The Weather Partly cloudy Tuesday and Wednesday. 'Slightly warmer Wednesday. L it jati1 Editorials Mead Backslide . r VOL. XLIV No. 14 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS Government Is Working For DepositRelief Treasury Officials Figure Out Details Of New Plan To Release Money Officials Loath To Talk About Project But Belief Is That Idea Calls For Organizing Another Corporation WASHINGTON, Oct. 9.-()-Un- der spur of the President, adminis- tration officials today drove toward the relief of frozen deposits in banks that closed in the national banking holiday. Treasury officials, heads of gov- ernment credit corporations, a n d Henry Bruere, president of the Bow- ery Savings Bank of New York, brought to Washington as a dollar- a-year man to act as liason officer for the president, worked on the de- tails of a proposed new corporation designed to make money available to receivers and conservators to be pass- ed on to depositors. At the same time, the comptroller of the currency was working on an- other proposal to enable conserva- tors to obtain money for their banks by' exchanging frozen assets for home loan bonds. . Calls for Corporation Although officials were loath to talk, it was understood that the gen- eral plan called for organization of a corporation with a capital of pos- sibly as much as a billion and a half dollars, headed by Bruere, with a board of directors composed of the heads of other government corpora- tions. The tentative proposal was under- stood to call for the purchase by the reconstruction corporation of the preferred stock of the new corpora- tion, w h i c h would receive RFC debentures. With these, the corporation might take over the frozen assets of closed banks up to 50 percent of their de- posits. The debentures could be cash- ed by federal reserve banks. The latest figures available, for Sept. 22, showed that the deposits of national, state member, and non- member banks which are under re- ceivership or conservatorship totalled $1,765,669,000. That figure did not include deposits in mutual savings banks. Is Important Problem The President was represented as feeling that the relief of frozen de- posits is one of the most important steps in his recovery program at the moment and that the release of al- most a billion dollars would give tre- mendous impetus to the efforts to stimulate consumer purchases which the NRA is undertaking in its "buy- now" campaign. A statement issued today by the comptroller said that, at the end of September, 46.2 per cent of all the national banks in the 48 states and the District .of Columbia that re- mained closed after the bank holiday had been licensed, chartered, or liquidated. On March 15, there were 1,446 un- licensed national banks. On Sept. 30, 778 were still unlicensed. The comp- troller said plans had been approved for the reorganization of 376 of those remaining unlicensed and plans disapproved for 271. Plans were under consideration for 104 and there were no plans for 27. Deposits in the unlicensed national banks on Sept. 30, totalled $671,031,- 000 frozen and $50,668 unrestricted. Reorganization plans had been ap- proved for banks with frozen deposits of $398,735,000 and unrestricted de- posits of $31,151,000; plans had been disapproved for banks with $122,- 326,000 in frozen and $9,171,000 in unrestricted deposits; plans were un- der consideration for banks with $110,562,000 frozen and $8,956,000 unrestricted deposits; and the 27 na- tional banks for which no plans had been made had $39,408,000 frozen and $1,309,000 in unrestricted de- posits. 'Railroad Jack' To Be Buried Today Harry Cooper, "Railroad Jack," will be buried in St. Thomas Ceme- tery, it was announced yesterday by Father Thomas Carey, pastor of the St. Thomas Roman Catholic Church. Senator Wagner Hints At NRA RegulatingAllWage Scales WASHINGTON, Oct. 9-(P)-The possibilities of the NRA regulating all wages, instead of only setting minimum scales, was advanced today by Sen. RoberttWagner (Dem. N. Y.), co-author of the Recovery Act,. co- incident with a broad new move to curb skyrocketing prices. Meanwhile, with her goal the end of profiteering in connection with the recovery program, Mrs. Mary Harriman Rumsey, chairman of the NRA Consumers Advisory Board, an- nounced the creation of county con- sumers councils authorized to receive and deal with, where possible, com- plaints against fast rising prices in local stores. Mrs. Rumsey also wrote to Sec. Harold Ickes voicing a request of the board that "any governmental steps toward price fixing in the oil industry be postponed." She said the consumers bill for petroleum prod- ucts had been increased at a rate of more than $500,000,000 annually, while wages in the oil industry had increased at a rate of not more than $125,000,000. Senator Wagner, speaking as the chairman of the National Labor Board, charged with settling indus- trial disputes, went before the Amer- ican Federation of Labor's annual convention with his suggestion that it might be necessary to compel higher wages for more skilled work- ers to bring purchasing power into balance with production and rising prices. The increased volume of total wages is due almost entirely to gains Senator Robert Wagner in employment and to rises in the minimum scale," Wagner said. "Aside from this, there has not been ap- preciable ,changes in rates of pay, and consequently the improvements in standards of living have not been general." "In view of these facts, it is essen- tial to give constant attention to wage revision. Some of the mini- mum scales should be higher, and perhaps it may be necessary to go further along the line of regulating all wages." Steel Strikers Charg e Weir With Threats Denies Remark But Admits Asking For State Troops To Stop Bloodshed PITTSBURGIL, Oct. 9. -(A)- As large segments of striking miners trooped back to the pits today, the controversy between labor and cap- ital was enlivened by the charge that E. T. Weir, chairman of the National Steel Corp., had said, "We may have to shoot a few steel strikers. Rep. Robert L. Ramsay, (Dem. W. Va.), said in Washington that he would ask the NRA Labor Boardl to investigate reports that Weir had made threats against some of the 11,- 000 workers on strike at the Weirton Steel Co. plants. Weir denied that he had made threats, but said that he had told Sheriff J. A. Tope, of Hancock County, West Virginia, that two of the strike leaders had brandished guns "and unless state police took charge of the situation there would likely be shooting in Weirton." The company posted notices today that the plant would attempt to be- gin n o r m a 1 operation tomorrow morning. Fifty state troopers are on duty at the mill's entrance. Two Arrested Students Called Before Council Two students who were arrested by local police Saturday night for drunk and disorderly conduct, and whose names are being withheld, will be brought before the Judi- ciary Committee of the Under- graduate Council, G i l1b e r t E. Bursley,' '34, President of the Council, stated last night. Action will probably be taken on the case tonight, it was understood. This is the first case of the kind which the Judiciary Committee has had to act upon since the for- mation of the new Council last year. The possible penalties which may be inflicted upon the two stu- dents now involved include sus- pension, probation, or addition of extra hours toward graduation re- quirements. Thugs Snatch Money Bag Of BankHelpers Get Away With $68,000 From Messengers Of Bank In Ohio WARREN, O., Oct. 9.-(P)-While pedestrians watched, two men snatched a money bag filled with $68,000 froi a pair of Second Na- tional Bank messengers today and raced away minutes ahead of pursu- ing peace officers. The daring daylight robbery was completed with such suddenness that the messengers, Charles Wolfe and Frank Fisher, made no effort to draw their weapons. One of the robbers carried a wea- pon, apparently a machine gun, hid- den in a shopping bag. The other flourished a revolver. As the messengers stopped their car and started across the street to the bank, the robbers walked up to them and with an abrupt "you know what this is," yanked the money bag from the hand of one of the mes- sengers. With equal suddenness they fled to a car in which a companion waited. So startled were the messengers that the big sedan had attained a high speed before the pedestrians who witnessed the holdup were aware of what had happened. It was several' minutes before po- lice and county authorities, equipped with machine. guns and shotguns, took up the chase. Announce Changes In Comedy Club Tryouts Preliminary tryouts for Comedy Club were shifted from Sarah Cas- well Angell Hall to the stage of the Laboratory Theatre, according to an announcement made yesterday by Council Will Enforce Pot Rule'-Bursley Reported Violators W ill Be Brought Up Before Council Committee Violators Are To Face Punishment Organization Heads Sign Agreement Not To Use Ineligible Freshmen Several freshmen who have been reported as violating the ruling of the Undergraduate Council in regard to the wearng of pots will be brought before the disciplinary committee of that body sometime tiis week, Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, chairman of the com- mittee and president of the council, announced last night. "We are going to do everything in our power to see that the traditions of the University are observed," Bur- sley stated, "and this is certainly one matter requiring attention. By wear- ing a pot, each freshman can demon- strate his willingness to co-operate in maintaining these traditions. First- year men found disregarding the issue entirely will be reported and steps wlll be taken to see that the import- ance of this and other University customs are impressed upon them." The discipline committee, which is to act upon all violations of the rul- ing, consists of Bursley, Chairman; Richard McManus, '34; Carl Hilty, '33; Thomas K. Connellan, '34; and James Cristy, '34Ed. In his warnng last night, Bursley pointed to the fact that the ruling is not merely an idle attempt to coerce the underclassmen into doing some- thing which is distasteful to them. The ruling will be enforced, he in- sisted, through the penalties being applied by the committee in those cases where violation has been found evident. Any freshman found guilty by the committee of not wearing his pot will be ineligible to participate in any of the following activites at the be- ginning of the second semester when the various calls for tryouts are is- sued, according to the student heads of the organizations who have signed the agreement: The Michigan Daily Business Staff, (W. Grafton Sharp, Mgr.); The Michigan Daily Editorial Staff, (Thomas K. Connelan, Managing Editor) ; Michganensian Business Staff, (Arend Vyn, Jr., Mgr.); Mich- iganensian Editorial Staff, (Wallace Graham, Managing Editor); Gar- doyle Business Staff, (Wilbur Bohn- sack, Mgr.); Gargoyle Editorial Staff, (Thomas Powers, Managing Editor); Michigan Union, (Robert Saltzstein, President). Steel Magazine States Long Decline Is Ended CLEVELAND, Oct. 9.--(P)-The seven weeks' steady decline in steel production was broken last week, the magazine Steel said today, and the average output held at 38 per cent of capacity. "Notwithstanding labor difficu- lties," the weekly review said, "Pitts- burgh district steel mills put on enough additional capacity to cancel operating losses in the Buffalo, Wheeling and New England districts. isarmament Group Meets ThisEvening Prof. Preston W. Slosson Will Describe Six-point Pacifistic Prograi Group Discussion To Follow Speech 'Disarmament Will Come Through Popular Will,' Says Professor Reed By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. Ann Arbor's disarmament mass meeting, to be held at 8 p. m. today in Hutchins Hall with Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department the principal speaker, will convene with the diplomatc sky of Europe a bright red from the flames of another serious breach between France and Germany. As European statesmen frankly talk of the next war, townspeople, students, and faculty members will be assembled to hear Professor Slos- son describe a six-point program for making the world pacifistic instead of militaristic. The meeting tonight is only a unit in many the world over called as a part of an international mobilization of public opinion in- tended to culminate in disarmament demonstrations Oct. 15 in Geneva on the eve of the conference's reconven- ing. It is intended to combat the ar- guments of .avowed militarists and those satisfied with affairs as they are. The six points to be discussed to- night are: (1) substantial reduction of existing armaments; (2) no re- armament; (3) immediate abolition of air weapons including bombing and poison gas, and abolition of all ag- gressive weapons within a definite period; (4) limitation of armaments expenditure to prevent rivalry; (5) effective supervsion of existing arms and the arms industry; and (6) a permanent organization to carry out these provisions. The local commit- tee, which is planning a series of further addresses, will act as a co- ordinating agency between the va- rious groups in Ann Arbor interested in internatonal affairs. A full discussion from the floor will be asked of those attending the meet- ing, according to committee represen- tatives. "Nothing may come of the recon- vening disarmament conference," ac- cording to Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the political science department, a member of the committee in charge of tonight's mass meeting. "It may, as many people expect, break up without result. But if so, something will happen when the delegates get home to their respective countries. "The force behind disarmament is the opinion of the people of a world crushed beneath the cost of arma- ments," he continued. "It will be set- tled by the demand of the people, not by the polite conversation of mil- itary and naval experts and diplo- matists. The issue of disarmament ought to be taken from the realm of technical discussion and met upon the basis of the unalterable human fact that competition in armaments means destruction, not only poten- tial but actual, of every country's re- sources. Chemist Inaugurated As Harvard President CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Oct. 9.- () - Dr. James Bryant Conant, internationally known chemist, to- day was inaugurated as the twenty-third president of Harvard University at a simple ceremony. Only a picked audience of 150 persons attended the shortest and most unpretentious induction of a Harvard chief executive since the early days of the University. It was in marked contrast with the pomp and pageantry which at- tended the induction of Dr. A. Lawrence Lowell, nearly a quar- ter of a century ago, when more than 13,000, including dignitaries from all parts of the world at- tended. Terms Drawn For Literary School Work Professors Sharfman And Boak On Committee For Three Years Each Prof. Arthur E. Boak and Prof. I. L. Sharfman drew the two longest terms, of three years each, on the new executive committee of the lit- erary college, it was announced yes- terday. The two second longest terms, of two years eacli, which were drawn from the lot, were picked by Prof. William H. Hobbs of the geology de- partment and Prof. DeWitt H. Park- er of the philosophy department. The last and shortest two terms of the executive committee were drawn by Prof. John W. Bradshaw of the mathematics department, and Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the political sci- ence department. These six faculty men were named by President Alexander G. Ruthven after a list of nominations had been presented to him by the faculty of the literary college. The functions of the committee are to assist Dean Kraus in investigating and formu- lating instructional policies to be presented to the faculty, to act for the college in affairs of the budget, and to make appointments and pro- motions. Members of the committee may not be reappointed to the body until one year after the expiration of a term. It is expected that this will insure spreading out of the mem- bership from term to term. Joint Sponsors Are Announced For Glee Club Professors Christian And Moore Chosen To Assist Women's Organization Prof. Palmer Christian of the music school and Prof. Earl V. Moore, head of the music school and musical di- rector of the May Festival, will spon- sor the Women's Glee Club, it was announced yesterday. They will as- sist the temporary student director, Margaret Martindale, '34SM, until a permanent faculty director is chosen to take the place vacated by Miss Nora Crane Hunt's resignaton which was tendered last spring. Miss Hunt has been appointed an honorary pat- roness. Tryouts for membership in the newly organized glee club will be held Tuesday and Thursday from 3 until 5 p. m., Wednesday from 3 until 4 p. m., and Friday from 4 until 5 p. m. Pro- fessors Christian and Moore will con- duct the tryouts in the glee club room of the League. An audition will be necessary for all old members of the organization who are still inter- ested, as well as for women who wish to participate in the club's work. An extensive program of concerts has been planned for the season, em- phasis to be placed on local work in- stead of outside engagements. A for- mal concert at Thanksgiving, the tra- ditional Christmas program, and sev- eral appearances at Hill Auditorium are scheduled for the group. Plans for the spring season have not yet been completed. This year contemporary composi- tions as well as well-known classical numbers will be featured. Concerts at Blissfield, Adrian, and a formal con- cert at the League were'the highlights of the 1932-33 season. ALPHA NU OPENS SEASON Alohai Nulwill on ~nits sncial fuc- Over 500 Pledged, NewHigh Two Fraternities Fail To Submit Preference Lists Of Freshman Rushees Fraternity Council To Meet Tomorrow To Consider Shortening Of Rushing Period And Breaking Of Pledges A record class of 516 new students were pledged to 48 fraternities last night. This number was a decided in- crease from last year's pledge class of 400. The classes which were pledged by different houses varied in size from one to twenty-three members, the average for each house being nearly 11. Although there are no definite figures, a greater number of soph- omores and juniors pledged this year than ever before, according to Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, from whose office the lists were given out. Three Without Pledges Of the 53 houses which were elig- ible to turn in preference lists, two did not avail themselves of the priv- ilege, while three houses failed to re- ceive any pledges under the prefer- ential pledge-list system which was in effect this year. As the rushing season ended, plans for minor changes in the rushing rules are under consideration by offi- cials of the Interfraternty Council and will be discussed at a meeting of the council at 8 p. m. tomorrow in the Union, according to Maxwell T. Gail, '34, secretary-treasurer. Recommendations which have come to the attention of council offi- cials include a proposal to shorten the length of the rushing season, and another to have the season open with general open-houses by all fraterni- ties in order to help both rushees and houses pare down their" lists more quickly. Several Continue Rushing Other considerations. which will come before the delegates at the meeting will be definite rulings on the breaking of pledges. In response to inquiries, Gail stated last night that the custom was to prohibit freshmen from pledging for three months if they break their pledges with a fraternity, although they may pledge immediately if the fraternity breaks their pledges for them. Several houses will continue to rush, it is understood, probably rais- ing the total number of rushees by more than 20 freshmen. A list of the pledges which. were re- ported yesterday from the office of the dean of students, to which other names have been added by houses 'which pledged additional men before press time last night, is as follows: ALPHA DELTA PHI Frank Aikens, Richard Coombs, Scott Garfield, Richard Hershey, Howard Holmes, Donald Hutton, Sanford Ladd, Homer Lathrop, Rich- ard Oliver, Harold Sears, Jack Uhl, William Widdicombe, Read Hartz. ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA Harry Comins, Jarvis Dean, Taylor Drysdale, Robert Ewell, Richard Mc- Cleish, Walter Morrison, Larry Quinn, Robert Reinhardt. James Winkworth. ALPHA RHO CHI Otto Kerschbaum, Henry Ruifrok, Robert Space, Nicholas Vincent. ALPHA SIGMA PHI Lester D. Bartley, Eugene Deming, Theodore F. Miller, Clarence D. Si- monds, Grant W. Cheney, Ernest A. Pederson, Jr., Robert Renner, William Walbridge, Harold Hertz, John Luley, Sherwood Nielson, Reginald Bushell., Otto Wolfe, Phillip Brice. ALPHA TAU OMEGA William Barney, William Burns, Thomas Clarke, Arthur Cutler, Wil- liam Fleming, Phillip Jacobs, Burton Miller, Oscar Olsen, Donald Patter- son, Elijah Poxson, Ralph E. Smalley. BETA THETA PI Francis Armstrong, Vincent Aug, John Blackburn, Frederick Harris, James Horiskey, Robert Howell, Ste- wart Johnson, Thomas Mackey, Thomas Oyler, John Seeley, Calvin Stetson, Frederick Talcott, Luther Thomas, Albert Darmstaetter. CHI PHI Wayne Andreae, George Andros, John Barnett, Roswell Curtis, Neil I I Full Assembly To Confer On Disarmament Great Powers O p p o s e d To Increased Strength Of German Arms GENEVA, Oct. 9. -(o)- The full assembly of the World Disarmament Conference will be resumed next Monday as planned, the Steering Committee decided today, buoyed up by a statement of the German dele- gate that his country desires an ac- cord. Before the vote was taken, Arthur Henderson, president of the assem- blage, warned that any postpone- ment would lend weight to reports that the nations had no intention to bring forth a genuine pact. Such a postponement, he continued, would result in suspicion. Following the decision, the com- mittee adjourned until Saturday to permiit conversations a m o n g the delegates. Almost at once Dr. Ru- dolf Nadolny, the chief Reich dele- gate, and J o s e p h Paul-Boncour, French foreign minister, got their heads together, ending talk of a deadlock. Gus Winkler, Ganoster Head, Is Murdered In Chicago Street CHICAGO, Oct. 9-(P)-Gus Wink- ler, affluent and sinister power in the world of gangsters, was assassi- nated today as his hand turned the doorknob of a beer distributing de- pot. Three killers motored down a North Side street in an old green truck as Winkler strolled up to the door. The truck slowed down. Guns were poked out, and a blast of buck- shot poured into Winkler's back. He fell, and the shotguns roared again. Sixty-five wounds had been torn into his body. He lived just 40 minutes. "You're dying," the police whis- pered to him at John A. Murphy hos- pital. "Who shot you?" Winkler moaned for wateir, for a clergyman; but he said no word about his killers. It was rumored his body, it became known that he had been indicted in connection with the postoffice robbery. Though a coroner's jury held that he had com- mitted suicide, some authorities ven- tured an opinion that there was a possibility that he had been slain. Police sought to piece together a complete picture of far-flung bond and bank robberies, the loot of which may have passed through a central fence in Chicago as they investigated the Winkler slaying. Agent and past heir of the Al Ca- pone underworld power, Winkler had flashed into prominence in recent years as a go-between for bank rob- bers operating throughout the land. Because of that reputation, Govern- ment agents hunted him down a fortnight ago to be questioned con- cerning the Urschel kidnaping, the search for Machine Gun George Kel- lv_ anrd the kiilling o-f P oliema n, TMiles