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October 20, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-20

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Weather School
Jses Local Maps
Po Aid InStudy
ir Conditions Both Here
And Abroad Form Basi
Of Navigation Courses
Meteorologyy G'en
r im y Officer Ordginates
System Of Foreeasting
Local Weather Chaiges
A new school for educational Ann
rbor, the National Weather and
iation School, 804 Monroe St.,
as been started by Col. John P. Fin-
y, United States Army retired, grad-
tte of the Fort Meyer army course
weather reading and one of the
rly workers in the United States
eather Service.
Daily maps from all the leading
ties of the country are received at
.e school, as well as maps received
sekly or monthly from important
untries in Europe, Asia, and all
her parts of the world.
The school plans to teach metor-
ogy, climatology, cartography,
zysical and climatic geography, avi-
ion weather, climatological surveys
r airplane lines of flight, and rout-
tg for aviation.
The school features practical work
the construction and reading of
.e daily weather map and in fore-
sting weather for different areas.
will give consideration to local,
ntinental, and world weather in-
uences, and will teach the syn-
tronizing of station weather reports
i aviation maps while the plane is
Col. Finley, director of the school,
as associated with the United States
eather Bureau for from 15 to 20
ars, and spent 12 years in the Phil-
pine Islands as governor of the
uthern sector.
He has devised a system of county
eather forecasting which makes it
ssible to forecast weather not only
r states or sections of states, but
r counties composing the states.
his information is for farmers, mer-
ants, and others who may want re-
irts on the weather in a small area.
"The Weather Bureau, with which
e school will co-operate," Col. Fin-
y said yesterday, "has been in exist-

Einstein's Taken From Boat Secretly To Avoia Crowds

Detroit Alumni
Club Entertains
9 Senior Men
Prominent Students An d
Faculty Members Talk
On Campus Activities
Entertained at dinner last night
by the Student Relations Commit-
tee of the University of Michigan
Club of Detroit at the University
Club, nine prominent seniors and
three faculty men talked briefly to
the assembled members on the var-
ious campus activities.
George C. Dillman, chairman of
the committee in charge, called up-
on Prof. H. C. Anderson, of the En-
gineering College, Lieut. R. R. Cour-
sey, of the R. O. T. C., and T. Haw-
lay Tapping, general secretary of the
Alumni Association, for short speech-
In addition, he also 'asked Robert
A. Saltzstein and Edward W. Mc-
Cormick, president and recording
secretary, respectively, of the Union,
Thomas K. Connellan, Wallace Gra-
ham, and Thomas E. Powers, man-
aging editors of The Daily, The
Michiganensian, and The Gargoyle,
Gilbert E. Bursley, Sherwood A.
Messner, and Bethel B. Kelley, pres-
idents of the Undergraduate Coun-
cil, Student Christian Association
and Interfraternity Council, and
Thomas B. Roberts, head cheerlead-
er, to explain their particular extra-
curricular activities.
The purpose of this dinner, in ad-
dition to establishing a closer rela-
tionship between alumni and stu-
dents, was to give these seniors an

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. - A progres-
sive miner was shot and killed as
thousands of his fellow workers
stormed into Springfield on a pro-
test march.
vere criticism of the judge and the
state's attorney who allowed the
lynching of a negro was meted out
by Gov. Albert C. Ritchie.
DETROIT -Senator Arthur H.
Vandenburg of Michigan, speaking
before the Michigan State Federation
of Women's Clubs, recommended a
law which would make kidnaping a
death penalty.
* * *
HAVANA - Guarding against any
future disorders such as have been
prevalent recently, soldiers armed
with sub-machine guns patrolled all
important streets.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Senator Robert
F. Wagner of New York reminded
leaders of industry that the heavy
NRA penalties stood behind the de-
cisions of the National Labor Board.
. *
opportunity to discuss the problems
furnished by their positions with men
who have formerly held the same
jobs, Mr. Dillman said.
He also stated that contrary to
custom, the dinner was thrown open
to the entire membershipof the club
rather than restricting it merely to
the Board of Governors as was done
in the past.

Prof. Orlando 0. Norris
To Speak Before Acolytes
Prof. Orland 0. Norris, of the
philosophy department at l\ichigan
State Normal college, will speak be-
fore the Acolytes next Monday eve-
ning at 7:30 p. m. on the topic, "Cos-
mic Pragmatism and Its Humanistic
Implications." The meeting will be
held in Room 202, South Wing.
The Acolytes, a philosophical so-
ciety, has been in existence since
1889, and originally included the psy-
chology department, but they have
since separated. The club meets ev-
ery two weeks to discuss philosophi-
cal subjects and hear various speak-
'Michigan Alumnus' To
Print Hopwood Essays
The remaining two essays from
the collection selected as winners in
last year's Hopwood Awards contest
will be reprinted in this week's is-
sue of the Michigan Alumnus, which
makes its appearance next Satur-
day morning.
Mildred Walker Schemm, Grad., is
the author of the prize-winning se-
ries entitled "Group of Vermont Es-
says." "Calvin Coolidge" and "Bal-
sam Saints" are the two essays to
appear this week. In the last issue,
two others from the group were
Mrs. Schemm is also the writer of
the novel which was chosen as the
best in the fiction contest, and is now
in the process of publication.
I orbett's

-Associated Press Photo
Prof. Albert Einstein and Mrs. Einstein are shown as they left their ocean liner to board a tug in New
York harbor when they arrived from Europe. They were whisked away in seclusion, apparently to avoid any
Nazi demonstration. At Princeton, N. J., Dr. Einstein will spend the winter in research work.

The Chief Gets An Alarm
And Fire Drives Right Up
PASADENA, Calif., Oct. 19-( P)-
The quiet of quaint little Sierra Ma-
dre, nestling in the mountains near
here, was disturbed by jangling
alarm bells in the fire department.
Chief D. W. Richards picked up his
phone and a woman's voice told him
a fire was on its way to the station.
A few minutes later a smoking auto-
mobile stopped in front of the fire
house, where firemen turned the hose
on it.
ence about 60 years, being founded'
shortly after the Civil War. It pub-
lishes about 5,000 maps a day on the
weather in various parts of the coun-
try. Other nations throughout the
world have now copied the American
system of publishing maps."
Col. Finley was born in Ann Arbor
and attended the University.

'Old Grad' Reminisces About
Campus Life Of 50 Years Ago


{' '
r -: ...


The local officials of the Alumni
Association are busy conducting an
extensive search of their files for the
names of those graduates who are
now eligible for membership in the
Emeritus Club.
At the request of Dr. Thomas H.
Trueblood, professor emeritus of the
speech department, they are seeking
the names of alumni who matricu-
lated on the campus 55 or more years
ago this fall. "Old Grads" who come
under this classification are quali-
fied to join the ranks of this society.
Last June when the annual con-
vention was held, close to 50 mem-
bers of the club were in attendance.
The fact that. these reunions are
filled with significance for these men
is demonstrated by the statements of
Chester H. Rowell, '88, who is one
of the most distinguished alumni of
the University, after attending the
His column entitled "An Old Grad
Looks Backward," which appeared in
the San Francisco Chronicle, says:
"This is written on the train, return-
ing to Chicago from Ann Arbor,
where the writer has been attending
the class reunion on the forty-fifth
anniversary of his graduation from
the University of Michigan. Five
years ago, on the fortieth anniver-
sary, he made the University Com-
mencement address, but this year, as
a mere private member of the next
to oldest class to hold a quintennial
reunion, there was better opportunity
to renew old associations. After the
fiftieth, there are no more separate
class reunions; the oldsters are then
dumped together into the "Emeritus
Club," ignoring class years. The old-
est here today was of the class of
1868. Last year there was one of
'. But the "Emeritus Club" of
this college reunion sounded a more
cheerful note. Here were no with-
ered old men just sitting and waiting
with little to remember and nothing
to hope, but the selected best of their
time, trained and intelligent, looking
back on lives of intellectual activity
and achievement and still eager, in-
terested and interesting, keenly alive.
Old age like theirs is something to
look forward to; not to shrink from.
"These old college towns are al-
most timeless. The students are al-
ways the same age, and time seems
also to stand still for the old trees
and the old houses, and even for the
human fixtures. George Wahr, who

has sold books in the same shop for
over fifty years, remembered the stu-
dent of long ago who had the freak
habit of buying books in strange lan-
guages, that had to be searched for
at the ends of the earth. Evidently
a modern student with that habit
would be a freak still. At any rate,
the shelves were full of textbooks to
learn the usual languages- Greek,
Latin, French, German and Spanish
-but few other books in even these
languages to indicate that anybody
ever used the languages after study-
ing them, and of course, almost noth-
ing in the outlandish tongues.
* * *
"College students of journalism
may incidentally be shocked to learn
the equally freak fact that the writ-
er's principal educational preparation
for his first newspaper editorship
consisted of a knowledge of media-
eval languages like these, all of them
twice as dead as Greek. He had
studied in college not one minute of
history, economics or political sci-
ence, and scarcely any English com-
position. Somehow, he managed
eventually to overcome part of the
handicap of these early educational;
deficiencies. But go not thou and do
Briggs Addresses
Engineers On NRA
"The NRA has a socialistic, not an
individualistic program, with the
well-being of' society for its aim. It
has its weaknesses, but the present
administration has nerve, and if wej
co-operate, realization of that pro-
gram appears feasible," said Robert
P. Briggs of the economics depart-
ment Wednesday night in an address
to the student branch of the Ameri-
can Society of Mechanical Engineers
in the Union.
In a detailed, thorough-going sur-
vey of the whole recovery program,
Mr. Briggs said there was nothing
certain about the outcome of the
present program. His speech con-
centrated upon those parts of the
NRA concerned with industrial re-
covery and public works.
Following the talk members of the
society discussed the question infor-
mally for a full hour, giving particu-
lar attention to labor codes and con-
sumer protection under the "New

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