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October 22, 1933 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-22
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A Logical Thriller ...
Murder In Bermuda. By Wil-
loughby Sharp. Claude Kendall.
The finding of a body of a beau-
tiful young girl on a main high-
way. on the serene island of Ber-
mudais the occasion which sets in
motion the adroit, speculative ac-
tivities of the efficient Hamilton
police force. With only a dress-
maker's label, a bunch of lilies and
an empty scabbard as clues, the
author skillfully goes on to plot a
novel in which surprise follows
surprise with engaging regularity
and we find before us a story which
has a welcome freshness and orig-
From the outset the story moves
forward at a rapid pace, employ-
ing short, brisk chapters, each one
of which brings a new complex of
situations or new discoveries to
light. The dialogue and charac-
ters are very convincing and the
few dull moments that do occur
are lost thought of by reason of
the inevitability with which the
new dilemma arises at the end of
every chapter.
Willoughby Sharp makes use of
current notoriety given to the
crimes of kidnaping, rum running,
and blackmailing and weaves it
into his central theme. He creates
numerous difficulties and then dis-
penses logically and gracefully
with each in its order, leaving the
reader alternately perturbed and

The author utilizes all the long-
accepted conventions of the mnys-
tery story, but he does so with
such ingenuity and creates such a
welter of involved circumstances
that we are almost entirely una-
ware of his technical trickery. Af-'
ter allowing us to suspect various
people, the guilt is finally fastened
on the person who is ostensibly
least concerned with the charac-
ters in the book.
The pleasant variation from the
general mystery story is the man-
ner in which the various police -of-
ficers working upon the case help
each other and together see the
thing through, so that in this
story, instead of the one stero-
typed super sleuth very nobly car-
rying on, we have the small group
solve their froblem by their coop-
erative efforts.
Mr. Sharp, who is a Harvard
graduate, and a young retired
member of the New York Stock
Exchange, now a resident of Ber-
muda, has a good bit more to offer
us than the average writer of mur-
der stories. He unravels his sinis-
ter tale in fine literary style and
writes vividly of a background he
knows very well.
In his school days Mr. Sharp
was a prolific contributor to the
pulp magazines. The leisurely
life in Bermuda appears to have
given him a chance to revert to
his boyhood hobby. He has al-
ready lodged the manuscript of
another mystery, The Murder of
the Honest Broker, with his pub-

ED" was the order
given by Miss Kath-
leen Coffman to the
men and women at
Washington S t a t e
College, w h en she
was the chairman in
c h a r g e of arrange-
ments for the annual
"open house" night
at the western insti-

THE LAWYERS LIVE HERE. An aerial view of
the Law Quadrangle at the University of Michigan
showing the Lawyers Club in the foreground with the
legal research library to the right of the center.

"Reggie" Root and Captain Bob Lassiter of
Yale University watch the team go through
some light practice. The Yalemen are work-
ing hard "pointing" for the annual Yale-Har-
vard classic.
Wide World Photo

make the two
frocks shown here
attractive t o t h e
popular co-ed that
must look chic at
all times, whether
it be in the class-.
room or the tea-
room. The frock
shown at the left is
a smart model for
fabric or color con-
trast, and is very
easy to make with
its :dashing sleeves
and bow neckline..
Slim, exciting lines
point up the moded"
detail of the dia-
phragm and th e
flattering bouffant
sleeves of the mod-
el shown at the
right. The h ig h
line across the neck
and the slashed de-
tail of the b ac k
make this m o d el
particularly attrac-

HONORING ONE of the recovery program's leaders, the University of Cincinna
an honorary degree to Col. Henry M. Waite, public works administrator. Ab4
Dr. Herman Schneider, engineering dean; Dr. Raymond Walters, president of1
and Col. Waite.
NEW EXECUTIVES assume offices in leading colleges in the United State:
Curtis Nash, left, heading the University of Toledo, and Dr. Bancroft Beatley, hey
Simmons College. Dr. Beatley is one of the youngest college presidents in the'
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114 S. Carroll St;, Madison, Wis.
Enclose stamps, coins, money order
or check for 20 cents for each pat-
tern and cost of mailing. Please in-
dicate pattern number and size on

SHIES" WERE FRESHEST at the end of the annual brawl between the freshmen and sopho-
at the Los Angeles Junior College. The field was made muddy, and the tug-of-war very slip-
wuhen firemen flooded the grounds in anticipation of the war. The tug-of-war was won by the
ear men.

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