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October 08, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-08

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_ __ _A _

Freshmen R a t e
Higher Than '36
SHealth Exam
Class All Men In Three
Grou Which Receive
Varied Instruction
Supervise Exercise
Find Large Number With
Low Arches; Only 155
Have 'A' Posture

Target Of Striking;Illino is Mine Workers' Bullets

The physical examination which
the new students on campus went
through recently, is for the purpose
of determining whether or not they
can take physical education and en-
ter athletic activities, said Doctor
George A. May, head of the physical
education department for men.
But there is still another reason
Dr. May continues. The examina-
tion is given by the health depart-
ment in order that they might pro-
vide the incoming student with ad-
vice and -action in the way of pre-
vention and protection of disease.
Dr. May also said that the men stu-
dents were placed in groups exemp-
lifying their rating physically and
medically, so that their physical ed-
ucation throughout the ensuing year
would act as a direct benefit to their
physical and medical deficiencies.
Dr. May Groups Freshmen
Keeping this idea in mind, Dr.
May has already grouped the fresh-
men in various sections depending
upon the outcome on their medical
and physical examination. Dr. May
is under the impression that on the
average the freshmen are quite an
improvement both in their medical
and physical condition in compari-
son with the freshmen last year.
Based on the total of 871, the
freshmen this year have been
grouped into the following sections:
Group I - in which the students
have nothing physically or mentally
wrong with them, and received
health cards. There are 720 fresh-
men in this group. Group II- men
having minor defects and are sup-
posed to go back to the Health Serv-
ice for a re-check, have 182 fresh-
men. Group III - this is a mixed
The first 'part .or A. consists of
men having medical defects and
whose exercise and activities should
be restricted; no health cards are
given these men; in this class there
are 28. B. of Group III are men
with physical defects who have poor
posture or have trouble with their
feet, or other corrective defects. It
l the aim of Dr. May here to correct
these men by proper treatment and
exercises. There are 118 freshmen in
this class and they are all given
health cards. Group IV - men in
this group are under care of the
Health Service, at least temporarily;
in this class there are five freshmen.
Group V - consists of those unfortu-
nates who are crippled and perma-
nently disabled, some have rhumatic
heart and exercise is absolutely for-
bidden. In this group there are 19.
Corrective Exercises Given
It is interesting to note the condi-
tion of the yearlings in respect to
their posture. In class "A" in which
the person has good posture there
are 155 freshmen. In Class "B'
which designates fair posture, with
only slight defects, there are 598.
And in class "C" in which those
are placed who have poor posture
with one or more major defects,
there are 118. Again it is the desire
of Dr. May to correct these students
posture by the orthopedic exercise to
be given in his grouped classes in
Waterman Gym.
A compilation of the statistics re-
garding the condition of the feet,
based on the longitudinal type of fat
foot, reveals that many freshmen
will find it a wise thing to engage
themselves with the classes in order
to correct their defective feet. There
are, in the freshman class 415 men
that have feet supported by a nor-
mal arch. There are 366 men with
low arches, but they are not all nec-
essarily defective. And 84 men have
have flat feet with their arches flat
on the ground. All men who took
the examination were explained the
exercises which would help them re-
gain their normal arch. Dr. May
said that his idea is to prevent these
rien from having painful trouble in

later years by prescribing corrective
exercises for their feet ailments. Dr.
May said that he had already talked
with a half a dozen men who were.
complaining of much pain because of
fiat feet.
Prof. Hobart H. Willard returned
yesterday after a three weeks' leave
of absence from Hartford, Conn.,
where he has been participating as
technical expert for General Motors
Corporation in a patent suit brought
by United Chromium, Inc.

-Associated Press Photo
This auto was one of the many riddled by an army of pickets during
a reign of terror at a coal mine at Harrisburg, Ill. At least 15 persons,
many of them tourists, were wounded before state guardsmen broke
Fritz Kreisler, Violinist Will
lay In Ann Arbor November

1933 Business
Graduates Find
Many Positions
Prof. Fisher Announces
That 75 Per Cent Are
Placed With Firms
The School of Business Adminis-
tration has recently received definite
information that 75 per cent of last
year's graduating class have found
positions with well-known business
firms throughout the country, Prof.
Ernest M. Fisher said yesterday. The
rest of the class have not been heard
from and may have found positions
without notifying the school.
Although the School maintains a
placement service for its graduates,
of which Professor Fisher is director,
it does not take credit for the finding
of positions for the whole 75 per
cent since many graduates have se-
cured jobs through their own efforts.
The purpose of the service, it was
explained, is to afford business or-
ganizations that are in need of men
with the special training whichthe
School of Business Administration
provides an opportunity tf meet
these men and to become acquainted
with their qualifications. Professor
Fisher acts for the rest of the fac-
ulty in making these contacts. Al-
though the service assumes no ob-
ligations in the matter of finding
jobs for the graduates, it does ev-
erything it can to help the newly-
made business man to find a position
in which he can utilize his knowl-
The service aids the student, also,
in finding the kind of work he likes
or for which he is best suited and in
making the necessary contacts. The
graduate is helped, too, in presenting
his qualifications in the most effec-
tive manner.
Previous to the "depression" the
service placed all of the graduates
and could have placed more, Profes-
sor Fisher said. Last year the School
heard of the placement of 85 per
cent of its graduates up to the first
of October. The difference in the
actual figures of placements for this
year and last may be attributed to
the fact that many more graduates
have found positions for themselves
due, probably, to increased employ-
ment caused by the NRA and they
have not as yet notified the School
of their good fortune, Professor Fish-
er said.
Frank Terry, 301 North State St.,
collapsed about 9 a. m. yesterday at
theintersection of Catherine and Di-
vision Sts. He was taken to St. Jo-
seph's Hospital in an ambulance
where attendants announced him
dead. Coroner Ganzhorn stated the
man died from a heart attack.

Adelphi To Debate
Against Engineers

Sigma Rho Tau Stump Speakers
Society, has formally challenged
Adelphi House of Representatives,
Literary speakers society, to a debate
which will be held Nov. 1.
Sigma Rho Tau has accepted the
subject offered by Adelphi concern-
ing the "Civilian Conservation
Corps." A formal statement of the
question will be announced later.
It was announced by Eric Sommers
'35E, chairman of Sigma Rho Tau's
foreign relations committee, that the
first activity of the society this year
will be a series of tryouts for the
adelphi debates. All men interested
in making the debating team of the
Stump Speakers society are asked to
Snotify Mr. Sommers.
State To Ask
Local Groups
In Welfare Aid
Number Of Families On
Lists Started Increasing
In August
LANSING, Oct. 7.--(P)-The state
will ask communities to maintain re-
lief budgets and to make appropria-
tions from new sources to meet a
seasonal increased drain on welfare
funds, Fred R. Johnson, state emer-
gency welfare director, said today.
The number of families on welfare
lists started increasing in August,
after a summer reduction, Johnson
said. In that month there were an
estimated 147,357 dependent families
in the state, with relief expenditures
of $3,435,000, as compared with 139,-
776 families and $3,124,666 in July.
No comparable figures for 1932 were
To meet the expected greater de-
mand for aid, communities are being
asked to deprive themselves in other
directions if necessary to maintain
relief budgets. In addition counties
are being asked to set aside as much
as possible for welfare work from
their share of state highway funds.
The state, under its new $12,000,000
welfare relief law, is receiving $1,000,-
000 a month from sales tax revenues.
This is being apportioned to the
counties on the basis of need, and not
according to population, Johnson
said. The index used is the number
of dependants compared to local abil-
ity to pay.
Supervisors of Washtenaw County
will meet Monday morning at the
County building. A school examiner
will be elected as well as two audi-
tors, a commissioner of the poor and
a sealer of weights and masures.

Hillel Society
Will Sponsor
COurses Soon
Registration for classes given by
the Hillel Foundation will take place
Sunday morning, Rabbi Bernard
Heller, director of the foundation,
announced. The courses offered are
to be given free and are open to the
general public.
The classes sponsored by the foun-
dation are as follows: "Dramatic
Moments in the History of Judaism,"
which will be led by Dr. Heller. This
course will not essentially concern
itself with the history of the Jewish
people - but rather with its culture
and civilization. 'Jewish Ethics" is
a course which will be given by Mr.
Hirsch Hopkins, instructor in the
Department of Romance Languages.
The subject matter of this course
will be presented from the historical
and genetic points of ;view. The
ethical precepts and customs will be
traced from their very beginning to
their fullest development. "Post-
Biblical Literature of the Jews," is a
course that will represent a survey
and a study of the character of the
literary creations of the Jew after
the completion of the Bible. The
method pursued will be through dis-
cussions, lectures and readings. Class
for this course will meet Friday eve-
nings immediately after the service.
"Jewish Music,'" led by George Gal-
vani, cantor and musical director, of
'the Temple -Beth-El, Detroit, will;
be .devoted primarily to the classic
music of the synagogue. Its unique1
character and form will be analyzed.
The course will consist of lectures
and illustrative renditions by Mr.
Galvani, who is a graduate of the4
Staats Hochscule of Berlin and the
Conservatory of Naples.

Rhead Will Appear
In McClung Recital
Mabel Ross Rhead, associate pro-
fessor of piano in the School of Mu-
sic, who recently returned from a
summer in Europe, wiU appear as
piano accompanist before the St. Ce-
celia Society in Grand Rapids, on
Thursday evening, on the accasion of
a voice recital by Marjorie McClung,
who received her master's degree in
voice last year.
Miss McClung is about to leave
for special study in Vienna and Ber-
lin and is giving a farewell recital
in her home town, Grand Rapids,
under the auspices of the St. Cecelia
Society before departing.
Senator Dale
Succumbs To
Heart At a ck
Republican Senator From
Vermont Dies At 66 Of
Severe Heart Attack
ISLAND POND, Vt., Oct. 7.-(A)--
United States Senator Porter Hin-
man Dale lay dead today at his sum-
mer home in the nearby mountain
town of Newark-victim of a heart
Dale, a Republican and the senior
United States senator from Vermont,
was 66. He had been stricken ill
about a month ago but apparently
had recovered. Three days ago he
suffered a heart attack and failed to
He was born at Island Pond, March
1, 1867, attended Vermont schools
and later studied at Philadelphia and
Boston. For two years he was as-
sociated with James E. Murdoch,
Shakespearean actorand scholar,
He studied law under his father,
the late George N. Dale. In 1896,
hand in hand with the practice of
law, he became interested in diver-
sified enterprises. He served in the
state militia and was made a colonel
on the staff of Gov. Grout.
In 1910 he was elected to the Ver-
mont senate and for several years
he was a member of the Republican
state committee. He later served five
terms-in the house of representatives.
The height of his political power
came during the more recent years.
He was elected to serve an unex-
pired term in the United States Sen-
ate, Nov. 6, 1923, and subsequently
was twice re-elected.
He leaves his widow, ,two sons,
George, a Washington lawyer, and
Timothy, an Island Pond banker, and
a daughter.

Fritz Kreisler, the world-renowned
Austrian violinist, who occupies a
place in the world of violin virtuosi,
similar to that held by the match-
less Paderewski, among pianists, will
make his eighth Ann Arbor appear-
ance on Tuesday, Nov. 9. His pre-
vious engagements have been spread
over a span of more than thirty
years. He was first heard in old
University Hall, Dec. 11, 1900 and
again in the same building, March 22,
1910. On Dec. 8, 1916, he appeared
for the first time in Hill Auditorium.
He appeared there on Jan. 9, 1922,
Jan. 31, 1927, Dec. 13, 1928 and Oct.
13, 1930, thus three years will have
elapsed since he was last heard in
the Choral Union Concert series.
Mr. Kreisler, may be termed a uni-
versal artist, for his tours take him
to all parts of the civilized world. The
demand for Kreisler concerts is so
great that time precludes engage-
ments except in the outstanding mu-
sical centers. No violinist of our time
has equalled him in his hold upon
the public and none has won and
maintained that hold by higher qual-
ity. Season after season whatever the
place or the occasion, his audiences
fill halls or auditoriums to the doors.
Music lovers .and Kreisler admirers
coming from hundreds of miles to
listen totheir favorite performance.
These eager listeners include not
only lovers of violin music but mu-
sicians in general and laymen alike
who are quick to recognize his great
mastery in art.
Other attractions in this year's
Choral Union Series include: Lily
Pons; Rachmaninoff; Poldi Mildner,
the cyclonic pianist; Maria Olszew-
Regents Name Old
Law Building After
Erasmus 0. Haven
For the benefit of those puzzled
students who have been wandering
around the campus vainly attempt-
ing to find a building marked "Ha-
ven Hall," The Daily is repeating its
announcement of the existence of
such a building.t
Haven Hall is the new name given
to the old Law Building. When the
law school moved to its new quarters
in Hutchins Hall, someone decided
that the name of the old Law Build-
ing should be changed. The Regents
at their last meeting, renamed it Ha-
ven Hall in honor of the late Eras-
tus O. Haven, president of the Uni-
versity from 1863 to 1869. The name
is said to be appropriate as President
Haven is the only one of the early
presidents who has not had a build-
ing named for him. The old Law
Building was completed in 1863, the
first year of President Haven's term.
There is also a Haven Hall on the
campus of Cornell University named
after the same Erastus O. Haven.
Dean Orvill C. Snyder of the Col-
umbus College of Law has taken to
the Ohio Supreme Court a recom-
mendation that the court appoint a
commission to investigate all Ohio
law schools with a view to raising the
standards for admission to the bar
in the state.

ska, opera star and Piatigorsky, the
distinguished violoncellist; as well as
the famous Vienna Boys' Choir,
found by imperial decree in 1498; and
three outstanding orchestras, the
Boston Symphony with Koussevitzky,
wielding the baton over its full
quota of more than one hundred and
ten players; The Cincinnati Sym-
phony, Orchestra, with its full com-
plement of performers, with Eugene
Goossens, the distinguished contem-
porary conductor making his Ann Ar-
bor debut; and the Detroit Symphony
Orchestra, with Ossip Gabrilowitsch,
Expedition Is
Undertaken y
Museum Sitaff
Creaser And Clanton Will
Look For Crustaceans In
Missouri Streams
Two members of the Museum of
Zoology staff left yesterday for a
three week trip in the Ozark Moun-
tains where they will collect speci-
mens for the museum. E. P. Creaser,
curator of crustaceans, and Wesley
Clanton, research associate in herpe-
tology, compose the expedition. They
will search the streams and caves
60 miles southwest of Saint Louis in
a remote mountainous district for
various water animals.
The waterflows in this part of Mis-
souri are remarkable in that each
has a different series of species; the
geological history of the country is
largely determined by the location of
species. Creaser is particularly anx-
ious to bring back alive some of the
blind fish, salamanders, crayfish, and
crickets found in the numerous caves
in this section.
Snakes gather together in bands
preparatory to their hibernation at
this time and the party hopes to run
across some of these groups in which
they could easily capture 60 or 70
for the division of herpetology. Crea-
ser will set nets for fish and crus-
taceans in the streams.
Expeditions were sent to this part
of Missouri in 1930 and 1931 and it
proved such interesting country that
this party was sent. They will es-
tablish headquarters in' Ironton, near
the famed Iron Mountain, which ge-
ologists at one time believed to be
of solid iron but, on investigation
was found to be merely covered by a
veneer of iron ore.

Speech Grou'p Gets
More than 100 applications have
been received from freshmen engi-
neers by Sigma Rho Tau, engineer-
ing speech society, it was announced
yesterday by Saul M. Ferman, '34E.
Sigma Rho Tau will hold a smoker
Wednesday evening for the benefit of
freshman engineers and students
with advanced credit who are enter-
ing the College of Engineering for
the first time this year..
At the regular business meeting
the methods of the society and plans
for training will be discussed, Fer-
man said. Ten circle leaders have
been selected by the executive com-
mittee and formation of circles will
be made at the meeting.
Assistant Dean Alfred H. Lovell has
been announced as the speaker of
the evening. He has chosen as his
topic, "Public Utilities."


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Lake Man Is
By Racketeers

The pressure of modern racketeer-
ing was felt yesterday at Whitmore
Lake when three men approached
Chester Wlordarski, contractor, and
asked to see his union card. Wlor,
darski who is building a hardware
store did not have a union card,
and the men warned him not to be
working there tomorrow if he valued
his health.
The three men drove away before
Wlordarski could get their license
number. He reported the affair to
Sheriff's office.



makes poor soil good
and good soil better .
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