The Weather Much colder today; fresh to strong shifting winds. LL G it6ig I VOL. XLIV No. 25 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1933 .... r - AL ,i i T A2 Reno Asks Labor Aid For Strike To Confer With President Of Railway Trainmen On Farm Revolt Support Roosevelt Says He Will Give Statement Farm Leader Seeks Help From Business Man And Laborer Alike Band Director Explains Alma Mater Omission A crowded between-halves pro- gram was responsible for the Varsity Band's failure to play "The Yellow and Blue" at yester- day's game, it was explained last night by Prof. Nicholas D. Fal- cone, director. "Each band is alloted a certain period for its formations between halves, and the Ohio State band took three minutes more than the period assigned it, cutting into our time," the bandmaster de- clared. "Even though we had al- lowed ourselves plenty of time for the lengthy "STEVE" formation and our others, we were hampered by the three minutes being cut from our time." When the Buckeye band had gone through its formations the "Fighting Hundred" was forced to take its seats after the "STEVE" and script "OHIO" formations, omitting the alma mater in what one former student referred to as "the cardinal sin of omission" for Homecoming Week-end. Record Is Made For Number Of Arrests In City Charges Of Drunkenness Lodged Against 22 Men After Ohio State Game Prospect Of Recognition Stirs Russia Michigan Marches On Honors With Smashing 13 o0 DES MOINES, Iowa, Oct. 20.-(P) -Milo Reno, president of the Na- tional Farmers Holiday Association, tonight carried his plea for support of a national farm strike whichl started at noon today, to the doors of industrial labor. Announcing his departure to Chi- cago for a conference on Monday with A. F. Whitney of Cleveland, president of the Brotherhood of Rail- way Trainmen, Reno said that "every effort would be made to enlist the moral support of all other groups of society." To the cause of the non-buying, non-selling strike, the fiery holiday leader summoned the nation's 30,- 000,000 farm population from New York to California and Gulf to Can- ada. Meanwhile, President Roosevelt called for the "spirit of cooperation" of Colonial days in accepting an honorary degree from Washington' College at Chestertown, Md. Cogni- zant with the strike movement, the president indicated he might have an important statement in an ad- dress tomorrow night. In what num- bers farmers would join in the holi-' day movement or stick by the fed- eral government's relief program was not known tonight. Appealing for support from mem- bers and non-members of the holiday association alike, Reno asserted thatl the strike was a battle to determine "whether the farmer shall become a peasant, the menial slave of the usurers and the industrialists," or re- tain the independence "inherited from his fathers." In a letter to state association, presidents, R e n o advised that "schools, churches, civic institutions, labor groups can be informed, not only as to the justness of the farm- ers cause, but also that every business will suffer if the farmers purchasing power is not restored, and that the life of the republic is, at this time, hanging in the balance." "Cost of production" for farm pro- ducts is the basic demand of the holi- day members, and can be attained only by the cooperation in the strike of every farmer," its sponsors assert. Litvinoff Prepares To G( To Washington To Mee President Roosevelt Four Main Issues To Be Discussed Soviet Delegation Which Will Accompany Foreign Minister Not Decided MOSCOW, Oct. 21.-(P)-This Russian capital, busy normally with myriad details reaching into the ev- eryday life of the most remote Soviet peasant, found today in preparations for recognition negotiations with the United States another reason for bustling activity. These considerations involved who should go to Washington with for- eign commissar Maxim Litvinoff to talk with President Roosevelt, the Soviet platform in the conversations and a review of industrial and finan- cial details. When M. Litvinoff will leave and whom he will take with him have not been announced, for the over- shadowing fact was the enthusias- tically hailed statement that Presi- dent Roosevelt asked that negotia- tions looking to recognition be under- taken. Discussions went forward on what Russia could hope for from the re- sumption of official relations and supporting facts were gathered re- garding credit, tariff, and foreign relations, particularly in the far east. Newspapers commented at length on the' development, editorial writers being especially interested in the proposed recognition as a peace move. Not one accident, but more peo- ple arrested for drunkenness and dis- orderly conduct than at any time since the war, and probably before that, was the, report of the police and sheriff offices after yesterday's foot- ball game. Twenty-two persons, a good por- tion of them students from both Ohio State and Michigan, spent a greater part of their day in the Washtenaw County Jail. The ages of those ar- rested ranged everywhere from 16 to 63, but the great majority were young men in their early twenties. Most of those arrested were al- lowed to sleep themselves into a more presentatble appearance during the afternoon, and last night were brought before an impromptu court,, Rumors of raids on campus fraternities by either city police, county deputy sheriffs, or Fed- eral agents from Washington spread through Ann Arbor last night, but all were emphatically denied by officials. Both the city police and the officers at the county jail said they had not raided any house and intended to raid none. The possibility that Federal agents might be conduct- ing the raids was discounted, be- cause any one arrested would have to be lodged in the county jail, and no one had been brought in last night. whur~a+hrav ihr'ni hrF4nor i Roosevelt Will Talk To Nation On Farm Policy Address Might Contain A Mention Of The Russian Question Facing Country WASHINGTON, Oct. 21.--()-His NRA program assailed on one side by urban consumers protesting higher prices and on the other by farmers demanding more for their products, President Roosevelt tomorrow will again make an explanation of his policies to the country. Mr. Roosevelt today was in the old colonial town of Chestertown, Md., receiving an honorary degree from historic Washington College, but be- tween times he was patterning the address which may, also, deal with the Russian question that was re- vived by his sudden announcement yesterday that personal conferences had been arranged by a Russian en- voy. However, the farm situation, pre- cipitated by the strike in the wheat belt and the denunciation of the re- covery program by Gov. Bryan of Nebraska, was claiming the most se- rious thought of the entire adminis- tration for the present. Senator Norris, the Nebraska Re- publican independent who supported President Roosevelt in the last cam- paign reiterated today his belief that currency expansion was the peg upon which an immediate uplift in farm prices must be hung. He added that he was "doing everything I can to help the President." t 1Over 0.5. U. Before 93, More Than 5,000 Alumni Fighting Wolverine End Star Of Yesterday's Game Ohio Gains Only 24 Yar Throng City, Celebrate On Running Attack; Ai Homecoming Day Held to 3 First Downs Freshmen Win Fall Renner Tallies Late Games From Sophs In Second Quarte Members Of Law Classes Petoskey Plays A Sterlin Of '08 And' 13 Meet For Defensive Game; Kipk Informal Reunions Strategy Successful More than 5,000 loyal Michigan By ALBERT H. NEWMAN alumni were greeted yesterday by a s Michigan won! Cheered on by jammed stadium, colorfully decor- .:r o w o9 p ated fraternity and sorority houses, record overflow crowd of 93,508 pi the most fiercely contested fal games admissions, the Wolverines pushe held in years, and a large number of ..over two touchdowns to defeat Oh parties as they returned for the an- >.. ...t .State, 13-0, in yesterday afternoon nual homecoming celebration and classic. The Buckeyes opened t the Michigan-Ohio State gridiron conference season for the Maize an battle. :Blue, offering what was expected I Officials in charge of alumni reg- be the most serious threat to Mich istration declared that a large num- gan's march toward Big Ten and NE ber of graduates had identified them- tional titular honors this season. selves at their booth. In addition, ... Snowed under by the splend there were several informal class re- work of Michigan's line, Ohio unions held. Both the '08 and '13 vaunted running attack netted ju Laws gathered at the Union for their 24 yards from scrimmage all afte meetings. There was also a business noon, while the Wolverine attar, meeting of the Michigan Athletics cracked the famous Buckeye forwar Managers Club, at which officers Trakfd 1h4 yards gave their annual reports. rr :<> TED PETOSKEY. wall for 174 yards. gavether anua reprts_________Deceptive Plays_ Important A huge throng assembled at South Deceptive p las edmbyrac Ferry field this morning to see the Kpke Bll Renner pasConi climax of a rivalry that has been Harry Kipke, Bill Renner's passina growing for the past fortnight be- -s'. tween the freshmen and sophomores. ~throughout the full 60 minutes fea twen te fesmenandsopomres ° r=tured the battle. Ohio State neve Although bested in pre-games activi- susl threate. h e Wove ties, the freshmen took the measure seriously threatened the Wolverin of their rivals, 5 to 4. .°° :°goal line. Grea___y_._____umberedby_________ The first quarter was a see-saw af Greatly outnumbered by their fair, with Cramer and Regecz stag younoerhpponents, the flshToCe 0ning a punting duel from 20 yard lin did not have a chancm. inthe, fl.nJToWato 20 yard line. Michigan's runnin defended the poles agai thehirfu- Bursl AyA S vere attack, however, turned in a few goo tile attacks. They gained the remain- Vo Architects W i1l gains, while the Scarlet and Gre e ttaks Tin ed termin - Blow To o- Yoers wave piled up time after time on th der of their points by winning two Th ave Elections Stone wall of the Michigan defens out of a possible three in the pillow Thefist"bea"_fhe__te fights. However, in the cane spree HHaveVElections The first "break" of the conte the sophomores gained partial re- Hopes of the Varsity Yo-Yo squad came early in the second quarte venge by taking all three counters, for victory in the Ann Arbor Daily Junior elections will be held Wed- when Fay fumbled on his own 2 The triumphant freshmen then News' City Championship sweep- nesday afternoon for all classes yard line after receiving a punt b proceeded up State Street in a hilar- stakes were dimmed yesterday when which had pages in the Michiganen- Cramer. Ohio recovered. Two play ious snake-dance, ceasing only after sian last year. Seniors in the Archi- with Fisch carrying the ball nette they had paraded through the aftr- Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, captain of the tectural College will vote on Thurs- a loss of nine yards, and a pun dors of the Union building, team, suffered a broken wrist. day. The time and place for these which went out of bounds on th Bursley will be confined to his' elections will be announced in Tues- Maize and Blue 15 yard stripe fol home for some time, according to day's Daily. lowed an incomplete pass. 0 Classes not listed in last year's DecorationCu p Trainer San Loco Mindanao, Grad., 'Ensian may obtain a ballot by hand- Heston Makes 30 Yard Run who is entrusted with the care of the ing in a petition signed by 10 mem- Heston took the ball and starte Awarded D elta Varsity outfit. He added that the bers or three-quarters of that class. around the right end. Facing a ho captain will probably not be in shape Petitions must either be given to a of tacklers, the fleet back reverse K appa Ep ilon o theto ryment.member of the Undergraduate Coun- his field and ran thirty yards to The ir y to t cif or left at the Union main desk first down on his own 45 yard line _"The injury to Captan Bursley will before 6 p. m. Tuesday, stated Gilbert After three unsuccessful plays, Re simply mean that other members E. Bursley, '34, president of Under- geczi punted out of bounds on Ohio Formal Presentation To Be of the team will have to work corre- graduate Council. 13 yard line. After two tries at t spondgly harder if we are to win line, Ohio again punted and Sta At Next Meeting Of The the City Championship," Trainer Pay returned the ball.24 yards to th Interfraternit Council Mindanao said. "I can say without Two Men Drop Dead Buckeye 35 yard line for Michigan' fear of contradiction that the loss of At Michigan-Ohio Game first real invasion of enemy terri Bursey for the rest of the season may tory The Delta Kappa Epsilon frater- cs tory.nnn."(hetr nity was selected by the judges yes- c sthe p n trm George Hoaglin, 60, of Albion, and The Wolverines penetrated to th ter d y a th e h o u e p e s e n in g th e " p e n n a n t" s h e re u se d in its fig u ra - R o b e rt J . S . J a c k so n , 7 1 , d ro p p e d 2 a d s r p , w e e a p s y R bstdecratios forHmes cing h tive sense by Trainer Mindanao, for dead of heart attack yesterday aft- gc as trped b Pass wh and will be awarded the cup offered there is no pennant awarded in the ernoon during the football game ac- was wne on the 10. by a local commercial establishment City Championship). cording to statements made by phy- at the next meeting of the Interfra- Othser members of the Vhrsity sicians at St. Joseph's H o a p i t a , Fay to d dnmer Btre b ternity Council. team, when informed of the injury where the bodies were taken follow- y tok hifield, and then BilRen The judging committee, which con- to their captain, expressed regret, one ing collapse at the Stadium. ner took hi place at quarterbaci sisted of Prof. Preston E. James of adding "the loss of Bursley for the Hoaglin collapsed during the early Immediately the Buckeye defense op the geography department, Prof Ar- rest of the season may well cost part of the game. His body was re- ened up, expecting a series of passe thur E. R. Boak of the history de- us the pennant." moved to Albion. by the Youngstown, 0., tosser, bu -___ ___ ____ __ the Wolverines used this threat t partment, and two members of the cut loose some trick plays. One pas Undergraduate Council, Gilbert E. egrogoo fr 14 yards fm Rnner t Bursley, '34, and Wilbur Bohnsack,IH 0 SpIrituals Ap d F Heston, brought the ball to a firs '34, based its decision almost entirelyI down on the Buckeye 30 yard lin upon the originality of the winning Accompaniment In dUncle Tom Renner Scres On Sear house inasmuch as many fraternities RgciadEehrubnft presented the same type of decora- tions which have appeared in the While a musical score was not has been arranged, and some of it ting from fake pass formations an past. writteniL Aiken's dra- composed by Jack Conklin. to Ohio defense which was s The "Dekes" turned commercial for nto George The 60-odd members of the cast, uo intercept the passes which neve the week-end, displaying on the front matization of Harriet B e e c h e r the glee clubs, and the technical staff materialized, made it first downo of their house and in their yard the Stowe's novel, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," are all approaching the dramatiza- the Ohio 20. A five yard penalty fo atmosphere of a cleaning establish- tradition has adopted appropriate tion from a serious standpoint, void too many time outs, and a run b; ment entitled "The Yost and Kipke negro music as part of the play, of the sentimentality and melodrama Heston brought the ball down to th Cleaners." Many references to the of the Mid-Victorian shows. They 3 yard lne, where Ohio, stiffening sort of cleaning which the Wolve- Play Production's version of Un- of t Mid-Vitin shows. Tey a to resist two line plunges, succumbe rines hoped to give the Buckeyes cle Tom's Cabin" is certain to be dif- want t present it i the same ser- to a quarterback sneak by Renne wriesdrawnduponplacards Boutteye ferent from the original script of ious light which Mrs. Stowe intended t urebc na yRne were drawn upon placards about the retrmth orgasrp f it. The 15 different sets, patterned who scored standing up. Everhardn yard of the winning house. Two de- Aiken, in that his decidedly bad lines, after the "Tom show" scenery be- missed the goal. according to Director Valentine B.afeth"Tmso"cnryb- isdtegal livery trucks, gaily decorated, were Windhtrfore the modern box set, is under the The third quarter was scoreless parked on the lawn. lymdecoratedvwere idtbehavebeen replacedbyalines direction of Fred Rebman, long stage Michigan penetrating once to the C The Phi Kappa Tau fratenity, at from Mrs. Stowe's novel. More than director for campus dramatic pro- S. U. 17 yard stripe only to have f the coner of Hill St., and Forest Ave., that, special effort has been made to ductions, and assisted by Lawrence lateral pass fumbled as the refere was awarded second place. Its dec- select music and proper accompani- Levy, '34. Costumes of the period threw himself fiat on the ground t orations consisted of a huge clock de- ment for the Ann Arbor presentation, have been designed by Virginia avoid interfering with the play. Pe sign at the top of the house from Windt said. Frink, '35. toskey tried a field goal, but the ba] which was suspended a large pen- Under the able direction of Rob- The box office in the Lydia Men- went wide. Anderson To Resign Church Position Soon The Rev. Merle H. Anderson to- morrow will ask members of the First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor to meet with him in a congre- gational meeting Wednesday night at which time he will present his resignation as pastor and ask the congregation to unite with him in a request to the Detroit Presbytery to accept it. Rev. Anderson will preach on "Experiencing the Divine Fellow- ship - the Reality of Prayer." j "Religion for Today" will be the f topic of the Rev. R. Edward Sayles, minister of the First Baptist Church. Harold P. Marley, pastor of the Unitarian Church, will speak this morning on "Certainties in the Lib- eral Gospel," stressing the "positive aspects of humanism." In the fourth of a series on "God and Religion," the Rev. Frederick B. Fisher of the First Methodist Epis- copal Church will answer the ques- tion, "Is Christianity True?" The Rev. Edward M. Duff, asso- ciate pastor of St. Andrews Episcopal Church will take as his topic "The Coming Religious Revival." Boy Scouts To Collect Clothes For Local Poor Boy Scouts have volunteered to col- wnere they enner paid hneir fines or were sent back to the jail again. Not only was there more drinking than usual, but there was also more ticket scalping. Tickets on the fifty yard line were selling at $10 each, and they weren't always on the fifty yard line. Both students and spec- ulators engaged in the business enter- price, but the police were inclined to overlook it. They said they had not heard of any such thing happen- ing. HENDERSON TO DISCUSS NRA Fred Henderson, prominent Brit- ish laborite and writer, is making his first lecture tour in America this fall. He will deliver a discussion lecture, "After the NRA-What?" here to- morrow. Famed Master Of Ceremonies Explains That He 'Can Take It' By GUY M. WHIPPLE, Jr. Here is the little-known inside story of Detroiter Ray Conlin, lately dubbed "Oscar," who acts as master of ceremonies at the midnight vaude- ville programs of the Michigan The- atre. It is, perforce, the story of the' most booed, the most hissed, and the most thoroughly heckledvaudeville attache who ever struck Ann Arbor. "Oscar," who only once since he first became the Michigan's master of ceremonies in January, 1933 has ever been able to make himself heard against the jeers and the cat- calls of local audiences, honestly en- of booing and hissing was impossible to stop. In some s t r a,n g e way "Oscar" seemed to chafe the nerves of his audience. But they like to boo, and he likes to be booed, so that set-! tles that, according to "Oscar." The one chance "Oscar" had to make himself heard came about in this way: Jerry Hoag appeared on the stage in place of the favored "Oscar" and announced t h a t a brother of "Oscar" would act as mas- ter of ceremonies that night. He then led a gibbering young monkey onto the stage, followed a minute later,by the real "Oscar," who proud- lv displaved a sign hung from his