e Weather
ed with rising temi-
probably showers to-
iday unsettled.
Ll r e
Tragedy At The
First Methodist ..
James Cannon
Saloon Is Near
Campaign For Education
Of Public Must Begin At
Time Of Repeal, He Says
Addresses 400 In
Methodist Church
Charges Prohibition Failed
Because Mellon Would
Not Enforce Law
Uncle Tom's Cabin'
Opens Fall Drama
Season On Campus
Students and faculty members
turned out last night to officially open
Ann Arbor's fall dramatic season at
the initial presentation of Play Pro-
duction's "Uncle Tom's Cabin," under
the direction of 'Valentine. B. Windt,
director of Play Production, at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Starring in the 60-member cast of
the production were Frederick 0.
Crandall, Sally Pierce, '35, Jay Pozz,
'34, Mary Pray, '34, Lester Griffith,
'35, and Frances Manchester, '34.
Transitional music between scenes
was arranged from southehn folk
songs and compositions of Stephen
Foster by Jack Conklin. Choral music
was sung during the third act by a
mixed chorus composed of members
of men's and women's glee clubs.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" will be pre-
sented tonight, tomorrow and Satur-
day night at 8:30 p. m. Tickets may
be reserved at the box office at the
theatre at 35, 50, and 75 cents.
First Day Of
Gold Buying
Brings Result
Reconstruction F i n a n c e
Corporation Sets Price
36 Cents Above London
Two Commodities,
All Stocks In Rise
Will Announce Gold Price,
Daily After Review Of
Economic Factors
James C
night 1
than 40
copal C
return of the saloon is just
the corner," declared Bishop
Cannon, Jr., in an address last
before an audience of more
0 in the First Methodist Epis-
ing t.
ldemning the drys for their
etic attitude toward what he
lered the most important ques-
f the day, Bishop Cannon ad-
d that repeal was a matter of
few months' time. He said that
al battle would begin then-the
aign for the re-education of the
of the United States concern-
ie "evils of drink."
started his speech' with a re-
of the efforts to bring about
bition and then launched into a
it of the history of what he
d the "laxity of enforcement."
r the first 18 months after Pro-
n," he said, "arrests for drunk-
s fell off enormously. But the
mental reason for the failure
e Eighteenth Amendment was
>solute failure of the U. S. gov-
nt to enforce it.
ien Prohibition control was
I over to the Treasury Depart-
under Andrew W. Mellon, it was
d." He quoted from a recent
aper dispatch to show that,
r Mellon the Prohibition De-
ent was under the influence
ian who had extensive interests
) for prohibi-
used to accept
s no allocation
udget and that
made for it."
hip, the pro-
in the House,"
Plan Parade,
Exercises For
Arnistice Day
Local Program Sponsored
By Army And Navy Club ;
To Start At 10:25 A.M.
The Army and Navy Club of Ann
Arbor will sponsor the annual Ar-
mistice Day memorial exercises from
10:25 to about 11:15 a. in., Saturday,
Nov. 11, it was announced yes-
terday by Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of
the political science department,
president of the club.
Before the exercises a parade will
beĀ° held, starting from the corner of
East University and North Univer-
sity Avenues and proceeding down
North University Avenue to Hill Aud-
itorium where it will be reviewed by
President Alexander G. Ruthven and
Mayor Robert A. Campbell from the
steps of the Auditorium.
The parade will be led by the Var-
sity R.O.T.C. Band and following it
will come in theorder, named, Com-
pany "K" of tie Michigan National
Guard, the Reserve Officers Training
Corps, the Spanish-American War
Veterans, the Veterans of Foreign
Wars, the American Legion Drum
and Bugle Corps, the American Le-
gion, and other patriotic organiza-
Following the parade an Armistice
Day program will be held in Hill
Auditorium which will be presided
over by Professor Hayden. Former
Gov. Wilbur M. Brucker will give the
Jones To Head
Of Stewards
Frederick F. Jones, '35, steward of
the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity, was
named president of the newly formed
Stewards Association at a meeting of
a representative group of stewards
held last night at the Union.
The purpose of the association as
stated by the new president, is to
organize the house managers in aa
firm union to cut the costs of living
for the members of houses. The first
move that has been instituted is a
survey of the prices which are offered
by various wholesale houses in the
. These prices will be kept on file at
the offices of the Interfraternity'
Council, under whose wing the asso-
ciation has been organized, so that
stewards may be able to buy intelli-
gently, Jones said.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.--(P)-
America was well embarked tonight
on the Roosevelt policy of higher
prices through a managed currency,
with the commodity markets re-
sponding strongly to the economic
stimulus of his program.
High officials of the government
met and fixed the price of Recon-
struction Finance Corp. purchases of
newly-mined gold at $31.36 an ounce,
27 to 36 cents higher than the price
paid on the London Exchange. Then
they sat back to watch the results.
The results were pleasing.
Commodities led a general advance.
Wheat was 3 to 3 1-2 cents higher.
Corn gained 2 to 3 cents. All stock
groups closed firmly 1 to 5 points
The theory behind Mr. Roosevelt's
idea was that by raising the price of
domestic gold above world prices he
could influence domestic quotations
upward. The basis of the commodity
prices, economists pointed out, was
gold, despite America's departure
from the gold standard.+
For the present the economic fac-
tors involved in the plan will be re-
viewed daily, and each morning the
day's gold price will be announced'.
This did not mean, it was added,
that the quotation necessarily would
change from day to day, as it might
be deemed advisable in certain cir-
cumstances to let one price stand.
Today's figure was set by Chair-
man Jesse H. Jones, of the RFC,
Henry Morgentheau, Jr., represent-
ing the President and Dean Acheson,
acting secretary of the treasury.
The three met in Acheson's office
at 9:40, received the latest foreign
exchange quotations and the London
gold rate. After a quarter hour's de-
liberation reporters were called in
and Jones read the following state-.
ment :
"The Reconstruction Finance Cor-
poration will accept subscriptions to-
day for its 90-day debentures, pay-'
able in newly-mined gold recovered
from natural deposits in the United
States and any territory subject to
its jurisdiction at the rate of $31.36
per ounce of fine gold."+
Reverend Anderson
Resigns Pastorate
Winter Visits
Nation; Seven
Thought Dead
Shipping At Standstill As
North Atlantic Seaboard
Is Lashed By Gales
New York Snowed
In; One Is Missing
Snow Also Blankets Lake
Superior Area; Duluth
Has Twelve Inches
(By Associated Press)
Seven men were reported drowned
and one hunter was missing as win-
try weather accompanied by gales
and heavy snowstormns made a pre-
mature visit yesterda',r.
Shipping was generally at a stand-
still as heavy seas' lashed a fog-
shrouded north Atlantic seaboard.
Snowfalls blanketed NTew York moun-
tains and the Lake uperior region.
Seven log-rollers Who took refuge
on a small island because of the ris-
ing waters of the Salmon River were
swept downstream to their deaths,
according to word received at St.
John, N. B. State troopers donned
snowshoes to trudge through heavy
drifts near Elizabethtown, N. Y., in
efforts to find Ted Deane, a hunter.,
The storm in New York blocked
roads, marooned autoists and broke]
communication lines.' In northern
Vermont several thousand dollars in
property damage resulted from the
The fall at Duluth was 12 inches,
the heaviest October snow in 47 years.;
Other Minnesota and Upper Michigan
cities also reported snow and Ne-
braska had its first fr ezing tempera-7
tures of the year. In North Dakotaj
the thermometer registered as low as;
14 above. Chicago and Cleveland saw
snow flurries.
Singleton Is Elected J-Hop
Chairman; Coalition Party
Wins In' Junior
- -- f
desertion of Alfred
presidential race of
mon struck out at
as the leading man
tion of the Prohibi-
one bit of humor
into his speech, the
"I don't want you
to think that we
i for Hoover. No, we
because of his de-
plank in the Dem-
finished by sound-
Prohibition workers:
stimated the powers
is now time to start
October Issue
Of Technic To
Be Out Today
Articles By Prof. Boston,
Charles Duerr Will Be
Included In Magazine
The Michigan Technic, a campus.
magazine edited and published by
engineering students and devoted to
interests in the field of engineering,
will make its October appearance on
the campus today and tomorrow. The
magazine will be sold in the lobby'
of East Engineering Building and on
the second floor of West Engineering
Included in the issue is an article
on "Design and Production" written
especially for the Technic by Prof.
O. W. Boston, director of the engi-
neering shops. In his article, Profes-
sor Boston discusses the "sensitive
relation between the design, selection
of material, and the process of man-,
ufacture of every mechanical device."
Charles A. Duerr, '34E, in his article
on "The World's Greatest Bridges"
surveys the history of bridges, and
discusses at length the great proposed
Golden Gate Bridge which will span
Golden Gate in San Francisco Bay.
At a congregational meeting of the
First Presbyterian Church last night,
the Rev. Merle H. Anderson pre-
sented his resignation as pastor of
the church.
Members of the church elected rep-
resentatives to go with him to the De-
troit Presbytery and ask that body to
release him from the pastorate. Harry
Nutt of the Board of Elders and Prof.
W. C. Hoad of the engineering
school, representing the church mem-
bership, were the men chosen.
The committee was empowered to
ask the Presbytery to appoint the
Rev. W. George Evans, former pas-
tor of the Presbyterian church at
South Lyon, as moderator of the
church here during the vacancy. .
Reed To Speak
On Nation-Wide
Radio Network
Will Talk TwiceOn 'You
And Your Government'
Series In Next 3 Months
NEW YORK, Oct. 25.-(Special)-
Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the Univer-
sity of Michigan political science de-
partment will speak on two occasions
over an NBC-WJZ nation-wide hook-
up on the sixth series of the weekly
"You and Your Government" broad-
casts, it was announced here.
This series is devoted to "The
Crisis in Municipal Finance." Pro-
fessor Reed, speaking from the New
York studios of the NBC, will dis-
cuss "Borrowing for Current Needs,"
Nov. 14, and "Modernizing the Mech-
anism of Local Finance," Jan. 9. E.
Fleetwood Dunstan, chairman of the
municipal securities committee of the
Investment Bankers Association of
America, will speak with Professor
Reed Nov. 14. Mayor Joseph F. Loehr,
of Yonkers, N. Y., and William P.
Capes, executive secretary of the New
York conference of mayors and other
municipal officials will collaborate
with Professor Reed on the Jan. 9
The present "You and Your Gov-
ernment" broadcast series is a non-
partisan exploration of perplexing
municipal financial problems, and is
presented by the Committee on Civic
Education by Radio, of which Profes-
sor Reed is chairman, and the Amer-
ican Political Science Association, in
co-operation with the committee on
citizens' councils for constructive
economy of the National Municipal
Dean's Luncheon
Club Meets Today
The second group of members of
the Dean's Luncheon Club will hold
their initial meeting today at the
Union, four freshmen having been
selected by the group of leading jun-
iors and seniors who are sponsoring
this division.
The upperclassmen who have been
selected by Gilbert E. Bursley, '34,
president of Druids, are as follows:
Albert Newman, Brackley Shaw, Wil-
bur Bohnsack, Thomas Connellan,
Bethel Kelley, Carl Hilty, Philip Sin-
gleton. Charlie Burgess, and Rob-
Presidents Of The Senior
Classes Of Four Schools
Name Committeemen
Doty, McRay Named
Co-Chairmen of Ball
Appointments Are Made
To Seven Committees By
Senior Literary Head
Presidents of senior classes in four
schools yesterday announced the ap-
pointment of members on the various
committees allotted to them. The
chairmanship of the Senior Ball goes
to the College of Engineering and
Louis Westover, class president,
named James Doty and William Mc-
Ray as co-chairmen.
John B. Deo, president of the sen-
ior literary class, made appointments
to seven committees. On the Senior
Ball committee, Edward McCormick
was named literary chairman, and
Lester Harrison, Mary Ann Story,
Carol Hanan, Harriet Jennings, Rob-
ert Hogg, Grafton Sharp, Robert
Moreland, George Lambrecht, and Al-
bert Newman as the other members.
For the Finance committee Deo
named Cyrus Huling, chairman, and
Helen Mason, Elaine Schlesinger,
Lawrence Heideman, Hugh Kuder,
and Charles Jewett.
James Wineman was appointed
chairman of the Cap and Gown com-
mittee, and Robert Hoskins, Jack
Korn, Eleanor Thoman, Dora Eliason,'
and Ernest Dietz as the other mem-
Gilbert Bursley was named chair-
man of the Executive committee, and
other members are Wilbur Bohnsack,
Robert Saltzstein, Myrtle Cooper,
Donald Johnston, and Margaret Al-j
As chairman of the Swingout com-
mittee Deo chose Wallace Graham,.
assisted by Brackley Shaw, Richard,
Briggs, and Samuel Greenland.-
John Howland was appointedj
chairman of the Invitations commit-,
tee, with Joseph Harkins, Norman
Kraft, and Mary Lou Hanel.
The last committee in the literaryj
college, the Commencement commit-
tee, was named as follows: William
Giefel, chairman, Thomas Connellan,
Edward Stevens, Alfred Deutsch,
Celia Guntrop, and Jean Henning.
Besides the co-chairmen of the,
Senior Ball, Westover announced Ed-,
mund Woodruff as a member of the
committee. His further appointments,
Executive committee: Walter Pow-
ers, chairman, Jack Salmon, Clar-
ence Blanding, Steinar Vaksdal, and
Albert Little.;
Cane committee: Logan Tuthill,
chairman, Richard McManus, Harry
Nicholson, John Boden, and Wesley,
Finance committee: Charles Bur-;
gess, chairman, Robert Blackwell,
Ralph Waehner.-
Cap and Gown committee: David
Murray, chairman, Stanley Waterbor,
Robert Mitchell, William Hanway,
and James Bailey.
Invitations committee: Venable
Johnson, chairman, Burlin Ackles,
Nathan Waring, Robert Wells and
Stanley Smith.
In the Medical School, Robert Pat-
ton, senior class president, announced
'the following appointments:
Senior Ball committee: H. Sprague
Cane committee: Carver Walcott,
(Continued on Page 2)
State Street Announce
Slates For Election
Campus politics opened their third
round last night with the nomination
by the two major parties of the lit-
erary college of candidates for the
sophomore election to be held Wed-
nesday, Nov. 1. Other schools and
colleges will also elect in their sec-
ond-year classes at the same time,
but no candidates have been chosen
The sophomore State Street party
nominated only two candidates, but
party leaders said that the other two
will be selected this week. The two
named are, George Northridge, Delta
Tau Delta, for president, and Wood-
ward Grove, Zeta Psi, for treasurer.
The second party, the Washtenaw-
Coalition party, named three can-
didates. They are Steve Remias,
Alpha Tau Omega, for president;
Winifred Bell, Chi Omega, secretary;
and James Eyre, independent, treas-
urer. The fourth candidate will be
named soon, it was announced.
The election will be run on the
same system as has been used -in the
two previous ones, with sophomores
in all schools and colleges voting sim-
ultaneously. Members of the Under-
graduate Council will have general
supervision of the voting, assisted by
members of the Executive Council
of the Union.
Lawyers Select A New
Vice-President Of Union
Lawrence Hartwig, '34L, was elect-
ed law vice-president of the Union
by a vote of the seniors in the Law-
yers Club. The appointment was ap-
proved by the Board of Directors of
the Union at a meeting recently. An
election had to be held because Ed-
ward Kuhn, who was elected to the
position last year, dropped out of
-Associated Press Photo
John Bosch of Atwater, Minn., is
vice-president of the National Farm
Holiday Association, president of the
Minnesota branch and one of the
leaders in the farm strike movement,
Soph Caucuses
Pick Nominees
For Next Week
Strike Leader
Renner Defeats State St.
Party In Junior Vote In
Literary School
Junior Engineers
Choose Jacobson
Kruse Wins Law School,
Zlatkin Medical School
Presidency In Balloting
Winning by the narrow margin of
eight votes, Philip Singleton defeated
Salvadore Tramontana for the gen-
eral chairmanship of the 1935 J-Hop
at the junior election held yesterday
afternoon in the College of Engineer-
ing. Their totals were 54 and 46, re-
Singleton was the only member of
his party, the Independent-Fraterni-
ty group, to win in the election, al-
though Samuel Hazelton tied with
Gale Sterling for the second J-Hop
committee position.
In the literary college the new
University Coalition party won a de-
cisive victory over the State Street
group in the biggest upset of the
day. William Renner, Alpha Sigma
Phi, defeated Joseph Horak, Chi Psi
for the presidency, 231 to .165; Geor-
gina Karlson, independent, defeated
Anne Osborne, Pi Beta Phi, for the
vice-presidency, 227 to 163.
Elizabeth Aigler, Delta Gamma,
was chosen as secretary over Rose-
lyn Cooke, Martha Cook, 228 to 173;
and Russell Fuog defeated William
Borgmann for treasurer, 218 to 179,
The latter was the closest vote of all.
For members of the J-Hop com-
mittee from the literary college, the
Coalition group elected the following:
Ruth Kaser, Alpha Chi Omega, 220
votes; Charles Brownson, Sigma Nu,
215; James Eberle, Alpha Tau Ome-
ga, 218; 'Ann Dunbar, Gamma Phi
Beta, 213; and Sidney Frankel, in-
dependent, 210.
The above defeated the following
members of the State ;Street party:
John Healey, Alpha Delta Phi, 174;..
William Morgan, Psi Upsilon, 169;
Myron Ruby, Sigma Alpha Mu, 165;
Ralph Tracy, independent, 164; and
Frank Landers, Phi Kappa, 159.
Class officers chosen in the engi-
neering college are as follows: Tage
Jacobson, Kappa Sigma, defeated Al-
fred Otis, Psi Upsilon, 61 to 44. For
vice-president Harold Roehrig de-
feated Philip Geier, Alpha Delta Phi,
60 to 45. Albert Marshall won the
secretary's post from Henry Merker,
64 to 41; and Robert Sloane defeated
Ralph Edwards for treasurer, 59 to
For other posts in the engineering
college the following men were elect-
ed: engineering council, John Holden
and William Miller; honor council,
Russel Houvener. John Garrels was
named to the J-Hop committee.
Juniors in the Law School elected
Richard Kruse, president, Thomas
Lyndon, vice-president, Leonard Wei-
ner, secretary, ands Thomas Kimball,
treasurer. Charles Hewitt was cho-
sen to the' J-Hop committee.
The slate in the Medical School
was unanimously elected. Those
chosen are as follows: Louis Zat-
kin, president; David Drummond,
vice-president; Charles Sigefoos,
secretary;and James Little, treasur-
er. For the J-Hop committee they
named William Wangner; for first
year honor, Charles Bohrer, and for
second year honor, William Bellamy.
In the School of Dentistry Milton
(Continued on Page )
Education School To
Send. Six To Lansing
Six members of the education
school faculty, including Dean James
Edmonson, will leave for Lansing
today to attend a special meeting of
representatives of Michigan teach-
ing institutions called by the State
Department of Education.
The members who will make the
trip, besides the dean, are Prof. Cal-
vin Davis, Prof. Arthur Moehlman,
Prof. Clark Trowe, Prof. George
Carrothers, and Prof. Raleigh Schor-
The meeting will be concerned pri-
marily with the training of teachers
Bishop Cannon Still Champions
Near-Dead Prohibition Cause
Local Exhibition Of Painting,
Sculpture Work Opens Today
In Bishop James Cannon, Jr., one
finds the most outstanding worker'
in the cause of Prohibition in this
country. Resting in his unostenta-
tious hotel room yesterday afternoon
before his address at the M. E.
Church, he was the old warrior, never
admitting defeat.
"Warfare with the liquor traffic
by church and society is inevitable.
But that society will once again find
it impossible to have the liquor traffic
as part of its system. How long it
will take depends on the education
of the public. But," he declared, "it
will certainly be within the lifetime
"The last election," he said, "was
won not on Prohibition grounds but
on economic. Prohibitionists had no-
body to vote for as both major can-
didates were running on a wet plat-
"However," he said, "the Prohibi-
tion Party stood for only one definite
principle. It hasn't a wide enough
platform, and as such, will never win
enough supporters to its ranks."
"A third party may be the solu-
tion of the present situation, but that
third party must stand on a general
moral platform."
The eleventh annual exhibition of
painting and sculpture by local art-
ists will open its doors at 1:30 p. m.
today to members and friends of
the Ann Arbor Art Association with
a reception in the West Gallery of
Alumni Memorial Hall.
The exhibition this year, accord-
ing to Mrs. Bradley M. Davis, presi-
dent of the association, differs not-
ably from its predecessors in that the
jury chose to adopt a more rigorous
standard than formerly in passing
upon work submitted. The result is
a show small in size but meritorious
accepted. The value of adequate
craftsmanship was, however, not
Comprising the jury of selection
for sculpture were Carleton Angell,
artist at the University Museums,
and Fredrika Goodwin Mallette,
sculptor, of Ypsilanti. The sculpture
is shown to greater advantage this
year, incorporated as it is in the
exhibition in the West Gallery with
better arrangements for spacing.
Among the exhibitors are Carleton
Angell, Ross T. Bittinger, Myron B.
Chapin, John F. Clarkson, Avard
Fairbanks: Jean Paul Slusser_ A _M.