COLLEGIATE DIGEST TALKING THINGS OVER during a rest period, "Pop" Warner, new head coach at Temple Univer- sity, gives his "boys" some of the fine points of the game before sending them back to the practice field for a scrimmage game. The Philadelphia institution's gridders have a difficult schedule this fall to test the skill of their new mentor. 11 "ANY MILK TODAY LADY?" With this greeting, Mickey Kirkness ap- proaches housewives of Fargo, N. D., to sell milk to earn funds to pay his way at North Dakota State College. The cow's name is Hortense. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY is the newest course at Harvard University, and here is one of the first products-a view of the historic Harvard Yard. In the center can be seen University Hall, the admin- istrative center of the university, built in 1813. Behind it can be seen the spire of the new Memorial Chapel and the great square of the Widener Memorial Library. The buildings to the left are the dormi- tories which house the entire Freshman class asaunit-later they move into one of the seven "Houses", each of which is really a college within Harvard college. BLACK AND WHITE form striking contrasts in this sfrock of black crepe set off by a white pique collar, cuffs and white gloves. The hat is a black felt turban rising to a point at the back. Keystone View Photo TO STUDY AMERICAN CUSTOMS, Miss Vera Dudy- chova, exchange student from Czecho-Slovakia, has en- rolled in Temple University. She is preparing herself for a life dedicated to the cause of international peace. Wide World Photo