4fr iga
They' Don't
Fool Here .
Pacifists Call
Meet Useless
To Seek
John Brumm
-Associatid Press Photo
This photograph gives a striking view of the wreckage of the giant transport plane which crashed near
Chesterton Ind., killing all seven occupants. The plane, Chicago-bound from New York, was battling winds
when it suddenly crashed in flames in a gully on a farm.
Six-Point Proposal For
World Peace
Criticizes Make-Up
Of Present System
Other Graduates Speak To
Small Gathering In N. S.
Comparing the World Disarma-
ment Conference to a theatrical
troupe presenting a farce comedy
now in the eighteenth month of its
run, John Brumm, Grad., who re-
cently returned from a two-year trip
through Europe, launched a decisive
attack on that body at a student pa-
cifistic meeting held at 4 p. m. yes-
terday in Natural Science Auditori-
um before a comparatively small but
enthusiastic group.
Brumm, who headed the list of
speakers, proposed for the audience's
consideration a six-point program,
embracing the following ideas: (1)
attitude of student's refusing to go
to war; (2) means of effective strug-
gle against war preparation in our
own country; (3) immediate estab-
lishment of common action with all'
organizations fi g h t i n g effectively
against war; (4) fight to obtain right
of speaking by radio to inform the
masses of the means of struggle
against war; (5) strikes of students
in cases where governments will hin-
der anti-war propaganda; (6) crea-
tion, on a large basis, of Action Com-
mittees against war in each univer-
Criticizes Present Set-Up
M. C. Wilsie, Grad., who followed
Brumm on the program, criticized
the educational set-up which allows
a citizen to "await the word of or-
ganized leadership to arouse beliefs
and prejudices,". "Under wronglead-,
ership," he continued, "be may mis-
take false for true patriotism." He
finished by quoting from the hand-
book of the University R.O.T.C. as
to the benefits of student military
training, emphasizing that students
might obtain the "same broad shoul-
ders, the same military bearing, and
a more sensible attitude toward mili-
tarism" by attending an institution
where military training was not re-
garded as desirable.
"Economic disarmament is far
more necessary than military dis-
armament," declared Martin Wag-
ner, Grad., in the next speech. "Un-
till nations cease their tariff wars
world peace is far from possible. Dis-
armament will utterly fail unless na-
tional planning is put on an inter-
national scale," he said. Taking as
his theme the "fallacy that if a na-
tion is armed to the hilt it is safe
from war," Wagner emphasized the
issue that nations must be shown
that war is economically unsound be-
fore world peace will become a fact.
Asks Students To Act
In the final speech, Gordon Hal-
stead, Grad., made a plea for more
action toward disarmament and less
analysis of the situation. "Since col-
lege students are the future fighting
force," he questioned, "why don't
they take some positive action on a
topic which affects them more today
than any other?"
At the conclusion of the meeting,
Gilbert Anderson, '36, chairman and
member of the cabinet of the Stu-
dent Christian Association, invited
any member of the audience inter-
ested in learning more aboutnthe
fight for disarmament to attend the
weekly meetings of the Foreign Af-
fairs group of Wesley Hall.
Hopkins To Go
To Executive
Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director of
the Summer Session, is to leave today
for a meeting of deans and directors
of summer sessions at Syracuse, N. Y.,
Friday and Saturday, he said yester-
About 34 of the larger universities
in the country will be represented at
the conference this year, an annual
gathering organized about 15 years
Formation Of Code
Establishing Rights
NEW YORK, Oct. 9.--P)-Bach-
elors need a good deal of recovery as
well as everyone else, says E. A. Hun-
gerford, "so why shouldn't they have
a code, too?"
Hungerford, an executive of the
New York Y. M. C. A. says that a ten-
point code will be submitted to many
groups of bachelors throughout the
country for their consideration on
national Y. M. C. A. Founders' Day,
Oct. 11.
Here's a section of the proposed
bachelors' code:
"The new deal should remove the
present economic order's interference
with our ability to court desirable
girls, marry, establish homes, and
have children when we feel like it."
In other sections they ask for "re-
lief from the physical strain of life,"
raising of the present level of culture,
adequate vocational training and old-
age insurance, among other things.
Debate Coach
Selects Nine
Men For Team
25 Students Try Out For
Positions On Varsity
Forensic Squad
Of 25 men who tried out for Mich-
igan's Varsity debating squad yester-
day nine have been chosen, J. H.
McBurney, Varsity debate coach, has
One more candidate is to be chosen
today who will bring the final group
up to ten. Those selected are Edward
Litchfield, '36, Samuel Travis, '34,
Victor Rabinowitz, '33L, Jack Weiss-
man, '35, and Abe Zwerdling, '35, all
of whom have represented Michigan
in Conference debates, Clifford Ash-
ton, '35, and Robert Sawyer, '34, who
have taken part in non-Conference
debates, Robert Engel, '35, and Alex-
ander Hirschfeld, 4'35, who are new
members. There 'will be a meeting
of these 'men at 4 p. m. Friday in
RoomW4200 Angell Hall.
The subject of the tryout speeches
was, "Resolved: That a Constitu-
tonal amendment making permanent
the powers of the Presidency as of
July 1, 1933, should be adopted." A
great majority of the tryouts chose
to defend the negative.
The first Varsity debate is to be
held with Albion College Nov. 14, with
contests against Notre Dame, College
of the City of Detroit, University of
Detroit, Iowa, and Illinois completing
the fall schedule.
Glider Club To
Hold Its ~First
Meeting Today
Activities in the Glider Club will
get under way today when both old
members and students interested in
gliding will meet at 7:30 p. m. in the
Union, it was announced by Stan
Smith, '34E, president of the club.
During the course of the meeting
various members of the club will dis-
-uss membership in the organiza-
tion and the program for the com-
ing year. The actual gliding work will
begin sometime next week, Smith
said, with preliminary training for
new members.
The Glider Club owns a recent
model Franklin utility training glider
for the purpose of training and use
throughout the .year. The club will
be divided into groups of five or six
members with an old member as in-
structor at the head of each group.
A schedule of flying days will be
made up so that each group will have
the use of the glider at least once
a week.
Glider Club activities during the
summer carried the members to El-
mira, N. Y., where the annual Na-
tional Soaring Contests were held.
The University was represented by
former Prof. R. F. Franklin, Floyd
Sweet, '34E, N. H. McDowell, '33E,
last year's president of the club, and
Stan Smith.
In spite of unfavorable weather
conditions which held up gliding for
more than a week, the University
Glider Club returned to Ann Arbor
victorious with the Edward S.
Evans Glider Trophy.
Smith placed first in both the dis-
tance event and altitude. He glided
' a distance of three and one half
Killer Gets
Life Tr
Weimer Pleads Guilty To
Attempted Robbery And
Murder Charge
Dunn Bound Over
On Not Guilty Plea
Pair Confesses Intent To
Rob Reinhart, Denies
Slaying Was Planned
Pleading guilty to a charge of at-
tempted robbery and murder yester-
day afternoon in Circuit Court,
George Weimer, completely broken
in spirit, was sentenced to life im-
prisonment in Marquette Prison by
Judge George W. Sample. Brent H.
Dunn, also held for the attempted
robbery and murder of John Rein-
hart, entered a plea of not guilty and
was bound over to Circuit Court,
probably the December term.
Dunn, who is held without bond,
will be defended by attorney George
Meader. Weimer will be transferred
from the County Jail to the state
prison sometime this week.
Robbery Admitted
In a confession made to Prosecutor
Albert Rapp, both men admitted that
they intended to rob John Reinhart,
but they entertained no thought of
slaying him. After following the aged
man into his house Tuesday morn-
ing Dunn and Weimer seized him,
bound him hand and foot, and in-
serted a gag in his mouth. They in-
tended to search for $4,000 which
was rumored to be hidden in the
house of the aged recluse. Surprised
at their work by William Gauss, a
nephew of Reinhart, the men dropped,
their victim and escaped from the
house pursued by Gauss. Reinhart
was dead when Gauss returned from
his unsuccessful chase.
Weimer was captured Tuesday
morning as he ran from a downtown
-alley. Officers located Dunn through.
information given by Lawrence Dunn
automobile salesman, who is no rela-
tion to Brent Dunn.
Discovered Hiding In Grass
Dunn was discovered late Tuesday
afternoon hidden in the tall grass on
a vacant lot 'in the vicinity of 1048
Wall St. Both men at first steadfast-
ly maintained their innocence, but
'after a five-hour grillng by Sheriff's
officers and police the men broke
down and admitted their guilt.'How-
3ver, each accused the other of stuff-
ing the fatal handkerchief down
Reinhart's throat.
Large crowds milled about the jail
Tuesday night while the men were
being questioned, and a curious
throng poured into the court room
late yesterday afternoon when Wei-
mer was sentenced.
Weimer and Dunn were taken be-
fore Judge Sample while the jury
was out deliberating on the Harri-
man case. Dunn, who entered the
plea of not guilty, will probably be
cried in the December term of court,
ecause the present jury might be in-
fluenced by his presence yesterday,
A search of the Reinhart house on
South Fifth Avenue revealed $142
hidden in an old stove, but no other
trace of any wealth was discovered.
Reinhart, a life-long resident of
this city, will be buried in Forest Hill
Harriman Found Guilty;
Jury Is Out Five Hour
After deliberating for more tha
five hours, a jury declared John :
Harriman, former Ypsilanti scho
principal, guilty of assault and crin
anal attack, shortly after 9:30 p. r
yesterday in Circuit Court. The jui
had been out since 3:45 p. m. yeste
Judge George W. Sample a,
nuounced to the court that he wou
withhold Harrman's sentence un
next Saturday morning. Harrima
was arrested last May in Ypsilar
and brought here on a charge of iz
decent liberties involving minor gir
Harriman has been held witho
bond .at the County Jail since Ma3
There are four more charges of i:
decent liberties which may be broug
against him.
Le Cercle Francais Will
Have Meeting Tonigl
Le Cercle Francais will hold its fir