The Weather Cloudy, probably accompan- led by rain and colder in ex- treme east portion today, LY Sirt Iaiti Editorials Slosson On Disarmament a VOL. XLIV No. 13 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCT. 8, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS NRA Outlaws Are Attacked By Rooseve lt President Declares T h a t It Is No Time To Seek Personal Gain '.Lost' Umbrellas Rented By An English Railroad LONDON, Oct. 7.-())-Eng- land's rainy days are coming- so a railway is undertaking an um- brella service. The service will enable travelers to borrow one of the unclaimed "lost property" umbrellas for the day if the outlook is showerywhen they get to their destinations. Passengers - who hold season tickets-known in America as commutation tickets-will be al- lowed a "gamp" by paying four cents a day. Travelers who hold ordinary tickets will be required to deposit $1.25. Gives Address At Gompers Memorial Speaks Strongly Against 'Hotheads' In Ranks Of Laboring Classes WASHINGTON, O c t. 7 - (P) - President Roosevelt today publicly assailed the NRA "objectors" who are handicapping his recovery pro- gram and asserted this was no time "to seek special privilege, undue ad- vantage, or personal gain, because we face today a crisis." Before entering a conference at the White House to urge steel manu- facturers to see if they could not settle the soft coal strike in their mines in western Pennsylvania, Mr. Roosevelt told the American Federa- tion of Labor that "unselfish patriot- ism" must come first in the economic rehabilitation effort. The President said there were "hotheads" in workers' ranks who think that results can be obtained by noise and violence" and some em- ployers who prefer government by a privileged class instead of by ma- jority rule. "But it is clear," he asserted, "that the sum of the objectors on both sides cuts a very small figure in the total of employers and employees alike, men and women, who are go- ing along wholehearted in the war against depression." He said the federation which had halted its annual convention here for a dedication, must settle its juris- dictional and other disputes of the recovery program was to go ahead full speed. Mr. Roosevelt added; the "over- whelming majority" or workers and employes w e r e co-operating the share work drive. But he likened the few recalcitrants to picking horses that would be lassoed and "put in a corral." Praising the trade union organiza- tion work of Gompers, the President emphasized the progress of the last 22 years by saying he and Gompers, Senator Wagner, of New York, and Alfred E. Smith, were labelled "dan- gerous radicals" when they obtained passage of a bill in the New York legislature limiting the work of women in industry to 54 hours a week. Imprisonment For Life Given o Kidnapers Gangsters Are Sentenced In Urschel Case; Receive Maimum Penalty OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct. 7.-(I)- Sentence of life imprisonment, the maxinum penalty under the new federal kidnaping law, were dealt out today to Harvey Bailey, prison- breaking desperado, Albert Bates, Denver gangster, and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Shannon, Texas farm folk, for the Charles F. Urschel kidnaping. Federal Judge Edgar S. Vaught, fixed the sentences in closing the first days of the government's roundup and prosecution of the gang that ab- ducted the millionaire oil man last July 22nd and collected $200,000 ransom for his release, Armon Shannon, 22-year-old son of R. G. Shannon, on whose farm near Paradise, Tex., Urschel was held in irons and blindfolds for nine days, was given a ten-year suspended sen- tence conditioned upon his future good conduct. Two Minneapolis men, Edward Berman and,; Clifford Skellj, 'con- victed as "money changers" in the ransom deal, received five-year sen- tences. Their attorney, J. B. Dud- ley, gave notice of appeal immedi- ately. The sentences were pronounced before a crowded courtroom. Thous- ands thronged the streets outside the federal building to get a glimpse of the gang that was rounded up, con- victed and sentenced within 75 days after Urschel was abducted from his home by two men named by the Gov- no'nfm a .0A lnvca 11 Highway Work Hurried Along By our States Michigan, Kentucky, Indi. ana, And Illinois Rush For Share Of Cash CHICAGO, Oct. 7.-(P)-Slow to respond at first to the offer of free roads, the four states of Illinois, Ken- tucky, Michigan and Indiana are now stepping briskly up to the wishing window. The Chicago office of the bureau of roads may distribute three-fourths of the $60,000,000 it has for the re- gion by next July, officials say. To date, said J. T. Voshell, head of the Chicago office, it has approved enough highway work to make con- siderable business for cement mills and quarries this winter. Although construction, where it has been started, will stop in another month, contracts will be let throughout the winter, and Voshell expects they will result almost immediately in orders for materials. The state highway departments have delayed asking for the govern- ment's free roads for two reasons, the bureau engineers explain. The gov- ernment's offer-to put $400,000,000 into highways-found the four states without much road work in mind.' Too, for Federal approval, the roads must be of a particular sort-they. must fit into state and even national oad plans. A definite part must be main roads, and equally definite parts must be feeder roads and spurs of established roads. The new roads must fit into the system of "Federal aid roads" built before the depression, when the government was only paying half the cost. "The bureau hopes to build no in- advisable roads," Voshell explains. A sample of the mathematics in- volved is this: States which have finished 90 per cent of their "Federal aid" roads- which could not be more than 7 per cent of all their roads-may have free roads of the same sort (usually main roads) to the extent of another one per cent. When this new one per cent is 90 per cent completed, the states are entitled to another one per cent. HONDURAS FLOODED TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras, Oct. 7.-P)--Floods and widespread property destruction followed on the heels of a tropical storm today, with heavy damage resulting to roads, bridges, communication lines, and houses. In the capital a landslide of Ber- rinche hill endangered National the- ater, the British legation, the tele- graph and postoflice and the Belgian consulate. Dismissal Of Wilcox Asked By Skillman Grand Jury Investigation Finds Sheriff Guilty Of PaddingExpenses Comstock's Action On Ouster Awaited Petition Charges Women Visitors Were Allowed In Prisoners' Cells LANSING, Oct. 7.-(P)-A peti- tion demanding the removal of Sher- iff Thomas C. Wilcox, of Wayne county (Detroit) tonight awaited ac- tion by Gov. William A. Comstock. The ouster demand was brought to the executive's desk today from the court of Judge W. McKay Skillman, Detroit, but the governor was absent. The petition by Judge Skillman, who presided over a grand jury which investigated a number of charges sur- rounding Wilcox's conduct of the Sheriff's office, charges general mis- feasance in office, solicitation of money from slot machine and road- house operators, and padding of ex- pense accounts for the transfer of prisoners. Wilcox is a Democrat. In his findings, Judge Skillman charged that Wilcox, in a conference with underworld characters in a downriver resort set a price of $10,- 000 for the slot machine concession in Wayne county, and that he ap- pointed Dr. Mark Herzfield as under- sheriff, although knowing that the latter had had dealings with alleged underworld characters relative to protection in return for campaign contributions. Judge Skillman's petition charged that certain prisoners in the county jail were permitted to have liquor and entertain women in their cells while serving sentences and that vis- itors were allowed at the cells while serving sentences and that visitors were allowed at the jail without proper supervision and control. The petition charges that neglect on the part of the sheriff and his staff permitted one wholesale jail break and the escape of two convicted felons from his custody and thl smuggling into the jail of firearms and other weapons. It also charges that with Herzfield, he levied assessments against the first salaries of newly-appointed dep- uty sheriffs for the purchase of a diamond-studded badge for himself, the amount collected being in ex- cess of the purchase price of the badge. He charges also that he ob- tained several thousand dollars from the state through falsification of ex- pense vouchers for guards who took prisoners to distant penal institutions. Former Cashier Denies Benton Harbor Theft BENTON HARBOR, Oct. 7.-()- Elmer Fisher, former cashier of the Bentor Harbor State Bank, was ar- raigned in justice court today on charges of embezzling $2,800 from the bank. He demanded an examina- tion, which was set for Nov. 9. Bond of $1,500 was not furnished. Fisher waived extradition when ar- rested in Chicago and was brought here on a warrant signed by Walter A. Kirby, of the Michigan attorney- general's offiice. Fisher was made cashier of the bank when it was reorganized a year ago, but resigned in June. Rushees May Still Get Lists, KelleyStates Dean's Office Will Supply Preference Slips To All Who Did Not Get Them Messenger Failed To Find Some Men Fraternities And Rushees Will Learn Results By Mail On Monday Fraternity rushees who did not re- ceive preference lists by messenger Friday night and who believe that tlhey -should have received them have been urged by B hel B. Kelley, '34, president of t Interfraternity Council, to presen themselves at the dean's office, Roo 4 University Hall, as early as possible and indicate their preference, since several new stu- dents who were house lists were not found by off als of the council who were deliverig the lists. Nearly all of th 800 or more stu- dents whose nam s were on house lists handed in their preferences yes- terday, and these will be correlated with the house lists. Both frater- nities and rushees will learn the re- sults of the rushing season by mail Monday morning., A complete list of fraternity pledges and their houses will ap- pear on the Society Page of next Tuesday's Daily. No violations of the period of si- lence have been reported to officers of the Interfraternity Council, it was stated last night. . According to the rules, rushees will report for pledging at 6 p. m., Mon- day. No contact will be permitted between fraternity men and new stu- dents before that time. Rushees who received lists but who did not return them to the office of the dean will be ineligible for pledging until the beginning of next semester, according to the rushing rules, which also prohibit any new student from pledging during this semester any house not on his list. Fraternities may pledge any stu- dent not ineligible under the ruling after Monday, such pledgings to be reported to the dean's office as soon as made. u nitarians Of Michigan Will Convene Here The Unitarian Church will play host today and tomorrow to a joint convention of the Universalist and Unitarian churches of Michigan. Fourteen churches are represented in the conference which will be opened at 10:45 a. m. today with a sermon, "Problem of Maturity," to be given by the Rev. Roscoe A. Wal- ters of the Universalist Church of Lansing. At 6:30 p. m. the Young People's Group, under the leadership of Charles R. Joy of Boston and the Rev. Theodore A. Lapp, will discuss the topic, "Youth Questions the Church." At the First Methodist Episcopal Church Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will. deliver the second of a series of ser- mons, "What is God Like?" Imme- diately following the sermon Dr. Fisher will lead a -forum at Wesley Hall. The Rev. Henry Lewis, of St. An- drews Episcopal Church, will speak this morning on "The Religious Ap- proach to Human Needs." "Our Debt to Christianity" will be discussed by the Rev. R. Edward Sayles, minister of the First Baptist Church, at 10:45 p. m. At noon How- ard R. Chapman, minister for stu- dents will meet with the Student Group at the Guild House. ABANDON HITCH-HIKER HUNT GRAND RAPIDS, Oct. 7.-(P)-Of- ficers abandoned their search -for a hitch-hiker who had been accused by Lester Floyd, Manistee chiroprac- tor, of flogging and robbing him, when Deputy Sheriff Jay Schenck reported that Floyd had admitted the story was a fabrication. Schenck quoted Floyd as saying he had con- ceived the story to impress his wife, with whom he had quarreled. Floyd was partially paralyzed and blinded when he fell asleep and his car struck a tree. Michigan In Beating State { PlayTryouts Announced By Comedy Club Wednesday And Thursday Set As Dates; Plan To Hold Banquet Excels On Offense The public announcement of outs for Comedy Club marks Powerful Running Attack, try- the opening of the present season's ac- tivities for one of the oldest cam- pus dramatic societies. The first two tryouts for the or- ganization will be held at 4 p. m. Wednesday and Thursday in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, according to Clarence W. Moore, '34, president of Comedy Club. This meeting will be devoted to a hearing and judging of the work which is to be presented by the students applying for member- ship. Following the hearing the club will make final eliminations. All the students who are successful will be notified by phone, Moore said, and will participate in a final tryout hear- ing, Friday afternoon. A banquet in honor of the newly elected members will be held at 7 p. m., Oct. 17, in the Union. Work on the first play of the year will begin the latter part of the month, Moore announced. It will be presented in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre some time in the middle of November. New members will be al- lowed to participate in the first pro- duction, he said. While the season is too young to formulate any definite plans for the season, the president of the club said, successes are under consideration. Direction for the season's produc- tions is still uncertain, according to announcements, but negotiations are pending with Amy Loomis, director of the Vacation Theatre at Traverse City, and with Ainsworth Arnold, a member of the Henderson company in Detroit. Both Miss Loomis and Mr. Arnold have been connected with Comedy Club before at one time or another. Miss Loomis, well-known in dramatic circles for many years, was formerly a member of the club, while Mr. Arnold directed "Murray Hill" last year. "Tryouts should remember that it is imperative that they come to one of the first meetings as no one canobe considered Friday who has not been selected from one of the previous hearings," Moore explained. "Each student will be limited to three min- utes and will not be allowed to read from any script or receive help from anyone. Poetry of any sort and Shakespeare are not adviseable." HERMAN EVERHARDUS Dr. Courtis To Talk Today On Radio Series Dr. S. A. Courtis of the education school will speak today on the second of a series of parent education broad- casts, sponsored each Sunday by the Extension Division, the School of Education, and the Michigan Con- gress of Parents and Teachers. Sunday parent-teacher talks will be given at a new hour this year, it has been announced. They will be heard from 6 to 6:30 p. m. instead of at 5 p. m. as formerly. Dr. Courtis's subject today will be "Philosophy of Reconstruction in Education." Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell, director of intramural sports, will speak next Sunday on the third introductory program of the series which is to last 19 weeks, exclusive of University va- cation and examination periods. The regular daily program of Uni- versity broadcasts from Morris Hall will not begin until Oct. 16. Nine pro- grams a week will be presented be- ginning at that time. Settlement Of Coal Strike Is Hop'ed By NRA WASHINGTON, Oct. 7.-()-Pres- ident Roosevelt, steel manufacturers operating coal mines, and NRA ex- ecutives went into conference at the White House late today to seek a permanent settlement of the western Pennsylvania coal strike. Meanwhile, mine operators of West Kentucky and officials of the United Mine Workers and an independent mine union were summoned by the national labor board to a hearing Oct. 12 on the dispute ,involving refusal of the operators to recognize the United Mine Workers. Charges filed before the board are that the independent union is a com- pany union and that operators have discharged miners in large numbers for refusing to join it, despite the legal guarantee that workers can or- ganize as they see fit. Spartans Humbled 20-6; Wolverines Score All Of Points In First Quarter Three Touchdowns Are Made Swiftly M.S.C. Substitute Quarter Tosses A Short Pass To Warmbein For Score By ALBERT HI. NEWMAN (Sports Editor) Flashing a powerful running and punting offensive in the first quar- ter of yesterday's contest, Michigan beat Michigan State's Spartan eleven 20-6. The Wolverines scored three touchdowns in the initial period, while State's tally came on the first play of the final quarter. The field was wet throughout the game making ball-handling difficult. Michigan scored at the end of four minutes of play as Armstrong, forc- ed to punt from behind his own goal line by one of Regeczi's accurate boots which was downed on the two- yard line by Wistert, made a poor attempt which gave Michigan the ball on State's 16-yard line. Two plunges by Regeczi and one by Fay put the ball on the three-yard line and Everhardus wentrover right tackle for a score. Petoskey missed the extra point. Four minutes later, the Wolverines again scored, as a kick by Regezi which went out of bounds on the M.S.C 17-yard line put State at a disadvantage, and Armstrong's punt to the Spartan 45-yard line was re- turned by Everhardus to the 18-yard line after a beautiful run. After a three-yard gain by Everhardus, Hes- ton swept around his own left end 15 yards to a touchdown. Everhardus kicked the extra point, making the score Michigan 13, MS.C. 0. Only three minutes were needed for the Maize and Blue's next score. McNutt was tackled hard by Savage as he took the kickoff. He fumbletl, and Kowalik recovered on the Spar- tan 24-yard line. Everhardus to'k the ball to the five-yard line after two unsuccessul tries at the Green forward wall and four plays later, Everhardus went off left tackle three yards to another score, also convert- ing for the extra point. Michigan 20, M.S.C. 0. Coach Harry Kipke made several substitutions after this score, and the second quarter was a see-saw af- fair with neither eleven seriously threatening. Several fumbles were made by each team in this period, and Michigan's running attack was effectively damp- ened, while McCreary, substitute full- back for M.S.C. made several. nice gains from the Spartan shift forma-- tions. Viergiver played an outstand- ing game at tackle for the Wol- verines. As the second half opened, the Wolverines regulars again took the field, with Renner at quarter and Fay shifted to half in place of Ever- hardus. Another score was expected, but State smothered Michigan's at- tack effectively, Regezi's punting keeping -State out of Michigan ter- ritory. The Wolverines failed to click. With two minutes to go in the (Continued on Page 6) Lack Of Work Keeps 90 Men A Month In Prison PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 7.-(A')-It's no crime to be out of a job but, paw,- doxically, lack of work keeps about 90 men a month in Eastern State penitentiary. Althoughtheir prison records may be good and psychologists report them ready to resume their places in society, convicts are not permitted under Pennsylvania parole laws, to leave the prison on expiration of their minimum sentences unless they have a job and a sponsor or enough money to support them for 60 days. Some of the prisoners ready to "go out" have the required funds-usually between $100 and $150-and the task of getting a sponsor generally is not difficult. For the others, however, finding a job presents a real prob- lem these days. E 3 -E Kicking, And Wet Field Aid Silence Shrouds By Order Of RAVENNA, Italy, Mussolini's p r o j e c t Dante's tomb with a' Dante Mussolini Oct. 7.-(I)- to surround "zone of sil- Depression Not As Severe In Shanghai As In This. Country ence" has been put into effect here. The premier ordered that all traf- fic should be diverted from streets around the great poet's resting place and that unsightly buildings mar- ring its monumental effect should be removed. The program involves tearing out a number of old dwell- ings. The idea of the zone of silence originated in a popular fascist slo- gan that only Il Duce himself could speak of the poet in big enough terms. "The so-called world-wide depres- sion has not been as severe in Shang- hai as in the large cities of this country. Of course, locally,rthey think it is very bad, but in reality they are not as hard hit as Detroit, for primitive nations do not hit the peaks and valleys so hard' as more advanced countries," asserted Bruce J. Miles '14, managing director of the General Motors China, Inc., of Shanghai and also a former member of The Daily staff. "China is gradually developing lo- cal manufacturing stimulated during the past two or three years by the low value of silver. They are now producing themselves much of the cotton piece goods that they used to import, in addition to doing a good deal of flower milling. However, it more along the lines of an Ameri- can city than a continental city. "As regards education, there are 600 children in an American school there, which is one of the two for- eign schools in the whole world where the Chinese language is taught," he added. Mr. Miles has also had consider- able contact with the Philippine Is- lands and feels that they have held up very well during the stress and strain of the depression. "There are a number of rapidly-growing indus- tries there including the production of sisla, hemp, tobacco, cigars, lum- ber and sugar. He has had considerable experi- ence as a General Motors representa- tive in that part of the world for he has spent a great portion of his time, inr.A 1Qgt_ n nvi n the+Phioimnna Michigan Expected To Lead In House Finance Discussion Michigan is expected to take the lead in the solution of one of the most pressing problems-that of house finances-which will confront leading fraternity men from many campuses who will be delegates to the annual meeting of the National Undergraduate Council of the Inter- fraternity Conference, to be held Fri- day and Saturday, Oct. 13 and 14 in Chicago. The chief topic of the report to be submitted by Bethel B. Kelley, '34, nresident of the Interfraternity -ress has been announced by Fair of- ficials as Friday, the opening day of the session. The subject which is to receive the general attention of delegates is "The There will be a meeting of the Interfraternity Council at 8 p. m. Wednesday at the Union, accord- ing to Maxwell T. Gail, '34, secre- tary-treasurer, who urged all houses to send delegates. New Planned Economy and its Im-