; r Other rules governing eligibility for activities bar students that have re- ceived a D or E for the semester im- mediately preceding the date of the eligibility list, unless they have spe- cial permission from the Committee on Student Affairs. .. Miss Perry is anxious that women make inquiries at the Dean of Wom- en's office if they do not fully under- stand the requirements. Heads of committees are also urged to submit a complete list of students who .ex- pect to participate in any function and determine their eligibility before proceeding further with the en- terprise. CON TRACT Joan Crawford gives the final touch to her make-up before leaving her portable dressing room. Make-up, however, isn't the all-important ning that it used to be. Beauty experts everywhere agree that emphasis must first be laid upon the cleanliness, circulation, and stimulation of the skin. Only when the skin is clear and wholesome, does make-up look well. Foreign Students Prepare For Large Careers; Avoid Activities ii . S H D C NORTH AK763 None K Q s8 A Q7 2 WEST S 52 H 2K Q 9 7 D A C K6543 S S Q< H 10 D 54 C No WEST 1 Heart (1) . 3 Clubs (4) Double (7) Double (10) NORTH 2 hearts (2) 4 Spades (5) 6 Spades (8) Pass I S H D C EAST 4 J 6 5 3 J 10 7 6 J 10 9 8 OUTH J 10 9 8 842 43 2 ne.. EAST Pass Pass Pass Pass SOUTH 2 Spades (3) 1 5 Clubs (6) Pass (9) Pass (11) By CATHERINE CURTIS While the average American stu- dent considers extra-curricular activ- ities an important part of his edu- cation, the foreign student finds he must avoid these if he wishes to hold a scholarship and carry out his vision of leadership in his chosen field. Florence Bing Chin Ling, for in- stance, aims to be one of China's first genetic psychologists, and in order to prepare herself adequately for her goal she unremittingly peruses her studies. Although practical and important, genetic psychology is an almost un- explored branch of. science. It deals with the psychology of infants from the ante-prenatal stages to adult- hood. Emphasis is placed in the form- ative beginning and in the first few years of life. Florence Bing Chung Ling is the youngest of five children, all of whom have received degrees in foreign uni- versities. Thick black crowns her slim body and a joyous smile bright- ens her oval face. She was born in Ningpo and edu- cated at St. Mary's Episcopal School in China's intellectual center, Shang-. hai. Her brilliant record won her two scholarships-one from the Chinese government, the other from Wellesley College. She entered Wellesley in 1927 and while there concentrated in psy- hand. He had trumped with the Ace and King so he was able to overtake the seven of spades which was led from dummy, draw the remaining trump with his own last spade and all was made. Having discarded a club on the last spade lead from dummy, his diamond reentry to the King, Queen and the Ace of Clubs were good for the last three tricks. chology. Upon her graduation she came to the University of Michigan to start her work in genetic psy- chology. After completing her Ph.D. degree, she will return to China, where she will carry on research on new born babies. So rare is her interest, she finds it wise to train herself to design and direct the manufacture of the instruments she needs. Women's Glee Club Will Hear Tryout Auditions Tryouts for the newly organized Women's Glee Club will be held to- day from 3 until 4 p. m., Thursday from 3 until 5 p. m., and Friday from 4 until 5 p. m. Professors Christian and Moore will conduct the tryouts in the glee club room of the League. WE'RE NOT AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD BOOGABOO ! That's Why- FRI DAY, the 13th is the Date of the MAYFAIR DANCE at the Michigan League Be Sure To Be There! DANCING 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. J -F West, Dealer. Neither side vulner- able. 1. Although possessing a very strong hand, West really has no other bid as he does not possess sufficient honor tricks for a forcing bid. 2. This overcall of an opponent's" bid guarantees taking the first trick or at worst a singleton in the suit and is unponditionally forcing. He might well have bid two spades with such a hand. 3. This response is absolutely forced. Some players might respond three spades because of the lack of Clubs but I think that in this case with little honor strength it was bet- ter to make the minimum response. 4. This bid was rather peculiar. I would prefer a three heart rebid to show the added length. 5. Four clubs might have been bid here to show the Ace but North had decided at this time that there was no slam in the hand after a minimum response from South. 6. This five club bid was well- timed. It showed North the distribu- tion and indicated the slam possibili- ties. 7. This double was useless. 8. There is not much else to be done. 9.d Without an Ace, South can not bid seven. 10. One can not blame West for doubling with his strength. 11. This pass is not bad, as a re- double would have been rather opti- mistic. The play was as good as the bid- ding. South ruffled the heart which followed the Ace of Diamonds lead in dummy. He then cross-ruffed in Clubs and Hearts until he had one trump left indummy and two in his 1i I' i. II r: cf Iv t's Brenimoor Modes ARE THE TALK OF THE TOWN They boast of EVERYTHING! Originality... new tones...smart leathers... and ingenious price. Just a few points in favor of dashing BRENTMOOR MODES. Come in now... you'll satisfy your yen for the smartest footwear you've ever owned. $3.95 a:1 ICE 0-THERMO The latest scientific aid to beauty. We are using this in our facial work. It corrects wrinkles, large pores, dryness and oiliness of the skin. Come in and give it a trial. and $4.95 fi11 IIF . :: .;. ., WA II I 11