THE MICHIGAN DAILY p Abbot Announces Program For Series Of University Broadeasts Prof. Hobart N. Wird, of the ,chemistry departicnt, just returned from Hartford, Conn., where he par- Aicipated in a patent suit as technical expert for General Mqtors Corp. 'against United Chromium, Inc. He testified as to the validity of chemical processes involved in the manufacture of chromium plate, and was on the stand for about three gays. The counsel for the plaintiff charged that methods used by Gen- eral Motors of introducing sulphates into the precipitating solution were infringing on the Fink patents, owned by United Chromium. Refutes Charges It was the duty of Willard to refute these charges, which he did by em- )oying lately discovered facts about chromium plating. "The main point of argument was the concentration of chromium sul- phate in the solution," Prof. Willard explained."You see, the whole pro- cess requires very exact concentra- tions, because if there is too great an amount of the sulphate, chromium Will not be deposited on the object to be plated. And if there is too little the same thing happens. "But we were able to prove that we made out our own concen- tration tables, and furthermore, the thing which will probably win the quit for us is that it was discovered that two years before the Fink pat- ents were granted, an application had been filed in the patent office cover-' ing the same thing, and that United1 Chromium forced this man, one Ude,' to release his patent rights." Was Technical Expert Prof. Willard was asked his exact duties in the trial. "Well, I was called a technical expert. I had to testify as to the processes involved, and as to the' exact composition of the solu- tions. Of course I was prevented from explaning them completely, becauses too many chemical terms would be too much for the judge. It was essen- tially sugar- dated science."+ Two years ago, a suit of the same7 nature was brought before the same judge, and United Chromium was up- held in his decision. General Motors; is confident ' victory, because of new evid On the outcome of this suit depends the status of the chrom-+ -ium-pl*ng indstry in America, for if it is 'gain upheld, lelay Approval On State Public Works Program LANSING, Oct. 12-(P)-The pro-1 posed $25,000,000 Michigan public works program may not get under way for several weeks as a result oV failure to forward information to Washington, state authorities say. Public works projects, presumed tby state officials to have been sent to Washington for approval weeks hgo, were held by the state advisory c uncil until last Monday, Gov. Com- sock said.a , The administrative b o a r d ap- «pioved improvements and buildings at Ypsilanti hospital and sent the approval to the advisory council on Sept. 7. It was expected they would .be forwarded to Washington Sept. 9. Approval or rejection of the expen- diture was awaited because the de- cision in Washington was expected to inform the state whether a special session of the legislature would be necessary to give the administrative board greater authority to deal with the federal government. The governor said he was informed by Frank H. Alfred, head of the ad- visory council, that the Ypsilanti and other projects were not sent to Washington until this week. At the same time proposals for additions and improvements at Traverse City state hospital, the psychopathic hos- .pital at Ann Arbor, Ionia hospital, University of Michigan, Lapeer Home and Training school and the Col- lege of Mining and Technology were forwarded. Expenditures at these in- stitutions would total about $3,500,- 000. Next week, the administrative bbard is expected to approve an ad- ditional $8,000,000 of projects, in- cluding buildings and improvements at Kalamazoo, Newberry and Pon- tiac hospitals and the state institu- tion at Wahjamega. -Associated Press Photo Prof. James M. Landis of the Har- vard law school was appointed a- member of the federal trade commis- sion. lie has won national attention as one of experts who helped draft the securities act. -W T U. 5. 5ponsors Novel Village For 200 Idle Homes To Be Erected On Mountainside For West Virginia Destitutes WASHINGTQN, Oct. 12.-(P-The administration will inaugurate its subsistence homestead program in a West Virginia mountain valley, where a project described by Secretary Ickes today as "one of the most significant of this period" soon will be developed. Homes for 200 unemployed miners and their families will be built on a 1,100-acre tract acquired in Preston county, West Virginia. A factory to produce equipment for the postoffice department will be established, hand- icraft industries developed and gar- dens laid out to enable the prospec- tive residents, now on relief lists, to support themselves. Secretary Ickes, in announcing de- tails of the project, said it would be developed wth the aim of demon- strating the feasibility of decentrali- zation by private concerns. It will be financed from the $25,000,000 of pub- lic works funds set aside for subsist- ence homes and the cost of the dwell- ings will be repaid by the settlers over a period of 20 years. "This project is in many ways one of the most significant in this period," Ickes said. "It will serve as a means of measuring the possibilities of de- centralizing industry in this country where the evils of over-urbanization have become all too evident in this depression." The property purchased for the ex- periment was once part of the lands of Col. John Fairfax and legend says it was surveyed by George Washing- ton. Each home will cost about $2,000 and willbe surrounded by from two to four acres for gardening, fruit trees, poultry raising and the produc- tion of other foodstuffs for home con- sumption. Plans call for setting up a self- governing community patterned after the New England town meeting idea. A school, which will serve as a com- munity center, will be built. Ickes said the factory will be con- structed because of the absence of a private industry immediately avail- able for transfer to the area. Airlane Crash At Indiana Is Still AMystery VALPARAISO, Ind., Oct. 12.-()- The fatal crash of the United Air Lines New York-Chicago plane, with death to seven persons, near Ches- terton, Ind., went down into history today as one of the unsolved trag- edies of aviation, An open verdict, stating the cause i of the crash Tuesday night was un- known, was returned by Coroner Carl Davis of Porter county at the conclusion of a closed inquest at which witnesses and officials of the company testified. Dr. Davis said he believed two ex- plosions occurred, one while the ship was still in the air and another when it struck the ground. The fire that enveloped the wreckage followed the second blast, he said. Afficials of United Air Lines testi- fied the multi-motor craft had ac- tually been flown but 1,000 hours and that its payload was 1,200 pounds under the maximum permit- ted by law. Speakers to be heard during the first week of University broadcasts from the Morris Hall studios here, beginning Sunday, have been, an- nounced by Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, director of broadcasting. The pro- gram will include nine half-hour periods each week over WJR, Detroit. Prof. William H. Hobbs of the ge-, ology department will be heard at 10 p.m. Wednesday on the first of the year's series of talks on current top- ics, to be presented at this new hour. Professor Hobbs, who, as director of the University expeditions to Greenland, has conducted research in the air conditions there, has for many years been advocating the transatlantic route now being sur- veyed by the Lindberghs. His topic will be "The Greenland Air Route to Europe." As the first of a series of talks on research work being carried on in the University also to be presented on Wednesday nights, Prof. E. A. Stalk- er of the engineering college will speak on "Advance and Research in Air Transportation." To Talk On Chaucer A talk on Chaucer by Albert H. Marckwardt of the English depart- ment will be offered at 2 p. m. Tues- day, while on succeeding Tuesdays other members of the department will discuss Spencer, Shakespeare, Milton, Keats, and Browning. "An Introduction to Political Sci- ence," with Harlow Heneman of the political science department, speak-. ing, will be the first of a series of talks about American government to be presented at 2 p. m. each Wed- nesday. Other topics to be taken up by members of the political science department will be national politics, state government, municipal govern- ment, local rural government, and government of our colonies. Shull To Speak A series in the field of zoology will be offered at 2 p. m. each Thursday, with Prof. A. Franklin Shull of the zoology department giving the in- troductory talk next week at that time. Topics in the series will be collecting zoological specimens, birds, snakes, fish, molluscs, and parasites. Speaking on "Choosing a Voca- tion," at 2 p. m. next Friday, Prof. George E. Myers of the education school will open a series of Friday afternoon talks addressed to highI school seniors about the varied vo- cations and professions open to them. The popular radio lessons of Prof. Joseph E. Maddy of the music school will begin at 9:15 a. m. Monday and will have three periods a week. In- struction in the playing of stringed instruments will be offered Monday morinings, in the playing of band in- struments at 2 p. m. Mondays, and in elementary singing at 9:15 a. m. on Tuesdays. Continue Band Lessons Instruction books for any of these three courses may be obtained from the Extension Division of the Uni- versity at a cost of 15 cents each, it has been announced. Pupils writ- ing for books should mention the instrument for which instruction is desired. On the third of a series of parent hour broadcasts which have been broadcast from Detroit since Oct. 1, Prof. Elmer D Mitchell, director of intramural, sports, will speak at 6 p. m. Sunday on "Reconstruction in Recreation," TO ATTEND CONVENTION Professors Arthur W. Smith and Ralph A. Sawyer of the physics de- partment were recently selected to represent t he ir respective Alma maters at a coming Centennial of the founding of Kalamazoo College. Professor Smith will represent John Hopkins University and Professor Sawyer will represent Dartmouth College. New Methods For Basketry Are Assembled A collection of methods of making Indian basketry has been assembled by Volney Jones, research associate of the division of ethnobotany in the Museum of Anthropology, on a 10 weeks field trip provided by the Homeopathic Hospital Guild Scholar- ship in Michigan Ethnology. Visiting Indian settlements at Cross Village, near Harbor Springs; Pesh- awbetown, near Traverse City; Sugar Island, near Saulte Ste. Marie; all in Michigan, and the Canadian reserva- tions at Walpole Island and Garden River, Jones studied Indian methods and collected materials for baskets and mats in various stages of com- pletion. The object of the survey was to find out which plant materials were! used in various articles. "Indians now use 'diamond' dyes for coloring their .baskets," Jones stated, "but I tried, wherever possible, to obtain specimens of the native plant dyes and examples of the dyed product." The study, confined to the work of Chippewa Indians, was also carried to methods of harvesting and preparing the materials going into baskets. University Club Will Hold Banquet Tonight Over 100 members .of the Univer- sity of Michigan Club of Kalamazoo are expected to assemble this eve- ning at the University Club here for their annual banquet, according to information received yesterday in the office of the general secretary of the Alumni Association. Mr. Henry Ford, '31L, president of the organization, will act as toast- master at the dinner. The principal speakers for the occasion will be Re- gent Edmund C. Shields of Lansing I and Assistant Varsity football coach Wally Webber. Henry Ford Asks For Old Cart Used By Railroad Jack COLDWATER, Oct. 12-0P)-Hen- ry Ford today petitioned authorities here for the cart used by the late "Railroad Jack" in his wanderings throughout the country, to be placed in the Ford Museum of American History at Greenfield Village, Dear- born. Several years ago Ford, meeting "Railroad Jack" along a country road, promised him an automobile in which to travel through the coun- try giving "pavement history les- sons." The car was delivered, but "Rail- road Jack" preferred to use his bat- tered old cart. The Government Bureau of the Census has announced that during the four weeks ending Sept. 30, 1933, 86 large cities in the United States reported 706 deaths from automobile accidents. This number shows an in- crease of 55 deaths over the cor- responding period of last year. Of the 706 deaths during the past month, only 549 were due to acci- dents within city limits. Novel Water Is Discovered At Prineton PRINCETON, N. J.,-Scientists a Princeton University have succeeded in producing a new kind of waiOdr - heavy water -for use in experimfents in all departments of the university. Professor Hugh Scott Tayloraid Arthur A. Frost, assisted by Arthur A. Frost, Harvard Fellow in cheisi- try at Princeton, have succeeded iri devising a process by which about a thimbleful of heavy water is produc- ed every two days. The water looks like ordinary water, but is different in that each hydrogen atom in the water has a mass of two instead of the usual mass of one. It has been found that fresh water animals die when placed in the heavy water. CANOES FOR RENT SAUNDERS Foot of Cedar Street on Huron River Mu SStables FAIRGROUNDS RIDE TONiGHT - o the lluminated Track Refreshments Mounts out on the paths at any time. Guess the weight of the Hackney team Prize is a $5.00 Riding Ticket Phones 7418-5189 _ n. r, -a -- -w d Riverside Oil Ward Week Price 93/ qt. Bring your own,; container. B e s t 100% pure Peaisyl., vania that money can buy. Mean's HIcu~f i6 Itpjrn.-34 SOW Men's Coats Word Week Price! w .t $3.49 pr. Oak -oIutsole ,.j grain insole ~ chrome middle eolm Black leatb w. ,, ;w $3.90 Leathertex, sheep collar and lining, Length 36 inches,, Black. 36 to 4&/ U Shirts, %horts For Men! For Boys! 25c . Itib-knit, cotton . shirts. Fast-coloi broadcloth shorts, Full.cmt! A-1 size Warm Sfipovers a Men! You Save! $2.49 10045 wool worsted -novelty sweaters bought when wool was low. Value! Me's Shits woo rw~wek Vdm + 66C Fine fab riie W hie sa, plaiaot, fancies, aR l £~pAlif. Bnyl NEW ATS Snuggle .Close to Your Head I $1.49 .. to fit into the fur collar of your coat! For tweed suits getabrimmed sailor. In either case be sure it's one of our wool crepes or felt. - V% n .1 v 4 r // , v "d L f t 89c Lovely Fall shadest Full-F shioned SILK HOSE There's a lovely new shde in "Golden Crests" for every one of your fall frocks. Smoky greys, rich browns, and the very new taupe.? Sheer or service, picot tops, cradle foot, double toes and haels. Wear Ward hosel - AUJJ U O RI LUX SOAP Very Specially Priced! 5 bars for 29 c here it is, the soap that is famous for its beneficial effects on all skins -no matter how sensitive they may be! KOTEX Sanitary, Absorbent Boxzof 12 100. Nationplly known Kotex Sanitary Pads. Easily dis- posable! pr. ,. i6" .. f . .. .. , y . y. a . I Turkish Tow 1s W4*' WeQk S pecal Look Luxurious at Savins! aI - ,K Everything About These lanke. ,WardWeek special! 1.16cttndob Fairly Shouts "We re Newi" ESS .. h tl , - w per 1Xj . ,. k , 16c Famous Cannon make! Soft, absor bent, size abort 24 by 48 inches. Col- orea borders. Fine- cotton double blanket, 70 x 80 inches, full bed size. Pastel plaids. Beautifult Fur Trims!~f A coat like THIS and change from the same $20 bill? It seems impossible until you shop Ward values! Deep, rich furs piled high around necklines : SEA- LINE, FRENCH BEAVER, CARA- CUI , AND WOLF DOG. Soft, crepey woolens in black or colors. Women's Y ..l FN S.: t'..Yf' 'lIA / i }, Af i ? l i~ j- , Every week the fashion suc- cesses are rushed to us!... r It may be a new silhouette! * It may be a new sleeve treatment! t may be an exciting new fabri I Possibly the color is the "news!" But you're sure to find the fash- ions that are "riding high" at Ward's. And find them priced low. Style for street fkTr S1 ijnA vHie F~1i One of the Rest Ward Week V~aes yard Week Enu ! 5% W.5 nd Cotton BLANKETS Rayona Liger 2 air liiu~A V V9WWF fI Get a whole fresh sup y of lingerie at this rockettom price? Tailored bloomeris or shorties, ,and lace trirned A mlnket priceyou may na44 D ee agan!Large size2r~am 5% wk and China wm blankets, 3:m& hsatemeour I I 1 - I : 'l, i I