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October 13, 1933 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-13

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I mmomomm"

seeretary Hull
)emands Action
)n Molestations

Funnymen Caught Making Faked Pictures

Appeals To U. S. Embassy
In Berlin To Apprehend
Nazi Offenders
American Attacked
Native Of M a r ya n d Is
Strhc Twice In Face By
By Storm-Trooper
BERLIN, Oct. 12.-(P)-Deep con-
cern was manifested at the American
embassy today over the recurrence of
Nazi molestations of Americans.
As word reached here that Secre-
tary of State Hull at Washington had
demanded prompt apprehension of
offenders, a foreign office spokesman
said there had been no needless delay.
"We are doing all possible," he
said, "to hasten the prosecuting of
His statement was prompted by
new representations to the German
government, occasioned by the attack
on Roland Velz, a native of Maryland
and former resident of Connecticut.
Velz was strick twice in the face
by a Nazi trooper Tuesday at Dus-
seldorf, he told American embassy
attaches, when he failed to give the
Nazi salute as a parade passed.
U.nited States Ambassador William
E. Dodd complained of government
delay in answering his requests for
the prosecution of those guilty in the
series of molestations of Amercans.
"The'embassy of its own accord last
Thursday addressed a formal note to
the foreign office along the same lines
as indicated by Secretary Hull," the
ambassador said, but all these days
have elapsed and no reply has been
It was explained at the foreign
office, however, that the delay result-
ed from the illness of the staff mem-
ber in charge of the American sec-
The impatience of the American
officials has been increased by the
fact that although apologies have
been offered for the molestations no
prosecutions have been undertaken.
On July 7, Philip Zuckerman, an
American fur dealer, was assaulted
allegedly by Nazis.
A month later, Aug. 17, Dr. Daniel
Mulvihill of Danbury, Conn., connect-
ed with the Long Island Medical col-
lege at Brooklyn, was struck on the
head for failing to salute a Nazi de-
tachment. ^
- ,Twodays afterward, in response to
American demands, the ministry of
the interior announced that foreign-
prs henceforth would be considered
exempt from any oblgation to raise
their right arms in the Hitler salute
when. they saw Nazis parading with
the colors.
But other incidents followed Sam-
uel Bossard of Chester, Pa., was at-
tacked by Storm Troopers Sept. 2,{
and Rolf Kaltenborn, a son of a
former editor of the Brooklyn Eagle,
received like treatment three days
Ambassador Dodd this morning re-
ceived the latest instructions of Sec-
retary of State Hull, while the Span-
ish and British embassies and the
Dutch legation were similarly advised
to make representations.
Dr. Wehmeyer '
F. v
Will Publish
Botany Vohuime
"The Genus Diaporthe and Its Seg-
regates," by Prof. Lewis E. Wehmeyer
of the Botany Department, will soon
make its appearance as a new volume
of the scientific series of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Publications. The
work will be a monograph treating inz

detail this genus of fungi, which ap-
pears on twigs, stems, and other
plant parts,
The life history of the genus will
be developed by means of studying
and uniting the various stages of its
growth. The fungus preys chiefly up-
on lima beans, sweet potatoes, citrus
trees, and some species of forest trees.
Dr. Wehmeyer hasrecently con-
ducted an extensive research in this
field at Harvard University under a
National Research Scholarship.
Efliminate home work and save
both the teachers and children from
beng over-worked, and they will
both be better prepared for life.
- pr. Henry Schumacher, psychi-

Above is shown the set for one of the photographic heads to appear
in the new Gargoyle. Tom Powers, '34, managing editor, is shown kneel-
ing at the left telling George Dusenberry, '31, just how to push D. C.
Salisbury's head into the ground. The man on the extreme right is
Paul Showers, ffianaging editor of the Gargoyle for 1931.

Missin Board
Plans To Meet
Soon In Detroit
United Foreign Missionary
Conference Sessions To
Be Oct. 15 And 16
Under the joint auspices of the De-
troit Council of Churches and the
Voreign Missions Conference of North
America, all the foreign missionary
boards will combine in a united effort
at the Detroit Sessions of the United
Foreign Missionary Conference on
Sunday and Monday, Oct. 15 and 16,
in Detroit.
The intensive two-day program will
include round-table meetings with
carefully selected book exhibits un-
der the direction of the Missionary
Education Movement and conferences
of the various groups will be address-
ed by board secretaries and other
The opening session will be at the
United States Naval Armory with Dr.
E. Stanley Jones, recognized as the
best known missionary evangelist in
the world today, addressing the dele-
All day Sunday a series of church
services will be conducted in connec-
tion with the meeting. The sermons
will be delivered by Miss Yi-fang Wu,
president of Ginging College in Nan-
king, Dr. Herman Chen-en Liu, presi-
dent of University of Shanghai, Rt.
Rev. Logan H. Roots, bishop of dio-
cese of Hankow, Miss Lillian L. Pick-
en, evangelist and social worker of
India, Dr. Charles R. Watson, presi-
dent of American University in Cairo,
and Dr. Jones.
Monday morning the delegates will
gather at a round-table session for
ministers. The speakers will be Dr.
J. H. Franklin and Dr. Jones. The
luncheon, at the Hotel Tuller, will be
addressed by Bishop Roots and Dr.
There will be four conferences
Monday afternoon including a mass
meeting for women with Dr. Wu, Miss
Picken, and Dr. Watson speakng, sev-
eral denomination rallies, business
women's conference with Dr. Wu, and
a missionary education workers' con-
ference with Walter R. Getty and Dr.
Watson delivering addresses.
The concluding session will be held
,Monday evening at the Metropolitan!
Methodist Episcopal Church. The
theme, "Asia Speaks to America," will
be discussed by Chairman Bishop
Roots, Miss Picken, and Dr. Liu.
Miss Wu, a graduate of the Univer-
sity, in addition to being president of
Ginling College, is internationally
known as an educator. She is vice-
president of the National Christian

Students Of Puerto
Rico Raise Storm


Over Appointment
(By Intercollegiate Press)
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, Oct. 12.-
"To Governor Robert H. Gore from
the student body of the University
of P u e r t o Rico," was the inscrip-
tion on a book presented to the is-
land's chief executive last week.
But it was no good will offering'
from the Puerto Rican students. The
book was a copy of Antonio Carreno's
Spanish= Etfquette, and it was pur-
chased with a subscription taken up
by the students after the governor
had twice refused to see a studentj
delegation calling at his office to pro-
test the appointment of Rafael Alon-
zo Torres to the board of trustees of
the university.
The protest, the students said, was
made not because of the fact that
Torres is a socialist, but because he
did not have the educational qualifi-
cations for the office. The students
suggested the names of several other
Socialists they thought better quali-
fied for the position.
When they could not see Gov. Gore,
the students cabled a protest to Presi-
dent Roosevelt at Washington.
Latin - American students at all
times take more than an academic
interest in the affairs of government,
and they are considered as powerful
political influences.'
This was demonstrated particularly
in Cuba, where the A.B.C., largely a
student organization, finally was suc-
cessful in overthrowing the govern-
Economy Measure
Hits U. Hospital
The South Department of the Uni-
versity Hospital formerly called the
Homeopathic Hospital, was closed
yesterday "as a measure of economy,"
according to hospital authorities.
The department, which has a ca-
pacity of 125, was used for convales-
cent orthopedic, or bone-joint pa-
tients. They were transferred to some
of the other units which had avail-
able space.
It is expected that the department
will remain closed for a period of
three months after which it will be
reopened if the space is required.
At present the kitchen, which is sup-
plying the Health Service with in-
firmary food, is the only part of the
South Department which is remain-
ing in operation.
Council of China, an outstanding
leader in Central China, and a special
delegate to the International Congress
of Women.

British Envoy
Renews Talk
On War Debts
British Official Asserts
England's War Debts
Are Not Commercial
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12-(P)--Ad-
ditional arguments favoring reduc-
tion of the British war-debt were
mobilized by representatives of the
London government today for pre-
sentationto. American officials upon
resumption-*of the war debt confer-
Sir Frederick Leith-Ross of the
British treasury assembled facts and
figures to ay before Dean Acheson,
chief Am4fican represeIttaive in the
Sir Frederick, with his colleagues,
Sir Ronald Lindsay, the British am-
bassador, and T. K. Bewley, econom-
ic adviser to the British embassy,
had an appointment to call at the
treasury for their second formal
meeting with American officials.
In the first session they presented
the argument that the loans in
which the debts originated were nec-
essary to successful British war-time
operations, were not commercial in
character, and that great and un-
foreseen changes in world economic
conditions had radically altered the
Assisting Under-secretary Acheson
in the negotiations are Frederick
Livesey, assistant economic adviser
to the state department, and Daniel
W. Bell, commissioner of accounts
and deposits in the Treasury.
Dr. Anderson May Take
Pastorate In New York
.(Continued from Page 1)
ment as to his position until the
proposition should be definitely of-
fered. There the matter seemed to
Two weeks ago, however, he re-
ceived word that the committee had
unanimously agreed to recommend
him if he would permit them to go
ahead. He agreed to consider the
matter if it were offered, and the
result was a unanimous call issued by
the congregation as a special meet-
ing held last 'Wednesday night. It
is now up to li. Anderson.
Dr. Anderson is a graduate of
Washington and Jefferson College,
where he played half-back on the
football team, and from which in-
stitutiori he received his bachelor of
arts and master of artsdegrees. Fol-
lowing t is, he earned his bachelor
of divinity degre, from' McCormick
Theological Seminary,' Chicago, and
his doctor pf divinity degree from
Miami SI ate University, in Oxford,
Ohio. In addition to his Ann Ar-
bor pastorate, he has been connected
with Presbyterian churches in Phila-
delphia, Dayton, 0., St. Louis, and
Morristown, N. J.
During the var he was a chap-
lain connected with the 42nd and
the 39th Engineers, but was detached
and put in charge of the welfare and
religious work at Camp Merritt,
where he served until the close of
the War. In 1919 he was elected to
an executive position under the Gen-
eral Council of the Presbyterian
church, with headquarters in Phila-
delphia. He resigned from this serv-
ice in 1924 because he preferred the
work of the pastorate. At that time
he had several pastorates offered to
him, but he chose Ann Arbor because
of the opportunity to work with stu-
dents. ..
His love pf student work will prob-
ably be the deciding factor in his

present choice; North Church is in
the vicinity of both Columbia Uni-
versity and the College of the City
of New York, and many of the men
of the church are Columbia faculty

-Associated Press Photo
Theodore G. Rhutis, restauranteur
og Gary, Ind., may be the first "test
case" for the NRA. He was ordered
by Gen. Hugh Johnson to surrender
his Blue Eagale Insignia because he
was reported violating the minimum
wage andemaximum hours payment
of the code.
23-Year Old Dean
At Akron College
Claimed Youngest
(By Intercollegiate Press)
AKRON, Oct. 12-Until some
other college comes along to dispute
it, the University of Akron claims the
youngest acting dean of men in the
United States.
He is Donald Shank, 23, a gradu-
ate of the Akron class of '31, who,
after a year's experience as assis-
tant to the dean of men, has been
appointed acting dean of men in the
absence of Dean Gardner, who is on
As a student, Acting Dean Shank
majored in English and edited the
university's 1931 year book, the Tel-
The Buchtelite, Akron student
newspaper, is setting out to prove
Shank the youngest dean in the
Council Directs
Class Elections
(Continued from Page 1)
week-end and an announcement was
made that all fraternities should start
making plans for decorations. As in
the past, a local cleaning and press-
ing establishment indicated to Coun-
cil members that it would again fur-
nish a cup to be presented to the
best-decorated house.
To Enforce Pots
A report by the Council committee
in charge of the recent campus NRA
drive, indicated that between 4,000
and 5,000 stickers had been sent out
to students during the two-day drive
-which the Council conducted. An an-
nouncement was also made indicating
the intention of all Council members
to stand behind the movement for
encouraging freshmen to wear pots.
The individual members and the
Council proper pledged full support to
the campaign now under way to up-
hold this and other campus tradi-
The disciplinary committee issued
a report on the few cases which have
come before that body recently. Mem-
bers of the committee are to meet
with the faculty disciplinary commit-
tee today when the latter g r o u p
passes upon the recommendations in
the case of two students who were
arrested by local police Saturday
night. The results of that meeting
will provide a basis for the formulat-
ing of plans which may govern simi-
lar cases in the future.

Loses Blue Eagle

Welfare Funds
Reduced, Says
Fred Johnson
State Administrator S e e s
Need Of Using Weight
Tax Money For Relief
State funds for welfare work are
g r e a t ly diminished, according to
State Administrator Fred Johnson,
who made a report at the annual Oc-
tober meeting of the Washtenaw
Board of Supervisors Tuesday in
the County Building. As a solution
for this condition, Johnson suggested
that the county use the weight tax
money for relief work.
County Clerk Harry H. Atwell re-
ported receipts of $5,695.75 for the
year which ended Sept. 30 and sub-
mitted a new budget of $4,300 to the
finance commission.
Sheriff Jacob Andres reported ex-
penses of $23,936 and put forth a new
budget of $24,429 which included
$200 for police radios in the county
Frank H. Tichnor, county treas-
urer, estimated a budget of $4,235
for the coming year. He reported a
balance of $577,094 in all county
funds as compared to $893,093 with
which the year started.
Reports were heard from the school
nurse, the truant officer, and juve-
nile probation officer.
Official Demands
License Reduction
LANSING, Oct. 12.-The steady de-
crease in the number of automobiles
in use in Michigan since 1929, bears
out the contention of Secretary of
State Frank D. Fitzgerald that the
cost of license plates should be re-
duced datcly.
On Oct. 1, 1933, there were 67,807
fewer cars and trucks on Michigan
highways than in 1932 and 269,326
less than in 1929. Many of these cars
are not being operated because the
owners are unable to purchase license
plates. This is shown by the half-
price permits which allowed 1932
plates to be used until Aug. 1. Of the
415,496 motorists who purchased
half-price permits, only 343,140, as
near as can be ascertained, have been
able to purchase 1933 plates.
Revenue from the sale of plates al-
so is decreasing. For the first 10
months of 1933, automobile license
revenues amounted to $17,359,262.
This is a decrease of $1,232,896 for
the same period last year and $4,077,-
119 less than for the first 10 months
bf 1929.
Higgins Lake Is Site
Of Forestry Meeting
The fall meeting of the Ohio Val-
ley Section of the Society of Ameri-
can Foresters will center around Hig-
gins Lake State Forest and the Michi-
gan forest fire experiment station, it
was announced today by Prof. Shirley
W. Allen of the Forestry department
and chairman of the Michigan sec-
tion. The meeting will extend from
Thursday night to Saturday noon
and will have as its object the dis-
cussion of Michigan's contributions to
Forestry, and regional problems. Prof.
D. M. Matthews will speak Friday
evening on the subject, "Technical
Forestry Aspects of Operating under
the N.R.A. Lumber Code in the Lake
Michigan Road
3 Miles East of Ypsilanti
Hot Barbecues

Our Specialty
Tuesday - Friday - Saturday


BERLIN - Officials at the Ameri-
can embassy expressed great concern
over the recurrence of Nazi attacks
on American citizens.
PHILADELPHIA - A raid on three
headquarters of the Khaki Shirts of
America by police resulted in the
seizure of loaded pistols and a num-
ber of knives and clubs. Members of
the organization were preparing for
a mass march on Washington.
APOLLO, Pa., --Charges against
the H. C. Frick Coke Co. of "bad
faith" in its dealing with labor were
made here by Mrs. Gifford Pinchot,
wife of the governor.
HAVANA - Negroes of Havana.,
sought protection of the Cuban gov-
ernment for what they termed "a
hateful and bloody crusade" against
their race by organized whites.
WASHINGTON - Diplomatic rep-
resentatives of the British govern-
ment made plans for presenting fur-
ther arguments on war-debt. reduc-
tion to the United States.
Ping-Pong And
Bridge Tourney
Draw Students
With more than 50 already signed
up for ping-pong and approximately
20 teams for the contract bridge
play, final registrations for the first
tourneys on the Union's fall sched-
ule will be taken between the hours
of 3 and 5 p. m. this afternoon at
the student offices.
Student response to the plans have
been greater than was anticipated,
officials said, but there is still room
for a number of entries in both the
events. Many fraternities have en-
rolled teams to play in the contract
bridge tournament and it is expected
that a number of others will sign
up today. At present the teams are
about half from fraternities and half
composed of independents.
Both tournaments begin Monday,
Oct. 16. Players in the ping-pong
will play singles matches at this
time, officials having decided to hold
another tournament for doubles la-
ter if this one proves successful. It
was emphasized that failure to play
any match constitutes a forfeit.
Make an appointment.
There is no waiting if
you take care of it now
DIAL 5031



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