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October 19, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-19

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy Tuesday fol-
lowed by rain in west and north
portions; Friday rain and cooler.


it igzrn

:43 a tt


For Whom The Cheers?+..
Hell Hitler.



VOL. XLIV No. 22



________________________________ U I U I

Rioting Frosh
Storm Caucus
More Than 200 Freshmen
Try To Avenge Hazing
Of Classmates
Class Of '37 Picks
Leader For Games
Dave Barnett Selected To
Lead Forces In Annual
Combat Saturday
Rivalry among the freshmen and
sophomoreaclassestreached unprece-
dented heights last night as more
than 200 yelling freshmen stormed
the door of the Alpha Delta Phi fra-
ternity house, 556 S. State St., scene
of a sophomore political caucus, in a
strenuous effort to avenge the hazing
of several freshmen Tuesday night.
The huge procession of freshmen
started in the Union ballroom, where
members of the class gathered to
elect leaders for the annual fall
games, were goaded to action by
freshmen leaders. At the conclu-
sion of the session, the noisy mob
rushed through the halls of the build-
ing and proceeded down State Street
to the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity.
The half-a-hundred sophomore
fraternity men, who were holding a
caucus forthe purpose of organizing
for the coming election, had been
forewarned from a Union telephone
booth of the impending riot. They
locked themselves into a back room of
the fraternity.
After battering at the front door of
the house for several minutes, a num-
ber of freshmen leaders man'aged
to gain admittance. They withdrew
shortly, however, in the face of
threats to call police authorities to
the scene. The throng then proceeded
to search the neighboring fraternities.
Officers arrived at this time, but
could do nothing to stop the fast-
growing mob, and gave up in despera-
tion. The group then entered the
Sigma Chi house and found one luck-
less sophomore. They carried him
out bodily, and then, for some un-
accountable reason, released him.
In answer to queries as to what the
members of his class intended to do
to sophomores Saturday morning,
Dave Barnett, '37, who was elected to
lead the freshmen forces, stated last
night, "We'll trim them, and get re-
venge for the hazing party Tuesday
Sophomore leaders replied with
equal vehemence that they would
keep the freshmen in their proper
place despite the fact that the class
of '37 far outnumbered them.
Barnett appointed three men to
serve as his lieutenants. The list in-
cludes George W h e e 1 e r, Harry
Wright, and Jesse Garber. The lead-
ers of the sophomore group in the
annual games will be Robert Merrill
and James K. Eyre.
Rogers Makes
Junior R.O.T.C.
Post Of Sergeant-Major Of;
Regiment Is Given To
Louis Antol, Jr.
Appointments for the Junior Class
of the Reserve Officers Training
Corps were announced yesterday by1

Lieut.-Col. Frederick C. Rogers. They
are as follows:
To Be Regimental Sergeant Major:I
Louis Antol, Jr.
To be Regimental Staff Sergeants:
Vernard M. Stilson, Carl R. Levine
and Sidney Shelley.
To be Sergeant Major of the First
Battalion: Jack Healey. To be Staff
Sergeant of the First Battalion: Ha-
rold L. Gordon, Delwin J. Feisinger
and Donald M. Ferguson.
To be Sergeant Major of the Sec-
ond Battalion: John Y. Schmidt. To;
be Staff Sergeants of the Second
Battalion: Edwin P. Hall, Rufus D.
Keiser and Francis J. Farrell.
To be Sergeant Major of the Third
Battalion: John P. Sager. To be
Staff Sergeants of the Third Bat-
talion: Don A. Pomeroy, D. Jack Rus-
sell and Robert B. Brown.
To be Staff Sergeants (Color):
Alexander M. McPherson and Mel-
ville R. Thompson.I
To be First Sergeants, First Bat-I
talion: Francis W. Dulyn, John S.I
C1 n I 1. 1zia 2P D_ reez T Lois

'Be Mine Tonight' Makes Use.
Of Talent Of Many Nations

The cinematic talent of Germany,
Poland, Russia, and England has all
been thrown together in the mak-
ing of "Be Mine Tonight," interna-
tional musicomedy which opens at
8:15 p. m. tonight in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre for a three-day run
under the auspices of the Art Ci-
nema League.
"Be Mine Tonight" was produced
by a British company, Gaumont, in
Berlin, under the direction of Ana-
tole Litwak, a Russian. Most of the
exteriors were photographed by Ger-
man cameramen on location in Swit-
zerland, and the interiors were made
at the Berlin studios of Ufa, with a
cast headed by Kiepura, a Pole, and
Magda Schneider, a German. Son-
nie Hale, English music hall star,
plays one of the leads opposite Kie-
pura. The comedy is provided by
Betty Chester, Edmund Gwenn, and
Athene Saylor, all well-known Eng-
lish comedians.
Kiepura, the male lead, is known
in Europe as "Kiepura of the Gold-
en Voice." He is a star of the Vien-
na Opera, and has appeared in

America in an engagement with the
Chicago Opera Co. He is said to have
a tenor voice of "delightful appeal
and power."
Sonnie Hale, who has the, part of
Koretsky, is a member of a distin-
guished theatrical family. His fath-
er, Robert Hale, and his sister Bin-
nie are favorites of the English stage.
His first wife, the beautiful Evelyn
Laye, is almost as popular in Ameri-
ca as in England, and his present
wife, Jessie Matthews, is now the
toast of the London stage. Miss
Schneider, who plays the role of
Mathilde, is only 19 years old. She
has appeared in many plays and
films abroad, however, and is con-
sidered an established Continental
"Be Mine Tonight," first produced
entirely in German, attracted the
attention of English producers, and
when Gaumont showed the finished
product at the Tivoli Theatre in Lon-
don it won the praise of the press.
Carl Laemmle then obtained the
American rights for the presenta-

Luncheon Club
Will Meet With
Dean Bursley
Freshmen To Convene At
Noon On Tuesday And
Thursday At Union
Dean Joseph A. Bursley's Fresh-
man Luncheon Club will hold its
first two meetings at noon Tuesday
and Thursday of next week at the
Union, it was announced yesterday.
Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, president of
the Undergraduate Co- u n c i 1, and
James Cristy, '34, president of Michi-
gamnua, the two seniors in charge of
the respective groups, each announc-
ed the selection of nine other fourth-
year men to serve as advisers for the
groups and to provide a contact for
the freshmen with outstanding up-
Those seniors selected by Cristy for
the Tuesday meeting are: Wallace
Graham, Avon Artz, Stanley Fay,
Grafton Sharp, Tom Powers, John
Fischer, Ray Fiske, Harry Hatten-
bach, and Aaron Vyn.
Those selected for the second
group by Bursley are: Albert New-
man, Brackley.Shaw,. Wilbur Bohn-
sack, Thomas Connellan, Bethel Kel-
ley, Carl Hilty, Philip Singleton,
Charles Burgess, and Robert Saltz-
Each of these men will choose four
freshmen for membership in the re-
spective clubs, but no more than two
first-year men from his own frater-
nity may be chosen by a senior.
After the meetings next week each -
freshman will be allowed to select
one other first-year man to attend
future luncheons.
As inthe past, Dean Bursley will
attend each of the meetings every
week and will personally select four
additional freshmen for each group.
In this manner, when completed the
total membership will approximate
200. Any freshmen who are inter-
ested in attending the luncheons,
whether belonging to a fraternity or
not, have been invited to contact
any of the 20 seniors in charge in
order to have their names placed on
the list.
An entrance fee of $1 will be
charged all men joining the club.
This is to be used to provide lunch-
eons for guest speakers and enter-
tainers who appear from time to time
during the semester.

Japan Watches
NRA Progress
With Interest
Nipponese Stock Markets
Match Indecisive Moves
Of New York Exchange
TOKYO, Oct. 18. - (A') - Japan
watches closely the working of the
NRA in the United States, for Amer-
ica is Nippon's best customer.
Anything interpreted here as a halt
in the recovery act produces a cor-
responding check in Japanese revival,
and in the last two months the Tokyo
and Osaka' stock exchanges have
closely matched any indecision of the
New York market.
Nipponese foreign trade has flour-
ished, relatively speaking, in recent
months, with a 39 per cent increase:
in value.
But a setback recently occurred in
the raw silk industry as a result of a
27 per cent decline in American mill
consumption in September compared
to August figures.
Another reverse is threatened by
rising tariff barriers, especially those
of the British Empire, which are de-
signed to offset Japan's alleged ad-
vantage through depreciated currency
and low wages.
Because of this, the Japanese dele-
gation in Simla and London are seek-
ing agreements to avert antrade war
between the two island empires.
Indications are that something re-
sembling normal Chinese-Japanese
trade relations are returning after
,boycotts which reduced Japanese ex-
ports to China close to the vanishing
qpoint in the two-year period of the
Manchurian conflict.
The return of the Chinese minister,
Shiang Tso-Pin, to Tokyo last week
after a long absence and the estab-
lishment of a reputedly pro-Japanese
Huangfu administration in north
China were hailed in Tokyo as aug-
uring more prosperous Sino-Japanese
China is staggering uncertainly
under huge afflictions. Japanese mil-
itary pressure on China has abated,
but floods and famines and a com-
munist scourge continue in the cen-
tral Chinese provinces.
Complicating the Chinese situation
are difficulties in marketing cotton
purchased in the United States with
the $50,000,000 Reconstruction Fi-
nance loan.

High Salaries
Of Executives
To Be Pgobd
Federal Trade Board Will
Request 2,000 Firms To
Furnish Salary Data
President's Views
Are Still Unknown
Government Has Already
Taken Action On Wages
Of Railroad Companies
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18-(P)-Ac-
tion to limit high salaries of big busi-
ness leaders was privately forecast in
official circles today after the federal
trade commission announced it was
asking 2,000 companies to furnish
data on the salaries of their execu-
tives and directors.
Following President Franklin D.
Roosevelt's inquisitive glance at mov-
ie salaries, the commission's inquiry;
was described in informed circles as1
a prelude to more definite action.,
The inquiry, authorized by a sen-
ate resolution, is immediately con-
cerned with gathering facts for con-
gress. What will be done with them
will remain for congress to decide.,
There have been demands of some
members for a redistribution of,
wealth. How far the President is
inclined to go in thisdirection has
never been definitely disclosed.
The same senate resolution ordered
the Federal Reserve Board to obtain
salary data from all member banks1
in the reserve system, directed the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
to report salaries paid by banks bor-R
rowing from it and instructed the
federal power commission to learn
about the compensation of public
utility officials.-
While no legislation has yet been1
formulated, some officials expressed1
the belief that continuous publica-
tion of salaries probably would have
the effect of keeping them down.
The commission plans not only to
require information. "about salaries1
but also all details of compensation
paid in bonuses or in any other form
from 1928 to 1933. It also will re-
quire data on capital and assets, on
total payroll, and on executive sal-
ary rates effective Sept. 1, 1933. 1
Specific action to reduce salaries
already has been taken in connec-
tion with loans to railroads by the
reconstruction corporation. Other
borrowers were also understood to
have had trouble in getting funds if1
their executives seemed to be re-
ceiving unduly high pay.
Many economists have argued that
it would be helpful if high salaries
were spread in low wage brackets so
as to increase the purchasing power
of the people instead of increasing
investments and speculation.
Detroit Alumni 3
Will Entertain
Nine Seniors
In accordance with their policy of
contacting prominent senior men on1
the campus, the University of Michi-
gan Club of Detroit will entertain
nine students and three faculty men
at dinner tonight at the University
George C. Dillman, chairman of
the Student Relations Committee,
has announced that each of the stu-

dents will be called upon for a short
speech on his particular activity,
while the three members of the fac-
ulty will also talk.
Doty Will Present
First Of Recitals
E. William Doty, instructor in or-{
gan at the School of Music, will
make his first Ann Arbor appear-
ance since returning from a year's
.special study in Europe, when he
gives the program at the regular Twi-
light Organ Recital Series, at 4:15
p. m. today in Hill Auditorium, tak-
ing the place of Prof. Palmer Chris-
Mr. Doty is a graduate of the
School of Music under Professor,
Christian and for several years has
been an instructor, first at the Uni-
versity of Illinois and later at Mich-
igan. On previous occasions he has
given recitals in Ann Arbor and other
important music centers.

Peace Pact Of
Dictator Fais
Ill First Test
French Commission Says
German Withdrawal At
Meeting Breaks Treaty
Agreement Is Now
Unable To Survive
French Ready To Resume
Discussion; Challenge
Germany's Action
PARIS, Oct. 19-()-The French
Foreign Affairs Commission came to
the conclusion today that Premier
Mussolini's four-power Western Eu-
ropean peace pact had been killed
in its first test, Germany's withdraw-
al from the Arms Conference.
When Premier Edouard Daladier
told the Chamber of Deputies yes-
terday that France was ready to re-
sume arms discussions and chal-
lenged Germany's action, he signifi-
cantly avoided mentioning the agree-
ment that France, Great Britain,
Germany, and Italy signed in July.
French leaders believe that Chan-
cellor Hitler's explosion on Satur-
day, in which he announced the
withdrawal and termed the Disarm-
ament Conference a failure, definite-
ly rendered the four-power concord
Its opponents added that the com-
mission's stand was the first step
toward a "first-class funeral."
Accepted Pact Reluctantly
It was recalled that the French
Government had accepted the pact
reluctantly in the first place and
that Premier Daladier had emphati-
cally and successfully insisted that
it be kept within the framework of
the League, from which Germany
has also announced her withdrawal
With Germany out of the League,
political quarters asked how the pact
possibly could survive?
The original text of the treaty in-
spired by Mussolini was criticized in
French newspapers and in Parlia-
ment as having the intention of giv-
ing Mussolini an important role in
European affairs.
With the Hitler action as a basis,
new arguments were expected. I
The principal point of the agree-1
ment was the collaboration of the
four nations so provisions of the 1925
Locarno Pact would include econom-
ic collaboration as well.
Embodied Many Pacts
The treaty embodied the Kellogg
Pact, the League of Nations Cove-
nant and last December's agreement
pledging German arms equality.
Other developments of the day in-,
BERLIN-Chancellor Hitler plain-
ly reiterated the Reich demand for
equality by declaring that Germany
will "attend no conference, enter no
league, agree to no convention and
sign nothing" until equality has been
GENEVA -Premier Mussolini was
described as sounding out the other
powers concerning the advisability
of convoking the four-power conver-
sations at Stressa, Italy, to pick up
the disarmament burden.
LONDON - The Cabinet indicated
its complete approval of the actions
of Sir John Simon, accused by Kon-
stantin von Neurath, German for-
eign minister, of misrepresenting the
Reich arms position.

Homecoming Plans
Include Speech By
Famous Alumnus
Further plans for the Homecoming
Pep Meeting, which will be held at
7:30 p. m. tomorrow in Hill Audi-
torium, were announced last night
by Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, president
of the Undergraduate Council, which
is sponsoring the meeting.
In addition to local speakers,
whose names will be announced in
tomorrow's issue of The Daily, a
prominent alumnus of the Univer-
sity will come to Ann Arbor to ad-
dress members of the audience.
Present plans also include the use
of lantern slides which will display
the words to Michigan songs, and the
attendance of Tommy Roberts, '34,
head cheer leader, and the three jun-
ior cheer leaders. The Varsity Band,
with full membership, will furnish
music, it was stated, and as usual
will play enroute from Morris Hall
to the auditorium.
Attempts are being made to or-
ganize members of freshman and
sophomoredclasses for attendance in
groups and short pep talks by the
captains in charge of the class games
will be a part of the evening's pro-
gram, it was understood.
Chicago Trip
For Sociology
Study Planned
Special Group To Go For
Practical Study Under
Auspices Of S.C.A.
A trip to Chicago for a special
group of sociology students to ob-
serve the practical problems of so-
ciology under the direction of Dr.'
Frank Beck, protestant council in the
boys court in Chicago, is being spon-
sored by the Student Christian As-
sociation. A tentative date for the
week.end of Nov. 3, 4, and 5 has
been arranged.
The trip will include the study of'
problems of crime, organized vice,1
racial groups, unemployment, and
radical groups. Actual visits to flop?
houses, bread lines and two of Chi-
cago's most famous institutions-
Hull House, and Community House
for Jewish People, will be made.
All the studies, according to Sher-
wood A. Messner, president of the
Student Christian Association, will be
made by actually seeing the condi-
tions as 'they exist. Interpretations
will be made by Dr. Beck on the
Jane Addams, founder of Hull
House, and Charles W. Gelkey, di-
rector of the University Chapel at
University of Chicago, will be two of
the prominent speakers who will ad-
dress the group.
It has been decided by the com-
mittee in charge to limit the group
to 25 students in order that a more
careful study may be made. Prof.
Lowell J. Carr and Prof. Arthur E.
Wood of the sociology department'
will select the students to go on
basis of merit. It has been approxi-
mated that about $8 will take care
of expenses, which includes two way
transportation, room for two nights,
and meals for three days. Applica-
tions for the trip should be made as
early as possible through Mr. Mess-
ner at Lane Hall.
According to Messner, who twice
this summer accompanied Dr. Beck
on his tours and studied the same
problems that will be dealt with on
this coming trip, "It is a revealing
and significant experience and one
which all students of sociology
should be privileged to study."

Seniors In
8 Schools
Deo, McHenry, McCarthy,
Hattenbach Named For
Literary College Posts
Westover To Head
Senior Engineers
Executives In Six Other
Schools Are Selected In
Campus Voting
In a series of elections marked by
the unanimous selection of candi-
dates in the literary college, and by
the upsetting of a Lawyers Club tra-
dition regarding the presidency of
the class in that school, seniors in
eight schools and colleges of the Un-
iversity chose officers yesterday.
John Deo, Chi Phi, was elected on
the unanimous ticket in the literary
college as president of the senior
class; Catharine McHenry, Kappa
Kappa Gamma, vice-president; Mary
McCarthy, Pi Beta Phi, secretary;
and Harry Hattenbach, Sigma Chi,
treasurer. When the class met for
the nominations and balloting no
party other than the State Street
group presented candidates. Accord-
ingly, as soon as 26 votes .had been
cast the election was declared unani-
mous by officials of the Undergradu-
ate Council in charge.
Westover Heads Engineers
Louis Westover was chosen presi-
dent of the senior class in the Col-
lege of Engineering; Jack Skinner,
vice-president; Joy Burnett, secre-
tary; and John Seeley, treasurer.
Arthur M. Mosier was named to th
Honor Council and John Spoden to
the Engineering Council.
In the Law School Frank E. Coo-
per was selected as President, and is
the first man to be chosen for this
post without the backing of the solid
Lawyers Club since the founding of
the club in 1924. The club's slate
was split and a combination party
won. Other officers selected are:
Neil G. McCarroll, vice-president;
Brainard Sabin, secretary; and Jack
I. Levy, treasurer. Cooper is a for-
mer city editor of The Daily and
vice-president of the Union.
Robert Patton is the new presi-
dent of the senior class in the Medi-
cal School. Robert Bradley was cho-
sen as vice-president, Mildred Doster,
secretary, and Robert Bartlett, trea-
Seniors in the School of Business
Administration selected Chester Og-
den as president; Henry Stratemeier,
vice-president; Charles Ehresman,
secretary; and Charles Palmer, trea-
surer. The election in this school
was one of the closest, most of the
winning candidates having majori-
ties of not more than five or six
Candidates Unopposed
Seniors in the Dental School also
chose their candidates unanimously,
there being no opposition to the slate
of men that was presented and elec-
ted. H. P. Anderson was chosen pres-
ident, A. W. Morcombe, vice-presi-
dent, D. C. Walter, secretary, andL. I
Neddelman, treasurer.
Florence Shaw was elected presi-
dent of the senior class in the School
of Education, Harold Brown, vice-
president, Elizabeth Hawes, secretary,
and Hilton Ponto, treasurer.
The final election of the eight was
in the School of Music, where Mar-

garet Martindale was chosen as the
president of their fourth year class.
Mary Ann Mathewson was named
vice-president, Lucile Lucas, secre-
tary, and Elizabeth Leslie, treasurer.
Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, president
of the Undergraduate Council, said
last night that all eight of the elec-
tions were completed without the
slightest hitch and that the co-oper-
ation of the Union and of the en-
gineering council in the elections
proved effective. The same system
will be followed in the three junior
class elections to be held Wednes-
day, Oct. 25.

I .

To Present 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'
With All Its Frills And Thril

New Gargoyle Makes Its First
Appearance On Campus Today


A graphic presentation of thatI
heart-rending scene of Eliza cross-
ing the ice, snow fluttering down all
about her, and blood-thirsty hounds
in hot pursuit, the auction scene, and
little Eva's vision in Heaven, all will
be presented on the stage of the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre when "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" opens next week.
Play Production's large stagecraft
staff has been working at top speed
during the last few days to construct
the 15 different sets which go to
make up the scenery for the play. In
building the sets, stage technicians
have attempted to preserve the tra-
ditional southern charm that char-


Harriet Beecher Stowe originally con-
ceived it.
The first act is the most melo-
dramatic of the play, while act two
is full of charm and whimsy, close-
ly approaching the modern play. Act
three is both melodramatic and tragic
up to the final curtain.
Throughout the play will run a
musical background, sung by selected
members of the men's and women's
Glee Clubs. The music, consisting pri-
marily of negro spirituals, has been
chosen, arranged, and directed by
Jack Conklin, Grad., who was re-
sponsible for the music for "Kiss for
Cinderella" and "Beggar on Horse-
back," and has written songs for the
Junior Girls Play.

Before very many of the sleepy-
eyed unfortunates who have eight-
o'clocks have reached the campus
this morning, the new Gargoyle will
be in the hands of salesmen at prom-
inent points along the Diagonal Walk
and in Angell Hall.
These same students will undoubt-
edly have to blink once or twice or
even three times before they realize
that it is the Gargoyle that they are
looking at, so different is it from
former issues of the campus humor
magazine. And while we're on this
point we might say that Gargoyle
lives up to its purpose in this respect.
From the opening page to the last
cover there are jokes to satisfy the

tions of a direct-color photograph.
The corner of the Law Quadrangle
has been caught on a sunny day and
the result is highly satisfactory.
While there is only one direct-
color photograph, the new "Garg"
is replete with pictures dealing with
everything from the evils of beer
drinking to sports pictures. Even
the department heads have been
made with a camera. It is a unique
innovation that adds considerably
to the general appearance and worth
of the magazine.
A few pages later Hal Kemp smil-
ingly greets the reader from the top
of the page. Down below are his
two vocalists and opposite them is
shown Kemp leading his famous
fan v. n ricfn

Fox Nominated By
Engineers' Caucu
Approximately 40 sophomore ei
gineers attended the caucus of tJ
Independent-Fraternity party he
yesterday at the Union. Nomin
tions for the party slate in the cor
rosy laoo alorfn~nc warpahll uri


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