The Weather Generally fair on Tuesday; Wednesday unsettled, little change in temperature. it ga ~ahIp Editorials CBS Vulgar izes Histo Event... Council Minutes q"R Campaign VOL. XLIV No. 20 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1933 PRICE FIVE CEN I - - a- . United States Drops ut Of FAs Fracas Reich's Withdrawal At Geneva To Strengthen Nazis--Heneman Rooseveli Anxiou Politica t Administration s To Avoid Any d Entanglements Conference Hopes For Co-Operation Expect To Continue With Or Without Germany; Look On Act As Menace WASHINGTON, Oct. 16-()-The Roosevelt administration today de- cided to leave to the European pow- ers the determination of whether the disarmament efforts would be con- tinued on a general scale. America will not be represented at various conferences on the continent this week. It was disclosed late today that the United States is particularly anxious that there be no political entangle- ments in the negotiations arising from the crisis caused by Germany's withdrawal from the Geneva Dis- armament Conference a n d t h e League of Nations. The feeling was manifested in Washington that such unity of pur- pose as has existed thus far has cen- tered entirely upon world disarma- ment matters, and that this coun- try has not become politically aligned with any European power. Mr. Roosevelt's decision to remain aloof from the consultations between the various European capitals during coming days was reached because it was felt by officials here that the implications of these conferences would be purely political. Meanwhile in Geneva, Ambassa- dor-at-Large Norman H. Davis said that the American delegation was not interested in foreign negotiations outside of general disarmament agreements. "While there is a possibility of successfully carrying on disarma- ment negotiations, we shall gladly continue to do our part," Mr. Davis said. "We are not, however, interested in the political element or any purely European aspect of the picture. American Co-Operation Is Believed Necessarv GENEVA, Oct. 16-(AP)-The con- viction that hope for a disarmament agreement now hinges on steadfast American co-operation was voiced tonight as the arms conference was adjourned to Oct. 26. Statesmen said they have before thy' the problem of getting Ger- many back into the negotiations or, failing this, of drafting an arms con- vention without the withdrawn Ger- man delegates. The conference steering commit- tee recommended the 10-day suspen- sion of formal sessions and Arthur Henderson, the chairman, declared the hope that the gathering would continue unflinchingly until the first stage in arms reductions is achieved, Henderson sent a reply to Kon- stantin Von Neurath, the Reich's for- eign minister, in which the chairman said he could not accept "as valid" the reasons Von Neurath gave Sat- urday for abandoning, as a failure, the conversations. But the belief was expressed that a real menace to peace exists if Germany refrains from participating in organized peace processes in Eur- ope -the arms parley and the League of Nations. Governor May Forbid Dakota Grain Shipment BISMARCK, N. D., Oct. 16.-(P)- North Dakota, the chief wheat-pro- ducing state of 1933, awaited tonight a governor's order prohibiting ship- ment of wheat beyond its borders and possible use of National Guardsmen in enforcement. The "new deal" has not reached the farmer, said Gov. William Lan- ger, who announced that he would order a ban in the hope that higher prices would result, but added: "It is hardly possible that the embargo alone can raise the world grain mar- kets." 7 36 J S S a i t a i L By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. Germany's recent withdr val from the League of Nations and the World Disarmament Conference will line up varying phases of opinion in the Reich even more closely along Chan- cellor Hitler's narrow road of polit- ical and economic nationalism, in the opinion of Harlow J. Heneman, who came to the University political sci- ence department as an instructor this year to fill the vacancy left by Law- rence Preuss, now studying abroad. Speaking from experience gained through three visits to Germany in the course of the past two years, Mr. Heneman voiced his belief that this latest world-significant move by the fiery Reichskanzler w o u ld "cut squarely across German party lines" and so drown out any remaining feeble opposition in a fervently pa- triotic rally around the Nazi pro- gram. He pointed out, too, that the international aspect and popular ap- peal of the defection from the League and the arms parley would mask another important Hitlerite move-the dissolution, without provi- sion for reconvening, of the German state diets, in a further unification of the Reich. "The election of a new Reichstag Nov. 12 will be nothing more nor less than a kind of referendum on the present Italian Fascist plan, with the electorate voting 'yes' or 'no' concerning acceptance of a 100 per cent Nazi ticket," Mr. Heneman said. "here is no conceivable way the people of Germany could voice ,op- position to Hitler at this 'election' other than by staying at home and refraining from voting. For this rea- son the size of the vote, rather than the 'yeas' and 'nays' of the voters, will be the center of interest. A marked falling-off in the votes cast from that of the March, 1933, elec- tion would be the only indication of a possible repudiation of Hitler and his policies." Turning to the ever-interesting problem of a successor to von Hin- denburg, in the event of his death or resignation, Mr. Heneman enumer- ated six possibilities open to Ger- many and to Hitler. These possibili- ties are: (1) Continuance of the president- ial system with Hitler as president. (2) Combination of the president's and chancellor's powers in a "Reich- sverweser." Hitler to be Reichsver- weser. (3) Elevation of von Papen to a figurehead presidency, with Hitler remaining the true power. (4) Establishment of a figurehead monarchy, similar to Italy's, under August Wilhelm, Nazi "favorite son." (5) The same as plan 4, but under Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm. (6) The same as plans 4 and 5, but under the former Kaiser. Mr. Heneman expressed his con- viction that August Wilhelm had the best opportunity of gaining the throne in the event of a monarchical shift. The Crown Prince, he said, is held by many to be something of (Continued on Page 2) German Stand Expanded By, Nazi Minister Says 'There Must Not Be A Second Disarmament Of Germany' BERLIN, Oct. 16 -- (R) - Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath told the world's press in effect today that "there must not be a second disarmament of Germany." In a half-hour interview with cor-. respondents he expanded Chancel- lor Adolf Hitler's appeal of Saturday night regarding Germany's with- drawal from the League of Nations and the World Disarmament Con- ference. Baron von Neurath sought to fix the responsibility for the "world's tangle" on England and France, and at the same time paid tribute to American and Italian arms delegates for their efforts to mediate the dif- ferences. The question of Germany's equali- ty, which led to the decision to re- sign, he declared, was the central issue in contemporaneous world poli- tics. This equality, he demonstrated by an array of historical data, has con- sistently been denied the Reich. He challenged the powers repre- sented at the Geneva conference to agree on a mutual disarmament, charged that the British Foreign Of- fice had misrepresented Germany's attitude to Washington and pledged anew that Germany would assist in any project to rid the world of the arms burden. He gave no intimation of what Germany's future course would be. Demonstration Staged By University Students VIENNA, Oct. 16-(P)-While Aus- trian university students engaged in violent demonstrations of sympathy with Germany today many expres- sions of exultation were heard in of- ficial circles. At universities here and in Graz and Innsbruck students unfurled Nazi flags, exploded smoke bombs and sang Nazi songs. Order was re- stored at Vienna institutions only after officers had abandoned clubs for sabers. It was pointed out in political quarters that Austria is bound to the friendly policy of the League of Nations, but nevertheless many said that Germany in quitting the League and the disarmament conference had typified emotions of nations defeated in the war, including Austria. There were rumors that Hungary would leave the League. An inter- view in Vianna newspapers quoted Stephan Friedrich, former Hungar- ian premier, as saying that there is justification for such action. '33-'34 Student Directory Sale BeginsToday 'Ensian, Senior Pictures, Coupons Will Also Be On Sale In Next 2 Days The 1933-34 Student Directory, of- ficial register of the students and fac- ulty members of the University, will be on sale on the campus today and tomorrow, according to Robert Hen- och, '35, sales manager. The directory, which gives the names, Ann Arbor addresses, tele- phone numbers, and home towns of all students and faculty members will sell for $1. After Wednesday it can be purchased for the same price at the Student Publications Building on Maynard St. Anyone other than a student or faculty member who wishes a copy of the directory may have one reserved by calling the offices of the Mich- iganensian, it was announced. Coupons for the 'Ensian and senior pictures will also be on sale during the two days. The picture coupons will sell for $3 and the price of the 'Ensian continues at $3.50. All stu- dents who have made the down pay- ment on the yearbook are urged to make the second payment of $1 as soon as possible. This can be done at the offices of the 'Ensian in the Pubs lications Building or on the campus during the present sale. The picture coupons can also be obtained either at the offices or at the photograph- ers' studios. West Virorinia Steel Strike Is Called At End (By Associated Press) The national labor board an- nounced the settlement of the Weir- ton, W. Va., steel strike yesterday as sporadic disorders occurred in other strike-troubled sectors. Senator Wagner, chairman of the board, said the Weirton Steel Co. workers would return immediately without discrimination. The settlement is expected to bring peace to a community where police used tear gas bombs on several oc- casions to quell pickets who sought to prevent workers from entering the steel company's plant. It came at the end of a meeting at which both sides presented their views. Meanwhile pickets and workers in a Los Angeles garment strike were separated by police and a brief skir- mish in which 500 persons engaged. The authorities arrested two women and a man on charges of disturbing the peace. The homes of two miners in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., were damaged by I City To Pay Welfare Staff, Council Votes Measure Is Approved By Margin Of 8 To 1; Only Opponet Is Meyer End Of Relief Work Feared By Mayor Common Council Changes Decision After Pleas By Campbell And Lucas A plea by Mayor Robert A. Camp- bell, and a statement by E. E. Lucas, president of the Common Council, that "there will be no money for welfare tomorrow" stampeded coun- cil members to a reconsideration of their earlier vote and the acceptance finally of a request asking the city to pay the welfare personnel's sal- aries. For a heated 15 minutes at the meeting last night it appeared that Ann Arbor would reject the request of the Washtenaw County Relief Committee, until Mayor Campbell predicted that as a result of the council's attitude he would have to tell the poor people today "to go home and starve or freeze --what-I ever you will.' Previous to Mayor Campbell's ex- temporaneous speech, several of the aldermen had objected to the propo- sal. When the first vote was taken the dissenters won, 5 to 4. When the result of this vote was announced, Mayor Campbell arose and addressed the council. "I wish you understood what you have done," he said. "Every person, children and women included, is taken off the welfare by this vote. We haven't a nickel to pay them. We must ac- cept the county committee's propos- al. You are saying to this city's poor, 'We won't help you.' You are putting something on the city which will hurt it badly." This speech of the mayor brought a reconsideration of the vote and a recess for the objectors to discuss the matter among themselves and with the mayor. At the end of this dis- cussion, the committee's recommen- dation was accepted, 8 to 1, Alder- man Donald Meyer of the second ward still objecting. Whether the council's refusal to accept the recommendation would have resulted as disastrously as the mayor and the council president pre-i dicted was open to some doubt, but only Alderman Leigh Young, of the sixth ward, who favored the recom- mendation, raised that point. He suggested that even if the city didn't accept the recommendation of the committee, the committee would take over all welfare work today. Inas- much as the city was dropping the welfare work anyway, he said, the situation would be just the same. As the matter now stands, the Washtenaw County Welfare Relief Committee will take over the relief work in this city today, and a prob- lem which has vexed the city for nearly three years will be passed out of Ann Arbor's hands. Discover Plots Of Nazis In Austria, VIENNA, Oct. 16.-()-The dis- covery of an alleged armed plot to deliver the Linz garrison to the Nazis and the secret circulation of new so- cialist orders to prepare for a general strike climaxed a feverish 24-hours today which began with nation-wide Nazi rioting in universities. A score of Hitlerites, including first lieutenant Franz Fritsch of the Aus- trian army, a former artillery ser- geant, and a reserve officer, were ar- rested in connection with the report- ed conspiracy. An official communique said con- spirators had completely worked out a plan to take the Linz barracks by surprise. Charges of high treason were brought against the arrested nen. Mimes Elects Officers At Regular Fall Meeting The second regular fall meeting of Mimes, campus dramatic organiza- 1Classes Will Organize For Fall Games Members Of Sophomore Class To Meet Today, Freshmen Tomorrow Underclassmen Will Battle On Saturday Cane Spree, Flag Rush, Pillow Fight Included On Morning's Program First actual organization of mem- bers of the sophomore class for the Fall Games will be carried out at 4:30 p. . today at the Union, ac- cording to Lewis Kearns, '35, who is in charge of the events for the Union. Tomorrow night freshmen will gather at the same place to con- solidate their class. At both meet- ings captains for the games will be selected and plans for the various events made. Included in the games, which will begin at 10 a. m. Saturday, Oct. 21, on South Ferry Field, are the cane spree, the flag rush, and the pillow fight, the hog-tying contest having been dropped from the original plans. The latter will be held in connection with the Spring Games. Scoring of points for the three parts of the games has not been definitely decided as yet, Kearns said. A cup which was won last year by Delta Chi fraternity for having the largest percentage of its freshman pledges at the games will be given under the same basis this year. In order to have permanent possession of the cup a fraternity must win it three times. Members of the two classes will meet at different points before go- ing to the field, the first year men at 9:30 a. n. at the Union and the sophomores at the same time at Wa- terman Gymnasium. At this time they will be painted to designate their membership in one of the two groups -freshmen green and sopho- mores red. No men will be allowed to take part in the games without this insignia, Kearns said. Representatives of the Union and of the 'Undergraduate Council will be on hand at the games to exercise general supervision, while the actual judging will be done by members of the "M" Club. Handbills containing threats to grind the class of '36 into "a mangy, shapeless pulp," on the traditional Black Friday before the class games were being circulated by freshmen last night. Calling the sophomores "contemp- tible cads and insipid, ignoble in- fants," the bills declared that they would be "slaughtered" by "that in- tellectually supreme organization, the class of 1937." Smaller Cities TO Be Helped By Nlew Fund Municipal League Obtains Grant To Enable It To Aid State Communities A considerable grant of money has been made to the Michigan Munic- ipal League for the purpose of "as- sisting smaller communities in pre- senting applications to the Advisory Board on Public Works," according to Harold Smith, director of the league. The sum came from a large foun- dation, the name of which was not disclosed. The difficulties which smaller com- munities have experienced in trying to comply with the regulations set up by the advisory board in applying for funds for public works have made it necessary for the municipal league to help them, Mr. Smith stated last night. Because smaller towns, handi- capped by the lack of competent city engineers and attorneys, have lagged behind the larger cities in applying for public works aid, it has been found advisable to hire such officers to prepare their applications for them, he said. Replacements Needed For Some Band Posts Although the Varsity Band has reached its full size for the season, there are still openings for re- placement players, it was an- nounced late yesterday by Prof. Nicholas D. Falcone, director. There are vacancies in virtually every section of the band, the di- rector said, though he is particu- larly desirous of obtaining replace- ments in the cornet, bass, horn, and trombone sections. Freshmen who are members of the R.O.T.C. and any interested sophomores and upperclassmen were urged yesterday to call the director at his home, dial 6695, during the noon hour and make appointments for tryouts. New Garoyle To Go On Sale Next Thursday Campus Humor Magazine Is Completely Changed, Editor Says The October issue of the new Gar- goyle will make its first appearance on the campus Thursday instead of Wednesday, as was previously an- nounced, Tom Powers, '34, manag- ing editor, said yesterday. It will be on sale at all important points on the campus. The Gargoyle thatdwill make its debug Thursday is different from anything that has ever appeared on the campus in the way of a humor- ous publication, Powers said. It marks a change from the Gargoyle of former years not only in editorial style and size, but in general make- up as well. Every issue of the new magazine will contain approximately 40 pages. A photographic motif will be fea- tured throughout this year's Gar- goyle. Among the innovations to be employed are photographic heads. These will give a pictorial idea of the content of each of the department6, They were made by members of the Gargoyle staff in a Detroit studio and first proofs turned out exceptionally well, according to Powers. Direct color photography, a fea- ture that has been made possible only by recent developments in the field of commercial photography will be offered to Gargoyle readers this year. A picture has been made of the inside northeast corner of the Law Quadrangle, showing a corner of the Law Club, and it will be given a prominent place in the first issue. The radio and phonograph depart- ment has beeen entirely revamped. Each month a nationally-known dance orchestra will be featured in this section with pictures of the leader and the assembled -band and short biographies of each. Readers' knowledge of their fa- (Continued on Page 2) Sharfman Will Act On Advisory Board Appointment of Prof. I. L. Sharf- man, chairman of the economics department here, to serve along with several others in an ad- visory capacity to the Federal gov- ernment in connection with the labor aspects of the problem of rehabilitat- ing the railroads and effecting econ- omies in transportation costs, was made known yesterday. Professor Sharfman went to Wash- ington Friday, upon call of Joseph B. Eastman, Federal co-ordinator of transportation. He returned again late " Sunday, saying that further meetings of the advisory group will be held from time to time. Fraternity Meeting Is Held In Chicago Fraternity scholarship and finances held the spotlight at the annual meeting of the Interfraternity Con- ference which was held Friday and Saturday in Chicago, according to Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, who returned Sunday from the ses- sions where he was the representa- tive of the University. Among the pla.ns advanced for rais- ing the level of the scholastic stand- ings of fraternity men was that of i State Street Names Deo C andi date Campus Party lays Plans For Election Of Senior Literary Class Officers SNothing Is Heard From Wasltenaw Catherine McHenry, Mary Ellen McCarthy, Harry Hattenbach Nominated With three victories to its credit, the Senior State Street party last night laid plans for the coming elec- tion which will be held from 4 to 6 p. m. tomorrow. John B. Deo, Chi Phi, will head the ticket with Cath- erine McHenry, Kappa Kappa Gam- ma, Mary Ellen McCarthy, P1 Beta Phi, and Harry Hattenbach, Sigma Chi nominated for the offices of vice- president, secretary and treasurer, re- spectively. No word was received from the Washtenaw camp last night, but it was believed by State Street politi- cians that a secret organization was underway. Deo was a Junior member on the 'Ensian staff and is at present a member of the Board in Control of Student Publications, and of Druids, senior honorary society in the Lit- erary college. Hattenbach is manager of the Varsity basketball team and a member of Michigamua, senior honorary society. Miss McHenry s women's business manager of the Daily. "Although we feel that we have a strong slate, we must guard against overconfidence," Robert Hogg, cau- cus chairman said last night. "We have had excellent organization dur- ing the past 'three years, and with the same support this year, we expect to win. Eight elections in various schools and colleges of the University will be held tomorrow to determine senior class officers. All of them will be held at the same time at the literaryelec- tion, and officials said that rooms for them will be announced tomorrow morning. This year the balloting is being conducted jointly by the Un- dergraduate Council and the Execu- tive Council of the Union. At each poll there will be a representative of each of these bodies in charge. Because identification cards have not been issued to students this year, they will not be required in order to secure a ballot. However, all who wish to vote will be required to furnish some means of identification, as an old identification card, Union card, or treasurer's receipt. It was also stated that there will be no campaigning al- lowed in the immediate vicinity of the polls. Other schools which will vote to- morrow are as follows: School of Dentistry, Medical School, Law School, College of Engineering, School of Music, School of Business Admin- :istration, and the School of Educa- tion. Liquor Group Asks Views Of LANSING, Oct. 16.-(k)-A legis- lative committee drafting a proposed liquor control statute for Michigan today turned to the administration for recommendations. Rep. Carl F. DeLano, of Kalama- zoo, chairman of the committee, said the governor will be asked to appear before the group, probably tomorrow, when he is expected to return to the capital from a hunting expedition in the northern part of the state. Given the opportunity, Governor Comstock is expected to break a long silence as to his recommendations for a control plan. The conference is also expected to turn into a discus- sion as to the best date for the special session of the legislature to prepare for the anticipated repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment. The governor has stated that he will go before the committee if he is I I I