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October 18, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-18

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The Weather
Generally fair today and to-
morrow. Not much change in

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VOL. XLIV No. 21


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Connection Break
Stifles University's
Radio Broadcast

Are Slated
For Today
Times Are Listed For Eight
Elections To Be Held In
Colleges And Schools
Identification Is
Necessary To Vote
Results Will Be Certified
By Council; To Choose
Committee Lists
All senior elections will be held
today, according to Gilbert E. Burs-
ley, '34, president of the Undergrad-
uate Council.
There will be eight elections in
all, rooms and times for which are
as follows: literary college, 4:15 to
5:45 p. m. in Room 25 .Angell Hall;
engineering college, 1 to 2 p. m. in
Room 348. West Engineering Build-
ing; Medical School, 2 to 3 p. m. in
the amphitheatre of University Hos-
pital; Law School, 4:15 to 5:15 p. m.
in Room 150 Hutchins Hall; School
of Education, from 4:15 to 5:15 p. m.
in Room 1022 University High
School; School of Business Adminis-
tration, 4 to 5 p. m. in Room 206
Tappan Hall; School of Dentistry,
4:30 to 5:30 p. m. in the main room
on the first floor of the Dental Build-
ing; and School of Music, 4 to 5 p. m.
in the Choral Union Hall.
Identification should be made by
University identification cards, or,
if these are not available, Union
cards or University treasurer's re-
ceipts will be accepted. At all poll-
ing places a list of eligible seniors
will be used to check off the ballots
as they are handed out, Bursley said.
An undergraduate councilman and
a representative of the Union execu-
tive council will be on hand at all
polls to conduct the elections, except
in, the engineering college where the
engineering council will assist the un-
dergraduate councilman.
At a meeting of the Undergrad-
uate Council tonight in the Union all
election results will be officially cer-
tified, and approved committee lists
drawn up for all classes. Schedules
for other elections, to be run off on
successive Wednesdays according to
class priority, will also be discussed
at this time and further plans made
for Homecoming events this week-
Only Two Out Of Eight
Schools Reveal Tickets
Only two of the eight . schools
which will elect senior class officers
at designated times today have made
public their candidates. In the lit-
erary college the State Street party
named John Deo for president, Cath-
erine McHenry for vice-president,
Mary Ellen McCarthy for secretary,
and Harry Hattenbach for treasurer.
The election will be held from 4:15
to 5:45 p. m. in Room 25 Angell Hall.
Senior engineers of the combined
Independent-Fraternity party an-
nounced seven men as their candi-
dates for offices open. They are as
follows: Louis Westover, nominee for
president, Richard McManus, vice-
president, Hugh Grove, treasurer,
and David Burnett, secretary.
Stanley Smith was chosen as can-
didate for the Honor Council and
Edward Lemen and Kenneth Camp-
bell are running for positions on the
Engineering Council.

Party Chooses Ticket
At an engineering caucus held last
night in the Union, seven men were
picked to vie for senior offices on the
Fraternity-Independent Pafty, it was
made known last night.
Heading the ticket for president is
Alfred L. Otis; Philip A. Singleton,
J-Hop Chairman, and Philip H.
Geier, vice-president. Harry M. Mer-
ker will run for secretary; Ralph E.
Edwards, treasurer; Robert E. Wolfe,
Engineering Council; and Donald
Ferguson, Honor Council.
Al Thomas is caucus chairman for
the party.
Orr Gives Lecture
At Adelphi Meeting
In speaking on "Can Democracy
Endure?" at the regular meeting of

The University did not go on the
air yesterday afternoon as sched-
Promptly at 2 p. m. "The Yellow
and Blue" boomed forth from the De-
troit studios of WJR. In the Morris
Hall studio Prof. Waldo Abbot, di-
rector of broadcasting, stepped to the
microphone and delivered one of his
most polished introductions.
Next came Alliert H. Marckquardt
of the English department, who
launched into a half-hour discussion
of the works of Chaucer.
But for the listener at the other
end, the strains of "The Yellow and
the Blue" were followed by nothing
but the blankest of silence. The ef-
forts of Professor Abbot and Mr.
Marckquardt were being lost on the
Professor Abbot and Mr. Marck-
quardt were somewhat surprised
when they found that their eloquence
was not coming forth from the other
end of the radio. Not until some time
later did they discover that there
was a break in the wire connection
between Detroit and Ann Arbor.
At 2:27 p. m. service over the De-
troit wire was re-established. At 2:30
p. m. the University left the air.
Mr. Marckquardt's talk on Chaucer
will be given next Tuesday at the
same hour, Professor Abbot said.
Other talks in the Tuesday series on
English poets will each be presented
one week later than originally sched-
Stewards Meet
For Discussion
Of Buylig Plan
B. B. Kelley Gives Report
On Systems In Use At
Other Colleges
Discussing tentative plans for a
co-operative buying association, fra-
ternity stewards met last night to
hear Bethel B. Kelley, '34, president
of Interfraternity Council, present a
report on co-operative buying as de-
scribed by representatives of other
schools at the Undergraduate Coun-
cil of the National Interfraternity
Conference held last week in Chica-
go. He stated that many of the
schools intend to institute such an
The house managers then went on
to discuss the problem of buying un-
der such a plan. Under the tenta-
tive arrangement described by Kel-
ley, each fraternity affiliated with
the co-operative movement would be
pledged to buy through the ma-
chinery of the association any article
which the association might arrange
to supply. Houses would be limited
in the amount of their purchases by
a payment into a trust fund which
would insure payment of all bills
by the tenth of each month.
Maxwell T. Gail, '34, secretary-
treasurer of the council, warned the
stewards that under Michigan law,
they must pay the 3 per cent sales
tax on food served in the houses dur-
ing September and October by Nov.
15. He stated that the tax was lev-
ied upon tangible personal property
and that fraternities which included
in their board bills some charge for
fraternity service might separate
these into two assessments for the
purpose of paying a tax only .on the
actual food served.
Gail also advised stewards that
under Council rules they were re-
quired to submit semester budgets to
the dean's office.
Kelley, after more discussion over
co-operative buying, set the date of
the next meeting of stewards for
7:30 p. m. next Wednesday.

Fitzgerald In
Race Of 1934
Secretary Of State Reveals
He Will Seek Republican
Nomination For Position
Senators Give Out
News Of Candidacy
He Will Run Regardless
Of Move By Groesbeck,
A 3-Term Governor
LANSING, Oct. 17.-(P)-Frank D.
Fitzgerald, secretary of state, today
definitely became a candidate for the
Republican nomination for governor,
While the secretary of state made
no formal announcement he declared
he is a candidate. He emphasized that
he is making his position clear at
this time to quiet reports that his
candidacy might be contingent upon
other entires. In effect his statement
meant that he will not enter any
agreement designed to select a Re-
publican candidate through elimina-
tion or trading. There have been ru--
mors that Alex J. Groesbeck, a three-
term governor, might run again next
year. Fitzgerald's friends believe
G'oesbeck will support him, but de-
velopments today left no doubt that
Fitzgerald will run, whether Groes-
beck is a candidate or not.
Reports of the secretary of state's
decision came from the Upper Penin-
sula. Fitzgerald was scheduled to ap-
pear at a mass meeting in Newberry
tonight. Senators Gordon F. Van
Eenenaam, of Muskegon, and Felix
H. H. Flynn, of Cadillac, who are
with him on. the Upper Peninsula
tour, were authority for the state-
ment that Fitzgerald will be a can-
didate regardless of "other candi-
dacies, real or mythical." Fitzgerald
verified their announcement. He is
expected to make a formal statement,
outlining his platform, before a meet-
ing in his home town of Grand Ledge.
Fitzgerald is the first to become'
an avowed candidate for the Repub-
lican gubernatorial nomination.
Comstock Row
With Silliman
Flares Up Again
LANSING, Oct. 17.-(P)-Gov. Wil-
liam A. Comstock flatly informed
Judge W. McKay Skillman today
that, unless the judge indicts Sheriff
Thomas C. Wilcox or sends the gov-
ernor the transcript of the one man
jury testimony with regard to the
sheriff, he will not accede to his re-
quest that he institute removal pro-
The controversy was carried on in
a series of public pronouncements,
begun when the governor demanded
that Judge Skillman indict Wilcox
on the ground that if the evidence
laid before the judge's one-man jury
investigation of the sheriff's office
warranted a recommendation of re-
moval, it warranted indictment. The,
governor cited precedent to buttress
his demand that the judge present
him with the grand jury transcript.
Informed of this, on his way north
on a hunting trip, Judge Skillman
said, "The governor is seeking an
The governor countered:
"That is exactly the kind of reply
I expected from Judge Skillman. But

it does not change the situation. He'
started all this and he should finish.
it. When he does I'll do my part."

Public Works
For Michigan
Government Turns Down
Emergency Legislation
To Launch Program
University Will Be
Hurt By Reversal
Comstock Receives Word
From O'Brien That Ac-
tion Of State Is Rejected
LANSING, Oct. 17.--(A)-The Fed-
eral government has rejected emer-
gency laws designed to facilitate the
beginning of a public works program
in Michigan and further special leg-
islation probably twill be necessary,
Gov. Comstock advised the adminis-
trative board toda'y.
The governor received word from
Patrick H. O'Brien, attorney general,
who has been in Washington, that
Federal officials did not appear to be
in a position to approve any Michi-
gan legislation so far enacted or pro-
The attorney-general suggested the
only way he could see of meeting
the constitutional mandate that the
faith and credit of the state be
An appropriation of $1,050,-
000 for the University for con-
struction of two buildings was
included in .tle, plans rejected
by the Federal government. The
two buildings plianned were an
administration building and an
The administration building
would have cost $600,000 and the
observatory $450;00.
pledged only by a vote of the people
would be to issue bonds under a
section of the state constitution per-
mitting such action to combat i L-
surrection. O'Brien believed the sit-
uation is serious enough to warrant
the issuance of bonds under the
emergency section.
The governor stated he prefers to
ask the legislature in special session
to enact a law giving the state ad-
ministrative board, a state corpora-
tion, or some other body authority
to pledge the credit of the state up
to $30,000,000. An immediate su-
preme court decision then would be
sought holding that such authority
could be conferred during an emer-
gency. The governor believed the
supreme court might hold to this ef-
fect despite normal constitutional
Paternalism Is
Debate Subject
Of Speech Club:
Alpha Nu Minority Party,
Upholding Supervision,
Defeated By Big Margin
"More paternalism is needed to
remedy the present low condition of
student affairs," maintained the mi-
nority party of Alpha Nu speech so-
ciety in the discussion last night at a
Freshman smoker. Citing the in-c
stances of student conduct in apart-
ment houses, therresponsibility of the
University to parents and taxpayers
and the benefits of freedom from re-
sponsibility, the pro-paternalism fac-
tion was still defeated by a majority

advocating sensible student freedom.
The discussion, led by Charles B.
Brownson, '35, turned to statistics on
student morals for much of the proof
on both sides. Sorority presidents
were quoted as admitting that Uni-
versity regulation in no way inter-
fered with their house activities. Rec-
ords of the cost of administration
of the automobile ban were brought
into prominence as evidence. The vote
was overwhelmingly in favor of les-
sened paternalism.
Alpha Nu will hear try-outs at
the next meeting. Students compet-
ing for membership will deliver a
five-minute speech on a topic of their
own choosing next Tuesday, accord-
ing to present plans of the organiza-
Claims Fraternities
Are Losing Appeal
(By Intercollegiate Press)
OXFORD, O., Oct. 17.-Visiting
Miami University, birthplace of nine

Choral Series To Be Launched
By Boston Symphony Orchestra

The Boston Symphony Orchestra,
which will inaugurate this season's
Choral Union Concert series, when
it appears Tuesday, Oct. 24, in Hill
Auditorium, is in its 53rd season.
From 1881 to 1884, when the or-
chestra was under the leadership of
George Henschel, it became com-
parable in importance to the great
European organizations. After the
pioneer work of Conductor Henschel,
Wilhelm Gericke presided for five
years and carried forward the tra-
ditions which had been established
earlier. From 1889 to 1898, Arthur
Nikisch and Emil Paur were at the

French conductors, Henry Rabaud
and Pierre Monteux, took up the ba-
ton. In 1924, new enthusiasm was in-
troduced into the orchestra when
Serge Koussevitzky, Russian conduc-
tor, was elected to head the group.
Dr. Koussevitzky has continued as di-
rector since that time.
During this 53-year period, the or-
chestra has been heard in Ann Ar-
bor on nine occasions: May 16, 1890;
May 5, 1891; May 7, 1892; May 9,
1893; and May 11, 1894. A period of
nearly two decades elapsed before it
was again heard in Ann Arbor when
it appeared on January 31, 1913. On
January 26, 1917, it again gave a

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