slightly warmer;
ly, probably rain
i, colder in west.
Sfr ian
Haze Clear]
lug ,
'IV No. 26
iony To
Graf Zeppelin To Leave Miami For Chicago Soon
Open Choral
Union Season
Orchestra To Play
st Concert Of Year
1 Auditorium
Mflk Dumped
As Mid-West
Plans For Picketing Of
Sioux City Market Are
Announced By Farmer
Most Iowa Sectors
Still Get Produce
Roosevelt o
Of Retailers
Protective Chain Group
To Prevent Price Hiking
By Retail Merchants
Chain Stores Will
Remain Under Code
He Attacks NRA
From I
Daladier Gel
Adverse Vo
Capacity Audience
Expected At Event
Dr. Serge Koussevitzky To :
Conduct Program For
Third Consecutive Year
The Boston Symphony Orchestra,
under the direction of Dr. Serge
Koussevitzky, will inaugurate the
55th annual series of Choral Union
Concerts when it takes the platform
at 8:15 p. m. today in Hill Audito-
Approximately 5,000 persons, com-
pletely filling the huge auditorium,,
will attend this initial concert of the
1933-1934 series, according to Dr.
Charles A. Sink, president of the
School of Music and of the University
Musical Society, who has arranged
the series.
The Boston organization, which
gave a concert last night in Orches-
tra Hall in Chicago, comes here with
its full aggregation of 110 musicians
to inaugurate the Ann Arbor Choral
Union series for the third consecutive
Now in its 52nd year, the orchestra
has been under the baton of Dr.
Koussevitzky for eight seasons and
has been recognized by leading music
critics throughout the country as the
leading symphony group in the na-
.. . .. . .. _ .-......_ ,. ~
--Associated Press Photo
The Graf Zeppelin, piloted by Dr. Hugo Eckener (right) left Fried-
richshafen, Germany, on a triangular flight that will bring her to Chi-
cago. Having touched two points in Brazil and then Miami the big
ship is proceeding northward via Akron and thence on to Chicago for
a courtesy call at the Century of Progress'Exposition. The Avenue of
Flags at the fair is shown below. Among Dr. Eckener's personal guests
on the trig is Lieut-Comm. J. L. Kenworthy, jr., (inset center), com-
mandant of the Lakehurst, N. J., air station.
Plan For ManagfedCurrency
Is Explained By Prof. Watkins
But Trucking At Council
Bluffs Falls Off; Duluth
Wheat Imports Lower
DES MOINES, Ia., Oct. 23.-(iP)-
Reports of milk dumping and picket-
ing marked the first direct thrust of
the national farmers' strike at pro-
duce marketing today.
In Wisconsin, farm pickets spilled
portions of a load of milk en route
to a condensery at Vesper and an-f
other at Neilsville, permitting only
800 pounds of milk to reach the lat-
ter town's condensers during the day.
Plans for peacefuly picketing all
highways leading t the important
Sioux City market in northwestern
Iowa, a militant farm sector, were
announced by W. C. Daniel, president
of the Woodbury County Farm Holi-
day Association. Pickets turned back
many livestock trucks bound for
Sioux City.
The initial marketing day of the
strike, which started at noon, Satur-
day, revealed little pronounced effect,
Most Iowa markets reported milk,
grain, and poulgy products re-
ceived in average volume. An ex-
ception was Council Bluffs, where
produce trucking dropped off sharp-
ly. At Omaha, Neb., livestock truck-
ing also was diminished but the rail
shipments brought the total receipts
to about the nornal expectation.
Grain receipts at thie Omaha ex-
change were also curtailed.
Because of North Dakota's wheat
embargo, receipts of 49 cars of spring
wheat at Duluth, Minn., were the
smallest since the ntw crop started
moving to markets. '
Southern and eastern Wisconsin
markets receipts were normal. Several
dozen small cheese factories in the
Fox river valley near Appleton and
a number of creameries in four
northwestern counties were closed.
Chicago, Minneapolis, and South
St. Paul dealers reported "no effect."
Although 21 states-are listed with
membership in the National Farmers
Holiday Association, sponsor of the
strike, only six thus far have joined
in the movement. They are Iowa,
Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota,
Illinois, and Wisconsin.
personnel virtually un-
Lt has stood for a num-
the orchestra opened its
Koussevitzky's tenth in
Oct. 6, in Symphony
, with a program in-
thoven's Third Lenore
ahm's Third Symphony;
nes by Debussy; and
'oem of Ecstacy."
r. Koussevitzky will di-
rers in the presentation
program which opens
Kleine Nachtmusick," a
le, consisting of an al-
Vill Discuss
k Of Stravinsky
'. Moore, musical direc-
chool of Music, will de-
Iress on tonight's con-
Boston Symphony Or-
LO a. m. today, in Room
ditorium. The general
vited, without admis-
to hear this analytical
of Stravinsky's work,
per, "Le Sacre du Prin-
included in the pro-
might's concert.
In an explanation of managed cur-
rency and an interpretation of the
President's monetary policies, Prof.
L. L. Watkins of the economics de-
partment said yesterday that he
considered the most significant part
of the President's talk Sunday night
to be the implicit rejection of infla-
"Now that the long-awaited an-
nouncement of the administration on
monetary policy has been made, it is
seen that the President has definitely
rejected revaluation as a means of
getting prices up to the desired level,
and that revaluation is to be utilized
only after prices have risen," Pro-
fessor Watkins said.
"By implication he rejects out-
right inflation and promises to get
prices up by credit expansion and
by other means now being utilized.
Reassurance on this score may do
something to stop the flight from the
dollar and promote a revival of long-
term investment.
"It is possible also that the au-
thority now given to the R. F. C. to
buy and sell gold on the world mar-
ket may signify the intention of try-
ing t6 control in some measure fluc-
tuations of the dollar in terms of for-
eign currencies," he declared.
"In his radio speech on Sunday
night President Roosevelt repeated
the two objectives to which he had
called attention in earlier state-
ments: (1) getting prices back to
the pre-depression level to ease the
burden on long term debtors, and
(2) stabilizing the value of the dol-
lar permanently at this new level,"
Professor Watkins said.
"He stated that we are definitely
working in the direction of a man-
aged currency and he promised that
once prices are brought back to the
, romance, minuet and trio, and-
e, in G-major, written by Mo-
Stravinsky's "SAcre du Prin-
s," is next, and to close the
ram Brahm's First Symphony in
nor will be presented.
order to facilitate the handling
ie large crowd which gathers in
foyer of the auditorium before
:oncerts, Dr. Sink has advised all
ers of season tickets to detach
t No. 1 before entering the audi-
m proper. In the past, he has
ated, many of those possessing
n tickets bring all 10 of them
te concert, making it necessary
he ushers to hold up the lines
searching for the proper num-
old level, they will be kept stable at
that level for the next generation.
"He does not make clear the pre-
cise means through which this sta-
bility is to be maintained but im-
plies that the currncy will be man-
aged along lines proposed by Mr. J:
M. Keynes, the British economist.
(Continued on Page 2) 4 '
Coalition Party
Chooses A Slate
To Face State
William Renner, Elizabeth
Aigler, Russell Fuog To
Head New Ticket
The campaign for junior class of-
fices, which entered its final tages
last night, found a new party oppos-
ing the State Street ticket in the lit-
erary college.
William Renner, Alpha Sigma Phi
and Varsity football player, will head
the ticket, while Elizabeth Aigler,
Delta Gamma, and Russell Fuog, Phi
Delta Theta, will run for secretary
and treasurer, respectively. The can-
didate for vice-president will be an-
nounced later.
William Blaser, Delta Phi, Gar-
goyle, and Sphinx; Charles Brown-
son, Sigma Nu; Sydney Frankel,
sports assistant on The Daily and in-
dependent; James Eberle, Alpha Tau
Omega; and Francis Landers, Phi
Kappa, will run for the J-Hop chair-
The Coalition party is a combina-
tion of the old Washtenaw party and
several former State Street houses
which have broken away from the
ranks. Although the party has been
organized more than a week, candi-
dates were chosen only last night.
There will also be a junior class
election in the College of Architec-
ture tomorrow, although no candi-
dates have been announced.
Times and rooms for the elections
will be announced in tomorrow's
Bicyclist Stops Here
On World Journey
V. C. Armaos, a citizen of Greece,
and a graduate of the University of
Athens, lately a correspondent for
#t- n-, zn 7n t , y- e .errrr __ _.F L..
Adverse Farm Sentiment
Leads NRA To Advance
Local Tribunal System
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-(P)-
Under the pressure of adverse farm
sentiment, NRA today pulled out of
the country's villages and small
towns and announced a protective
chain of local tribunals to keep mer-
chants from hiking prices too high.
This first major change in the in-
dustrial recovery program was taken
under an executive order by Presi-
dent Roosevelt, forecast by a single
sentence in his Sunday night address
to the nation.
An exception under the order was
the chain store which, wherever lo-
cated, will remain under code regu-
lation. Also small factories, those do-
ing interstate business, and those em-
ploying more than five persons still
have NRA watching over them in the
otherwise exempt towns of 2,500 or
The order issuance coincided with
promulgation of the retail trade code
which emerged with a price control
provision stripped of the 10 per cent
mark-up fought by farmer and con-
sumer representatives alike, but so
phrased as to give the merchant sub-
stantially the same protection against
destructive price cutting by competi-
(By Associated Press)
The country's financial markets
sharply reversed their recent down-
ward trend today in response to Pres-
ident Roosevelt's plan for controlling
the price of gold.
On the New York Stock Exchange,1
share prices had a general rise of
$1 to more than $5, closing some-
what under the highs as traders took
profits. Gold mining issues, however,'
were buoyant all day, Homestake
soaring $40 to $340 and finishing at
the best.1
Grain markets were strong.p
Wheat's net gains approximated four1
cents a bushel, and final prices werei
around the top. Cotton at New York,
after rising nearly $1.50 a bale, re-
duced its improvement to 35 cents
to 65 cents net. Minor staples were?
generally higher, silver futures rising
half a cent or more.
Koch, Local Mason,
Dies At Age Of 75
John Koch, Ann Arbor mason con-'
tractor who built many University
buildings as well as fraternities and
sororities, died at 12:30 a. m. Mon-
day morning at 714 Miner Street.
He was 75 years old and had been
retired from active business for four
Among the University buildings
Koch constructed are the Dental'
Building, the old Medical Building,f
Alumni Memorial Hall, and the south
department of University Hospital.
He also built the wall around Ferry1
Koch was born in Germany andc
came to this country when he was
25 years old. He had lived in Ann
Arbor since 1886, and served four
terms as an alderman from the sec-
ond ward on the Common Council.i
-Associated Press Photo
The agricultural areas were de-
scribed as a "seething mass of un-
rest" by Gov. Charles W. Bryan of
Nebraska in an attack on the na-
tional recovery and farm relief pro-
Hull Plans
Tour To
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23-()P)-Si-
multaneous trade expansion drives
along both the Russian and South
American fronts appeared the goal,
of the United States today with the
disclosure by Secretary Hull of plans
for a good-will tour below the equa-
tor during the Soviet recognition dis-
cussion here.
Varsity Band
Plans Concert
At Exposition
I 'Fighting Hundred' Will
Play In Hall Of Science
Court After Grid Game
One of the first concerts by college
bands at the Century of Progress
Exposition will be given Sunday by
the Varsity Band in the court of the
Hall of Science.
The concert, which will occur on
the band's week-end trip incidental
to the Michigan-Chicago football
game Saturday at Stagg Field, will
take place at 2:30 p. m. Prof. Nich-
'olas D. Falcone has chosen a varied
program of classic and semi-classic
numbers to be presented before a
crowd of fair-goers which may num-
ber in the thousands.
The band will entrain at 7 a. m.
Saturday at the Michigan Central
Station, arriving in Chicago at noon.
From its hotel on Jackson Park the
unit will march to and from the Chi-
cago game and will then be given
free time to visit the exposition. Fol-
lowing Sunday's concert the band
will re-board its special train in the
Twelfth Street Station, arriving in
Ann Arbor at about midnight Sun-
This will be the band's only out-
of-town trip this year, according to
Herbert G. Watkins, business man-
ager. Last year the unit went to
Columbus and in 1931 to Princeton.
The roster of bandsmen and officers
expected to make the trip will num-
ber about 110.
Under the direction of Lieut. R. R.
Coursey, drillmaster, the "Fighting
Hundred" is planning a series of pre-
cise maneuvers which, officers hope,
will outshine those of the white-clad
Chicago band. These are planned to
include the diamond goose-step for-
mation which attracted so much at-I
tention Oct. 14 at the Cornell game.
A Good-Will
South America
Chamber Of Deputies,
Count Of 329 To 2
Repudiates Premier
Open Breech Wit
Blum Brings Acti
Cabinet Chief Is Defea
Fighting To The End
Balance National Bud
PARIS, Oct. 24.-(Tuesday)-
The French cabinet headed by
mier Daladier was overthrown
vote of 329 to 241 in the Char
of Deputies early today and its n
bers will resign.
Premier Daladier apparently
reconciled to defeat when he op
broke with the Socialist party.
The Premier denounced I
Blum, Socialist leader, to the
plause of the chamber in to
which rarely had been heard ti
Indirectly charging that the
lionaire Blum was compromising
Socialism with the capitalists,
Premier declared:
"I never had capital or capita
to defend; I never gave in to
demands of anyone!"
Premier Daladier went down to
feat fighting to the last for a
anced budget in order to save
franc. He immediately prepared
The chamber threw the mini
out, unmoved by Daladier's iml
sioned warning that failure to st
a budgetary balance would mean
inflation was inevitable "within
or six weeks."
The deputies refused Dalad
proposal to cut the salaries of
ernment functionaries.
To LeadI
Yo-Yoists In Place
Of Captain Bursley
Because of the ineligibility of Capt.
Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, the Varsity
yo-yo team has selected Robert Saltz-
stein, '34, a former bench-warmer, to
lead the outfit to the Ann Arbor Daily
News' City Championship and the
pennant-if the newspaper in ques-
tion provides a pennant.
San Loco Mindanao, Grad., trainer
of the University yo-yoists, an-
nounced yesterday that Bursley's
scholastic record of three incom-
pletes, two conditions, and a C had
not been improved sufficiently thus
far this year.
Saltzstein expressed himself as be-
ing "very pleased" with his new posi-
tion, and said he would master the
yo-yo in the same way he conquers
the Problems of Life in the Outside
Extra bleacher seats erected Sun-
day for the City Championships were
torn down yesterday when ticket sales
were not up to expectations.
Nudist Colony Leader
Before Elderly Jury
ALLEGAN, Oct. 23.-(R)-The
question of what constitutes inde-
cent exposure tonight arose as the
principal issue in the trial of Fred
P. Ring, nudist colony proprietor,
the first case involving nudism to
enter Michigan courts.
Before a jury of elderly men-
several of whom were asked by
defense counsel what kind of bath-
ing suits they permitted their
daughters to wear-Ring's trial
PARIS, Oct. 23.-(,T)-Torn be
tween two fires, Premier Edouar
Daladier conceded a point to Social
ists in his budget-balancing projec
today and then faced another batt]
in the senate over government econ
While soldiers stood guard outsid
the Chamber of Deputies building
he accepted a compromise cuttin
the wages of functionaries about ha]
,he original demand he had mad
n his budget and anti-inflation pro
gram. He accepted the compromis
in an effort to persuade Socialist
to approve other economy measure:
While throngs of irate persor
-rowded the neighborhood and en
gaged in demonstrations, in whic
200 persons were arrested, the dep
aties went on with their debati
which may mean the life of the gov
M. Daladier's opponents called th
2ompromise a "capitulation" and pre
pared for a new struggle after a
evening recess.
Gin Goes TO WGse
As Raid Scare Hits
"There's a liquor raid on."
This message flashed from hous
to house Saturday night, and fra
ternity men wildly rid themselves c
the incriminating liquids. Much of :
went to waste, many bottles bein
emptied into the drains. Alumni wer
blamed for the most part for th
presence of illegal beverages in th
At one house, an alumnus quit
willingly volunteered his automobil
as a convenient depository for th
excess refreshment. Later, when th
scare was over, it appeared that th
alumnus had carelessly forgotten I
remove the brothers' liquor before h
drove away.
Everyone seemed to know tha
some other house was being raidec
Nobody had -seen a Federal agen
but they were on numerous occa
sions "coming to our house next
according to the messages which wei
turning up.
A check-up late Saturday showe
that no houses had been enterec
both the police and the houses bein
canvassed to ascertain the truth c
the charges.
Fraternity men lost their confi
dence in reports, and later rumor
Michigan Chapter Wins
epskin On O.S. U. Game
'Uncle Tom's Cabin' Maintains
Supremacy In Dramatic Field
or illegalrhas been
)ne form or another
:r many years during
s and the like, but
. Epsilon fraternity
ttle exciting game of
'ious chapters of the
walls of the house are
pskin trophies which
ated" reluctantly by,
branches of Sigma
ing the past decade
eems, consists of bet-
ind ' h har +nha
have to put out some $8 or, $10 for a
skin for the Ohio Gamma boys.
Following is the telegraphic corre-
spondence carried on concerning last
week's bet:
Michigan Alpha
Oct. 17-7 a. m.
Ohio Gamma.
Ohio Gamma
Oct. 18-8 p. m.
lU'phan em
Dramatized from the famous novel
of Harriet Beecher Stowe by George
L. Aiken, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" which
will be presented here by Play Pro-
duction, has reached a height of suc-
cess rarely equaled in the annals of
American drama. From 1852 until
1929 there was scarcely a night when
the play was not being presented
somewhere, whether in a large the-
atre or on an improvised stage of the
town hall of some mid-western
"Gopher Prairie."
And during all that time, Mrs.
Stowe saw the play only once on the
the same enthusiastic applause of the
opening night in Troy.
Like the showboat of the Missis-
sippi and the circuses of P. T. Bar-
num, the Tom show was a yearly
event. The billings, the caliope, the
parade, the animals and the tent, and
the general atmosphere of the per-
formance gave it the elements of a
Many versions of the play sprang
up and it developed much in the way
of a folk play. Some companies had
two Topsies or two Lawyers. A com-
plete script has to be worked out for
each production, especially for the
colorful auction scene, for which no