THE MICHIGAN DAILY [key Talks i Banking In MRA Lecture Dollfuss, Austria's Little 'Man Of The Hour' usiness Administration Professor States Banks Retard Recovery In the first of a series of talks be- tg arranged this year for the pur- >se of considering and explaining ae purposes and methods of the RA, Prof. Robert G. Rodkey of the ehoo of Business Administration >oke Tuesday morning in the Ro- .ance Language Building on the :esent banking situation. "So far as business recovery is ncerned," he stated, "up to date, anks have been a retarding factor Ather than an accelerating one. The >vernment is partly to blame for is, as are the banks themselves. he government did not make it ear at the time of the bank holi- ay that it stood behind member anks 100 per cent, and now the nks are maintaining such ridicu- >usly high standards of liquidity, sat there has been in the last three ears a decrease of 65 per cent in rsecured loans, which in the past tade up a vital part of the com- tercial world's working capital." Act Could Be Improved In discussing the Banking Act assed in June, he pointed out that has introduced some reforms, but oat there are some aspects of it hich could have been improved had ae bankers themselves concentrated ieir efforts upon it. He explained at the Act does notbprovide for the surance of banks but of deposits et it requires the banks, not the epositors, to pay for the insurance. he temporary phase of the act, hich will be in effect for six months fter Jan. 1, provides for 100 per ent guarantee of deposits up to $2,- )0, and the permanent phase run- ing until 1936 provides for the sne up to $10,000. Member banks ust subscribe, after June, 1934, one alf of one per cent of all deposits a the fund of the insurance cor- oration, and should continued bank ilures deplete the fund the banks re liable to another assessment. Professor Rodkey stated his belief hat in spite of several shortcomings he Bank Act will next June enable anks to reverse their position and ecomee a factor looking toward bus- ess recovery. "Right now the banks re handicapped," he said. "There . still a lack of confidence in the >undness of the average bank and here is still considerable hoarding. Banks Highly Liquid "In addition, banks have been crit- ized, somewhat justifiably, for their estrictive credit policy. Loans have een highly restricted for even high rade risks. Banks have felt it nec- ssary to maintain a high degree of quidity to make themselves eligible r th new insurance, and so there La been -a race for high liquidity. 'he average liquidity for national anks for June of this year was 50 er cent, which is a 20 per cent in- rease in five years. Many banks re known to have a liquidity of over 00 per cent, liquidity meaning cash, ash items, and government bonds. anks are still putting on the brakes nd holding back capital. "There is almost 100 per cent re- stance on the part of bankers to he insurance of deposits, but their nenlightened ideas and opposition :the Federal Reserve 20 years ago iscount their present opinions. In- urance will put banks in a better osition both financially and psycho- >gically to assist in recovery by re- irning confidence to both bankers rd depositors and allowing the freer se of credit.dA resumption of more xtensive credit must be preceded by lowering of high liquidity standards nd both of these moves will result n greater profits for bankers, which the ultimate motive of bankers." Vesley Hall To Hold First Arms Parley Wesley Hall will hold its first dis- ission on disarmament at 4 p. m. >day, Gordon Halstead, student di- ector of the hall, announced yester- ay. With arms interest aroused to new high by the recent withdrawal f Germany from the League of Na- ons and the arms parley, every tudent interested in international roblems is urged to attend these j~ : Yh -Associated Press Photo Austria s "man of the hour," Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss, is shown with his wife shortly after an attempt was made on his life. The escape of the chancellor looms as very important now because of the critical situation created by Germany's withdrawal from the League of Nations and the arms parley. Dollfuss stands practically alone against Nazi rule in Austria and an attempt at a German "Anschluss." At the right is Rudolf Dertil, held under arrest for the shooting. 'Mllay, Great And Authentic Figure In Literature'-- Weaver A woman distinguished in the lit- erature of the races and a great and authentic figure in American litera- ture - that is Edna St. Vincent Mil- lay, in the opinion of Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English department, director,,of the Hopwood awards. Professor Weaver, in an interview yesterday, said that he considers Miss Millay's coming to this campus Nov. 15 as the second attraction on the Oratorical Association lecture course "an event of primary impor- tance." "It is a splendid thing for all stu- dents in any way interested in lit- erature or in the vital experiences of their own day to be able to hear Miss Millay," Professor Weaver said. He characterized Miss Millay's ap- pearance here as of peculiar interest because under the Hopwood awards, he said, students are doing some ex- tremely significant work in poetry. "Miss Millay is always a fascinat- ing speaker," he said, "and she has beeh well received at other universi- ties and colleges in the country. She appeals to a college audience because her work has expressed and made articulate the yearnings of modern youth." Although he said it would not be fair to draw any strict comparison between Miss Millay and William Butler Yeats, who was the literary figure presented by the association last year, he added that each is an authentic figure in the literature of his or her own country. Professor Weaver also said that Miss Millay is more significant as a poet than many others on the lecture platform today. Philippine-Michigan Club To Present Entertainment Members o the Philippine-Michi- gan Club will present a program rep- resentative of their native life at 8 p. m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. While the entertainment is primarily intended for members of the club, the program is open to the public. A yo-yo exhibition by Sofronio Sayet and Freddy Urian, two veter- ans, will be featured. YE STE RDAY BANGKOK, Siam -=500 rebel sol- diers were reported, dead and 1,000 wounded as the remainder of the rebel troops were put to flight by Siamese loyal forces. * * * NEW YORK-Tammany Hall awaited anxiously the decision of former Gov. Alfred E. Smith as to his stand on the local mayoralty campaign. * * * LANSING - Farmers of beans in Michigan were urged to strike unless their product reaches a price of at least $3.50 a hundred. WASHINGTON - Ferdinand Pe- cora, investigator for the Senate Banking Committee, announced that he would subpoena all 1,375 members of the New York Stock Exchange to answer questions on exchange prac- tices. * * * HAVANA - Authorities began in- vestigation in the mysterious shoot- ing of two Havana policemen who were killed by shots fired from a fleeing automobile. LANSING - Members of the Leg- islature appointed to draft the hard liquor control statute awaited the word of Governor Comstock as to its recommendation. BERLIN-The two Nazis who at- tacked Roland Velz, an American, were sentenced to six months' im- prisonment.' ment. * * * WASHINGTON - A schedule of minimum oil rates was the first price- fixing effort of the NRA. Prof. Hackett To Sing At Worcester Festival Prof. Arthur Hackett of the School of Music, who recently sang the role of "Elijah" at the Worcester, Mass., music festival, has returned to- that city to give a full recital of songs. Professor Hackett, a favorite in New England, has sung on five previous occasions at the Festival and on sev- eral occasions in recitals. Museum Head To Speak Here On Bible Topic Dr. Roeder Will Consider Egyptian Cosmogony And Genesis Record Dr. Gunther Roeder, director of the Pelizaeus Museum, of Hildes- heim, Germany, will lecture on "Egyptian Cosmogony Compared with the Genesis Record," at 4:15 p. m. tomorrow, in Natural Science Auditorium. Dr. Roeder, who was formerly on the staff of the Egyptian Antiquities Department, and who is widely known for his publications in the field of Egyptology, is at present the director of the museum's archaeolo- gical work in Egypt, where the an- cient city of Hermopolis, one of the most important centers of the an- cient Egyptian religion, is being ex- cavated. The speaker is now on a lecture tour of the 'United States in the: course of which he has delivered a series of talks at the University of California, the University of Wash- ington, and the Oriental Institute of Chicago. From Ann Arbor, he will go to the University of Cincinnati. His lecture here will be a discus- sion of the Egyptian ideas concern- ing the origin of the world and its relation to the Hebrew version as ex- pressed in the Old Testament. The lecture will be in English, and will be illustrated with slides. Jackson Band Will Pflay :Here In Musical Day The Michigan State Prison's Band of nearly 100 persons, along with the prison drum and bugle corps and the "Brown Buddies" dance team, com- posed of negro inmates of the Jack- son penal institution, will arrive in the city today to help celebrate the Ann Arbor First Festival Musical Gala Day. The visitors will be met by the Drum and Bugle Corps of the Erwin Prieschorn Post of the American Legion, which will form a local es- cort. The post corps does not plan to participate in the affair musically, but will appear in full dress uni- form. ,. Other entertainers who will be in the city for the celebration will be the "mystery organist of CKLW" and the "mystery tenor of CKLW." Eli Gallup, superintendent of parks, will erect a band stand at the southwest corner of County Building Square to serve as the center of the enter- tainment. Members of the prison band and the drum and bugle corps are all in- mates of the Jackson institution. They cannot become members of the musical organization until they have proved themselves capable in the performance of their duties and have proved also that they may be trusted. The entertainment is scheduled to last for more than two hours. The line of march and the schedule of events has not been completely ar- ,ranged yet and will be announced later. Engineers To Hear Talk On NRA Aims R. 0. Briggs, of the economics de- partment, will speak to the student branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers at 7:30 to- night in the Union, Fred Kohl, '35, announced yesterday. He will speak on the National Recovery Program. Mr. Briggs used this topic for an address two weeks ago at the local Y.W.C.A., but recent developments in the recovery situation in Detroit have provided material for further comment on the subject. Turns In Blue Eagle -Associated Press Photo Maurice Rapoport, manager of a3 market at New Rochelle, N. Y., turned in his Blue Eagle for alleged, violation of industrial code agree- ments, but expressed confidence that it would be returned to him. Achievement In Science Is .Result OfArduous Work; By OGDEN DWIGHT The "romance of science" is pop- pycock. Romance and science arer two non-correlative terms, with both1 different connotation and denota- tion. Dwight Williams will vouch for this.1 Williams is a graduate student working for his doctorate in analyti- cal chemistry. He labors in the elec-{ tro-chemical laboratory on the firstt floor of the Chemistry Building, sur- rounded by reams of paper coveredt with,, to a neophyte, meaningless fig-~ ures. Not Dramatic "I'm figuring out a new method of quantitative analysis," he said. "To be able to figure out a new method of quantitative analysis is a Gargantuan task. Even to use the old method makes students shud- der."' He was asked whether it was a dramatic and world-startling discov- ery. "I should say not! I work here ev- ery day from early in the morning until late at night, just putting down figures. I suppose it seems rather prosaic to you newspaper men who are continually trying to make an exciting drama of science. But here's the layout: I am trying to perfect a process for quantitative titrations by the use of conductivity through the solutions, using these tables I'm try- ing to compile." "All Very Dreary" His apparatus consisted of several resistance boxes, ammeters, voltme- ters, and a beaker with two elec- trodes. Certainly there is nothing romantic about that. But he de- clared that he works like a Trojan and all he has to show for it is a column of figures. He was asked about the actual work involved in observing this data. "Well," he said, "I put the solution of unknown concentration into this beaker and turn on the current Then I read from this instrument how easily the current will pass through it. When I have done this and taken readings for a great many different concentrations, I'm ready to start on the known solution of unknown concentration. It's all very dreary." It was evident that it was. And most science - real science, not the drawing-room variety of the motion pictures -is just asdreary. It's not romantic, as the beauty advertise- ments would have a credulous pub- lic believe. CANOES FOR RENT SAUNDERS Foot of Cedar Street on Huron River (By Associated Press) An answer to the problem of liq- uor control has been sought in many ways by many countries. Their experiences are being stud- ied closely in this country by indi- viduals, groups and governmental units as offering valuable sugges- tions for regulatory laws should na- tional prohibition be repealed. Here, in brief form, are the sys- tems obtaining in some countries widely known for their efforts at control: Sweden's Way Under the Bratt system this coun-1 try approaches control as primarily a social problem. The state places emphasis on the responsibility and character of the person who makes the purchase. A card index of the purchasers is kept, and into this index goes infor- mation on the quantity of liquor pur- chased, personal information such as sex, marital status and number of children, to which is added court rec- ords, if any. Producers and distributors are controlled by the state, and, although private capital is allowed to enter the business, excess profits go to the state. The quantity of liquor purchased over the counter for home consump- tion and in restaurants for consump- tion with meals is regulated carefully. England's Way General laws apply to the entire country, but in one section compos- ing a great part of Cumberland county there is a state monopoly, which in the fiscal year 1931-32 net- ted about $250,000 for the exche- quer. A comprehensive system of licenses controls the traffic in all other parts of the country. An investigation of the English li- quor system was made by a royal commission, which in 1932 recom- mended a national licensing commit- tee for England and another for Scotland, reduction in the number of licenses and other changes. Canada's Way Here can be found almost every system or variation that has been proposed by organizations seeking modern control laws in the United States in the event of national pro- hibition repeal. The province of Quebec has a lib- eral system of control. Government liquor stores sell hard liquor over the counter to all. Restaurants and tav- erns sell beer and wine. But in the province of Ontario the laws governing the sale and con- sumption of hard liquor are more strict. No intoxicating liquor may be con- sumed outside a private residence or a hotel room used as a residence. All individual purchases are made with a permit, each purchase being recorded on the permit. The result is a record which is used in court cases if necessary. Prince Edward Island has prohibi- tion, and the other six provinces have control systems based on the two central provinces and varying in strictness. Profits in all provinces from liq- uor sales are counted on to contrib- ute a substantial part of the state revenue. Holland's Way A license system is used to control the liquor traffic. The state issues' permits to hotels, casinos and clubs, and communal authorities issue li- censes for cafes, public bars and sim- ilar places. Licenses can be suspended for vio- lation of regulations. Lawyer File s In sanity Plea In Dunn Trial Charged with the murder of John Reinhart, aged recluse, Brent H. Dunn, of this city, will enter a plea of not guilty on grounds of tempor- ary insanity, according to the no- tice filed yesterday in the office of the County Clerk by George Meader, attorney for the defense. Meader also filed a request that the body of the victim be examined at the expense of the county, Dunn, who is held without bond in County Jail, will be brought up for trial the latter part of the pres- ent term of court. His accomplice, George Weimer, who pleaded guilty to attempted robbery and murder, is being held until after Dunn's trial. Weimer was sentenced to life at hard labor and solitary' confinement in Marquette Branch Prison. Dunn and Weimer, in attempting to rob Reinhart, caused his death by suffocation when they gagged him with a handkerchief. PRINTING-Lowest City Prices THE ATHENS PRESS Downtown - 206 North Main Next to Main Post Office Dial 2-1013 WE SELL 'TYPEWRITING PAPER Widely Differing.Systems Used In RegulatingLiquor Problem -With quality food and reasonbie prices.. Wednesday Dinner Features Fried Spring Chicken, Country Gravy. .15c Grilled Tenderloin Steak...... ..15c Enjoy lunch or dinner at this clean cafeteria Today.. soda fountain and sandwich service THE TAVERN Clean lines CAFETEIRIA 4 338 Maynard Street mike fingerle, prop. I ,1I FALL TERM CLASSES NOW FORMING STENOTYPY -:- ACCOUNTING -:- SHORTHAND SECRETARIAL DAY AND EVENING CLASSES FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE 18TH YEAR Hamilton Business College State and William St. Approved, State Department of Public Instruction r. I! 'i'1it Representative JERRY COAN AT THE CAMPUS BOOTERY TOMORROW, OCTOBER 19th 1 Seniors! j . . .ird of a series of teas de- acquaint Episcopal fresh- 1 Harris Hall will be given today. Informal entertain- 1 be furnished. Do you desire a Good Position? If so- Affix to your Applica- tion Blank a Good Photograph. I The Trend Is Back to QUALITY Men who haven't purchased Rosenberg clothes in a year or two are placing lOOKS-- $10 EACH AND WORTH MUCH MORE- - The Fountain Van Doran - The World's Best Poems er - The Human Mind Pritchard - The World's Best Essays - The Adams Family Bowers - The Tragic Era _ c - Ma ri ksofAn eA Man Melville - Mohv Dick I orders again. They tell us that cheap an n$4 'I grr clothes at 'so-called "low" prices have failed to satisfy and that there is no sub- stitute for fine custom made garments. I 111 I 1