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October 22, 1933 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-22

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Hitler Seeks Approval At Home As Powers Ponder Arms Ccisis

Large Variety Of Constellations

Are IYow Apparent In The Sky
It is doubtful whether the average extending southwest with a cross-

- _D A\ 1 ,_A DO L t HI-r L E E MUS S OL IN1i
-Associated Press Photo
With due regard for the possible serious consequences involved in Germany's withdrawal from the League of Nations and the Geneva dis-
armament parley the powers allied in the World War concurred in the belief that efforts for disarmament must continue. Among statesmen who
had important roles in the international drama were Norman Davis, America's ambassador-at-large; Sir John Simon, British foreign minister;
Premier Daladier of France and Premier Mussolini of Italy. Meanwhile in Germany, Chancellor Hitler seeks public approval of the Reich's
position at an election scheduled for Nov. 12.

student while walking his girl back
home from a date, is aware of the
display of heavenly bodies in the fir-
mament. At this time of the year,
however, there is a very interesting
group of constellations visible on
clear nights, according to Dr. Hazel
M. Losh, of the astronomy depart-
In the early part of the evening,
Venus may be seen low in the west,
pink and shining steadily. At this
time of year it is called the "Eve-
ning Star," but in three or four
months it will be the "Morning Star."
Arcturus, in Bootes, the star whose
light started the Century of Progress,
may be seen above and to the right
of Venus, shining brightly until 8:30
p. m. Both of these bodies set soon
after twilight.
Circum-Polar Constellations
In the north, Polaris, the northern
star, can be located by following the
"pointers," forming the side of the
Big Dipper opposite the handle, to a
point 42 degrees above the horizon.
Clustered around Polaris are the cir-
cum-polar constellations which never
set. To the right of the north star
is Casiopeia, forming a "W" which is
nearly inverted when over the pole
and almost right side up when be-
neath it. Cepheus, having the shape
of a rectangle upon an almost equi-
lateral triangle, is above the pole
during the early part of the night.
The "Little Dipper" at this time is
above the large one, seemingly pour-.
ing into it, with its inverted handle
extending up to the right to end at
Polaris. Braco is a long serpentine
constellation like an inverted "S",
which winds between the Big and
Little dippers and finished in a quad-
rilateral head. The Big Dipper itself
can easily be seen low in the north-
ern sky in an upright position. As the
evening progresses these constella-
tions gradually move around the pole
in a counter-clockwise position.
Milky Way Appears Early
At about 8 p. m. the Milky Way
may be seen, starting a little east
from the northern point of the hori-
zon and describing a semi-circle di-
rectly overhead, and ending a little
west of the southern point of the
horizon. Following this arc from the
north with the eye, numerous con-
stellations can be seen. Perseus, a
sort of distorted "Y" is lowest in the
path with Cassiopeia and Cepheus
wholly or partly in the path above
it. Andromeda and Lacerth, smaller
constellations, occur between these
last two. At the zenith directly over-
head and at the point in which the
milky way divides into two streams,
is Cygnus of the Northern Cross. This
large constellation with an almost
perfect cross formation has its base

piece directly overhead.
Following down the left branch of
the southern arc of the Milky Way,
the observer notes Sagitta, an in-
verted and small "Y", Aquila, a large
diamond-shaped figure, and Sagit-
tarius, a long irregular shaped con-
stellation near the horiizon. Sagit-
tarius is commonly called "The Per-
colator," the handle, top, and spout
being well shown. Tacing the right
branch down from the zenith, Lyra
is first seen. This constellation con-
siists of two quadrilaterals imposed
one upon the other. Below this
are Hercules and Serpens. Hercules
is large and difficult to trace ex-
tending over a great portion of the
western sky. Serpens as the name
suggests is serpent-like, winding
around in a single line.
Rising about 9 p. m. at the north-
ern end of the Milky Way is Auri-
gae, a pentagonal shaped figure with
a bright star, Capella, near the top
of the constellation. In keeping with
the latin derivation of the name of
this star which means "goat" are the
three "kids" found just to its right.
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Kelly Ok's Gangster
JargonFor Poice
CHICAGO, Oct. 21. --()- Police-
men in this city may continue to
address hoodlums in the same happy
and carefree manner which insures
a perfect understanding by all con-
This became certain when Mayor
E d w a r d J. Kelly said Chicago
wouldn't do as they have in New
'ork -where it was announced a
college professor would instruct what
to do about the king's English. Po-
liceman Commissioner Allman said
his police always used good English
anyway, and therefore needed no in-
But the events of the day were
being discussed by three sergeants
at the headquarters assigned to the
pickpocket detail, while a suspect
was being questioned.
"I was riding the shorts," said a
sergeant, "when I saw this can-
non putting the eye on a sucker. I
knew he was only a stall. He never
put the clips on a poke in his life.
But I ;couldn't finger the stall so I
sneezes him."
"There's smart coppers and there's
chump coppers," said the suspect,
"and this fuzz is no chump."
In the best underworld circles
"shorts" are street cars; a "cannon"
is a suspect; "sneezes" are arrests,
and a "fuzz" is a policeman.
Forest Owners Convene
To Discuss New Code
The annual conference of the
Michigan Timberland Owners asso-
ciation met Friday and Saturday
.under the auspices of the School of
Forestry to discuss the provisions of
the proposed NRA lumber code.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
welcomed the group Friday morning
and the meeting presided over by
Dean S. T. Dana was addressed by
L. R. Schoenman in charge of Mich-
igan Emergency Conservation who
told of the accomplishments of the
Civilian Conservation Corps in this
In the afternoon the proposed code
was read by George P. McCallum and
the articles which provides for re-
forestation by the timberland owner
was discussed by Prof. Donald M.

Fall Of Franc
Presages Fear
Of Inflation
PARIS, Oct. 21. -(P)- S o l e m n
warnings that inflation looms unless
the budget is balanced were sounded
before the finance committee of the
French chamber of deputies today.
Both Premier Edouard, Daladierl
and Budget Minister Lucien Lam-
oureaux joined in the warning, as
the premier carried forward his fight
for legislation to balance the budget
-legislation on which he has staked
the life of his cabinet.
M. " Daladier went so far as to
say that inflation would come with-
in five or six weeks unless the budget
is balanced
Lamoureaux flatly declared the
minister would fail "honorably," if
necessary, but "there will not be
government inflation."
Warning that the francs already
has been hit, the budget minister
pointed to quotations for the past
week, saying that the American dol-
lar - for example - closed officially
Friday at 18.18 francs (5.5005 cents
to the franc), which was the highest
close since Aug. 24.
Criticism was voiced in parliamen-
circles that the government's pro-
posed program largely was an ex-
pedient to get immediate cash re-
Doctor Claims Religion
Is Universal Comforter
CLEVELAND, Oct. 21.-(IP)-Char-
acterizing religion as the "universal
comforter in times of physical or
spiritual distress," Dr. William J.
Mayo says "let us not delude our-
selves into believing that Commu-
nism or the state can take the place
of some form of spiritual belief."
Dr. Mayo told the closing session
of the Inter-State Post-Graduate
Medical association, of which he is
retiring president, that the emotions
of man play an important part in
the practice of medicine and went on
to say that "religion deals with the
emotions, which are the most primi-
tive of man's natural reactions.


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