular meeting this
Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the so-
ciety's room on the fourth floor of
Angell Hall. Tryouts will be heard
for the last time at this meeting.
The program for the evening will be
a Parliamentary Drill. The Sigma
Rho Tau debate has been cancelled
by the withdrawal of the engineers'
society. Visitors are welcome.
Stalker Hall: Discussion on the
Grave Crisis in Disarmament. Stal-
ker Hall (formerly Wesley Hall),
5:00 p. in., Monday.
The Play-Reading Section of the
Faculty Women's Club will meet
next Tuesday, October 31, at the
Michigan League, at 2:30 p. m.
Comedy Club: Tryouts for the play
will be held in the League Rehearsal
Room Tuesday and Wednesday eve-
nings at 7:30.
Michigan Dames, Dramatic and
Music Section will meet Wednesday,
Oct. 31, at 7:30 p. m., at the home
of Mrs. D. L. Dumond, 1501 Norton.
Economics Club: A round table dis-
cussion of The Monetary Situation,
led by Professors Watkins and Rod-
key, will be held Monday, October
30, at 7:45 in Room 302 of the Union.
Members of the staffs in Economics
and Business Administration, and
graduate students in those depart-
ments, are invited.
Rhythms Class of the Junior
A.A.U.W. will meet Monday night at
7:30 in Barbour Gym.
Harris Hall: "Hard Times Party,"
Tuesday, Oct. 31, at 8:30 p. m.
Games, dancing and refreshments
are planned. Admission: ladies, 10c;
Gentlemen, 15c, and a 10c tax. for
any but old clothes. All students are
cordially invited to attend. Late per-
mission is being arranged for girls
who attend.
Cercle Francais: The meeting to
welcome new members will take the
form of a Hallowe'en party on Wed-
nesday, Nov. 1, at 8:00 p. m. sharp,
in room 408 Romance Language
Building. Old members as well as
new are urged to be present.
Alpha Nu meets Tuesday at 7:30
in the Alpha NIu Room fourth floor
Angell Hall. Paul Belknap will lead
a discussion on the subject of Rus-
sian recognition. Material on this
subject may be found in the period-
ical room of the library. At 7:00,
prior to the meeting, tryout speeches
will be heard.
Junior Mathematical Society will
meet Tuesday evening, October 31,
at 8 p. in. in room 3011 A. H. Pro-
fessor Goudsmit of the physics de-
partment will speak on "Mathe-
matics: of Patterns." All those in-
terested in mathematics are urged to
be present.
Physics Colloquium: Mr. G. P.
Brewington will speak on "The Sec-
ondary Structure of X-Ray Absorp-
tion Edges" at 4:15 p. m. Tuesday, in
Room 1041, East Physics Bldg. All
interested are cordially invited to at-
Foreign Students are invited to the
Student Tea at President Ruthven's
residence. Wednesday. November 1.
Slosson Will
Broadcast On
Foreign Crisis
Dr. Abbott Will Discuss
Sound Intensities On His
Program Wednesday
Strained international relationships
in Europe will be the topic of Prof.
Preston W. Slosson of the history de-
partment when he speaks at 10 p. m.
Wednesday o v e r the University
Broadcasting Service. The talk will
be heard over WJR.
Professor Slosson, who last year lec-
tured in history in universities in
England and Scotland, has chosen
the subject "Clouds over Europe" for
the weekly adult education program,
on which a topic of current interest
and one of research are presented.
Will Discuss Sound
The second speaker on the Wed-
nesday night program will be Dr.
Ernest J. Abbott, research physicist
of the department of engineering re-
search, who will talk on "The Loud-
ness of Sounds -Instrumental Meas-
urements and Human Sensations"
and conduct an experiment in sound
with equipment installed in the Mor-
ris Hall studio.
On the regular Sunday parent hour
at 6 p. m. today Prof. Lewis W. Kee-
ler of the educational school will dis-
cuss the place of the superintendent
and the supervisor in promoting
child development.-
Prof. Howard B. Lewis, director
of the College of Pharmacy, will
speak on the vocational guidance
series at 2 p. m. Friday, on "The
Pharmacist." This is the second of
17 vocations and professions to be
taken up during the year.
Prof. Price to Speak
On other school programs this
week, Prof. Hereward Price of the
English department will speak on
Shakespeare at 2 p. m. Tuesday,
Prof. Everett S. Brown of the politi-
cal science department on national
politics, at 2 p. m. Wednesday, and
Prof. Frank N. Blanchard of the
zoology department on Michigan
snakes at 2 p. m. Thursday.
The radio music lessons of Prof.
Joseph E. Maddy of the music school
will be heard at the regular hours,
instruction in the playing of stringed
instruments at 9:15 a. m. Monday, in
the playing of band instruments at 2
p. m. Monday, and in elementary
singing at 9:15 a. m. Tuesday.
March Will Address
Exchange Club Here
"Significance of Chinese Art to the
American Business Man," will be the
subject of a talk by Benjamin March,
Freer Fellow and curator of the di-
vision of the Orient in the Museum
of Anthropology, to the Exchange
Club at their regular meeting at 6:10
p. m. tomorrow in the Michigan Un-
Mr. March has spent several years
in China and is recognized through-
out the United States as an authori-
ty on Chinese art. He came here
from the Detroit Institute of Arts.
British Newspaperman
Likes German Prisons
MUNICH, Oct. 28--(P-Facing a
charge of high treason for which the
extreme penalty is death, Noel Pan-
ter, British newspaperman, is spend-
ing his fifth day of detention at po-
lice headquarters in good health and
relative comfort today.
Panter, Munich correspondent for
the London Daily Telegraph, ex-
pressed confidence that with the aid
of the British embassy and the for-
eign office at London he would be
out soon. On the vigorous protest of
the British embassy at Berlin, the
consul general here was permitted to
see Panter for the first time Friday.
We Feature
A Complete Line
Max Factor
We Also Suggest
500 Sheets
A* &
C .
Hidden away in the North wing ofI
West Engineering Building is an
elaborate bit of research equipment
which few students know about, and
which fewer realize is duplicated in
only one other place in this country.I
The University naval testing tank
has its only counterpart in govern-
ment-maintained research labora-
tories in Washington, where experi-
mental shapes of ships are tested for
the ease with which they will glide
through the water.
The tank is a concrete box 300 feet
long, 22 feet wide, and 10 feet deep.
Straddling the tank is an electrically
motored car which can tow models
through the water at any speed from
23 to 400 feet per minute. Mounted
on the towing car is a recording dy-
namometer, through whose wiggling
pen the resistance of the model is
registered on specially prepared
graph paper.
Models Made To Specifications
From the data supplied by these
records, students in the naval arch-
itecture course compute the most ef-
ficipnt shape for the desired speed.
And according to model maker A. A.
Limpert, whose workshop is part of
of the naval tank room, the com-
plexity of these mechanical calcu--
lations is rather near the limit as
such things go.
Model making is, to the "man in
the street," even more interesting
than the naval tank. Half a dozen
submarine models, made as long ago
as 1918, are exhibited at one end
of the room, and another half dozen
model sailboat hulls are scattered
about. These models are about a
yard and a half long, and made
largely of wood, because of their
delicate shapes. But they are only
the fancier products of the model
Mostly Freighters
Principally the models worked with
are the less graceful forms of freigh-
ters and passenger boats. These
models, made on a scale of 1 to 40,
and well over six feet long, are cast
in wax in a rough clay mold. The
wax slab, weighing about 380 pounds,
is then carefully machined to draw-
ing specifications. The model is
tested in the tank at varying speeds,
its shape modified and then tested
again. ,
About ,a dozen wax models are
kept on hand at a time. The labora-
tory's supply of wax is one and a
Christian Will Present
Twilight Organ Concert
Prof. Palmer Christian, professor
of organ of the School of Music, will
give a Twilight Organ Recital pathe
Frieze Memorial Organ, at 4:15 p. m.,
Wednesday, in Hill Auditorium.
The general public, with the excep-
tion of small children, may attend
without admission charge. The pro-
gram made up of diversified organ
compositions, will be as follows:
Fantasie Triomphale....D!ubois
Sketch in D flat.......Schumann
Fantasie in A......... .Franck
Fugue in D..........Guilmant
In the Church ........... Novak
Impression, Op. 86
No. 9 ..........Karg-Elert
Passacaglia and Fugue. ...Digge
En gineering Naval Tank Serves.
As LaboratoryForShip Design
half tons, and old models must be
melted to make new ones. Tests
just completed on a new German
freighter type with a pointed bow
revealed that the shape had not the
expected advantages. Limpert is now
putting the finishing touches on a
large, blunt model which is more
nearly like the standard freighters
now plying the lakes.
Demand For Testing Less
In normal times there is plenty
of demand by shipbuilding compan-
ies for model making and testing,
says Limpert. In a good year as
many as 30 models are made, but
since the decline of shipbuilding with
the depression, requests for such ex-
perimental work have fallen off. The
last work done by the local labora-
tory for the government was done
three, years ago, when some bulbous-
bowshapes were teste for the Ship-
ping Board.
Limpert laughed at the idea of
testing models of racing boats. With
the machine's top speed fixed at 400
feet per minute the model would
have to be made so small that tests
with it would have no significance.
"Working with high speed hydro-
planes is a matter of cut and try
on the full-sized job," he said.
Prof. H. C. Adams of the engineer-
ing school, is soon to begin experi-
ments on the subject of "rolling" in
vessels. Elaborate electrical, light-
reflecting, and photo-film recording
apparatus is involved.
Besides its experimental uses, the
naval tank is used in emergencies as
a supply tank of the University high
pressure fire system.
Zeppelin Departs
For Home Hangar
AKRON, 0., Oct. 28 - (/) - The
Graf Zeppelin, with Dr. Hugo Eck-
ener at the controls, lifted from the
mooring mast at Akron Airport at
9 a. m. today and, with motors roar-
ing, began the long flight back to
Friedrichshafen, Germany.
A brilliant sun glinted on the sil-
very sides of the big dirigible as it
headed into the east on the last lap
of an ambitious triangular flight to
South and North America. The Graf's
next stop, barring accidents, will be
at Seville, Spain, when she will pro-
ceed to Friedrichshafen. The com-
mander expected to arrive at Seville
Monday afternoon.
Two Miners Die Under
Dirt, Iron Ore Cave-In
NEGAUNEE, Oct. 28-(A)-Buried
beneath tons of earth and iron ore,
two miners were killed Friday in a
cave-in of a stock pile they were
drilling at the Maas mine prepara-
tory to blasting.
toBoth of the men, John Neimi, 50,
and Leo Field, 31, were dead when
extricated by fellow workmen.
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Faculty Music
Concerts Will
Be Presented
Programs To Use VariedI
Talent Of Student And
Faculty Groups
Twelve programs have been sched-
uled in the series of Faculty Con-
certs, to be given by the School of
Music at 4:15 p. M., on Sundays,
in Hill Auditorium.
The programs are varied in na-
ture and will utilize the services of
distinguished members of the School
of Music faculty and various stu-
dent musical groups, including the
Symphony Orchestra, the Varsity.
Glee Club, the Varsity R. O. T. C.
Band, the University Choral Union,
and the Chamber Music Ensemble.
No admission will be charged to
the concerts, which are open to the
public, but the doors of the audi-
torium will be closed during num-
The schedule is as follows:
Nov. 5, Soloists: Arthur Hackett,
Tenor; Wassily Besekirsky, Violin;
Hanns Pick, Violoncello; Joseph
Brinkman, Pianist; Earl V. Moore,
Conductor; and the University Sym-
phony Orchestra.
Nov. 19, Miscellaneous faculty con-
cert, Vocal, piano, and chamber
music offerings.
Dec. 3, University Symphony Or-
chestra with piano and 'cello solos.
Earl V. Moore, conductor.
Dec. 10, Handel's "Messiah." Solo-
ists include Arthur Hackett, Tenor,
and others to be announced. The
University Symphony Orchestra, with
Earl V. Moore conducting.
Jan. 7, Miscellaneous faculty con-
Jan. 14, Varsity Glee Club.
Jan. 28, University Symphony Or-
chestra, Concertos to be played by
members of the senior class.
Feb. 18, Miscellaneous faculty con-
March 4, University Symphony
March 11, University Band.
March '18, Miscellaneous faculty
March 25, University Symphony
Orchestra, concertos to be played by
members of the senior class.
All of the programs are tentative
4th District Alumni
Meet At Gary, Inc.
University alumni of Indiana,
Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama
gathered Friday afternoon and eve-
ning at the Hotel Gary, Gary, Ind.,
for the annual business meeting and
banquet of the fourth district of the
Alumni Association.
The principal speakers on the ban-
quet program were Franklin C. Cap-
pon, assistant varsity football coach,
and T. Hawley Tapping, general sec-
retary of the Alumni. Association.
LouisQ. Elbel, '14L, composer of The
Victors, was also on nand to lead the
The business session was held at 3
p. m. and the banquet was held in
the hotel's main dining room imme-
diately after it at 6:30 p. in.
In addition to members of the
fourth district, representatives of the
third district and also the president
of the fifth district were in attend-
ance, according to Mr. Tapping.
He also added that there were
alumni of the University of Michigan
clubs of LaPorte, South Bend, Gosh-
en, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Evans-
ville, Louisville, Ky., Memphis, Tenn.,
and of several others present for the
pre-game celebration.
Havana University To
Deny Support To Gran
HAVANA, Oct. 28-(P)-President
Grau faced the possibility today of
losing one of his strongest group of
supporters - students of Havana un-
In a hectic general assembly,
speakers assailed the Student Direc-
tory, which has backed Grau, for
"breaking faith" by "continuing to
play politics after the downfall of
Three persons were wounded on
the street during the night in an
exchange of shots between soldiers
and snipers. Court sanctions today
set Nov. 1 as the date for the open-
ing of trials of the followers of the
deposed president, Gerardo Macha-
If we could prevent publishers
from publishing novels we might be
the happiest land in the world.
- Hugh Walpole, British novelist.
in nature and may be subject to
changes, from time to time, as occa-
sion may warrant.
I .j
10c TO 6-- 15c AFTER 6
Extra 4dded-
News Silly Symphony Novelties
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