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October 13, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-13

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Established 1890

LILY ,vaded a province guaranteed to the newspaper.
CBS's "news service" is a laugh. This the public
must realize.
Father Carey Buries
Railroad Jack..../

l y ~.5


r r M os1o
Published every morning except Monday during the
Miversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
Cbntrol of Student Publications.
,Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion a- i the Big Ten News Service.
o0ciatrit a tleiinte re
193.3 NATIONALt... GovAEu 1934 .
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second' class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail.
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2~1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,

F R. THOMAS CAREY, pastor of St.'
Thomas Catholic church, is one
man who keeps his promise. Some time before
his death "Railroad Jack," the quaint character
known to thousands of Michigan alumni as the
sel-styled "history expert," asked Father Carey
to "take care of him" if anything happened. The
priest promised that he would. The request was
made rather lightly but when Railroad Jack died
Monday at Coldwater and no one claimed his
body, Father Carey remembered his promise.
That Railroad Jack should have been buried
somewhere in an obscure pauper's grave would
have been unlifting for the man who has given'
so much color .to the atmosphere of Ann Arbor
for he past 20 years. Jack was entitled to an hon-
ored grave in the city which had known him so
long. And Father Carey rendered just that ser-
vice to the "history expert."

Geneva pledged to accomplish but one thing, arms
equality. Anything less than that would mean
failure. The establishment of arms equality is one
of the cardinal points in the Nazi platform. Hitler
attained the office he now holds largely because
he promised the German people he would fight to
the death for the establishment of this equality.
The German people will not condone his failure.,
It is said in many quarters: "What can Germany'
do?" It can do one thing and that is to wreak the
disarmament conference. Even if the provisions
of the treaty of Versailles, have the force of law
on the German nation, the provisions of a treaty
not yet born certainly' cannot have such force.
Germany can prevent the adoption of any plan of
general disarmament simply by refusing to acceed
to it unless her demands are granted. She will in-
sist upon the granting of these demands and she
has a just reason for doling so. Will the disarm-
ament conference succeed? The answer lies with
Francis Wagner,
ScreenRef lectons

TENOR banjo and case. Excellent
condition. Reasonable. Phone 3236..
FOR RENT: Furnished 1st. floor apt.
for young couple. Also large dou-
ble. 426 E. Washington. Dial 8544.
INSTRUCTION in original Spanish
and Hawaiian methods for the
guitar. Call 9450. 6:00 -8:00 p.m.
Lewis Lloyd. 92.
TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. 1x
LIRETTE'S shampoo and finger wave
75c every day. Dial 3083. 103

ROOM AND BOARD: Both for $2
per week. 21 meals. 335 E. Ann
Street. 105.
DETROIT school teacher, driving to
Kalamazoo each Friday and return
Sunday. Would like two or three
to ride all or part way. If inter-
ested communicate with L. E. Shil-
ling, 1705 Lafayette St., Lincoln
Park, Mich. 106
NOTICE - Eleanor's Dressmaking
Shop. 302 S. State St. Upstairs.
Coats, suits and dresses made and
remodeled. Prices reasonable. 102.
new suits and overcoats. Will pay
3, 4, 5, and 8, 9 dollars. Phone Ann
Arbor, 4306, Chicago Buyer. 5x,


ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fortable cabs. Standard rates.
WE DO your laundry work for one-
half the usual price. Phone 2-3739.


AT STATE GAME: .Wristwatch witpr
Bob Hill, Chi Psi-on back. Reward.
620 S. State. 104,
LOST: Fraternity pin, set with efi-
erald and pearls. Reward. Box 10,
Michigan Daily. 94,
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.' 4x

Telephone 4925
dITY EDITQR....................BRACKLEY SHAW
WOMEN'S EITOR.....................CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wi-
'liam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret Phalan.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland J. Martin,
'Marjorie Western.
4EPORTERS: Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney
A. Evans, Ted R. Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas
Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski,
Thomas H. Kleene, Burnett B. Levick, Irving F. Levitt,
David G. MacDonald, S. Proctor McGeachy, Joel P.
Newman, John M. O'Connell, Kenneth Parker, Paul W.
Philips, George I. Quimby, Mitchell Raskin, William R.
Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Marshall
D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur M. Taub, William
F. Weeks, Philip T. Van Zile.
WOMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hammer,
Florence Harper, Marie Heid, Eleanor Johnson, Jose-
phine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Mary Robinson, Jane
Schneider, Ruth Sonnanstine, Margaret Spencer.
Telephone 2-1214
WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......................
............................. CATHERINE MC HENRY
DE4ARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
C ntracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
rd; A ounts,. Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef-
SSSTEN S: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Carl Fib-
ig r, Mlton, :Kramer, John Ogen, Bernard Rosenthal,
Joe Rotlbatd, James Scott, Norman Smith, David Wink-
CBS-A Judas
To Newspapers...
- T IS WITH mingled feelings that
newspapermen read of the re-
ce.t d e c i s i o n of the Columbia Broadcast-
ing System to inaugurate a "news service",
and so enter into direct competition with press as-
sociations gathering material for newspapers.
Some editors.- those who have given almost un-
limited Publicity.-space to radio programs and to
the CBS - will rage; some - those who have not
wasted so much lineage on radio programs, and
those who are gifted with an unusually well-de-
veloped sense of humor - will laugh; and finally,
many editors who have a true non-partisan con-
cern for the accurate and complete reporting of
the vital happenings of the day will regret that
such a thoroughly incompetent news sourceas the
CBS will be depended upon by superficial scan-
ners, who,, at most, can give 10 minutes a day to a
study of ourent affairs.
The first (and we believe the only of news re-
poting. Advantage the radio can hope to attain
0ver the fiewspaper is speed. That the radio can
beat the press with the news, in certain isolated
instances which radio believes "important" en-
ough to report, was conclusively proved when the
national hook-ups scooped every reported with the
pew of the attempted assassination of President
RooseveltBut this flash reporting of the gunfire
was hastily presented, innacurate, and abominably
told. But with reservations, the newspaper will
concede the speed advantage to radio.
Next might be listed the vital factor of com-
pleteness. Radio considers its time extremely val-
uable, land news broadcasts are limited. So where
the newspaper can give a column, the radiorator
can give perhaps 30 seconds. And his 30 secondds'
discourse will not "take," because the benefits ac-
cruing from re-reading are lost.
Faithfulness? The radio will fall down time and
time again on news events which the average man
insists on having reported for him. Local events
will be slighted for the spectacular element which
lends itself to the untrained eye of the radio
*Iewshawk. A corollary to this objection is ob-
ious: The radio is not present with its news
hen you want it. How many people can endure
radio plugged in all the time.
We have yet to evaluate the most obnoxious and
altogether disgusting associate of a radio system
advertising. The advertising in a newspaper is
there to be read if you wish. It is usually rigidly
censored, and objectionable material is deleted.
Not so the radio's. The radio's Century of Prog-
'ess from the medicine man, minstrels, and
Nwamp-Root of 1833 is recorder as a Century of
Standing Still. Strong stomachs indeed are neces-
sary to weather the blast of "news," advertising,

and "music" such as greets the ear of the dinner-I
time radio fan.

Jack made hundreds of friends during his life-
time among the student body and the residents
of the city but they were too large and heterogene-
ous a group to render him a last service. Many of
them had gone to far parts of the world. They
owe a debt of gratitude to Father Carey for doing
what they could not do.
The crowds which had listened to the memory
expert's harangues were not present at the simple
burial ceremony. A mere handful of 30 persons
were present at the last rites. The students whom
he had entertained were not there. But if Jack
knew of the disposal which had been made of his
remains, he would have been satisfied for one
friend had not forgotten him.
We take this opportunity of paying our last tri-
bute to a beloved figure and our thanks in the
name of the student body and the alumni of the
University to Father Carey.
Campus Opiniojn
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to
less than 300 words if possible.
To the Editor: -
Professor Slosson's lecture on disarmament
Tuesday night was impressive in that the speaker
remained on realistic ground throughout the dis-
cussion, departing from the idealistic fancies
which characterize the speeches at convocations
of this type. The difficulties which would attend
any approach at a solution of the armament prob-
lem were thoroughly surveyed.
Where Professor Slosson remained on ground
of fact, I can find no issue to take with him. At
one point in his talk, however, he made an inter-
pretation of an established fact with which I can-
not agree and with which, I am sure, many per-
sons who have a knowledge of the situation, would
be inclined to take issue. The fact, in this case,
lies in demand by the German delegation for arms
equality. Aa Professor Slosson said, Germany is
not interested in disarmament or re-armament,
as such but only in a re-establishment of the bal-
ance of power.
At this point, Professor Slosson said that the
granting of arms equality to Germany, is impos-
sible and that, unless the Germany delgation is
willing to conciliate on this point, "the delegates
might as well go back home - and get ready for
the next war.."
What is this insurmountable obstacle which
stands in the way of granting Germany arms
equality? Nothing but the opposition of France.'
Why should Germany be asked to conciliate? Why
not ask France to do that? If someone is to make
a sacrifice in the interests of world peace, why
should it not be France as well as Germany? If
one looks at he problem from veiwpoint of jus-
tice, the argument is all on the side of Germany.
In the treaty of Versailles, she was treated as a
dangerous criminal who, because of the simplex
historical fact that she lost the war, must be den-
ied the privilege accorded to other nations, the
inherent right of self-preservation. At the same
time, however, as Professor Slosson pointed out,
the was given implicity to understand that the
other nations of Europe and the world would
soon follow voluntarily in the same course which
she had been forced to take. However, as the years
passed, and there was no indication that the Allies,
especially France, had any intention of fulfilling
their part of he agreement, a hyper- nationalism
represented by Adolf Hitler and his Nazis came
the fore in Germany, since the nation, as a whole,
realized, that the idealistic pictures painted by
the Allies at Versailles were more or less of a sub-
terfuge, to cover their one desire, the complete
demoralization and destruction as a world power
of the German nation. Had the Allies kept their
promise of general disarmament, it was quickly
likely that the Hitler phenomenon would never
have occurred.
Now, the nations which were Germany's oppo-
nents in the great conflict are again ready to en-
gage in an experiment in idealism, They want
Germany to join with them in this venture. Should
Germany make another sacrifice or is it time for
the French nation to make one? One nation must
conciliate and in all justice, it should be France.
No lasting world peace can be established as long

as the wrongful hurt which has been imposed up-
on the German people remains unhealed. The
German people cannot and will not be at peace
with a world which seeks to crush their national
spirit under a yoke as unbearable as any which
has ever bee imposed upon a civilized nation. If
equality is to be accomplished, is should not be in
a re-arming of Germany. That would defeat the
whole purpose of the conference. There is only

Four stars means extraordinary; three stars edfinitely
recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior;
no stars, stay away from it.
Beatrice ......................... Annabella
Michel........................ Rene Lefebre
Sopranelli..............Constantin Stroesco
Crochard....................Paul Olliver
The Singer..................Odette Tallizac
If you have any knowledge of the French lan-
guage; that is, if you have enough to enjoy a riot-
ous foreign comedy with only scattered English
interpolations, we advise, wholeheartedly, that you
see "Le Million."
This column is of the opinion that classifying
Rene Clair and his gay picture he had produced
as "Art" is bunk. Perhaps it is "art" with the
small "a," as we hinted last year. But at any rate,
it is the lost lottery ticket theme done to a fare-
thee-well in a style that. would make Laurel (P)
Hardy blush. Space is scarce tonight - sowe can't
reveal the engaging details. But "Le Million" is
fun to watch(, with that one quilification on your
brushing up your French.
G. M. W. Jr.



No Stars


Kitty Lorraine...............Alice Brady
Warren Foster..............Franchet Tone
Shirley Lorraine........ Maureen O'Sullivan
Lord Aylesworth...... :.. .Phillips Holmes
Fred....... ...............Russell Martin t
The photography and music of this show were
too good for the rest of the elements that went
with it. The plot was old and worn out, the ac-
tors were making such a big effort, and in the
end it was obvious that the main parts of the
play were sacrificed for the subordinate ones.
the triangular space of his arm.
Aice Brady (of "When Latdies ,Meet" fame) is
better in the frivolous roles and here it is plain to
see that she is out of her field,but she does make
an effort, in fact too much of a one. To be frank.
about it, the effort part of it stuck out all over
the place.
The best thing of all was the NRA lesson No.
2 with Mary Boland and Gharlei Ruggles. The
"Torchy Comedy", (plot 15z), has people eating
alum and pillows and spitting out the feathers,
while we see the New York Giants win the World
Series for the fourth time in the Paramount News.
R. E. L.
Collegiate Observer
The Trojan of the University of Southern Cal-
ifornia, occupying a commanding position in get-
ting the low-down on Hollywood celebrities re-
lates a tale of the eminent humorist Harpo Marx.
It seems that Harpo, while filming a new picture,
was to be blown up by a bomb. After being ele-
vated to the rafters, in the middle of the scene he
shouted down to his brother Marxists in his best
seducive tone, "you must come up some time."
A co-ed at Southwestern University went
to the dean's office to- borrow a nickel for a
phone call and asked the secretary to add
it to the tuition bill.
Driving without a license, obstructing traffic,
and operating a trolley without a franchise, were
the charges piled on a group of students at the
Colorado School of Mines, who were arrested
while driving an ancient streetcar down the streets
of the town, plastered with signs as an advertise-
ment of their impending football game.
If all work and no play makes Jack a dull
boy, then all work and no play makes Jill a
wallflower. -Los Angeles College -
We advocate that the freshman on this campus
should take as their motto, "All green things
grow." -Davidson College News -
A prominent fraternity at Baldwin-Wallace
College is being sued by he family whose home is
next to the fraternity house because the members
sings too loudly while in the showers.
At the Spiegel Institute of Technology, beer
making has been instituted as a course of study.
A small brewery is being used as a laboratory.
The student government association of Alabama





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