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October 12, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-12

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GENEVA - The United States,
eat Britain and France agreed that
rmany should not be permitted to
ns equality at this time.
TOKYO--The Japanese govern-
nt debated the expulsion of the
.ssian news agency, Tass, from the
pire for using the story of a Jap-
ese plot to seize the Chinese East-
N'YNDHAM, Australia - W i n g
nmander Charles Kingsford-Smith
ived in the Commonwealth after
king a record flight from England.
DETROIT-Frank Couzens, son of
S. Senator James Couzens,, and
ilip Breitmeyer, former mayor,
re nominated for mayor at the bi-
nial primary.
LONDON--A report of a mutiny on
battle cruiser Hood was reported
the British government.'
3OSTON - The flagship of the
rd Antarctic expedition, the "Jacob
ppert," left on the first leg of its
)SNABREUCK, Germany - Rein-
d Tiling, noted builder of rockets,
d an assistant, died of injuries re
ved when a rocket exploded pre-
:ARY-The first remova'l of the
e eagle from the window of a
iness establishment in the country
s made at a city restaurant.
xpenses Drop
it Geolowical
Summer Camp
q reduction in expenses of $20 per
dent for the Geological and Geo-
phical Field Station, held June
to July 29, 1933, at Mills Spring,
., was announced by Dr. George
Ehlers, director.
'Our total expenses, including
m and board at Mills Spring and
nsportation on the reconnaisance
;," Dr. Ehlers said, "were reduced
m an estimate total of $165 to $145
cutting out a number ,of short
>s to nearby regions and also, on
reconnaisance trip, by stopping
tourist camps instead of hotels.
[he reconnaisance trip is an an-
al eastern excursion taken by the
mbers of the Field Station after
intensive field work is completed
Mills Spring. It includes a survey
such important geological regionm
the Cumberland Plateau, the
eat Valley of Eastern Tennessee,
1 Geat Smoky Mountainb, the
dmont Plateau, and the Atlantic
astal Plain.
t was planned this year to com-
*e the reconnaisance in the Appa-
ian Mountain region trip with an
ursion, of the International Geo-
ical Congress which met in Wash-
ton last summer. The prohibitive
t, however, caused the project to
abandoned. Nevertheless some
mbers of the party were able to
a a short excursion of the Con-
ss which was studing the coastal
in deposits and marine terraces
ut 30 miles east of Washington
reral of the men were azo able t
end meeting of the Congress in
after the completion of the work
Washington, a few of the student'
de a two-day trip to study thc
dlogical history of Niagara Fall.
der the direction of Prof. I. D. Sco
o was in charge of the course
ered in Physiography at the Fief

ncluded among the visitkrns at thfr
rmer was Prof. Philip, Director o
Orientation Period, who spent
week-end precending the fourth
July at the Field Statien.
'rof. A. C. McFarlan, State Geo-
ist of Kentucky and head of the
aartment of geology at the Uni-
sity of Kentucky, also visited the
mbers of the Station and gave ar
strated lecture on the surface
logy of Kentucky.
>RINTING-Lowest City Prices
Downtown - 206 North Main
Text to Main Post Office Dial 2-1013

Executive Committee
Of Alumni Meet Oct.12
The seven members of the execu-
tive committee of the Alumni Asso-
ciation will meet on Thursday eve-
ning, Oct. 12, according to an an-
nouncement issued yesterday after-
noon by T. Hawley Tapping, gen-
eral secretary of the Alumni Asso-
Ormond E. Hunt, '07E, vicepres-
ident of General Motors Corp., will
conduct the session, which is to be
held as a preliminary to the board of
directors meeting scheduled for Fri-
day evening.
Committee members will discuss
the Alumni Association budget and
prepare a report on it for the direc-
tors meeting.
One Harold Jaehn, a comparative-
ly inexperienced card player, is com-
pletely convinced that beginner's
luck is no myth as the result of
drawing 13 clubs in an auction
bridge game at the Hermitage fra-
ternity house early last evening.
The other three members of the
fraternity playing were Ralph Blad-
win, Charles Nisen, and William

I Convention Of
Educators Will
Meet In Detroit
(Continued from Page 1)
Economic Trends and Their Effects
on School Attendance" in the com-
pulsary education section.
Prof. Clarence S. Yoakum, vice-
president of the University, will dis-
cuss "The Reorganization of the Sec-
ondary School Curriculum" in the
classical section. Prof. Emil Lorch,
director of the architecture school,
will speak on "The Practical Side of
Art in Industry" in the art section.
Besides these members of the Uni-
versity staff, other figures in Ann
Arbor education who will either give
lectures or participate in discussions
are Susanne Trible, supervisor of ele-
mentary art, Ann Arbor; Alice Miel,
Tappan Junior High School; Mrs.
Ruth H. Lovejoy, Ann Arbor High
School, Sarah E. Keen, Ann Arbor
High School; L. L. Forsythe, prin-
cipal, Ann Arbor High School; George
Ross, director of vocational education
and compulsory attendance, Ann Ar-

Unusual Book On Utility
Management Published
Dean W. Taylor '16E, is the author
of a new book entitled "Power Sales"
which was written in July and has
just been released by the McGraw-
Hill Book Co. of Boston.
Authorities say it is the first book
ever published which has been de-
voted entirely to the subject of fun-
damentals and practical methods of
selling power to industry. The vol-
ume covers a wide variety of prob-
lems found in power sales work and
utility management.
"Power Sales" is the outgrowth of
a series or articles, which Mr. Tay-
lor has since considerably amplified,
that were published recently in Elec-
trical World.
bor; Edith Dadler, assistant superin-
tendent, Ann Arbor; Marian McKin-
ney, University High School; Dorothy
Noyes, Tappan Junior Hgh School;
Cordelia Hayes, University High
School; Mabel Rugen, University
High School; L. H. Hollway, director
of physical education and recreation,
Ann Arbor; W. C. Darling, University
High School; and Mahlon Buell, Ann
Arbor High School.



Before and after the game
... Michigan is once more
in the role of the 'Victors



___________ __________________ I



A dance in celebration of
last week's victory and in



A very good assortment of the best we can buy.
Price and Quality considered
$1.25 -$1.50 --$1.75 -$2.00 -$2.25

successes ...

of future


A very great convenience at small cost.

See our cases-




__ ,



. . _t il

/ v




ow Is
Y the 13th
you won't want
our leg ... for then
have to miss

It's not by accident that Luckies draw so easily,
burn so evenly. For each and every Lucky is fully
packed-filled to the brim with sweet, ripe, mellow



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