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October 10, 1933 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-10

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Psychology Staff
Gets Promment
University Aided Through
Rockefeller Foundation
In Gaining Scholar
To Lecture Here
Born In Vienna, Werner
Has Long Experience In
Foreign Schools
Through the co-operation of the
emergency committee on displaced
German sholars and the Rockefeller
Foundation, a new member of the
psychology department will arrive
here within the near future to take
the post of lecturer in child psychol-
ogy and the psychology of music.
The new professor, Heinz Werner,
comes here after having left the Uni-
versity of Hamburg because of racial
troubles in Germany. He is extremely
well known in his branch of study
and has published more than eight
books and dozens of papers.
Mr. Werner was born in 1890 in
Vienna and in 1914 received the post
of assistant at the Laboratory of
Munich. In 1917 he became first as-
sistant and head of the department
of experimental and genetic psychol-
ogy at Dr. Will Sterns' laboratory,
and professor of psychology at the
University of Hamburg. He has also
been joint editor of "Zeitschrift fur
Present University budget condi-
tions would have prevented Mr. Wer-
ner's appointment here except for
funds released for the purpose by
the Rockefeller Foundatin. Similar
men have been placed in the same
manner in other universities, there
being 17 of the displaced educators
already in new posts.
rThe emergency committee has a
representative in Europe at present
establishing connections with other
similar groups and getting informa-
tion on the status of German pro-
fessors reported expelled. It has been
estimated that there are more than
800 former scholars displaced by the
German policy.
Fourteen of them have become as-
sociated with the "University in
Exile" under the direction of Dr. Al-
vin Johnson of the New School for
Social Research.
Authorities here have expressed
the belief that the University will fur-
nish a fertile field for Mr. Werner,
as there are ample facilities for him
to further his studies of child psy-
chology and the psychology of music
through the "University Elementary
School and the School of Music.
Dr. Walter B. Pillsbury, head of the
department of psychology, stated that
he is extremely happy to have Mr.
Werner become a member of the
department's faculty.
Loading Delays
Sailing Date Of
Byrd Ship Awaits Ballast,
Two Cows Before Trip
To Antarctic
BOSTON; Oct. 9.-(P)-Rear Ad-
mif'al Richard E. Byrd's supply ship,
the Jacob Ruppert, awaited today

only the loading of 500 tons of chain
and two Guernsey cows before setting
sail for the explorer's second Antarc-
tic expedition.
The cows will supply the fresh milk
for the expedition. Efforts to get the
animals aboard ship Sunday failed.
The cows absolutely refused to walk
aboard arid after countless attempts
to tempt the animals up a gangway it
was decided to leave them ashore for
the night and hoist them on today.
They will be taken to New Zealand
where they will furnish milk for the
auxiliary forces of the expedition.
It was planned, however, to first
take them to the ice table in the Ant-
arctic while the ship unloads supplies,
and scientists anticipated some in-
teresting data regarding the behavior
of bovines in the sub-zero tempera-
Admiral Byrd hoped to get away
today, but the ballast is a very neces-
sary item and it may be necessary
for him to #tay over another day to
load the 500 tons of chain. The heavy
ballast is necessary to keep her pro-
pellors deep enough to duck the sur-
face ice as she plows through the
Antarctic packs.
The Ruppert will stop at Bayonne,
N. J., for fuel oil and at Norfolk, Va.,
for coal. She will proceed via the
Panama Canal to Dunedin, New Zea-
land, ships' base of the expedition.
S ecia

Citizen-Deputies Charge

Into Pennsylvannia Strikers

-Associated Press Photo
This remarkable action picture shows citizen-deputies at Ambridge, Pa., as they charged into a group of
pickets when the strikers attempted to prevent workers from entering a steel plant. Note the many guns
and tear gas in evidence."

Books Now On Display Are
Among Best The Library Has

"These are some of the best books
the library has," said Miss Ella M.
Hymans, curator of rare books, com-
menting on the exhibit of incunabula,
which are books printed in the Fif-
teenth Century, now shown in the
wall cases of the main library.
There are about 20,000 incunabula
known to exist, and of these the li-
brary owns 179. The earliest books
seem strange in that they have no
pagination, but later printers used
the device of putting the letters of
author's names on consecutive pages
to assist the binders, who could not
read the Latin subject matter, in
putting the pages in correct succes-
Some of the books also have blank
spaces for initial letters, which were
supposed to have been hand printed
and ornamented by calligraphers.
Later, wood cuts were used for the
fancy initials. The paper used in the
Fifteenth Century was of a very good
quality, as its remarkable preserva-
tion shows.
The first book printed with move-
orris Hillg1t,
Noted Socialist,
Dies IGotam
Was Former Chairman Of
Socialist Group; Known
Throughout Nation
NEW YORK, Oct. 9.-( P)-Morris
Hillquit, lawyer and internationally
famous Socialist leader, died at his
home here Sunday, after a long ill-
ness. He was 64 years old.
Hillquit was one of the acknowl-
edged leaders of American Social-
ism, and during his activities in the
United States participated widely in
public life, although he did not hold
elective ofiice.
He succeeded the late Victor Ber-
ger, in 1929, as chairman of the So-
cialist National Committee and took
a prominent part in the Socialist
party's national activities. He was
for 20 years general counsel of the
International Ladies' Garment Work-
ers Union.
One of his latest public pronounce-
ments came in March, when he ex-
pressed socialist opposition to Pres-
ident Franklin D. Roosevelt's pro-
posals for labor camps and proposed
a "Continental Congress for econo-
mic reconstruction."
He was nominated and ran for
mayor of New York City on the So-
cialist ticket in 1932, ran unsuccess-
fully against former Mayor John F.
Hylan in 1917, and declined the so-
cialist nomination for governor of
New York and for state attorney-
general in 1924. He was a strong
supporter of the late Senator Robert
M. LaFollette's presidential efforts.
He was born in Riga, Russia, in
1869, coming to the United States
with his parents in 1886.
The Wharton School of Finance
and Commerce of the University of
Pennsylvania has appointed Dr. Hans
Neisser, widely k n o w n monetary
theorist exiled from Germany by the
Hitler government, to a three-year
professorship. He was formerly with
Kiel University.

able type, and also the greatest of
the early printings, was the Guten-
burg Bible, printed in Mainz, Ger-
many, in 1455. The library has no
copy of this, but a facsimile shows
the skillful craftsmanship embodied
in it. Many actual early German in-
cunabula are displayed, however, and
of these the Nuremburg Chronicle is
outstanding. It was printed by Anton
Koberger in 1493. Koberger is known
to have printed about 250 titles and
won fame for his illustrations. The
Nuremburg Chronicle is a history of
the world from the creation. It is
profusely illustrated with wood cuts
and is in two large volumes. Several
blank pages at the end of the work
are said to be intended for finishing
the story on the world.
One of the most famous of early
printers was Nicolaus Jensen, who,
though originally French, printed in
Italy. As many incunabula were
printed in Italy as in all the rest of
Europe. His type and page arrange-
ments were among the best. Several
books printed by him from 1471 to
1480 are displayed.
John Caxton's printing, which is
very scarce and which is sometimes
mistakenly thought to be the earliest,
is represented by a single original
page. Caxton was an English man of
letters who went to Germany to study
printing and later set up the first
press in England. Other countries
represented in the exhibit are France
and Switzerland. The subject matter
of nearly all of this early work is
theology, astronomy, and the classics.
Goebbels Asks
Loyal Support
For Nazi Rule
BERLIN, Oct. 9. - (P)- Joseph
Goebbels, minister of propaganda,
called for loyal support of the Nazi
regime by German Americans in
speaking Sunday at the Carl Schurz
Society's celebration of the 250th an-
niversary of the founding of the first
German settlement in America.
Expressing gratitude for German-
American aid to the Fatherland be-
fore the United States entry into the
World War and after the close of the
conflict, Goebbels sad that, unlike the
Nazi government, the previous Re-
publican regime "never had any in-
terest in our compatriots abroad," he
"I am sure that particularly Amer-
icans of German ancestry are im-
mune to mendacious atrocity stories
circulated by interested circles. In
them Germany will find its most
loyal supporters."
Jacob.Wuest, military attache, rep-
resented the United States ambassa-
dor at the Kroll Opera House and the
band played the Star Spangled Ban-
ner before Goebbels began to speak.
The propaganda minister extended
greetings to President Roosevelt on
behalf of the German cabinet.
He recalled the )plart played in
American history by Baron Von Steu-
ben and Carl Schurz and praised the
work of the Oberlaender Foundation.
"We hope a new era of mutual
understanding between nations will
dispel the last vestiges of war psy-
chosis," Goebbels concluded.

Mayoral Fight
In New York
IS Complicated
Three Nominees Accuse
One Another As Smith
Remains Silent
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 9.-New York
City's three major candidates for
mayor shook fingers under each
other's noses today and cried.
"Down with bossism."
Mayor John P. O'Brien, Tam-
many's standard-bearer, contended
that neither Fiorello LaGuardia, fu-
sionist, nor Joseph V. McKee, inde-
pendent democrat, is in any position
to flail him as an candidate of
LaGuardia, in the mayor's opinion,
is "bossed" by Samuel Seabury, while
McKee he regards as Secretary of
State Flynn's "man."
To all of which blanket denials are
entered by everyone.
Up to the time last week before
McKee, a former mayor, entered the
campaign the issue was fairly clear-
cut. It was Tammany, as represented
by O'Brien, against anti-Tammany,
represented by LaGuardia.
The McKee candidacy has made
the issues more involved. McKee, like
O'Brien, is a democrat. His previous
political career has been sponsored
by Secretary of State Flynn, hereto-
fore a Tammany ally. Seabury,
scourge of Tammany and one-time
unsuccessful candidate for governor,
is a democrat. LaGuardia, among all
the principals in the campaign, is a
McKee, like LaGuardia, has spoken
harsh words about Tammany. He has
spoken harsh words, too, about Sea-
bury, whom he labels as much a
"boss" as Tammany. Replying to
charges that he is sponsored by
Flynn he has said he is obligated to
no man.
Voters, who began today a week
of registration for the November elec-
tion, have approximately one month
to draw their own conclusions. Such
powerful political voices as that of
Alfred E. Smith have kept silent. The
Smith loyalty to Tammany, however,
is recognized and accepted. Some of
Smith's close friends, however, have
announced themselves in support of
the McKee candidacy.
There has been talk that despite
Mayor O'Brien's repeated assurance
that he is in the contest to the finish
Tammany may yet replace him at
the head of the ticket. Smith's name
has been mentioned, notwithstanding
his earlier statement he would not
be a candidate.
O'Brien's first formal bid for re-
election is expected Tuesday when
notification ceremonies are held at
the city hall.
The McKee supporters are empha-
sizing the "recovery" phase of the sit-
uation, campaign statments referr-
ing to the "new deal" the city needs.
The McKee ticket identifies itself as
the "recovery" party.
PRINTING-Lowest City Prices
Downtown - 206 North Main
Next to Main Post Office Dial 2-1013

Educator Says
Social Training
Now Important
Prof. Courtis Criticizes
Slight Political Interest
Of American Youth
Criticising the fact that few young
people in America participate in gov-
ernmental activities before the age
of 30, Dr. S. A. Courtis of the edu-
cation school declared in a radio ad-
dress Sunday that the school in the
future must emphasize social plan-
ning and co-operation in the achieve-
ment of social ends.
"If the present period of distress
should operate to free the schools
from the strangle hold of tradition,
and should enable them to shape a
forward-looking educational program
in keeping with the needs of times,
much could be done to inspire Amer-
ican youth with the great ideals of
social betterment and to organize
them for effective achievement," he
While the schools cannot teach
solutions of social problems, they
can and should teach children the
methods by which problems are solv-
ed and direct children's attention to
the problems which civilization is
facing, he stated.
Speaking on the regular Sunday
parent hour broadcast, Dr. Courtis
said that school authorities are wait-
ing for a clear mandate to make
changes in our present system of
education --a mandate which only
society can give.
He characterized opportunity, se-
curity, and idealism as the elements
of outstanding value in American
civilization, in the past, but said that
ideas of individualism and liberty
that approached license and made
the America "the land of the spree"
were threatening the country.
Dr. Courtis cited youth movements
in Europe, especially the dictator-
ships of Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin,
as an example of what could be done
among the young people of a coun-
Pointing out that, contrary to the
assertion of the Declaration of In-
dependence, heredity has shown that
all men are not "created equal," he
questioned the desirability of giving
the vote to every person when he
reaches the age of 21.
Training in leadership and in prac-
tical politics, as well as in co-opera-
tion, must be provided by the schools
of the future, if democracy is to con-
tinue and prosper, Dr. Courtiss as-
Convict Escapes From ,
Milan Federal Prison
An escape from the Federal Prison
at Milan was made early yesterday
morning by Powell Weir, number 359,
serving a long sentence for larceny,
according to a radio report received
at police headquarters.
Weir's method of escape was not
made public. It is expected that the
escaped prisoner will head for Can-
ada, but officers here were requested
to be on the look out for him.
The man is 32 years old, five feet
four inches tall, weighs about 125
pounds, has thin blond hair and blue
Dr. August F. Beard, 100, of Nor-
walk, Conn., the oldest living grad-
uate of Yale University, took an air-
plane trip last week and pronounced
it: "Wonderful."

State Game Sends
Students Flocking
To Health Service
The result of the Michigan versus
Michigan State football game is just
a lot of colds and some intestinal
infection,haccording to Dr. William F.
Brace, physician at the University
Health Service.
The stock of pills and cough med-
icine, for which the Health Service
has become famous, is being drawn
on by a great number of the rain-
soaked and chilled spectators of last
Saturday's game. The intestinal in-
fection which is believed a result of
colds gves its victims acute discom-
The Health Service cough medi-
cines, which come in various flavors,
are justly famous. Of the two most
popular kinds, one has a high alcohol
content, and the other h'as a flavor
similar to that of apricot brandy. As
to dosage, however, students are ad-
vised to follow the directions on the
Buy Now' Is
New Slogan Of
NRA Campaign
Hugh Johnson Addresses
Appeal To Housewives
Of America
(By Associated Press)
"buy now" campaign today was up
to the American housewife.
To her, spender of 85, per cent of
the family income, Hugh S. Johnson
especially addressed his appeal to
buy, "not only to save money but
also because every dollar spent now
is helping to keep the wage earner
in her family on a payroll."
For her too, as she made up today's
shopping list, store windows were re-
furnished and advertising intensified
in a joint effort with the government
to stimulate consumer demand into
a buying wave that will boost the en-
tire recovery program.
Noting today's opening of the long-
planned buying drive, Johnson asked
the country's support:
"Industry and trade, co-oper-
ating with the government under
codes and fair competition or
agreements with the President,
have done and are doing their
part. Hundreds of thousands of
men, long idle, have gone back to
work and millions of dollars have
been added to payrolls.
"These payrolls cannot , be
maintained and new jobs for
workers cannot be made unless
every consumer in the land does
his or her part now.
"For four years the American
consumer has been skimping-
putting off buying more than
bare necessities until 'better
times.' Better times are here.
Better times always mean higher
prices. Now is the time to buy for
purely selfish reasons. Prices are
going up. Buying now is an in-
As the big drive gathered momen-
tum, other NRA activities progressed
along routine channels. Aside from
the buying campaign, greatest inter-
est centered on the ultimate form
of the retail trades code with its pro-
vision to stabilize prices by prohibit-
ing sales at less than wholesale cost
plus 10 per cent.

MOSCOW - Soviet Russia' formal-
ly charged that the Japanese gov-
ernment was plotting to seize the
Chinese Eastern railway, owned part-
ly by the U. S. S. R.
WASHINGTON-The government
opened a "buy now" campaign in
connection with the NRA.
OKLAHOMA CITY-The trial of
Gedrge "Machine Gun" Kelly and
his wife for participation in the
Charles F. Urschel kidnapping case
was opened.
ernment faced a new problem today
in a food shortage which is threaten-
ing Oriente province.
- * * *.
LONDON-Hope for an agreement
in the disarmament conference at
Geneva was abandoned by the Brit-
ish governmentf after a momentous
cabinet meeting
* * *
CHICAGO-John J. "Boss" Mc-
Laughlin, city political leader, was
named before Judge James Wilker-
son as the handler of $237,000 of the
loot obtained in the mail robbery last
Students Sign
At Union For
A ll C ampi) u s Ping-Pong,
Bridge Tourneys Again
Attract Many
Registration for the first two
events of the Union's 1933-34 series
of tournaments began in the student
offices yesterday, according to an an-
nouncement by O'Neil Dillon of the
house committee.
Entries in these events, the all-
campus ping-pong and bridge tour-
naments, will be able to sign up any
afternoon this week between the
hours of 3 and 5 p. m. at the student
offices. Those entering will be assign-
ed partners for the bridge play,
which will begin next Monday, or
they may select their own partners.
There will be fraternity teams en-
tered also and the winners in the two
groups, the fraternity men and the
independents, will play for the all-
-ampus championship at the close of
the eliminations.
In the- ping-pong events, singles
will be played for all entries and an
all-campus champion determined.
Officials said that a doubles tourney
may be arranged later in the semes-
May Finance Sewer With
General Obligation Bonds
General obligation bonds, instead
:f revenue bonds, may be used in
financing the city's down river sew-
age disposal plant if they will obviate
the delay which is essential under
revenue bonds, it was suggested yes-
terday by Mayor Robert A. Campbell.
The government at Washngton ap-
proves Ann Arbor's application for a
loan, but will not lend the money
until about one month, Ald. Raymond
Burr, who is in Washinton, wired
Mayor Campbell.





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