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October 08, 1933 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-08

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OCT. 8, 1933





a y lu ni graduate Students Will and Dean C. Carl Huber of the grad-
Hol ynAeatonis uate school will address the convo-
.Hold Convocation Sooncation, which will be followed by an
Vsit Ca mpus A convocation for students in the informal receptin in the ballroom,
rT 0 ~d ;raduate school will be held at 6 p. m. where Dr. and Mrs. Ruthven and Dr.
T1s W eek-end ruesday in Lydia Mendellsohn The- and Mrs. Huber will receive. Al Cow-
ater at the League. an's band will furnish dance music at
Pledging And State Game President Alexander G. Ruthven the reception.
Bring Graduates Back MODERN BEAUTY SHOP
To Numerous Houses OUR SPECIAL
The opening football game and in- (With LeoAND INER WAVE ........35c
re nds pdging ougt m y OIL PUSH PERMANENT WAVE . . . . . . . $2.00
friends and alumni to visit sororities, CRQINL PRAET
dormitories, and fraternity houses. CROQUIGNOLE PERMANENT,
With plenty of ringlet ends.
ALPHA PHI T hese waves are complete............ $2.50
Alumnae returning for the Alpha 4 MANICURE.. 35c' EYEBROW ARCH..25c
Phi pledging are as follows: Con- Phone 2-1478 113 South Main St.
stance Krentler, '32, Pleasant Ridge;
Marie Stoezner, '32, Detroit; Lucy
Whitworth, '31, Dearborn; and Betty
Healey, '32, AnnArbor. R U D O L P H ' S B E A U T Y S H O P
COLLEGIATE SOROSIS Over the Marilyn Dress Shop 208 Mich. Theatre Bldg.
Alumnae who attended Collegiate PHONE 2-2757
Sorosis pledging are as follows: Mrs. SPECIAL FOR A LIMITED TIME
Jesse Reeves, Mrs. M. W. Wheeler, Shelton's Oil of Tulip Wood Permanent
Mrs. Joseph Bursley, Mrs. Herman -, Wave, Croquignole or Spiral-
Kleene, Mrs. Earl B. Moore, Mrs. Ed- $6.00 COMPLETE
gar Durfee, Mrs. George Patterson, This is our regular $10.00 wave given by operators who
Mrs. Robert Angell, Mrs. Archibald " are are qualified and licensed by the Shelton Co. They
are push up waves with real ringlet end curls. Requires
Diack, Mrs. Peter Van Boven, Miss no finger waving afterwards. Given on our new machine
MrChitMiss Ellen Reeves, Miss and will not discolor white or gray hair.
Mary Christi, Marcel, Manicure, Hot oil shampoo, Eyebrow arch, Eyebrow tintha r
Isabelle Hubbard, Miss Alice Russel, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - Shampoo and Finger Wave 50c each
Miss Geraldine Russel, Miss Martha
Wheeler, Miss Virginia Ladd, Miss
Elizabeth Ladd, Miss Louise Breakey,
and Miss Fredeicka Waldron, all of
Ann Arbor. Miss Louise Cody, and ;13 p
Miss Margaret Thompson, both ofJR
Detroit, and Mrs. George Dolliver,
Battle Creek, came to Ann Arbor for WEDOe~ A"
the pledging. + " " WEDooour PART
Alumni visiting Sigma Phi this An Actual $5 Value!
week-end are Ned Skae, '31, Detroit; SPIRAL OR CROQUIGNOLE
Bill Haag, '28, Cleveland; Jack Hib-WAVE
bard, '18, Grand Rapids; George WHY THIS ER For Only
Hutchinson, '33, Sewickley, Pa.
Among the alumnae who returned WAVE that actually
improves your hair
to the Gamma Phi Beta house to at- by steaming the oil Fully
tend the pledging ceremony were Mrs. directly into the hair ully
shaft while giving Guaranteed
Nathan Potter, Mrs. Waldo Abbot, the wave. Complete
Mrs. James Breakey, Mrs. Rudolph 2-Your hair comes orf the
Winnacker, Mrs. Earl Wolaver, Miss winders in a natural curil not
Lynda Eberbach, Miss Jane Breakey, kinky or fuzzy.
Lyna bebah,3-It is a Push-up wave that
Miss Carolyn Potter, and Laura Fin- needs no finger waving.
ley, all of Ann Arbor. From Detroit, 4-It gives a deep, strong wave
with perfect ringlet ends
came Miss Marianna Joslyn, Miss Fra Dill not discolor white hair.
Loomis, Dorothy Seens, and Carol 5-Every wave is tested and
give by an expert. A gua-
Savery, Miss Pansy Blake, of Wyan- anteed wave backed by a shop
dotte. with a proven reputation.
After pledging a buffet lunch was shampoo and
served. LA PETITE Finger Wave .
Marcel ............
Among the alumnae spending the (Shops in other Michigan cities) Scalp Treatment ...
Amok-ngatthe Almna Esning thei 10E. Washington (upstairs) Eye Brow Dye....
week-end at the Alpha Epsilon Phi Phone3308 Facial............
sorority are: Jean Rosenthal, '33, of Open evenings by appointment Manicuring.......
Evansville, Ind., and Perry Fiske, '33,
- of Detroit. The new pledges were en-
tertained at a luncheon yesterday.
Alumni and guests in Ann Arbor
yesterday for the game were Thur-
low Coon, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Delbridge, Detroit; Mr. and
Mrs. D. D. DeWeese, Wayne; Fred-
erick Taylor, Toledo; Wade Morrow,
Texas. Miss Tommy Keller from
Michigan State College was also a
guest at the house. !1
Norman Hackett, '98, national sec-
retary of Theta Delta Chi, will be
the guest of the local chapter today
and tomorrow.
Several alumnae returned to attend A nd Shoes Like
pledging at the Sigma Kappa house
yesterday. Among them were Jose-
phine Ruten and Ruth Matthews of T Ta K for
Detroit; Bernadine Winton, Ann Ar-
bor; and Odeyne Gillette, Grand
Rapids.Th nsle
Three Houses Have
Additional Pledges
Alpha Omicron Pi, Phi Sigma
Sigma, and Sigma Kappa announce
additional pledge lists.

Helen Wroughton, Detroit; Delta'
Glass, New York; Margaret Holden,
New York; Rose Durham, Owosso;
Mary Baxter, Philadelphia; Mary
Matthews, Detroit; and Laura Zim-
merman, Owosso.
Thelma Chasman, Brooklyn, N. Y.,
Bernadine Field, Fort Wayne; Sylvia STYLES '
Ginsberg, Grand Rapids; Mildred
Golder, Gladwin; Ardella Levison,
Detroit; Frances Seitner, Ann Arbor;
Eva Schniderman, Erie, Pa.; Lillian
Vinacow, Flint; Thelma Mermelstein,
McKeesport, Pa.
Pearl Icheldinger, of Ann Arbor,
and Jacqueline Sanborn, Lansing. Others
Michigan Alumnae $5.95
To Open Club YearAAto
The Ann Arbor group of Michigan
women will open the club year with SUEDE
a tea at 3 p. m., Oct. 20 in the League. Black -- Brown
Mrs. Arthur Vandenberg, well-known
Michigan alumna and wife of Sen- CARUCCA
ator Vandenberg, will speak on
"Washington Personalities." Dean Black - Brown
Alice C. Lloyd will give a talk on the I I1C I[I!





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