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October 18, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-18

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Established 1890



Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion a -1the Big Ten News Service.
sociatcd ___o__it____
-1933 (HATIGNAL -: aW;1RA e I1 34_=
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR......... ...........BRACKLEY SHAW
WOMEN'S EDITOR.................. CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
liam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret Phalan.
E ---
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..............................CATHERINE MC HENRY
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'The-Old And Tried
Economic Laws'...

site of that which would promote abhorrence
of all law violations and violators. The effect will
be to arouse sentiment other than that absolute
deprecation which makes for inherent obedience
-an attitude which is already lacking to a large
degree in American thought.
The Theatre
With two stars whose brilliance shines in two
quite distant orbits. Ivor Novello's sly, gay com-
edy, "A Party," will be presented at the Cass
Theatre the week opening Monday, October 23,
starring Margaret Anglin and Irene Bordoni.
Of all the sophisticated, delightful enterprises of
our time, probably the one that most intrigues
the imagination of the common citizen is the
after-the-play party of the royal inner circle of
of theatrical stars. No wonder then, that when
Ivor Novello was clever enough to transfer the
whole fabulous business (wit, elegance, cham-
pagne, current celebrities, the appalling sincerities
of sophisticated conversation) to the London stage,
and invite everyone, for the price of a ticket, to
come, he could not accommodate the crowds.
Particularly was his "Party" beset when it began
to be bruited about the town that the leading
character, the infamous Mrs. MacDonald, was
really Mrs. Patrick Campbell; Miranda Clayfoot,
Tallulah Bankhead; Bay-Calender, Novello him-
self; and all the lesser folk of the crowd, well
known critics, designers, and members of London's
Mayfair set. Also Mrs. Mumford and Alice, act-
ually you and I.
With William A. Brady's production just closed
in New York, Robert Henderson is now able to ex-
tend Novello's invitation to the curious of Detroit
to attend the festivities following Miranda's latest
first night.
Miss Anglin was starred in Mr. Henderson's first
dramatic festival in Ann Arbor four years ago,
and he now returns her in a role which should
suit her as Mrs. MacDonald, a celebrity of a de-
parted day in the theatre.
Miss Anglin is known to a large radio audience
through her weekly programs from New York over
the National Broadcasting Company. Among her
notable successes were "The -Great Divide," with
Henry Miller; "The Woman of Bronze," "Lady
Windemere's Fan," and the Greek tragedies, in-
cluding "Antigone," at the Metropolitan Opera
House in New York, and at the Berkeley bowl in
Miss Bordoni has been engaged for "A Party"
by arrangement with the Detroit Athletic Club.
She will sing several of her inimitable character
songs, made familiar on the radio, as a vaudeville
headliner, on the screen, as star of such musical
comedies as "Little Miss Bluebeard" and "Paris."

Student Health


That all students should be made to check their
progress in physical and emotional health in order
to remain in college or receive a degree, is the sug-
gestion of an official University Health Service re-
port, which goes on to say that the certification to
society of a person by he college should consider
questions of health as well as questions of inform-
ation and skills.
The report continues:
Attention to the health of resident students in
colleges and universities of the United States has
become an important question in the administra-
tion of these institutions. The first such college
department was at Amherst College about 1860.
In a wide variety of ways, and under several
names, the example of Amherst has been followed
by most colleges since that time. Such effoft has
frequently been organized in relation to physical
education under which emphasis, the movement
has become standard practice in secondary and
primary schools.
The emphasis upon health teaching, sanitary
Supervision, medical examinations, medical advice,
cf care of the sick has varied with circumstances
in each college. The organized department was
started at Michigan in 1913 with a rather extreme
obligation for care as its main emphasis. The
clinical feature has remained the outstanding
work of the department, in which our students
enjoy non-charity medical privileges probably not
equalled by any other group of people. Health
protective features have been carried out with due
consideration of established methods and limited
With an adequate program of health protection
and health recovery in operation the question be-
fore these departments to an increasing extent is
what may be done in the way of health promotion
in students. Personal health promotion is a rather
recent idea and methods are not well known or
A gradual transition has been experienced in
this Health Service in the ratio of attention to
frank sickness and that given to follow up of de-
fects and conditions needing attention, but which
are not recognized as illness. This is possibly a
method of health promotion at crucial points; at
least it is health protection.
Probably the most effective health promotion
depends upon health education. The most potent
health education for a individual is often in con-
nection with specific health problems when dis-
cussed with a medical advisor. It is desirable that
Health Service physicians have the opportunity of
becoming increasingly advisers with consequent
less time needed for cure. The outstanding prob-
lem of such departments in colleges is to deter-
mine how best to make their work conform to the
purpose for which the colleges are maintained.
The tendency of education to define its objectives
in terms of personal growth and development
gives added importance to a broad concept of stu-
dent health.
It does not seem too much to hope that student
health services may achieve the place and recog-
nition as very definite constructive forces in the
programs of education.




A CARTOON appearing on the front
page of a recent issue of the
Chicago Tribune depicts an old man labeled "The
Old and Tried Economic Laws" leaning against a
tree while a little boy earmarked "New Theories"
is usurping the old man's place as a guide for the
"The World" through "Depression Woods." The
old man has a sinister grin on his face and is
saying: "Wal, good luck, boys - but when you
git lost just back-track, an' I'll be waitin' for you."
The young fellow is taking the world on a short
cut through the dense foliage while the road sign
pointing up the old man's way says: "The Road
to Recovery -long and hard, but sure."
The idea is to make a faint impression on the
sub-conscious mind of the reader which may grow
into something real after several doses of the
same stuff. The process might be called "Making
an Ordinary Man Into a Reactionary in Twelve
It is hard to agree with the reasoning of the
Tribune cartoon. If the world is to progress, new
methods will constantly have to supplant old
ones. That is what progress is. This is so obvious
that it leads to the question, "Was there any rea-
soning behind the cartoon?" If not, its appeal was
only to uninformed' prejudice, and stamps it as
This being a democracy, it is not only the privi-
lege but also the duty of those in disagreement
with government policy to criticize it. But it is
not their duty to appeal to prejudice, and by ap-
pealing to it, to make it permanent.
In the opinion of many readers "The Old and
Tried Economic Laws' was a misnomer for the old
gentleman in the Tribune cartoon; maybe he'
should have been called: "Rugged Individualism,
Alias Legalized Racketeering."

Musical Events
Following is the program for today's organ re-
cital. It will be presented by E. William Doty, in-
structor in organ at the University School of
Music, and will be his first Ann Arbor appearance
since returning from a year's special study in
Piece Heroique............. ............Franck
Piece Heroique, as a musical expression of
the heroic spirit, is unexcelled in organ liter-
ature. Harmonically, Caesar Franck forecasts
much of the chromaticisms of the last cen-
tury even intimating at times the atonality
of the last decade.
Andante con Moto .................... Albrecht
An interesting use of harmony based on
chords of perfect fourths and fifths is ex-
emplified by this piece.
Toccata, Adagio, Grave and Fugue in
C Major................................Bach
The first section of the Toccata consists of
passage work for manuals and pedals re-
spectively. The second part is based on a
rhythmic figure, repeated in different voices
and keys, which brings a compelling climax
by the cumulative force of its reiterations.
The Adagio is a singularly beautiful melody
over a bass whose phrasing and form are
reminiscent of the contrabass of the orches-
tra. The Grave majestically contrasts with
the scherzo-like Fugue whose closing phrase
recalls the opening bars of the Toccata.
"The Setting Sun".................Karg-Elert
Now that the work of this prodigious genius,
as measured in opus numbers, is finished we
can better appraise its comparative worth.
"The Seven Pastels from Lake Constance",
of which "The Setting Sun" is number five,
remain as one of his salient achievements
and are at the same time some of the most
significant organ compositions in modern
Fantasia and Fugue on BACH.............Liszt
The letters of Bach's' name are found in
the German scale on the notes B fiat, A, C,
and B natural (H). This Fantasia and Fugue
is not only one of the greatest compositions
ever written on the motive BACH but is at
the same time an interesting expression of
the rhythmic impetuosity of the Hungarian
Intermezzo .............................Bonnet

Collegiate Observer


Four dollars is the annual tuition fee in the
government universities in China. Twenty dollars
is the maximum fee in the missionary schools and
quarters in dormitories are furnished free. Social
custom forbids self-supporting students working
while in school. A few work during vacations,
but none of them would consider doing work
while actually in school.
* * *

11111 II'"' _____Y_
l I I 1 E

At the University of Berlin students are
allowed a period of six weeks to analyze and
select their professors.
** *
A freshman at the University of Indiana pulled
a prize boner the other day. Fresh from football
practice and clad in full football regalia he came
tearing up the stairs of the building to file his
registration card.
Reporting for practice he discovered that his
card had to be filed that day. He was told to get
dressed by the coach and go to the registration
office. He understood this order to mean that he
was to dress in his football togs.
Post scriptum: He got his card filed before the
*' * * *
A professor at Yale says that flowers bloomed
on the earth 800 million years ago. Well who'd
ever believe it!!!
* * * *
Officials at Auburn College are condemning
the fads of the younger generation co-eds of
that school. They say that the modern co-ed
does not know the meaning of the word
It was suggested that the school adopt the
slogan; "An ounce of convention is worth a
pound of lure."
* * *
A war is being waged at Kentucky College be-
tween the blondes and brunettes. The brunettes
are one up on their fair haired opponents, having
gone platinum due to the growing competition es-
tablished by their opponents. Evidently they must
believe fellows like girls who are "light headed."
Observings from here and there- Co-eds at
Texas State College have organized a "no date
club," the membership of which is constantly
changing - Belts have been substituted for pad-
dles in the hazing of freshmen at the Colorado
College of Mines - A London professor reports
the discovery of a fish that winks.
The most luxurious castle in the world, where
students "live like kings", was opened in Spain

Student Directory
Ichi nsian

On Parade. ..

T ODAY, Ann Arbor will have the
unique opportunity of viewing a
drum and bugle corps from the Jackson State
Prison, here to present a part of the entertain-
ment of the first Fall Music Gala Day.
Much has been written and said upon the sub-
ject of salvaging the man who has committed a
crime from joining in on a career of unlawfulness,
involving a reform of prison conditions, with an
eye toward giving more freedom to those who
have shown that they can be trusted. During the
last 15 years, the general trend has been away
from the hard-hearted dungeon type of imprison-
ment, and toward a more sympathetic endeavor
to get at the real cause of crime and prevent its

Joseph Bonnet is one of the two prominent
French organists of the day who are keeping
alive the fine traditions established in the
organ world by Caesar Franck and Alexandre
Prelude .......... ......................Doty
The title indicates that the form is a free
treatment of two contrasting themes which
are combined in the coda.

Student Directory $1.00


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