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October 17, 1933 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-17

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Open Negotiations For Reductions Of English War Debt

aestion Stirs

Mayoral Race
ndidate For New York
Post Denies He Made An
Anti-Jewish Charge
tri es At Fuionist
cKee Accuses LaGuardia
Of Purposely Bringing
Religion Into Campaign
qEW YORK, Oct. 16. -(P)-- The
stion of anti-Semitism stirred the
ee-cornered struggle for the may-
ity to something approaching
nzy today.
oseph V. McKee, accused of criti-
ng the ethics of Jewish school
idren in an article written in 1915,
;ied it and struck back at his fu-
ri oponent, Fiorello H. LaGuardia.
Mr. LaGuardia," said McKee,
s deliberately, viciously, and for
: gain brought the religious ques-
n into this campaign and misin-
preting the intent and spirit of a
gle paragraph in an article writ-
almost 20 years ago. kn
his denial that any attack on Jews
as made or intended" followed a
nand by Samuel Untermyer, law-
, that McKee, the Recovery party
ididate for mayor, explain.
intermyer said that if published
orts of the article written while
Kee was a teacher, were correct,
y constituted a "false, distorted
I gross libel."
Nathan Strauss, Jr., Recovery party
Ldidate for aldermanic president
I himself a Jew, said there is no
n in the country "more completely
e from racial or religious intoler-
e" than McKee.
k registration of 2,322,382 voters
icated the wide interest in the
apaign. This is only 16,422 fewer
ai for last year's Presidential elec-
.', which set a record.
ammany foes expressed elation,
supporters of the Tammany
didate, Mayor John P. ,O'Brien,
isted the heavy registration meant
tory for him.
x0Michigan Coach
rrainer Picks Star
Athletes Of His Day
ust prior to his resignation from
ive service as an athletic trainer
I coach at Princeton, Keene Fitz-
rick, well-known to all Michigan
letes of two or three decades ago,
s approached by an enterprising
vshawk in search of a yarn.
'his same journalist persuaded
i to name a so-called "All-Fitz-
rick Team" composed entirely of
sity athletes of track and grid-
n with whom he had worked as
h trainer and coach at Yale,
higan, and Princeton. Since
tz" was always known as the
asant sphinx, because of his con-
aed refusal to make statements to
rspapermen, this selection was of
at interest.
alph Craig, '11, Olympic dual
ner, 100-yard dash; John Gar-
s, '07E, high hurdles and discus;
ph Rose, L'03-'05, shot put; Neil
>w, '02, end; Joe Curtis, '08,
kle; Adolph Schultz, E'04-'08, cen-
Al Weeks, '02L, quarterback;
ie Heston, '04L, halfback; Paul
es, '04L, fullback; E. M. Sweefley,
punter; and Thomas Hammond,
'06, place-kicker, are the former
higan athletes mentioned on the
tes Talks On New Law

SC1ool Before Sigma Xi1
&embers of the local chapter of
ma Xi, national honorary all-sci-
ific fraternity, held their first
eting of the year last night in
chins Hall, as guests of the Law

-Associated Press Photo
In the Washington office of Dean Acheson, undersecretary of the treasury, American and British spokes-
men began delicate negotiations through which the L-ndon government hopes to reduce its war debt obli-
gations. The group is shown in conference. Left to right: T. .K. Bewley, financial adviser of the British
embassy; Sir Frederick Leith-Ross, special debts commissioner from Great Britain; Dean Acheson; Sir
Ronald Lindsay, British ambassador; Frederick Livesey, economic adviser to the State Department; and
D. W. Bell, commissioner of accounts and deposits of the treasury.

WASHINGTON - Plans for Presi-
dent Roosevelt's schedule for advanc-
ing approximately $1,000,000,000 on
the assets of closed national and
state banks were hurried.
* * *
NEW YORK - The question of an-
ti-Semitism was predominant in the
mayoralty race between Fiorello H.
LaGuardia, Joseph V. McKee, and
John P. O'Brien.
CHICAGO - Ross King, 29, was
executed at the Cook County jail for
the murder of Policeman Harry Red-
* * *r
CHICAGO - A new version of the
crash of the United Air Lines' New
York-bound plane, in which seven
persons were killed, was given by
Francis Wiseman, a farmer, who said
he viewed the scene nearmChesterton,
* * *
Huey Pierce Long offered to fight a
man who interrupted him while he
was making a speech at the South
Louisiana State Fair.
LANSING-The 89th annual State
convention of Odd Fellows opened
with a registration of 1,800 delegates.
SAN JUAN, Porto Rico - A new
deal including greater happiness and
well-being for the islanders was
promised by Gov. Robert H. Gore.
Pollock Speaks At
IPress Club Meeting
Speaking before the members of
the Student Press Club, Prof. James
K. Pollock of the political science de-
partment last night discussed the
subject of foreign news under the ti-
tle "Liberty and the News."
"We cannot emphasize too great-
ly," said Professor Pollock, "the im-
portance of a free and uncontrolled
press. The people of the United
States take this measure for granted."
He further emphasized the situa-
tion of the German press, which he
called intolerable in this stage of
the world's development. He ex-
plained that the people of Germany
are today completely in the dark
about developments even in their own
country, not to mention foreign af-
"The complete destruction of es-
tablished newspapers is indeed a tra-
gedy. It is only a matter of a few
years that Germany will be able to
hold on with this system," he con-
Prof. Pollock showed his collection
of over 100 foreign newspapers which
he has gathered during his travels on
the Continent. The lecture was fol-
lowed by an open forum.
The University of Michigan Clubs
of Dayton, Columbus, Los Angeles,
Kansas City, Buffalo, Rochester,
Schenectady, New York, and Duluth
held smokers Saturday afternoon at
which the members of the groups
listened to returns from the Michi-
gan-Cornell football game as broad-
cast by the National Broadcasting
Company and the Columbia Broad-
casting System.
Ready to start over again at 71,
Coach Amos Alonzo Stagg took over
his new duties as coach at the College
of Pacific. He held that post for 41
years at the University of Chicago.

Short Wave Radio Adopted In
Fire Prevention Experiments

Predetermined wells, short wave
radios, and trick plows are now be-
ing used in forest fire prevention at
the Michigan Forest Fire Experimen-
tal Station at Roscommon, Mich., the
only one of its kind in the world.
The station is headed by Gilbert
Stewart, '22, to whom most of the
credit for the newly developed fire
fighting methods is due.
A large area of state forest land
has already been surveyed by the
U. S. Geodetic Survey, aided by the
Civilian Conservation Corps, to de-
termine where the ground water ta-
ble is sufficiently close to the sur-
face to make the hurried sinking of
wells practicable.
The equipment for the work is car-
ried on a truck and consists of a long
pipe supported on a derrick, through
which a powerful stream of water is
As the water eats its way through
the ground the pipe is lowered until
the water table is struck. Another
pipe is then lowered into the first
and the water is .raised by means of
a gasoline pump. Wells which will
deliver water at the rate of 35 gal-
lons per minute have been sunk in
eight minutes.
The short wave radios are used to
two Seriously
Injured When
Car Overturns


Of Detroit Auto Is
After Smashup On
12 Near Dixboro

direct forest rangers and fire fighters
in their work, and operate much as
do police radios. The effective range
for the speaking voice is about 15
miles; code messages can be sent for
a much further distance. Radio calls,
however, will not go through any
hills which might be between the re-
ceiving and sending stations.
Mr. Stewart has designed a fire-
break plow to be operated behind a
light tractor. The plow is unique in
that it will stay upright without the
necessity of having a man to guide
it, and can easily negotiate sharp
corners. It is said to be especially
effective in brush and slightly stony
Banks Hesitate
In Promoting
Credit Program
Directors Of Wall Street
Banks Are Silent On New
Governnient Plan
NEW YORK, Oct. 16.-()-While
Wall Street expected a week ago that
its leading banks would eventually
get behind the scheme of expanding
their capital funds through the RYFC
to promote the government's credit
expansion program, the new week
finds the situation completely in the
Several directors meetings have
been held in the past fortnight, and
the traditional silent director became
even more silent on leaving these
meetings. There has been no official
statement that the plan as advanced
by Jesse Jones in his recent visits
to the financial district would be
abandoned. In private discussions,
however, bankers have made no se-
cret of the fact that strong opposi-
tion has developed.
At the moment, a group represent-
ing the clearing house banks is said
to be ready to proceed to Washing-
ton, when and if called, to discuss
the matter further. In the meantime,
however, Continental Illinois National
Bank & Trust Co. of Chicago, the
fifth largest bank in the country, has
come forward and arranged to sell
$50,000,000 in preferred stock to the
R.F.C. It is suggested that Wall
Street may be content to let Chicago
provide the big bank leadership in
this movement to prompt smaller
banks to bolster their capital struc-
tures through the R.F.C.
Oosterbaan Addresses
Second Football Clinic
Over 100 alumni attended the sec-
ond of a series of weekly football
clinics yesterday noon in the dining
room of the University of Michigan
Club of Detroit, at which Bennie
Oosterbaan, assistant Varsity foot-
ball coach, was the speaker.
Oosterbaan, who scouted the Cor-
nell eleven in preparation for the
Big Red-Wolverine game, told of
some of the plays that the coaches
had planned and the team had ex-
ecuted as the result of the weaknesses
which had been discovered about the
At the conclusion of the clinic,
Oosterbaan, who was married late
last summer, was presented with a
clock as a wedding present.

Mitchell Says
Leisure Might
Prove Menace
Daily Schedule Of Radio
Broadcasts Begins This
Week; Hobbs To Speak
"The new leisure may be a threat
and a menace," declared Prof. Elmer
D. Mitchell, director of intramural
athletics in a radio address Sunday,
speaking on the subject of "Recon-
struction in Education."
Stressing the fact that working
hours are now less than ever before,
he stated that many persons do not
know how to use their greatly in-
creased period of leisure and that it
is society's duty to educate future
generations to enjoy it.
"Man, throughout history, has al-
ways prized leisure and has longed
for it," Professor Mitchell said.
"Whenever he has tried to conceive
of an ideal state of existence he has
dreamed of many free hours when he
could follow the dictates of his pleas-
ure. But, perversely, now that man
has this leisure, he is not sure that
he wants it-at least not in such
Leisure at Disposal of All
"This is not the first time that
people have had leisuresat their dis-
posal. In ancient times a select group
of citizens were always free from the
necessity of work. But today it is at
the disposal of all.
"Most writers see a menace con-
fronting us. To them, America is
headed in the direction of Rome in its
decline. To Romans of that day leis-
ure meant idleness, doles, free enter-
tainments in the arena, license, or-
gies, and corruption."
University sponsored broadcasts, to
be presented daily except Saturday
from the Morris Hall studios over
WJR, Detroit, began Sunday, and will
continue over a period of 19 weeks
during the school year.
Daily Programs Start
Prof. William H. Hobbs of the ge-
ology department is to speak at 10
p. m. Wednesday on "The Green-
land Air Route to Europe," and Prof.
E. A. Stalker of the engineering col-
lege will talk at the same time on
"Advance and Research in Air Trans-
In a series of afternoon periods at
2 p. m. on Tuesday through Friday,
half-hour talks of special interest
to school children in the state will
be given.
Albert Marckquardt of the English
department will speak today on
Chaucer, Harlow Heneman of the po-
litical science department will be
heard tomorrow in "An Introduction
to Political Science," Prof. A. Frank-
lin Shull of the zoology department
will give "An Introduction to Zoo-
logy" on Thursday, and Prof. George
E. Myers of the education school will
talk Friday on "Choosing a Voca-
The theft of 12 sacks of potatoes
from his farm in Augusta township
was reported to the Sheriff's office
yesterday by Benjamin Brown. The
potatoes had been treated with cor-
rosive sublimate, a deadly poison
used to check blight.

Pilat In Crash



comfort 'ingood old Briggs

-Associated Press Photo
H. R. Parrant (above) of Oak
Park, Ill., was the pilot of the big
airliner which crashed in flames near
Chesterton, Ind., killing all seven oc-
Dushman To Speak
Here On Mechanics
Dr. Saul Dushman,, assistant di-
rector of research laboratories of the
General Electric Co. will speak at
1:15 p. m. tomorrow in room 303
Chemistry Building on "The Applica-
tion of Wave Mechanics to Physical
and Chemical Problems."
He is to talk here under the aus-
pices of the University and the Amer-
ican Chemical Society. The lecture is
open to anyone interested.
Dr. Dushman received his degrees
from Toronto University, and for a
time held a position as lecturer in
electro-chemistry there. In 1912 he
became affiliated with the General
Electric Co. His studies have dealt
with molecular chemistry, electronics,
atomic structure, and the quantum

17 Universities
Represented At
Heads Of Summer Session
Think Attendance Has
Reached Minimum
Belief that attendance at summer
sessions reached a minimum this
year and that interest in summer
work is probably on the increase was
expressed by deans and directors of
summer sessions at their annual
meeting, held Friday and Saturday
at Syracuse, N. Y., according to
Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director of
the Summer Session, who represent-
ed the University.
Professor Hopkins said the meet-
ing last week wale well lattfended,
with a representation of 17 schools,
and that he considered the confer-
ence decidedly worthwhile. Mem-
bership in the association is limited
to schools offering a relatively large
amount of graduate study' during
the summer, he said.
In a resolution passed at the meet-
ing high appreciation was expressed
for the services rendered to the group
by Dean Edward H. Kraus, former
dean of the Summer Session, who
organized it about 15 years ago.
Prof. E. H. Hahne of Northwest-
ern University was elected president
for the coming year, and Ames, Ia.,
was chosen for the 1934 meeting,
Professor Hopkins said. Professor
Hopkins was chosen to the member-
ship committee.
Flight Instruction
Local Passenger Flights
Special Charter Trips
Airline Reservations
Municipal Airport
4320 outh State
1 yPn92

Suffering serious injuries when
their car overturned Saturday night
after crashing into a guard rail on
U. S. 12 east of Dixboro, two Detroit
men are receiving treatment in St.
Joseph's Hospital.
The car, containing six occupants,
was going 80 miles an hour when it
failed to take the curve. The ve-
hicle tore through 11 posts and over-
turned several times, throwing all
the occupants out.
Henry Johnson, Detroit, was taken
to the hospital with a fractured skull,
while Joseph Allen, Detroit, was
brought in with internal injuries and
concussion of the brain. The re-
maining four men suffered minor
cuts and bruises. Roland B. Fisher,
driver of the car, is being, held at
the Sheriff's office for investigation.
The two injured men were still in
a very critical condition last night,
according to attendants at the hos-
Revolvers Located
In Reinhart House
Three nickle-finished revolvers of
large calibre were discovered by Wil-
liam Gauss, nephew of John Rein-
hart, aged recluse who was murdered
a week ago today, in looking through
the former residence of the victim.
The weapons were not in the house
last Tuesday night when a party led
by Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp made a
thorough search of the premises. Two
of the guns found yesterday were on
the victim's bed, and the third was
found on a table in an upstairs room.
Police are making an investigation.



: there's


Are Being Mode Now!

If yOu can't draw even a pair of deuces
... you can always draw pleasure from
a pipe that's packed with fragrant old
BRIGGS is aged in the wood for years
.. . mellowed and seasoned extra long.
You could pay twice as much for a
tobacco.. . and find it not half so good
BRIGGS is so good that it won nation-
wide popularity before it had a line of
advertising. Won't you let it win you in
its own mild way?


nry M. Bates of The Law
to welcomed the organiza-
lalf of the school, told the
of the equipment made
,hrough the completion of
Fall and described the va-
tnents now housed in the
g Dean Bates talk, in
ous phases of the legal pro-
d legal training were ex-
ie members of the frater-
shown the different build-
e Quadrangle by members
i School faculty. ,G






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