THE MICHIGAN DAILY an f omen To i itness Athletic Demonstration n w n' te s Ah lt i G i l G f i t ;, { { a h l t i P o g a mclu b s an d racq u ets m ay be ch eck ed_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uts Former Sports Editor Reviews Athletic Program ugaaaug~e Form r Sp rts dito Rev ewsat the building during the tour of F r F hinspection and baseball games. lorieOf P ast Gri Seasons The schedule for the recreational _____________ Iitram ra Pt program for men follows: SIntraral P lTuesday-Groups 12-19 inclusive; s(Continued from Page 9) memories. Harry Newman again, 29-37 inclusive; 52-55 inclusive. igan victories. Far from the polished throwing passes, running back punts, (Continued from Page 9) Wednesday - Groups 1-11 inclu- directing the play, darting off-tackle, dividual tournaments in all other sive; 20, 21, and 27; 38-40 inclusive. ncipa player he later became, he showed piloting the Maize and Blue to it sports on the program. This hour Thursday - Groups 22-26 inclu- W~i11 for the first time the form that was third straight Conference title. But will be at 5:00 p. m. on each of the sive; 28; 41-51 inclusive. destined to make him one of the he couldn't do it alone. first , three days of the organized ___ game's great stars. Jack Wheeler, too, He needed help and he got it from schedule. Friday and Saturday the was astonishingly brilliant, the real those grand ends, Captain Ivy Wil Idig willrbe open for nformal star of a team that boasted other liamson and Tedu of fresh men d co- men on Petoskey, from tinuation of the tournaments al- men such as Captain Jim "Ducky" Whitey Wistert .ready begun during the preceding Simra,"Doc" Morrison, and Bud from Chuck Be- part of the week. at their Poorman. nard, and the The high-lights of the Orientation Approved b eshman Coach Kipke led the Wolverines others. It was program include fencing and tennis y n staff to another tie for the title in 1931, another grand under the direction of Coach John All Ann Arbor Lbers of this time with Northwestern and t e a m t h a t Johnstone, golf under coach Ray ociation Purdue. One defeat was suffered, brought forth its.Courtright, swimming under Matt A distinctive restaurant >rogram from Ohio State, but the Maize and quota of thrills Mann, and wrestling under Cliff for Ann Arbor. Boesky's y after- Blue came back fighting to over- before the cur- Keen, all Varsity mentors. food prepared in their own ' come hicag, IllnoisPrinctoninimitable style has earned Gta come Chicago, Illinois, Princeton, tain was rung In addition to this list, competi- it the title of "distinctive dGt a various Indiana, Michigan State and Minne- down on the last tion will take pace in badminton, deliciousess One visit i Inter- sota. The last five mentioned aver- day of the sea- bowling, boxing, codeball, gymnastics, will convince you that this surrou outdoor aged only one first down a game son. NEWMAN handball, horseshoes, rifle-shooting, unique restaurant is Ann of the against the defensively powerful Yes, there have squash, and volleyball. Arbor's choice dining room. your N law, of- Wolverines. been thrills a-plenty in the last five All playing equipment will be fur- Ls sport Newman fell back to the sidelines years, and there have been stars ga- nished by the Intramural department OP E N I NG to cor stumes, that year, but his place was ably lore wearing the blue of Michigan. with the exception of tennis racquets FEATURE taken by the equally brilliant Bill What will this season bring in the and golf clubs. Participants are re- CUait to se- Hewitt, by Captain Solly Hudson, way of thrills and players to add to quested to wear old clothes and gym $550 Meal Tickets esenta- and Stan Fay. In the line William- these Wolverine memories? shoes, personal equipment such as Regularly Sold at $5.00vi instrate son was good, while "Doc" Morrison-- cham- richly earned his Priced at $4.50 ent the great award - a THE DOW berth on Grant- land Rice's All- Serving: 11 startmera at center Breakfast, Luncheon, and n who Dinner Combinations x have Hewitt's play This label is Look for and a Host of Delicious henex- against Illinois your protection Of Value this label Sandwiches Made Famous will always re- by Boesky Iigh'u-main a thrilling It's a mark of distinction to wear clothes specially ym e m o r y while designed by Mr. Del Prete. No guesswork here. Call Your Order We Deliver y haveis 5 7 - y a r d Mr. Del Prete personally fits each man to per- tration touchdown jaunt fection. 0 Don't start wrong. Make a bee. $ES'/eSe new- that beat Minne- line to Del Prete's, as hundreds of new and old WHEELER sota will always students do. 0 You will not be razzed if Delicatessen-Restaurant 309 Sou Nedra stand as a masterpiece of broken you wear clothes from Del Prete. o dem- field running. 233 S. State-Facing Liberty ritation Last year brought more victories, Save by Spending Now h were triumphs that remain fresher in your ourna- SCHLOSS BROS. CLOTHES-- Wo and Did YouKnow That Ready to wear Custom tailored READ THE DA__LY CLA ted by A flock of these foreign track stars $25 up $28 up tbar. A who competed in the Olympics last 2 trousers e pre- year stayed over in the United States WILSON BROS. FURNISHINGS ® CAMPUS HATS . Hilda and are now going to college on the CROSBY SQUARE SHOES hie net. Pacafic coast? Southern California has five of them: Felix Renner, Aus- ailed at trian trackman; Taika Gon, Japanese accom- marathoner; Simeon Toribio, Filipino can be high jumper; Jorges Perry, Colom- Id it be bia's one-man team; and Jorges ie pro- Navarro, the kid from Ecuador. in the - . . Ellsworth Vines predicts that of the Lester Stoefen will be the coming213 East Liberty Opposite Varsity Laundry tennis champion of the world. The Most Sanitai of Dry Clea DIAL 7814 FOR A Have Your Garments Cleaned the Veri-Clean Way and You Will Never Have to Change Cleaners FRESHMEN - HAVE YOUR CLOTHES VERI-CLEANED FOR THE RUSHING This is the Season SEASON For "Rough Stuff" For years we have been recognized as the leader in work on women's clothes. New fabrics are rougher and Freshmen girls, see that your clothes are smoother for this Fall's suitings perfect for the rushing season. Send your afternoon dresses and your formals Cheviots, Shetlands, Saxonies, Flannels, Cashmeres, to us. Have the confidence that comes Homespuns and Tweeds-all loom large on the fashion with knowing that your garments are at horizon. It's a good idea-they make up into grand soft their best - that your work was done comfortable clothes and wearing them, you avoid that soaped at WAHL'S. and shining "dressed up" effect. There's a debonair non- chalance about them that's becoming to almost all men. So keep this in mind when planning additions to your Fall wardrobe-maybe its time for some of the tRough AGAIN THIS YEAR WE ARE Stuff:" Howeyer, these fabrics to drape correctly, require prop. PREPARED To SERVICE er Tailoring. Our clothes are properly styled and con- FRATERNITIES AND [ structed so that there will be no question but what they lbe right. SORORITIES We have for your consideration the largest collection AT A 15% DISCOUNT of Imported and Domestic woolens to be found in the State.