ihe weather
Showers and warmer Satur-
day; Sunday unsettled and
colder, local rain or snow.
Q ~g
VOL. XLIV No. 24
Alumni Returning
For Annual Games
Homecoming Crowds Are
Largest In Many Years;
Games This Morning
Pillow Fight, Cane
Spree Scheduled
Flag Rush Third Event; To
Award One Point Each
In Events Won
With the largest number of alum-
ni returning to the University for
Homecoming that has been seen in
many years, officials and students
were completing enthusiastic plans
last night for their entertainment.
Included in the events are the an-
nual Fall Games between the fresh-
man and sophomore classes, to be
held at 10 a. m. today on South
Ferry Field, the judging of the best
decorated fraternity house, the clas-
sic Michigan-Ohio State football
game this afternoon, and numerous
dances, .reunions, and other festivi-
ties for tonight.
Class games will bring to a con-
clusion one of the most spirited com-
petitions that has sprung up between
the two lower classes in recent years,
their spontaneous battles through-
out the past week reminding ob-
servers of the "old enthusiasm" that
alumni are fond-'of describing.
Meeting Places Named
Members of the first year class will
meet at 9 a. m. at the Union, and
sophomores at the same time at Wa-
terman Gymnasium, where they will
be painted with their class colors -
green- for the freshmen and red for
the sophomores.
From these two gathering points'
the two groups will proceed to the
field, where the games will be con-
ducted by the co-operative commit-
tee of the Union, under the direc-
tion of Lewis Kearns, '35. Kearns
stated that all members of the two
To Award Prize For
Best House Decoration
The committee which is to
award the loving cup to the fra-
ternity having the best decora-
tions for Homecoming will make
its selection at about 11 a. m. to-
day, driving about the city in a
special car to determine the prize-
The cup, now on display in the
window of a State Street cleaning
establishment, is to be presented-
to the winning house at the next
meeting of the Undergraduate
Prof. Preston E. James of the
geography department, Prof. Ar-
thur E. R. Boak of the history de-
partment, and two members of
the Undergraduate Council, Gil-
bert E. Bursley, '34, and Wilbur
Bohnsack, 34, will compose the.
judging committee.
classes must be painted with their
respective colors or they will not be
admitted to competition in the
Three Main Events
There are to be three main events,
the cane spree, flag rush,' and pillow
fight. Nine men will represent.-each
side in the cane spree and pillow
fight, and the contests will be under
no time limit, the match ending
when all opponentsare beaten.d
In the former, one man from each
side grasps a pick handle with both
hands, and the object is to wrest it
from his opponent. For the pillow
fight contestants sit on saw horses,
with lances made of long poles that
are tipped with stuffed guinea sacks,
and attempt to knock each other
from the horse.
Freshmen Defend Flag
The flag rush, usually considered
the best of the three events because
there is no limit to the number who
may take part, calls for two greased
poles with flags at their tops. These
will be guarded by the freshmen,
while members of the second-year
class attempt to get the flags away
from them. One point will be given
to the winner in each of the three
events, so that winning two out of
the three will entitle a team to be
named winner of the games.
Sanctum Of Males
At Michigan Union
Where, oh, where are the two wo-
men students who tried to enter the
Union by the front door two years
ago? They landed in jail for trying
it that time, but 'today they could
do it without the least bit of trepi-
dation, for officials have decided that
women students and visitors may al-
most have the "run of the building"
on game-days.
They may come in the front en-
trance without so much as a side
glance toward the spot where George,
guardian of the men's seclusion,
stands. They may even proceed
downstairs to the Taproom, while
traditions fall with loud crashes in
the background.
But, men of Michigan, there is still
hope, for they have to leave those
sacred places by 9 p. m.~
Bands Meet In
Old Rivalry On
Street And Field
Solemn Tribute To Farrell
Will Be Central Feature
Of Elaborate Display
Scarlet coats and dark blue blous-
es will vie again today for supremacy
in the music field as the Michigan
and Ohio bands meet on the street
and in the Stadium in another of
the series of annual encounters.
The blue wool and yellow leather
of Michigan's "Fighting Hudred"
will shine not only in a series of
maneuvers requiring extraordinary
skill, but will pay tribute to the
memory of the late Stephen "Steve"
Farrell, spelling out his name and
standing rigid at attention while a
trumpeter sounds "Taps."
What the n a t t y scarlet-caped
white-spatted band of the O. S. U.
regiment will do in the way of be-
tween-halves maneuvers is still a se-
cret in Ann Arbor and in most of
Columbus, but public announcements
have been made that the Buckeye
band will play "Who's Afraid of the
Big, Bad Wolf?" and "Don't Give a
Damn for the Whole State of Michi-
gan," and officers of the Michigan
band were aware yesterday that riv-
alry between the two sparkling units
would reach a pitch not seen in re-
cent years.
A committee of officers of the Var-
sity Band will be on hand shortly '
before noon as the first special Ches-
apeake and Ohio train carrying the
band and spectators pulls in over the
Ann Arbor Railroad tracks.
Soon after 1 p. m. "The Victors,"
with "Across the Field," hard on its
heels, will crash out on State Street
as the two bands set out from Mor-
ris Hall on their lively march to the
Stadium, where they will separate for
another year.
State Band Goes To Sea
EAST LANSING, Oct. 20-(Spec-
ial)-Michigan State College's 75-
piece military band, unit of the State
R. O. T. C. regiment, left here today
by bus for Muskegon, where it will
board ship for Milwaukee and the
M. S. C.-Marquette football game
Saturday afternoon.
Soviet Russia
Is Invited To
Attend Parley
Kalinin Accepts Offer Of
U. S. To Meet At White
House Peace Conference
Recognition May
Follow This Move
Chief Of Foreign Affairs
Will Represent Russia
At Washington Soon
MOSCOW, Oct. 20.-()-Russia
announced tonight its acceptance of
President Roosevelt's proposal to ne-
gotiate for the American recognition
of the Soviet Union, believing that
such action will serve the cause of
world peace.
In the most cordial terms the So-
viet president, Mikhail Kalinin, re-
plied to a message the United States
executive sent him on Oct. 10, and
announced he would send the foreign
commisar, Maxim Litvinov, to Wash-
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.-(P)-
President Roosevelt today announced
that he had invited a representative
of the unrecognized Soviet Govern-
ment to confer with him-a move ob-
viously leading toward recognition of
that government.
Mikhail Kalinin, president of the
Soviet Republic, has accepted the
Roosevelt invitation.
He is sending M. Litvinov, the com-
misar for foreign affairs, to Wash-
President Roosevelt will personally
conduct the negotiations with Litvi-
It was emphasized at the White
House as the President made the an-
nouncement that this act in itself
does not constitute recognition of
Mr. Roosevelt personally read his
letter to the Soviet Pre'sident, dated
Oct. 10, and the latter's reply, dated
Oct. 17, to newspapermen who
crowded his room at the regular press
conference today.
Cheering Not
Good Enough,
Alumni State
There has been much comment on
the poor showing of Michigan's
cheering at games both at home and
abroad, according to Thomas Rob-
erts, '34, head cheerleader. At the'
Michigan Club dinner last Thursday
night at the Detroit University Club
many of the alumni present re-
marked that they missed the brand
of cheering which was exhibited dur-
ing their years on the campus, Rob-
erts said.f
The Ohio State game, being per-
haps the most important game in
the country today, should be sup-
ported with cheering of the same or-
der, he added. Michigan will have
attendance enough, Roberts pointed
out, and all that is needed to pro-
duce the best cheering in years is
enthusiastic support.
It is especially important for those
students sitting in the cheering sec-
tion to read the directions on the
back of their tickets 'carefully and
to follow. directions faithfully. Above
all, it is essential that these students
keep their cards intact until the last
stunt has been performed and not
destroy them when the game is half
over, Roberts said.
Regents Alter
Physical Ed.
Joint Action Can Add Up
To 3 Years; Semester
Required For All Men
Announce Summer
Session Committee
Three Given Leaves Of
Absence For The Second
Addition of from one semester to
three years on the requirements for
physical education for men students
was made possible by the Board of
Regents at their October meeting
held yesterday afternoon.
The new ruling, which provides
for increasing of the necessary hours
of physical education, states that it
may be done in accordance with the
needs of the individual and that the
change shall be made and approved
by the joint action of the Board in
Control of Athletics, the Health Serv-
ice, and the dean of the college or
school in which the student is en-
Regents' Resolution
The resolution reads as follows:
Resolved, that allfreshmen must take
and complete satisfactorily a one-
year course in physical education;
and that all other students entering
with advanced credit shall take and
complete, during their first semester
in the University, a semester in phys-
ical education, and, resolved further,
that requirements beyond the fresh-
man year, or first semester in the
case of all other undergraduate stu-
dents, shall be determined in accord-
ance with the physical need of the in-
dividual student.
Other actions taken at this meet-
ing of the Regents include the ap-
pointment of Deans Henry M. Bates
of the Law School, James B. Ed-
monson of the School of Education,
G. Carl -Hubert of "the Grauate
School, Edward H. Kraus, of the lit-
erary college, and Herbert C. Sadler
of the College of Engineering to
the newly created executive commit-
tee for the Summer Session. This
body takes the place, with the direc-
tor, Louis A. Hopkins, of the former
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson of theEng-
lish department was named couselor
to foreign students.
Graduate Board Members
Dean Edmonson and Prof. H. M.
Randall, head of the physics depart-
ment, were named to membership on
the executive board of the Graduate
School for a one-year term ending
in June, 1934. Prof. Arthur E. R.
Boak of the history department and
Prof. O.- J. Campbell of the English
department were reappointed to the
same body, succeeding themselves, for
four year terms to end in June, 1937.
Continuance of the Buhl Classical
(Continued on Page 6)
Many Services
Offered Alumni
Here At Game
Special Dance To Be Held
Tonight; Councilmen To
Welcome Union Guests
A reception and information com-
mittee, the offering of many special
services, and a special dance in the
ballroom are among features being
offered by the Union to alumni of
the University, followers of the Ohio
State team, and others in the city to-
day for the game and homecoming.
Begun at the time of the Michigan
State game two weeks ago, the policy
of having a number of members of
the executive council and of the re-
ception committee on hand through-
out the morning of a home game to
give all possible assistance to vis-
itors has proved a distinct success,
and has met with widespread ap-
proval, officials said.
There will be a clearing house
through which any tickets that have
been turned in by purchasers unable
to use them at the last moment will
be sold, although it is not likely that
there will be many of these today,
it was added.
Scalping, which in years past has
Special trains were planned on LIQUID MANNA
both the Michigan Central and the WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.-(A')-In
Ann Arbor railroads, the contingent the first six months of legalized beer,
from Ohio entering at the Ann Ar- taxes on the 3.2 beverage enriched
bor station. the treasury by $74,944,483.
New Luck Charm To Replace
Warriors Of Michigamua To
Dedicate New Tribe Wigwam
In the highest wigwam seen in.
countless moons, braves of the Tribe
of Michigamua will meet today to
formally dedicate their new abode..
Surrounded by relics and tokens of
the American Indian, and with Chief
Michigamua sternly watching from
a portrait on one of the walls, braves
who entered the Tribe as long as
30 years ago will gather with those
who have followed them to have their
own homecoming in the wigwam just
The walls of birch, covered with
Sachem will preside over. the gather-
On the wall at his back hangs a
plaque with the names of the braves
of the Tribe who have been called
to the happy hunting grounds, and
below it another one with the names
of those who were called to the land
of promise in the great battle.
Trophies of the chase line the
other walls, and weapons that were
used by the ancestors of the Tribe.
I any pelts are hung and draped
about the wigwam, as well as snow-
shoes, mounted fish, and the heads
of deer.