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October 13, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-13

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The Weather
Partly cloudy and continued
cool Friday; Saturday increas-
ing cloudiness and warmer.





CBS -- A Judas To Newspa-
pers; F a t h e r Carey Buries
Railroad Jack.



T hree Nations
Join In Protest
Spain, Great Britain, And
The Netherlands P l a n
Diplomatic Moves
German Relations
Declared At Stake
Hull's Note May Go To
Chancellor Friday; No
Mention In Press
BERLIN, Oct. 12..-(P)- T h r e e
other countries today joined the Uni-
ted States, 27 of whose nationals
have gone on record in affidavits, in
expressing deep concern over attacks.
during recent months on their coun-
trymen by German citizens-in a
number of cases storm troopers.
Simultaneous with receipt by the
American embassy of instructions
from Secretary of State Cordell Hull
to inquire as to what steps were be-
ing taken toward prosecution of the
Germans, it was learned the Dutch
legation and the British and Span-
ish embassies had received similar
All made plain future relations
with Germany may hinge on the out-;
While an appointment for Wil-
liam E. Dodd, the American ambas-
sador, to present Mr. Hull's note to
the German government has not;
been definitely scheduled, it was inti-
mated the meeting likely would be
Friday. The German press has not1
mentioned Mr. Hull's message. ,
Earlier representations have been;
made by Switzerland, Poland, Rus-a
sia, and Czechoslovakia. All these
and the four latest complaints ap-
peared to hinge on a contention that
outside of an apology by the foreign1
ofice, little else has been done.
The records of the affidavits filed
by the 27 Americans, all covering
cases since April 3, shows that only
two persons have been taken into
custody, one of them being fined 50
marks (about $17.50). No informa-
tion could be obtained as to when
the other German, a storm trooper
accused of assaulting Dr. Daniel
Mulvihill, of Danbury, Conn., con-
nected with the Long Island Medical
College, would be tried.
The 50-mark fine was assessed
against Oskar Joost, who assaulted
Julian Fuhs, a New York musician,
March 12. At his trial the judge
brought out that, the defendant wasR
a German Aryan Nazi and that Fuhs
was an American Jew.
Dr. Mulvihill was assaulted last
August 17, like most of the others be-
cause he did not salute a parade int
Nazi fashion - an upraised arm.
Latin America
Society HoldsI
Initial Meeting
The first meeting of the Sociedadl
Latina Americana was'held last night
at the Union in commemoration of
Columbus Day. Prof. Arthur S. Ai-e
ton of the history department re-r
viewed the much discussed controver-
sy as to which town Columbus lived
The French, Armenians, Italians,

Portuguese, and the Spanish all lay
claim to Columbus but according to
latest historical research which Pro-
fessor- Aiton revealed in his speech
Columbus was a native of Genoa.-

Freshman Luncheon Club To Be
Continued Again This Semester

Dean Bursley's Freshman Lunch-
eon Club.is to be continued through-
out the'current year.
Started three years ago when de-
ferred rushing kept first-year out of
fraternities for the fall semester, this
unique organization which the Dean
of Men established has proved too
invaluable to be discontinued.
Now, at.,the request of those who
have benefitted from the gatherings
in the past, representative students
in the class of '37 are to be given a
similar opportunity to become ac-
quainted with each other and with
leading members of the senior class.'
The club, to be composed of two
groups, will contain approximately
200 men. Organized under the direc-
tion of senior students, the club will
probably meet twice a week at the
Union for luncheon, informalatalks,
and various forms of entertainment.
This year the two groups are to be
organized under the direction of Gil-
bert E. Bursley, '34, president of

the Undergraduate Council, a n d
James Cristy, '34,'president of Mich-
igamua. Bursley will select ten other
seniors f r o m the Undergraduate
Council and Druids and Cristy will
pick ten members of Michigamua to
aid in getting together the first-year
Each of the seniors thus selected
will choose four freshmen to be in-
vited to join the club and these fresh-
men, in turn, will be allowed to select
another member of the class of '37,
for participation in the activities on
the group. In this manner approxi-
mately 200 first-year men will be
given an opportunity to join.
In past seasons, in order to keep
the membership of the club from be-
ing restricted to fraternity men, at
least two of the four men selected
by each senior were non-fraternity
men. Complete plans have not been
formulated for this year but in all
probability some measure similar to
this will be enacted.

Selling Of Beer To
Be Sanctioned On
Wisconsin Campus
MADISON, Wis., Oct. 12.-(Spe-
cial) -Regents of the University of
Wisconsin voted to permit the sale
of beer in the Wisconsin Union, stu-
dents club. The vote places Wiscon-
sin along with Columbia, Dartmouth,
Princeton, Brown, and other leading
colleges which allow the sale of beer
on University property.
Before prohibition, beer was not
sold on the campus at Wisconsin, and
with the passage of the national beer
act, the past restriction against the
beverage came into effect. There was
considerable protest against the law,
and at first dry regents were against
any change.
One of the regents, who is known
personally as a dry, remarked that
the beer was being sold in the Union
because "it isn't intoxicating."
Tr outs For'
Comedy Club
Will Be Today
16 Out Of 45 Students
Pass First Test, G a i n
Second Hearing
More than 45 students yesterday
applied for membership in Comedy
Club, long-time campus dramatic or-
ganization, when preliminary tryouts
were held Wednesday and Thursday
afternoons in the Laboratory Theatre.
From the total number who tried
out, 16 have been selected by the club
to appear for a final hearing. The
meeting will be held at 4 p.m. today
in Sarah Caswell Angell'Hall, located
above Barbour Gym.
"While the number of students who
tried out for Comedy Club this year
was considerably lower than last
year's applications," C1a r e n c e W.
Moore, '34, president of the club, said
after tryouts yesterday, "the talent
presented was exceptionally high."
No applicant presenting poetry,
Shakespeare will be considered, Moore
explained, and the three-minute scene
must be presented without the help
of a script or properties. Students
accepted will be announced some time
tomorrow after a final meeting.
Coupons for senior pictures for the
1934 Michiganensian will sell at $3
according to Arend Vyn, '34, business
manager. This is a correction of the
article which appeared in Wednes-
day's Daily stating that the pricea
would be $1.

Wie mer Held At
Jail Until Trial
Of Accomplice
Will Be Material Witness
Against Dunn; Trial At
End Of Term Docket
Sentenced Wednesday to life im-
prisonment at solitary confinement
and h a r d labor, George Wiemer,
slayer of John Reinhart, aged re-
cluse, will be held in the County Jail
here until the trial of Brent H. Dunn,
his accomplice, where he will be used
as a material witness.
Dunn, who entered a plea of not
guilty, is being held without bond un-
til his trial, which is listed on the.
bottom of the present term docket.
Both men admitted that they in-
tended to rob Reinhart, but each ac-
cuses the other of applying the hand-
kerchief which caused the aged man
to die of suffocation.
Wiemer, completely b r o k e n in
spirit, freely confessed his guilt and
pled guilty in Circuit Court Wed-
nesday, but Dunn, self composed and
smiling, entered a plea of not guilty.
Dunn will be defended by his attor-
ney, George Meader.'
Funeral services for the murdered
man were held at 3 p. m. yesterday
at the Muehlig funeral chapel. Bu-
rial took place in Forest Hills ceme-
tery. Reinhart had been a residentof
this city for almost 70 years.
Dean Bursley,
B. B. Kelley To
Be At Meetings
Michigan's system of fraternity
auditing and accounting will come
under scrutiny in Chicago this week-
end when Joseph A. Bursley, dean of
students, will explain the workings of
the system to members of the Na-
tional Interfraternity Conference,
which will hold its sessions there to-
day and tomorrow.
Bethel B. Kelley, '34, president of
the Interfraternity Council is attend-
ing the Undergraduate Council meet-
ing of the same conference and is ex-
pecting to explain how the system
works to the leading fraternity men
who will gather from all parts of the
United States and Canada for the
Before he left yesterday, Mr. Burs-
ley stated that he believed that the
plan now in operation here is an ex-
cellent one and one which will help
fraternities greatly, only hindered by
the lack of adequate machinery for
enforcing and managing the compli-
cated system of accounts.

Big Business
Hurls Attack
On Blue Eagle
Legal Power Of Johnson,
Strength Of NRA Are
Tested By Steel, Coal
Steel Will Accept
'Check-Off' System
Arbitration E f fo r t s Are
Prompted -By President,
Operators Announce
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12. -(O)--
Challenges to the authority of the
NRA today were hurled at that or-
ganization from three directions,
causing officials ljurriedly, to map
plans for meeting them.
Several coal operators of western
Kentucky refused a summons by the
national labor board to attend an ar-
bitration hearing on the union issue.
The Weirton Steel Co., Weirton,
W. Va., rejected a proposal by the
same board that settlement of the
strike at its plant be left to the
board's conciliation.
Two New Rochelle, N. Y., employ-
ers who had been ordered by admin-
istrator Hugh S. Johnson to take
down their blue eagles for reported
violation of the Presidential reem-
ployment agreement refused to do
Officials were heartened late to-
day when steel manufacturers oper-
ating their own coal mines in the
western PMnnsylvani4 mine area
notified President Roosevelt of a
qualified acceptance of the "check-
off" system. This method, under
which operators deduct union dues
from miners' pay envelopes, has been
a main point of controversy in the
strike situation.
Senator Wagner, 1 a b o r board
chairman, today quickly summoned
a meeting to decide upon procedure
in the Kentucky and West Virginia
situations. The board has little legal
power but its arbitration efforts are
.made-a~uderAhe'- autritymok t1e
Extra Showing
Of 'Le Million'
On ForToday
Announcement Of Cinema
League's Junior, Senior
Executive Boards Made
A matinee of "Le Million" will be
presented at 2:30 p. m. today in
Lydia"Mendelssohn Theatre, it was
announced yesterday by Jack Seidel,
'35, head of the Art Cinema League,
which is sponsoring the Ann Arbor
showing of this production.
"Le Million" opened here last
night. In addition to today's mati-
nee, it will be offered at 8:15 today
and at the same time tomorrow. '
Announcement of the league's
Junior Executive Board was made
yesterday by Seidel. Serving on the
board are Dorothy Gies, '36, Ben
Jaible, '34, Phyllis Lutes, '36, Parker
Hamilton, '34, Carl Nelson, '35, Pearl
Steinberg, Grad., Elna Jeffries, '34,
and Albert Waxman, '34. On the
Senior Executive Board are Mrs. Mi-
chael S. Pargment, Prof. Erich A.
Walter, Prof. Harold J. MacFarlan
Valentine B. Windt, and Seidel.

The league plans to show the
British film "Be Mine Tonight" on
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday,
Oct. 19, 20, and 21. Friday night
will be set aside as "fraternity and
sorority night," and invitations to
attend will be mailed to all campus
houses. Other productions which the
league is considering for runs in Lyd-
ia Mendelssohn Theatre are "Poil de
Carotte," "Kuhle Wampe," "A Nous
La Liberte," and "Bittersweet."
Bishop Cannon, Jr.
To Lead Dry Rally
As part of the Michigan Anti-Sa-
loon League's campaign to place
"Michigan Back in The Dry Col-
umn," Bishop James Cannon, jr.,
famed and militant dry, will address
a mass meeting Wednesday night,
Oct. 25, at the First Methodist
Bishop Cannon's subject will be

Nudists Turn
Down Offer
Of Dismissal
Ring's Colony To Be On
Trial Oct. 23; Both Par-
ties Reject Agreements
Plan This As 'Test
Case' For Nudism
Proprietor Of Camp Will
Not Close Up, Cover Up;
Wife Also Charged
ALLEGAN, Oct. 12.-(P)-With the
defense and the prosecution refusing
to sign stipulations submitted by the
other, it ooked tonight as if Fred C.
Ring, head of a nudist colony that
was raided last Labor Day, would go
on trial Oct. 23 on a charge of inde-
cent exposure.
Ring and his wife, who also faces
a charge of indecent exposure, de-
clined to sign an agreement tender-
ed by Prosecutor Welborne S. Luna
to discontinue the nudist camp in
Allegan county. Luna had offered to
ask for a dismissal of the charges if
the agreement was signed.
In turn, the Prosecutor reclined
to agree to a stipulation tendered by
the Rings that they had not dis-
obeyed any law and that they would
not in the future.
That was where the case stood to-
Ring, who is a dancing instructor
in Kalamazoo, had said before the
prosecutor offered to drop the
charges, in order to establish the
right of nudists to practice "sun
bathing" in the privacy of their own
He said after the prosecutor's of-
fer was made that he did not wish to
be put in the light of having been
driven out of Allegan county.
Prosecutor Luna explained that he
was willing to drop the case to save
Allegan county the expense of trial
and possible appeals.
President Resigns
(By Intercollegiate Press)
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass., Oct. 12-
On the twenty-fifth anniversary of
his being inducted into office as pres-
ident of Williams College, Dr. Harry
Augustus Garfield, son of the late
President James A. Garfield, last week
tendered his resignation to the col-
lege board of trustees.
Dr. Garfield, who will be 70 this
week, was famous during the World
War for his work as U. S. fuel admin-
istrator, and later for the Institute of
Politics which he founded at Williams
College and which has been widely
copied by other colleges and univer-
The resignation will become effec-
tive' next June 30.
First Football Clinic
Attended By 90 Men
More than 90 members of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Club of Detroit
attended the first of a series of weekly
football clinics last Monday noon at
the University Club. The feature of
the program was a discussion of last
Saturday's football game by Coach
Harry Kipke.
According to an announcement by
Irving Cy Huston, chairman of the
committee in charge of the meetings,

the large attendance at the first
meeting warrants the continuance of
the clinics. Next Monday Assistant
Coach Benny Oosterbaan will address
the alumni.

-Associated Press Photo
Maj. Chester L. Fordney, '17E, for
several weeks has been making final
preparations to accompany Lieut.-
Commander T. G. W. Settle upon
his second attempt a; a balloon
flight to the stratosphere.
Dean Kraus To
Speak Be f or e
Club Members
Cosmopolitan Club Will
Hold First Meeting Of
Year At Lane Hall Today
The importance of the University's
interest in foreign students, will be
the theme of the welcoming address
of Dean Edward H. Kraus of the lit-
erary college at the opening meet-
ing of the Cosmopolitan Club to be
held at 8 p. m. today in the audi-
torium of Lane Hall.
Mrs. Charles E. Koella, an active
member of the club, will sing several
native songs of France, Germany,
Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland. A
Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland
vocal selections by a native Philip-
pine student will be featured. A skit
presented by several Japanese stu-
dents, dressed in their native cos-'
tumes and depicting the life in the
Far East, will conclude the program.
B. S. Samra, Grad., president of
the club, stated that the first hafid
knowledge of foreign lands gained.
through the direct contact with the
students of other countries is of ma-
jor importance in the understanding
of our modern international prob-
lems, and extended an invitation to
everyone interested to attend the
programs of the club.
Plans for future meetings include
both social and educational pro-
grams. At present the club is at-
tempting to get Charles D. Hurrey,
general secretary of the committee on
friendly relations for foreign stu-
dents, of New York City and a grad-
uate of the University, for a meet-
ing later this month. Other educa-
tional authorities will address the
club in other meetings.
The Cosmopolitan Club has been
on the campus for over 10 years, and
attempts to bring out a clearer un-
derstanding of the problems of for-
eign students.
Col. Rogers Initiated
By Scabbard And Blade
Col. Frederick C. Rogers, professor
of military science and tactics has re-
cently been initiated into the Michi-
gan chapter of Scabbard and Blade,
Fred Kohl, '34, captain, announced
Col. Rogers came to the campus
last fall from Washington to take
command of the R.O.T.C. unit here,
succeeding Major B. D. EdWards.

To Go With Settle

Coun cii To
Run Class
All Schools And Colleges
To Vote On Officers On
Successive Wednesdays
Plan Pep Meeting
Before Ohio Game
Make Arrangements For
To Judge Decorations
Class elections in all schools and
colleges of the University will be un-
der the direct supervision of members
of the Undergraduate Council and
will be systematically conducted un-
der regulatons adopted by that body
at a meeting last night, according to
Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, president of
the Council.
This year, to simplify the arrange-
ments necessary for holding the elec-
tions,-all schools and colleges will
hold elections for each class on 'the
same date. Balloting for all senior
class officers will be held next Wed-
nesday afternoon. Voting in t1e
junior classes will take place the fol-
lowing Wednesday, sophomores the
next week, and freshmen on the Wed-
nesday following. Thus all senior
classes will hold their elections on the
same date with those of the other
classes following on succeeding Wed-
The Council will make arrange-
ments for the holding of elections for
all class groups which had a full page
in the Michiganensian of last year.
Eight senior classes are included in
this group and will cast ballots next
Wednesday. The schools included in
this group are: Literary, Engineering,
Law, Medicine, Education, Dentistry,
Music, and Business Administration.
In addition, the Council will make
arrangements for any other schools
or colleges that present a petition
signed by ten eligible members of the
class in question or by three-fourtl
of the class if it contains less than
ten members.
Present Eligibility Slips"o
All candidates are to present, at'the~
time the election is held, eligibility
slips to the Councilman in charge of
the election. The Engineering Council,
under the direction of Charles Bur-
gess, '34E, a member of the Under-.
graduate Council, will take charge of
all elections in the College of Engi-
neering and in all other elections the
Councilman in charge will be assisted
by Union committeemen.
A committee, consisting of Burgess,
chairman; Grace Mayer, '34; and
Wilbur Bohnsack, '34, was appointed
at an earlier meeting of the Under-
graduate Council to investigate class
elections and the appointment of
class committees. This committee
made an informal report last night
and will give a formal statement with
recommendations at the next meeting
of the Council. The group is now
formulating plans for the elinmnation
of many superfluous class committees
and will submit these suggestions
next week also.
The Council also made plans last
night for the first pep meeting of the
year which is to be held next Friday'
night in Hill Auditorium. Definite ar-
rangements are to be made ana an-
nounced later. Following its arrange-
ments for making the week-end of

the Ohio State-Northwestern game
the Homecoming Week-end, the
Council last night formulated further
plans to be carried out at that time.
Bohnsack and Philip Singleton, '35E,
were named on a committee in charge
of judging house decorations for that
(Continued on Page 8)
Nominee Held On
Dry-Law Charges
DETROIT, Oct. 12-(M)-Martin
M. Nagle, 25, one of 18 nominees for
the city council named in Tuesday's
primary, will be examined tomorrow
before a United States commissioner
on a charge of possessing and trans-
porting whisky.
Federal investigators claim they
caught Nagle with three five-gallon
cans of whisky in his car on Aug. 29
and that a companion escaped. Nagle
said the cans belonged to his com-
panion, whom he had picked up on
a street corner a few minutes before,

At the meeting the clubs also made
plans for the coming semester and
elected Luis Angles, Grad., treasurer
to fill the vacancy left by the origi-
nally elected secretary who did not
It is expected that Prof. Dudley M.
Phelps, of the business administra-
tion school will speak at the next
meeting of the organization. Profes-
sor Phelps has just returned from
South America where he made a
study of economic conditions there.
He will discuss these conditions at
the meeting.
Second Senior 'Slate'
Entered In Engine Race
A second ticket entered the Senior
Engineering election race when a

Renowned Episcopal Bishop
Will Deliver Address Here

Presbyterian Pastor May Take
Position In New York Church

When bishops of the Anglican and
Episcopal churches convene at the
famed Lambeth Conference in Lon-
don there are assembled many of the
foremost ecclesiastical figures of two
continents. And when the king of
England wishes only to see one man
from all the assemblage, that man
must be one of exceptional ability
and reputation. Bishop Logan H.
Roots, who will speak Sunday morn-

tian Council of China, a body which
comprises representatives of every
Christian sect engaged in Chinese
missionary work.
His duties in China were not al-
ways those of an ecclesiastical na-
ture. In 1927 he was asked to me-
diate between rival factions of Chi-
nese war-lords. Settling differences
between Chinese war-lords, a polite
name for bandits, is not the easiest
task that might be imagined, but

The Rev. Merle H. Anderson, pas-
tor of the First Presbyterian Church
of Ann Arbor, last night indicated
that it was quite possible that he
would accept the call of the North
Presbyterian Church in Manhattan
to become its pastor. "It is quite an,
opportunity," he said, "and I think
it right that I should accept." How-
ever, Dr. Anderson reserved his defi-
nite announcement of acceptance
until a completion of arrangements
was made with the committee of the

pecially as it was well known that
the committee had definitely voted
to consider only young men.
The pastorate of the North Church
has been vacant since the first of
the year, and during that time the
Committee had investigated a large
number of ministers, among them
some of the leading men of the coun-
try. They had not been able to make
a choice, or to find the man they
wanted. The three Sundays spent in
the church by Dr. Anderson in July
turned their attention in his direc-

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