The Weather
Cloudy to partly cloudy with
showers Wednesday; Thursday
unsettled with rain and cooler.
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Scholarship . ,,..
VOL. XLIV No. 15
Arms Parley
impasse Must
Stop -- losson
Speaker At Disarmament
Meeting Says Defeatist
Attitude Must Be Ended
Unanimnously P a s s
Anti-War Resolution
Germany Morally Armed
Now, Under Hitler, Is
Belief Of Lecturer
A far-reaching and bold stroke in
international disarmament must be
accomplished by the World Disarma-
ment Conference convening Oct. 16
in Geneva if world cynicism and the
"beaten psychology" are to be super-
ceded by world peace and economic
balance, Prof. Preston W. Slosson of
the history department told a capa-
city crowd at a pacifist meeting held
last night in Hutchins Hall.
After Professor Slosson's address
a disarmament resolution introduced
by Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the
political science department was
passed unanimously by the assembly,
The resolution will be sent to the
Geneva conference.
"If the delegates to the Geneva
conference are not to return home to
the sneers of their thinking country-
men, they must conclude some pact.
which will include promises not to
re-arm, promises to scrap 'aggressive'
or 'offensive' arms, and guarantees
of good faith bolstered by an inter-
national supervisory commission
which will supervise whatever dis-
armament is agreed upon," the'
speaker said. "Such a constructive
program would relieve the present
world tension and would remove old
fears and pressure."
German Increase Impractical
The impracticality of Germany's
attaining rmaments equal to those
now possessed by France was stressed
by Professor Slosson, who expressed
the belief that equal arms for this
country under the present National
Socialist regime would precipitate a,
war-an inevitable war-within two
years at the outside. He pointed out
that German armaments equal to
France's of 1933 would, in reality,i
constitute double armament, sincel
Germany is now in a turbulent state
of "moral armament" under Adolf
Hitler's program of super-national-
"The three principal modes of dis-
armament advanced to date all have
had significant fallacies," Professorl
Slosson declared. "The principal of
arms limitation by curbing a nation's
budget was doomed almost from the
first because of different economic
conditions in the several nations, and
because this plan is dependent to a
great extent upon good faith.
Scrapping Of Weapons Difficulty
"The scrapping of aggressive weap-
ons method is also difficult to carry
through to consummation because
the Russian and United States gov-
ernments are not members of the
League of Nations, and the leaguei
would supervise this scrapping ini
large part. A third method, depending
on the transfer of arms to an inter-
national holding corporation is use-a
less because the conservative Euro-
pean diplomatic mind would not con-
sider it.
Stressing the uniformity of the
sea and the great economic, topo-i
graphical, and other dissimilarities
of the land, Professor Slosson showedI
how the regulation of naval disarma-9
ment was far easier than the cutting
of land arms such as tanks, gas, andI
Discuss Personal Aspect!
The personal aspect of the disarm-
ament problem was brought out by1
Professor Reed in an informal ad-
dress after Professor Slpsson hadl
concluded. He appealed to the "san-
ity" of the people to_ stem the tides
of the "insane super-militarists" and
return the world to normalcy. "This
problem rests right here in Ann Ar-
bor with each one of you," he added.
"The haggling of experts which
passes for diplomacy will be of no
avail without an organized public
Professor Slosson was introduced
by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, chairman of
the political science department.
DETROIT, Oct. 10.-(A)-Frank
Couzens, son of Sen. James Couzens
and acting mayor for several months
until he resigned in September, led
Sophomores Will Meet Tuesday
To Plan Downfall Of Freshmen
Sophomore's first definite plans for
making the lives of freshmen miser-
able will be formulated at an all-
sophomore caucus to be held at 4:30
p. m., Tuesday, Oct. 17, in Room 316
of the Union. At this time a captain
for the second year men in the an-
nual fall games will be selected and
plans for the various events, official
and otherwise, discussed.
Seven members of the class of
1936 were named by heads of the
co-operative committee of the Union
yesterday as those who will have
charge of the organization of the
class until leaders are selected by
those attending the caucus. These
men, representing both fraternity
members and independents, the lit-
erary college and the engineering
college, are as follows:
John McCarthy, chairman, Wen-
cel Neumann, Marvin Chapman,
James Cook, Price Innes, and Wil-
liam Dixon. Those in general charge
of the class games said that all fra-
ternities will be asked to send one
or more sophomore representatives
to this meeting in order that uni-
fication may be quickly effected and
a schedule drawn up by means of
which the class may act as a whole
in the "war" with the freshmen. In-
dependent leaders were also being
canvassed today and the heads of the
caucus hope that all may be con-
tacted by Tuesday in order to in-
sure a full representation.
Events of importance that are of-
ficially scheduled will all be held on
Saturday morning, Oct. 21, and in-
clude the hog tying contest, the cane
spree, flag rush, and pillow fight.
Last year the freshmen emerged vic-
torious, and the general opinion
among themselves is that they will
duplicate their success this year as
Black Friday, the day before the
games, will also attract many of the
efforts of both classes, but no plans
are being made public.
Arctic Explorers
Radi'o Message
To Hobbs Here
Belknap Is Brought Back
To Coast After Making
Observations On Ice-Cap
Prof. William H. Hobbs, head of
the geology department, recently re-
ceived a radiogram from the fifth
University Greenland Expedition. It
stated that Evans Schmeling, second-
in-command, and Max Demorest, as-
sistant aerologist, were safe at God-
haven, on the west coast of Green-
land after successfully bringing Prof.
Ralph L. Belknap, director of the
party, from the interior of Green-
land. He had been making meterolo-
gical and aerological observations on
the ice cap.
Letter From Demorest
The message further stated that
they encountered blizzards and lost
all of their dogs, probably by their
falling i n t o crevasses, Professor
Hobbs stated.
Following are excerpts from a let-
ter received by Harry Demorest, of
Flint, from his son, Max, before they
made a dog sled trip into the interior
of Greenland.
"Work on the ice cap goes fast,
and that is despite the fact that
once in the interior region, there is
little to do but sit tight and ride with
stops every couple of miles to take
bearings on flags that mark the trail
ahead. Camp at night or noon, ac-
cording to when one stops, meals of
pemmican and beans, sound sleep,'
and good company make the time in
camp go rapidly."
Dog Trip Is Exhausting
Writing of a recent dog-sled trip,
Demorest says, "It was a nerve-
wracking day of travel, a day of wan-
dering through a maze of crevasses
and torrential streams. Most thank-
ful was I for "Manisue", the lead
dog, but not the king dog, of the
team I was driving. He is an ani-
mal of almost human intelligence.
Early in our experience with crevas-
ses, he learned to recognize them,
whether bridged with rotten snow or
not, and always he picks with keenest
judgmenol the safest places for a
crossing. Streams in gullies of thaw
water erosion he would cross where
the sled could best be taken across.
Since I drove ahead to pick the trail
most of the way, his ability was a
godsend. The dog has more brains
than the rest of the team put to-
gether, and sometimes w i t h the
driver thrown in. I would like to
bring the good beast home (don't
worry I won't) and put him on a
pension for the rest of his life."
Legislature Can Legalize
Liquor Sale By Nov. 7
LANSING, Oct. 10-(P)-The en-
actment of laws to control the manu-
facture and sale of hard liquors in
Michigan by Nov. 7 became a possi-
bility today as Gov. Comstock re-
vealed plans for the early formation
of control bills and a special session
of the Legislature to give them ef-
He announced that he will ask the
subcommittee of the legislative coun-
cil to hasten preparation of a liquor
control bill for submission to the
Legislature by Nov. 7-the date upon
which 36 states will have voted on
League Of Nations Adopts
Jewish Relief Resolution
GENEVA, Oct. 10.--(a)--Organized
relief for Jewish refugees from Ger-
many definitely was assured today.
A resolution adopted by the League
of Nations assembly's economic com-
mission provides for the creation of'
a high commission and governing
body-outside the machinery of the
League-to which a commissioner will
submit perodic reports.
Appointed by the League council,
the commission "will provide insofar
as possible work for refugees in all
countries which are able to offer it,"
the resolution reads.
The council is asked to invite states
and, if it thinks necessary, private or-
ganizations best able to assist the
refugees to be represented on the'
governing board "which will have the
duty of aiding the commissioner in
his work."
Students Will
Discuss Peace
ueQuestion Today
Undergraduates To Speak;
At Informal Meeting In
Following up last night's meeting
on disarmament, addressed by Prof.
Preston W. Slosson and intended pri-
marily as an expression of faculty]
opinion on the question, students in-1
terested in peace problems will hold
a mass meeting at 4 p. m. today in
Natural Science Auditorium under1
the joint auspices of the Student,
Christian Association and the World
Affairs Department of Wesley Hall,1
Methodist campus organization. .1
"With world armaments at a new
high, national hatreds newly aroused,
and talk of war coming daily from
European capitals, today's talks will
be given solely to convince students
of the imminence of war and of their
responsibility toward its prevention,"
officials said.
Discussion this afternoon will fea-
ture informal talks on peace by Gil-
bert Anderson, '36, Martin Wagner,I
Grad., Maurice Goldstein, Grad.,
John Brumm, Grad., who recently re-
turned from a two-year trip through
Europe, Gordon Halstead, Grad., and
Miss Katayun Cama, Barbour Schol-
arship student from India.
A symposium on points brought out
in the speeches is planned to con-,
clude the program. "We hope to
arouse student interest in the most,
important question of the day," Hal-
stead, a member of the speakers'
group, said. "If Michigan men and
women students are considered fit to
die for their country, they are fit to
live for it and assume an active share
in guiding its destinies," he added.
Senior Coupon Sale
Is To Begin Today
Campus sale of coupons for senior
pictures for the 1934 Michiganensian
will start this afternoon, Arend Vyn,
'34, business manager, announced
yesterday. They will sell for $1.
All pictures must be in the 'Ensian
office by Dec. 15, as the book will
come out a month earlier this year
than last. This deadline cannot be
extended, Vyn said.
The coupons can be procured at
the 'Ensian offices in the Student
Publications Building or at the
Strikes Are
Unne essary
Says Johnson
States That Organization
Of Industrjr, Workers Is
Vital To NA
Roosevelt's Plans
Are Moving Swiftly
President States Important
Finance Announcement
Is Forthcoming
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10.-(P)--
Warning that "the very foundations
of organized labor re at test," Hugh
S. Johnson, the recovery administra-
tor, told the American Federation of
Labor tonight that strikes are un-
necessary "under tl e Roosevelt plan."
At the same time, he asserted that
organization of bth industry and
workers is vital to .he success of the
rnvery program.
"The plain stark truth is that you
cannot tolerate the strike," Johnson
said in addressing the hundreds of
delegates at the federation's annual
convention. "Public opinion is the es-
sential power in this country. In the
end it will break down and destroy
subversive influence.
"If now-when the whole power of
this government and its people is be-
ing given to an effort to provide and
maintain to the ultimate the rights
of every man who works for pay-
you permit or countenance this eco-
nomic sabotage, the public confidence
and opinion will turn against you,"
he stated.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10.--P)-Ad-
ministration plans for reopening'
banks, liberalizing credit and build-
ing low cost home moved rapidly
under presidential pjessure today and
official word was given that an im-a
portant financial announcement
might be expected in a few days.
President Roosevelt sped the new'
phases of the rehabilitation program
in separate discussions with various'
government heads and later laid the
whole rough draft before his execu-
tive council, including the cabinet.
In stride with the forward push,'
Secretary Ickes disclosed that he was
iconsidering plans for setting up a
new corporaton to handle construc-
tion, leasing, and sale of low cost
housing projects on a vast scale
throughout the country.
Articles of incorporation have been
drafted, Ickes said, which would au-
thorize the corporation to go into
cities, buy or condemn lands, and
build houses to be sold or rented, with
the proceeds being used to repay the
treasury for the expenses involved.
Interf raternity
Council Plans
Many Changes
Co-operative Buying And
Shorter Rushing Period
To Be Discussed
A discussion of changes in the
rushing rules, the proposed co-opera-
tive buying plan for fraternities, and
other items of major interest to fra-
ternity presidents will take place at
the regular monthly meeting of the
Interfraternity Council to be held at
8 p. m. today in the Union, accord-
ing to Maxwell T. Gail, '34, secre-
In order to give the house presi-
dents an opportunity to meet each
other before the meeting, and to al-
low them to discuss many of the
problems which will come up later,
the council has arranged for six
houses to entertain about eight house
presidents each, Gail said.
The houses which will serve as
hosts at this meeting will be Theta
Xi, Sigma Psi,. Phi Kappa Psi, Theta
Delta Chi, Delta Upslon, and Chi Psi.
Other houses are expected to serve as
hosts at similar functions before sub-
sequent meetings.
Suggested changes in the rushing
'rules include a shortening of the
period with more open-houses early
in the period. Breaking of pledges
will also be discussed.
Although no details of the co-,
Will Hold First
Engine Smoker
To day In Union
Prof. Alfred H. Lovell To
Speak On Power Pro-
For the first time in the history of
the College of Engineering, a recep-
tion and smoker will be held at 7:45
p. m. today in the Union for the
benefit of all new members of the
engineering college, according to an
announcement made yesterday by
Prof. Robert D. Brackett.
Climaxing the meeting as the
principle speaker of the evening is
Prof. Alfred H. Lovell, assistant dean
of the College of Engineering. Dur-
ing his career which has been devoted
to the study of electrical engineering,
Professor Lovell has made a thorough
and concentrated study of the field,
and is recognized by many all over
the country as one of the leading
authorities on the large production
of electricity, principally in corpora-
Taking power production as his
topic, Professor Lovell will discuss
the many problems which are con-
fronted in that field of study. Also
included in the evening's program
will be talks by various members of
the engineering faculty and the stu-
dent body.
The purpose of the "get-together,"
Professor Brackett explained, is to
present a means of uniting the in-
coming engineering students-both
freshmen and men with advanced
credits-all at one time. It will pro-
vide an opportunity to meet both
students and members of the faculty.
The reception is being sponsored by
members of the Stump Speakers of
Sigma Rho Tau, campus engineering
society, and following the meeting
will be a smoker.
Gangster To Be
Laid To Rest In
A Silver Coffin
CHICAGO, Oct. 10-(P)-The body
of Gus Winkler, gangster overlord,
111 shotgun slugs removed there-
from, was transferred tonight from a
stone slab in the morgue to a $10,-
000 silver coffin, and police an-
nounced themselves expectant of fur-
ther gangster killings.
So fearful were authorities that
the Winkler assassination might
evolve into a vicious circle of shoot-
ings that Federal agents were as-
signed to guard witnesses in the
$250,000 Chicago mail robbery of a
year ago.
Suspicion that the shotgun pellets
were sent into Winkler's back be-
cause he had become, or was about
to become, loquacious with police
about the robbery was admitted by
all investigators.
Forty-odd suspects have been ar-
rested about the country for dealing
in the bonds stolen in the robbery, a
night club owner has committed sui-
cide, and police were searching for
Winkler when the assassins slew him.
'Students Should Learn
Cheers,' Says Roberts
Students were admonished yes-
terday by mead Cheerleader
Thomas B. Roberts, '34, to learn
Michigan cheers before the Cor-
nell game Saturday. Principal
cheers are to be published in The
Daily this week.
Special attenton should be paid
by students in the cheering sec-
tion to directions on the reverse
sides of their tickets, Roberts
warned, adding that the success
or failure of the carefully-worked-
out section depends on the care
with which these instructions are
Early Returns
Sho o Florida
As Voting W,,et
Will Be Thirty-Third State
To Repudiate Eighteenth
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Oct. 10.-
(P)-Florida tonight apparently had
become the thirty-third state to rat-
ify the twenty-first amendment re-
pealing the nation's prohibition laws
as incomplete returns showed a trend
of six to one for the repealists.
Tabulations showed 143 of the
state's 1,273 precincts had returned
19,053 for repeal and 3,560 against.
Not only were the cites going wet but
most of the rural districts were show-
ing balances against the Eighteenth:
Amendment. The tabulated vote was
from 25 of the state's 67 counties.
Jacksonville was voting for repeal
by approximately 10 to 1 and fash-
ionable Palm Beach county was
against prohibition by 11 to 1.
'Michigan Alumnus' To
Print Hopwood Essays
Two of the essays from the collec-
tion selected as winners in lastyear's
Avery Hopwood prize contest will be
reprinted in this week's issue of The
Michigan Alumnus.
Mildred Walker Schemm, Grad., is
the author of the prize-winning series
entitled "Group of Vermont Essays."
She is also the writer of the novel
which was selected as the best in the
fiction division, and is now in the
process of publication.
Two more of Miss Schemm's essays
will be printed the following week
in The Alumnus.
George Weimer And Brent
Dunn Blame Each Other
For Death Of Reinhart
Will Be Arraigned
Before Court Today
Criminals Are Interrupted
By Dead Man's Nephew,
Who Identifies Them
Breaking down completely after a
five-hour grilling from Washtenaw
County deputy sheriffs and Ann Ar-
bor police, George Weimerand Brent
Dunn last night confessed to th
murder of John Reinhart, 70 year
old Ann Arbor recluse.
The confession was announced at
10:30 p. m. by Prosecutor Albert
Rapp. He said that although both
Weimer and Dunn admitted they
had planned to rob the murdered
man, they accused each other of
stuffing the handkerchief down into
Reinhart's throat which resulted in
death by strangulation. The hand-
kerchief was identified as belonging
to Weimer.
Weimer and Dunn have apparent-
ly been out of work for three years.
Dunn, 29 years old, who lives at 804
South State St., formerly ran a res-
taurant in this city. Weimer, 39
years old, who lives at 319 South
Main St., was a cook in the restau-
rant. In recent years Dunn has been
arrested three times, once for boot-
legging. Dunn was divorced from.
his wife about two months ago.
Planned Robbery Two Weeks Ago
In the formal statement Prosecu-
tor Albert J. Rapp said that Dunn
and Weimer had planned to rob
Reinhart more than a week ago of
$4,000 which was rumored to be se-
creted in Reinhart's house at 538
South Fifth Ave.
Monday night between 8:30 and 9
p. m. the two men attempted to enter
the Reinhart house by breaking a
side window with an iron bar. The
noise of the breaking glass discour-
aged them in their attempt as they
were afraid that Reinhart had been
Knowing that Reinhart habitually
went out for breakfast about 11 a.
m., they waited on the corner of
Fifth Avenue and William Street to-
day and when he returned they fol-
lowed him into the house. Dunn
seized the 70 year old man and held
him while Weimer tied his feet with
wire and bound his arms with har-
ness straps.
At that point Dunn and Weimer
heard a noise and one of them
stuffed a handkerchief down Rein-
hart's throat. It is at this point
that the stories of the two men dis-
agree, each accusing the other of the
actual act of strangulation.
Gauss Discovers Body
After this they pushed Reinhart
to the floor and fled from the house.
Coming up the front walk, they met
William Gauss, a nephew of Rein-
hart. He asked them if "John" Were
in the house. They answered affirm-
atively and fled down William Street
to Division Street.
In the meantime Gauss entered
the house and saw the body of his
uncle. He immediately chased the
two men.
Gauss said yesterday that he
chased one of the men down Division
Street to Ferry Field where he lost
him. He tried to find help but could
find no one to assist him. Afterl-
ing the man, Gauss notified police
of the murder from a home in the
vicinity of Ferry Field.
Weimer was arrested by police a
few hours later near Liberty and Di-
vision Streets on information given
by Lawrence Dunn, automobile sales-
man, who is no relation to Brent
Dunn. Brent Dunn was captured
about 5 p. m. at a vacant lot near
1042 Wall St.
Both men are to be arraigned this
morning in Justice Court on a charge
of first degree murder.
Two Men Confess Brutal
Slaying Of Aged Resideni
Robbery Given As Mot'v
Last Rites Observed For
Railroad Jack Yesterday
Before a small group of about 30
spectators, the body of Harry Cooper,
"Railroad Jack," was buried yester-
day afternoon in St. Thomas Ceme-
The ceremony was a simple one,
with the Rev. Father Thomas Carey
of the St. Thomas Roman Catholic
Church leading the band in some
final words and prayers. Jack was
buried in a non-Catholic part of the
cemetery, and, not being a Catholic,
could not receive a Catholic bene-
Appointment Bureau Describes
Placing Of 20_Michigan Ph.D.' s
Placement of 20 University of
Michigan doctors of philosophy in
various fields of education has been
made by the University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation d u r i n g the past four
months, according to data issued by
Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of the
Among those who were placed, five
received professorships in various
colleges and universities throughout
University faculty now working for
the Federal government.
The former now occupies a posi-
tion in the department of personnel
under the Tennessee Valley Author-
ity, which is at present working on
the Muscle S h o a ls project. Mr.
Briggs, originally placed as director
of vocational education in Cleveland,
is now occupying a similar position
under the Tennessee Valley Au-
Also employed by the government
is Mrs. Bertha Ashby, who pursued
her degree work here, as a member
Local Orchestra Starts
Preparation For Sea,
Under the baton of Willian
Champion, director, the 30 rei