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October 19, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-19

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Established 1890

,. , ;

hampered to the polls, there to vote on freely
chosen candidates?
The sort of election to be held November 12 can
only be regarded by the world as a travesty of an
electorate's function.
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars definitely
recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior;
no stars, stay away from it.

.,- - ~ ~ - 41 .
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion a-l the Big Ten News Service.
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Offices:AStudent Publications Building, Maynard Street,
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Telephone 425
CITY EDITOR....................BRACKLEY SHAW
WOMEN'S EDITOR.....................CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
liam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret Phalan.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin,
Marjorie Western.
REPORTERS: Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney
A. Evans, TedrtR.Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas
Groehn, Robert D.. 'uthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski,
Thomas H. Kleene, Burnett B. Levick, Irving F. Levitt,
David G. Macdonald, S. Proctor McGeachy, Joel P.
Newman, John M. O'Connell, Kenneth Parker, Paul W.
Philips, George I. Quimby, Mitchell Raskin, William R.
Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Marshall
D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur M. Taub, William
F. Weeks, Philip T. Van Zile.
WOMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hammer,
Florence Harper, Marie eid, Eleanor Johnson, Jose-
phine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Mary Robinson, Jane
Schneider, Ruth' Sonnanstine, Margaret Spencer.
Telephone 2-1214
... ..........................C ENR
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef-
ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Carl Fib-
iger, Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal,
Joe Rothbard, James Scott, Norman Smith, David Wink-
Faor Whom
The Cheers?. .
L AST SATURDAY Cornell Univer-
sity's football team came here and
two great institutions met on the football field
for the first time in more than two decades. By
all odds it should have been a great intersectional
contest, thrilling for its color. Ann Arbor stores
should have been decorated in the colors of the
teams as they were in former years. Scores of
"M" flags should have lined the sidewalks of the
business district.
Actually the response was far different. Show-
windows contained the usual displays. Cornell
visitors were greeted almost with apathy, and but
a scant half-dozen "M" flags decorated the
campus district. The 100-piece Michigan Band
and the 40-piece Ann Arbor High School band -
both representatives of educational institutions
on which the business of Ann Arbor is depend-
ent -were virtually ignored as they paraded
down State Street, one in the morning and one in
the afternoon.
Yesterday a hundred men who have violated the
laws set up by their fellows came to Ann Arbor
as the chief feature of a "promotion stunt" of a
newspaper. In their honor nearly every Ann Arbor
store displayed the American Flag; school chil-
dren were dismissed to see inmates of Jackson
Prison parade the streets; a formal reception met
them at the edge of the city; traffic was tied up as
principal avenues were blocked off fo their
marching, and hundreds lined the sidewalks to'
listen to them inaugurate "Fall Music Gala Day"
with simplified arrangements of Mihigan songs
played on glockenspiel, trumpet, and drum.
The bands as bands do not enter into this argu-

ment; but the fact remains that they are the
visible evidences of undergraduate America. They
represent that portion of the population which,
not long hence, will control these United States.
They represent America on the up-grade.
Inmates of the State's penal institutions, how-
ever worthy may be their efforts to reinstate
themselves in society, are on the return-grade.
They had their chance and muffed it. Students
in the educational institutions are on the first up-
grade. Their chance is ahead of them. America
on the up-grade should get the attention, the
Flag, and the "M" banners, and we respectfully
suggest that the publicity and the parties be left
in the hands of those merchants who use them for
their own profit.

Victor Conway ...............Ricardo Cortez
Commodore Richardson.... Richard Bennett
Helen Grant ........ .....Elizabeth Young
Miss Healy ..................:.Sharon Lynne
Harry, the guide .......... Barton MacLane
"The Big Executive," featuring Ricardo Cortez
and Elizabeth Young, a new ingenue, is a mod-
erately slow, story, lacking in plot, elaborately
screened in the Hollywood-modernistic vogue. It
is the story of a financial battle between young
Victor Conway, money-bags colossus of the new
school, and the grizzled nonagenerian Commodore
Richardson, who typifies the "honest" old school,
which shunned fleecing the government and the
small investor to concentrate on milking other
executives of their steel mills, railroads, real es-
tate, and shipping lines.
Weaving in and out between the two "schools"
of financial tactics is the debutante Helena Rich-
ardson, great-grand-daughter of the Commodore
and lover of Vic Conway. Miss Young is another
in the long succession of very youthful Hollywood
starettes whose duties are to grimace and pose at
the beck and call of the director. She really is
no more of a positive force in "The Big Execu-
tive" than is the equally youthful ands; inept
Sharon Lynne, miraculously efficient secretaryI
unto Conway. As for Mr. Bennett, he is altogether
laughable (not purposely) in his aged part, forced
as he is to don a brusque, 1890 captain-of-indus-
try mustache, corn-starch his hair, wet the mass,
and carefully comb it into a spikey forest which
is designed to appear unkempt.
Mr. Cortez, with the build of a Minnesota full-
back and the facial attributes of a Raft, Valen-
tino, or a Novarro, is more than slightly out-of-
place as a tea-drinking "executive." Those who
saw him as the detective in "Phantom of Crest-
wood" will be slow to accept him in his latest.
Added attractions: A Stan Laurel and Oliver
Hardy comedy, "The Midnight Patrol" - good;
Betty Boop C a r t o o n- riot good; and Hearst
Metrotone News.
- G. M. W., Jr.
Ediorial Comment

wood upon the thoroughness and wisdom of its
text, and Judge Arnold for the forthright courage
of his brief. The lawyers who fought this good
fight for the public welfare have in serving society
served themselves. They have ridded their pro-
fession in Missouri of the go-between whose
service is not so much to society as it is to crime.
The outcome of the battle, one of the most
critical ever fought by the people of any state,
should be to dignify the law and to purify the
ranks of its practitioners. It has been futile to
talk about putting down crime without attacking
its primary cause. No serious student of American
society has doubted for years where the roots of
the whole trouble rest. We repeat here what we
said about it a fortnight ago:
Crime in the United States has its base
in the legal profession. Everybody knows
this. Jurists know its Reputable lawyers know
it. So do criminals know it. They have im-
mensely strengthened themselves by estab-
lishing contact with the law. That gulf which
should separate the underworld and the world
of law and order was long ago bridged by this
alliance in almost every American city.
The bar associations should take heart from
the Richards decision and renew their battle for
a self-regulating corporate bar. They cannot ex-
pect the courts to do for them what they can in
the main do for themselves.
- St. Louis Post Dispatch


The unanimous decision of the Missouri Su-<
preme Court disbarring Paul Richards from the1
practice of law in the State for acting as a go-
between for kidnapers dignifies the law and re-1
stores popular confidence in it at a time when
distrust is widespread. 1
In reaching the decision, the court swept asidei
all legalistic rubbish and sophistry. It disagreedI
that the acquittal ofaRichards by a jury was the
end of the matter, as it denied that a prior de-
cision to the contrary by the same court estab-
lished the law in the instant case. Judge Atwood1
spent the summer on the case. He enriched it
with some of the finest opinions in the history of
our jurisprudence. He brought tradition to bear
upon a matter so vital as to illustrate how truly
experience should be our guide.
Disbament of Richards carries two powerful
object lessons in the regeneration of American
society: first, the integrity of the law cannot be
preserved unless the courts constitute our chief
defense against its decay; second, the legal pro-
fession cannot be purged of those impurities
which have roused the whole country unless re-
putable lawyers have the courageto cleanse it
from within. This was exactly what' happened in
the Richards ,case. The St. Louis Bar Association
and the Missouri Bar Association joined in the
effort to disbar Richards. Both associations
brought charges against him. Scott R. Timmons
of Carrolton, as Commissioner for the Supreme
Court, held a three-day hearing, at which the
charges of the city and State bar associations
against Richards were presented by Glendy B.
Arnold and J. Wesley McAfee, representing the
grievance committees of their respective organ-
Arnold, a former Circuit Judge, made the plea
for disbarment before the Supreme Court. Two'
months before, both the St. Louis and the Mis-
souri bar associations had joined in an effort be-
fore the Missouri Legislature to give the legal
profession self-purifying powers. The effort failed.
The State, unfortunately, had no definite policy
with respect to the limitation of legal practice.
It had not undertaken to judge the acts of lawyers
coming and going between the upper and under
worlds. The same issue arose in the Grand Na-
tional Bank Case.
The legal profession divided on the bar bill, but
the division was not entirely between reputable
and disreputable lawyers. Even lawyers of the
better class were not sure that the profession's
confidential relations with clients are not privi-
leged to a degree with which the proposed struc-
ture of the bar bill would have interfered. What
Missouri needed was a ringing declaration of high
principle in this field, and. this is what it got in
the decision which disbarred Richards. In that
decision, the Supreme Court both reasserted its
power of disbarment and destroyed those shadowy
legal bridges which had for so long spanned the
gulf-between the two worlds. It granted freely the
prayer made in this paragraph of Judge Arnold's
As a safe future guard to the honor and
integrity of the legal profession and the pro-

WASHINGTON, Oct. 18.-President Roosevelt's
cold-shouldering of the idea that a special
liquor tax session of congress be held had a mean-
ing of its own for his voteless neighbors of the na-
tion's capital. Those of them who may have hoped
to share in a national back-to-legal-liquors move-
ment, say some time early in December seem in
for a disappointment.
Washington, it now appears, is apt to be under
the restrictions of the Volstead act even should
Uncle Sam's hand be removed from its prohibitory
position on liquor traffic in the states. That is the
conclusion of District of Columbia legal author-
ities. They have submitted the question to the
department of justice for enlightenment.
THE point is that while the Volstead Act stands
on the eighteenth amendment so far as its ap-
pilcation to the states is concerned and falls with
the amendment, it probably could be constructed
as remaining as a simple police statute for the Dis-
trict of Columbia and all other territory under
direct federal legislative control. That might ap-
ply even to Hawaii and Alaska as territories.
EVEN if this point of veiw should be rejected by
Attorney General Cummings, Washington
would not escape. The old pre-prohibition "bone-
dry" amendment sponsored in a fit of indignation
by former Senator Jim Reed of Missouri, ardent
wet though he always has been, is still on the
Unless and until congress fixes things up for the
law-abiding but thirsty in the district, it looks as
if they could voyage into wet Maryland and bring
home alcoholic beverage only by stowing it inside.
MHE President's attitude against a special rum-
tax session has another meaning, however. It
promptly was construed as based on his unwill-
ingness to surrender the single-handed control he
now has over currency regulation. It is obvious
that legislative drives for mandatory currency
inflation from several quarters simultaneously
will mark the convening of congress.
As it stands, until the regular winter session be-
gins in January, Mr. Roosevelt has affirmative con-
trol over all phases of inflation. From the hour
congress convenes that power relapses to the neg-
ative form of his right to veto a bill.
I TRGENT treasury need of getting the benefit
of newly framed liquor tax lawsas soon as
possible has not swayed Mr. Roosevelt from his
evident purpose to retain his present all-but-dict-
atorial powers over the natioal currency as long
as possible. They constitute a weapon that might
be needed before January in the fight for economic



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ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fortable cabs. Standard rates.
LIRETTE'S shampoo and finger wave
75c every day. Dial 3083. 103
have a large supply Northern Mich.,
sand-grown potatoes. Wholesale
prices, grade one, $.89; grade two,
$.55, delivered in quantities of three
bu. or more. Buy now before the
prices rise. Phone 7265. L. C.
Ho Hum, The Columbia
Spectator's At It Again
(By Intercollegiate Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 18.-Columbia
students are not going to let the
scheduled defeat of Tammany be
consummated without having a part
in it.
So the Columbia Spectator, under-
graduate newspaper, has come out
strongly in favor of F. H. LaGuardia,
Fusion candidate for mayor, and the
students have appointed a Columbia
Fusion committee to work in La
Guardia's behalf.
A Spectator editorial bitterly at-
tacked both Mayor John P. O'Brien
and Joseph V. McKee, insurgent
Democrat pretty definitely known to
have the support of Washington.
"President Roosevelt," the paper
said, "Postmaster General Farley,
and Edward J. Flynn have knifed
the Fusion movement in the back."

h. ..

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TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. 1x
LOST-A billfold. 316 $. Main. Sat-
urday, Oct. 14. Finder call 7212 or
6704. Reward. 109
WHITE gold watch chain and knife.
Lost Thursday. Reward. Apply
Daily Box No. 115. 115
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
WE DO your laundry work for one-
half the usual price. Phone 2-3739.

TWO rooms furnished fot light
housekeeping, $4 weekly, with ga-
rage. 1436 Washington Hgts. Phone
4942. 116
FOR RENT-A furnished first floor
apartment for young couple or
group of boys. Also large double
room. 426 E. Wash. Dial 8544. 107
ROOM for one or two men, first floor
of attractive home. Private bath.
Piano available. Cooking privileges
if wished. 3768. 110
new suits ana overcoats. Will pay
3, 4, 5, and 8, 9 dollars. Phone Anx-
Arbor, 4306, Chicago Buyer. 5x


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I U' ----- -------------- -~


8:15 Sharp

.. _ .

Collegiate Observer
Sigma Nu Has
First Dance
At Teepee
- Headline Oklahoma Daily
We have heard fraternity houses termed as
flop houses, boarding clubs, etc., but never did
we hear the residence of a fraternity called
a teepee. Perhaps this term does apply to
some houses. We wonder?
From Texas University comes the story of the
fair coed, who worked the oald gag by signalling a
streetcar to stop, stooped down to tie her shoe-
string on the step of the trolley car, and then
ambled care free like up the street. Did the con-
ductor mind?????
"With the passing of the 'whoopee era', a
college course ceases to be a four year loaf."
.-President of Rollins College
A professor at the University of Oklahoma told
his audience recently of a young student who ob-
jected to studying Hamlet because he had it in
high school.
When the professor insisted that Shakespearian
drama be included in his course in spite of the
renitition. the student returned with the query:

"LINE KLEINE NACHTMUSIK" Serenade .............. Mozart
for String Orchestra (Koechel No. 525)
I. Allegro III. Menutto; Allegretto
II. Romanza IV. Rondo: Allegro

"LE SACRE DU PRINTEMPS" ("The Rite of Spring")
A Picture of Pagan Russia

. Stravinsky -

I. The Adoration of the Earth
Introduction - Harbingers of Spring - Dance of the
Adolescents - Abduction Spring Rounds - Games of
the Rival Cities - The Procession of the Wise Men -
The Adoration of the Earth (The Wise Man) - Dance
of the Earth.
II. The Sacrifice
Introduction - Mysterious Circles of the Adolescents -
Glorification of the Chosen One - Evocation of the
Ancestors - Ritual of the Ancestors - The Sacrificial
Dance of the Chosen One.
SYMPHONY No. 1 in C MINOR, op. 68 . . . . . . . . . . . Brahms
I. Un poco sostenuto; Allegro II. Andante sostenuto
III. Un poco allegretto e grazioso
IV. Adagio; Allegro non troppo, ma con brio

ERMANY will have the opportu-
7 nity. Herr Hitler proudly pro-


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