The Weather
Partly cloudy and cooler;
Wednesday fair and warmer.
A6r Ar
411 1 r t ttil
AW 49
Ei torials
Fraternities Face A Natural
Law; Sportsmanship At North-
- - - - --
Nellie T.Ross,
Ray L. Wilbur
To Give Talks
Nationally-known Figures
To Feature Washtenaw
County Campaign Week
Liquor Question To
Be Debated Tonight
Baptist Guild Speaker
Set Up
In Ann Ar
. The Washtenaw County political
circus swings into action this week
with the coming here of two national
speakers and the centralization of
the local campaign to the newly-es-
tablished Republican and Democratic
Nellie Tayloe Ross, former gover-
nor of Wyoming will appear here to-
morrow, speaking at a Democratic
rally in the evening at the Whitney
theatre. Mrs. Ross occupies a uni-
que position in American politics,
she having been the first woman to
hold the office of governor in any
state in the Union. At the death of
h e r husband, Governor William
Bradford Ross in 1923, she was elect-
ed to fill his unexpired term. Only
one woman has held the office of
governor in any state since that time.
Wilber to Speak Twice
Mrs. Ross' address will be followed
on Thursday with the appearance of,
Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, secretary1
of the interior speaking in behalf ofr
the Republican cause. Dr. Wilbur,
Dr. Waterman
Says Churches
Have BeenLax
Speaker At Guild Takes'
As Subject, 'Basis Of
Optimism In Religion'
Churches have not rallied to their
place in dispelling the general des-
pair which has enveloped the world
because of the economic depression,
declared Prof. Leroy Waterman of
the Oriental Languages department,
speaking on "The Basis of Optimism
in Religion" before a group of faculty
members and students at the Baptist
Guild House Sunday night.
Referring to the various religions
of the world, as he would to stocks
a n d bonds, Professor Waterman
stated that in his judgment, "Baptist
Preferred" was "rising steadily, with
coupons payable in the next world
if not in this"; Spanish Catholic he
characterized as having "crashed
several years ago; Mexican Catholic,"
he said, "has gone on the rocks bad-
ly, figures having been compiled to
show the extent of the loss."
Returning to a more serious vein, i
Ex-Sen. Reed
Hits Hoover's
War Policies,
Gives Democratic Answer
To President's Opening
Campaign Speech
Raps Farm Board
For Wheat Buyings'
Brands 'Untrue' Statement'
That Country Nearly Had
To Quit Gold Standard
DES MOINES, Ia., Oct. 10.-(1)-
Former Senator James A. Reed of
Missouri in the Democratic reply to
President Hoover's opening campaign
speech, tonight asserted the state'
ment that the country was nearly
forced off the gold standard to be
"absolutely untrue."
Speaking in the coliseum where the
President last week opened his active
campaign, the Missourian also re-
ferred to a statement on Gov. Roose-
velt's tariff views as "willful perver-
sion of the truth," and referred to
the body of the President's address as
"a series of incorrect statements and
unjustifiable deductions."
In devoting a large portion of his
address to reviewing both war-time
and post-war activities of Mr. Hoover
which he said were detrimental to
increased prices for farm products,
the former senator said:
Charges Foreign Favoritism
"Mr. Hoover's (war-time) regula-
tion of prices was for the benefit of
England, Italy, France and Belgium.
Thus did he carry out the plans he
brought with him to the United
States, viz: to beat down American
farm prices for the benefit of Great
Britain and her allies."I
The speaker said Mr. Hoover's the-
ory to capture the trade of the world
was to "undersell the world."
In attacking the farm board, theI
address of the former senator, as dis-
Low Point Passed
In Depression, Say
.Business Leaders
NEW YORK, Oct. 10.-(A)-Con-
fidence that the extreme low point
of the business depression has been
passed and that revival, although
it may be slow and irregular, is un-
der way, was expressed by an over-
whelming majority of more thant100
business leaders in replies to a tele-
graphic questionnaire.
The canvass of business sentiment
was made by Lehman Bros., private
banking house, and the findings were
made public Sunday. The bankers'
conclusions stated that in all but a
few industries there is ample evi-
dence of definite improvement and
return of hopes for a slow but sure
climb, during the winter and spring
The opinion that the low point
was passed in the summer was de-
scribed by Lehman Bros. as "near-
ly unanimous." It was explained that
"the large majority were definitely
of the opinion that the bottom had
been seen, while the small number
who voiced no definite conviction,
were at least hopeful that this was
the case.'
Inventories were reported by near-
ly all as ranging from normal to very
The replies indicated, however,
that, there is not much likelihood of
increased employment, except sea-
sonal, until there has been an in-
crease in business volume of around
15 to 20 per cent, the banking house1
found. t
Reed Reports
CountyM7'Fault s
In Government
Demonstrates Inefficiencyt
In Structure, Lack Of
Centralized Executive
will give two addresses, one at a Un-
ion forum at noon and the other at
a G. 0. P. rally at the Whitney in
the evening. He will be the guest of
Dr. Alexander Ruthven during his
staying here. Dr. Wilbur is a prom-
inent educator, having served at one
time as president of Stanford Uni-
Democratic headquarters for the
local campaign were established on
East Liberty over the week-end with
William Dawson, police commissioner
and former druggist, in charge. Re-
publican headquarters have been set
up on North Fourth Ave. All cam-!
tributed by the~Democratic national evre criticism of governmental
committee, said: operation in Oakland County, Michi-
"Hme , (Mr. Hoor)tegan, and constructive suggestions for
"He (Mr. Hoover) tells yo in onremedies are embodied in a report
breath that he proposes to collect the ies are embodied in a report
rnilprd by Prnf Thnm~ H -T d
Kunz To Talk
On Individual
Was Prominent Figure In
Educational And Social
Advance World Of. East
Applies Philosophy
To Our Civilization
Man Of Wide Experience
Will Lecture For The
Theosophical Society
Fritz Kunz, popular speaker, will
deliver two lectures in Ann Arbor to-
day under the auspices of the Theo-
sophical society. At 4:15 he will dis-
cuss "The Invisible World" and at
8:00 p. m. he will speak on "Self-
Discovery by Experiment." Both lec-
tures will be held in Natural Science
Mr. Kunz has the benefit of a wide
experience in the East which he is
bringing to the study and interpreta-
tion of Western thought, effort, and
problems, according to a statement
from the society. As a prominent
figure in the educational and social-
advance world of India, Burma, and
Ceylon, he assimilated and digested
the essence of the ordered philosophy
of the old and cultured East. In his
present lecture tour he, is demon-
strating how this philosophy, with its
knowledge of the cultivation of the
individual, can be applied to the ac-
tive civilization of the United States.
Unusual in his disregard for tradi-
tion, Mr. Kunz yet applies to the
consideration of our most confusing
problems a great respect for the past
where it fits. With his background
of learning, he is able to present the
turmoil of this age as the transition
from one culture to the culture of aj
new age.
Mr. Kunz has travelled widely and
has enjoyed intimate contacts with
diversified t y p e s of individuals;;
statesmen, poets, philosophers, and
scientists, the statement said. He has
the capacity to convey this experi-
ence in a manner calculated to stim-
ulate any audience either to enthus-
iasm or to thoughtful dissent.
On a former appearance in Ann
Arbor. Mr. Kunz spoke for the Tlieo-
sophical society.
Kunz Lectures Under
Auspices Of Socialists
Contrasting the different philoso-
phies of the East and the West,
Fritz Kunz gave examples of the
changing philosophies of today, 'and
onsidered Socialism from its philos-
ophical aspects, in a talk in Natural
Science Auditorium last night.
"Inequality of wealth prevents po-
litical democracy. America today is
politically democratic and economi-
ally plutocratic," said Mr. Kunz.
'We want ourrbusiness in the hands
of the government, not our govern-
ment in the hands of business."
Mr. Kunz, who is a member of the
Socialist party, quoted at length fromt
Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate
for President this fall.
The lecture was sponsored by the
Michigan Socialist Club.t
Roosevelt To
Give Address
Over The Air
Democratic Candidate Will'
Talk Thursday Night To
Outline Relief Views
ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 10.-(P)-Aft-
er accepting an invitation to give his'
views on the extent to which thel
federal government should engage in
relief activities, Franklin D. Roosevelt
tonight went into a conference to
complete the itinerary for his south-
ern trip.
He decided to make a radio speech
Thursday night at 10 o'clock over a
national hook-up to outline his relief
views in response to a letter signed by
10 welfare workers, acting on their
own individual initiative. Their let-
ter said they were asking the same
five questions on relief, public works,
unemployment insurance, the chil-
dren's bureau, and education, of both
The Demncratic nresidential eandi-
I Drnfoo-," xxrn+avn" coin +V-+ i-
Will Lecture Here
paign activities will be directed from riessor onaterman sai e that in
the i.view of present conditions, one might
Republican Club to Meet
The Young Men's Republican club
of Washtenaw County will meet to-
night to discuss the prohibition issue
and other issues at the Chamber of
Commerce building at 8 p. m. Plans
are being made by the University of
Michigan Republican club for a stu-
dent rally sometime next week, ac-
cording to Del Pfrommer, publicity1
director of the group. Definite an-
nouncement of time and place will
be made later.
Coolidge Says
G.o0.P. Chances
Are Ver Good
Will Address Republican
Rally For Re-election Of
Hoover and Curtis
NEW YORK, Oct. 10.-(P)-Calvin
Coolidge, the same silent man of the
White House, came to New York to-
day on a two-fold purpose.
1. To attend as honorary pall-
bearer the funeral of Darwin P.-
Kingsley, chairman of the board of
New York Life.
2. To touch off the Grand Old
Party's major offensive, in the east
at the Madison Square Garden rally
tomorrow night.
On politics, the former president
limited himself today to saying the
Republican chances "are very good."
But tomorrow night, his address
will be one of the party's primary
appeals for the re-election of Hoover
and Curtis.
The Garden seats 22,000, and the
national committee was looking to-
day for a nearby auditorium to hold
the overflow crowd.
This will be Coolidge's second ad-
dress on politics since he left the
White House-he made a radio]
speech in 1930-and, unless the pres-
ent plans are changed, will be his
only public speaking appearance in
the campaign.
Inasmuch as the national commit-
tee has not decided as yet whether
President Hoover will speak in New
expect a large increase in the mem-
bership of churches, but that no such
increase had. been observed.
"The general despair of this de-
pression is a worse blot on our civili-
zation than was the Great War,".he
declared, and pointed out that the
principles of Jesus nowhere dominate
our civilization.
"There is no cause for optimism in
the religions of today as 'they now
exist," said Professor Waterman, "the
only real ground lies in the untried
religion of Jesus."
aisley, Friday To Talk
At Educators' Meeting
The first meeting of the Michigan
Education Association will be called
at nine o'clock Friday. morning in
Hill Auditorium, according to Otto W.
Haisley, who will speak on "Teachers'
Welfare." Dr. David Friday, who will
speak on "Economic Change and Fi-
nancial Readjustment," a n d Mr.
Haisley will be the prominent speak-
ers during the morning session.
Friday night the association will
be entertained by an illustrated lec-
ture by Laurence M. Gould. "With
Byrd in the Antarctic." Mr. Gould
is the head of the department of ge-
ology and geography at Carleton Col-
lege, Northfield, Minnesota.
foreign debts and in the next that in
some mysterious way he is going to
wipe out the debts due us by Europe
by sending them our wheat in addi-
tion to the money we have heretofore
given them. That kind of financing
is well illustrated by a proposition
now being discussed.
"The farm board paid more than,
$25,000,000 of our money for 25,000,-
000 bushels of wheat. It is now try-
ing to sell the wheat to China for
$15,000,000 and proposes to loan
China $15,000,000 with which to pay
for it. Thus we will have $40,000,000
invested and the very doubtful note
of China for $15,000,000."
Quotes Sen. Glass
Reed quoted Sen. Carter Glass (D.,
Va.), former secretary of the treas-
ury, as the source of his information
that the, "country was never within
$2,700,000,000 of the lawful suspen-
sion of gold payments."
Quoting from the sections of the
President's address dealing with the
gold standard peril, Reed said:
"The fact is that the drain upon
our gold reserve was largely occa-
sioned by the mismanagennt of the
federal reserve system, and also that
the system has been greatly strength-
ened by the Democratic Glass-Stea-
gall bill."
compiA e ry . ro 1. i noimast ..Aeea,
of the political science department
the first portion of which was re-
leased for publication yesterday.
Professor Reed has prepared the
report t the request of A. R. Glancy,
former president of the Oakland
Auto Company, and an influential
resident of Oakland County.
Finds Two Major Faults j
Professor Reed finds the county's
government faulty in two major re-
spects. He believes that in the first
place the structure of the county
government is illogical and ineffici-
ent; and secondly that there are too
many independent units of govern-
ment within the county.
He points out that there is no
ultimate, effective head of the coun-
ty, and hence little executive co-or-
dination. The accounting system he
believes to be weak and frequently
misrepresentative of the true situa-
tion of public finances.
Many Government Units
He names 225 independent units
of government within the county.
These include school districts, cities,
villages, and townships.
To better these conditions Profes-
sor Reed outlines a three stage pro-
gram which embraces local action,
state legislative action, and ultimate
'constitutional amendment. By fol-
lowing it he believes an immediate,
partial solution of Oakland County's
problems and an ultimately complete
one could be reached.
Michiganensian Staff
Will Meet Thursday
All members, b o t h men and
women, of the Michiganensian edi-
torial staff will meet in the 'En-
sian office in the Publications
Building at 4 p. m. Thursday.
According to Benjamin McFate,
managing editor, the meeting is,
important, and it is essential that
all members attend.
Two Arrested On
Charges of Arson,
Leaving Accident
Two arrests were made yesterday,
according to the Ann Arbor police.
Frank Wilson, address unknown,
Turn In Prize
Contest Papers
Walters Makes Hopwood
Award Announcement;
Judges Are Selected
Manuscripts will be received in the
freshman division of the Hopwood
writing contest any time until Janu-
ary 27, 1933; it has been announced
by Prof. E. A. Walter, chairman of
the committee of the freshman divi-
Three prizes of $50, $30, and $20
respectively will be offered in each of
the three fields, essay; prose fiction,
and poetry. Any freshman enrolled
in a composition course in the liter-
ary college is eligible to compete.
The manuscripts will be judged by
Prof. L. A. Strauss of the English de-
partment, Dr. F. E. Robbins, manag-
ing editor of the University Press,
and Theodore Hornberger of the
English department.
"The , contest this year has been
announced six weeks earlier than last
year's," Professor Walter said, "and
we expect double the number of en-
tries this year, or even more."
The committee in charge of the ar-
rangements i Prof. E. A. Walter,
chairman, A. L. Bader, and J. L.
Police Apprehend
Insull; 'Am Honest
Tourist,' He Says
ATHENS, Oct. 10.-(/P)-After two
failures the United States Govern-
ment succeeded today in bringing
about the detention of Samuel Insull,
who is wanted in Chicago to an-
swer an indictment charging grand
larceny and embezzlement growing
out of the collapse of his vast utili-
ties interests.
Greek police found Insull as he
was sipping a cup of coffee on a bal-
cony of the Grand Bretagne Hotel.
They took him to police headquar-
ters, where he told them the finan-
cial reverses of his companies had
meant a personal loss of $100,000,-
000 to him.'
The police said they acted because
the Chicagoan's papers were not in
order, but they reported what they
had done to the American Legation,
and it was learned the Legation had
requested the provisional' arrest of
the former financier.
Previously, the United States had
attempted to bring about the deten-
tion of Insull in France for the pur-
pose of starting an extradition ac-
tion. But he left Paris too quickly
for the American authorities to act.
He went to Italy and there the story
was repeated. Twenty-four hours
after he had departed for Athens
the Embassy at Rome received a
cabled request for his arrest.
"I have committed no crime and
there is no warrant out for me," In-
sull declared in a newspaper inter-
view shortly after the Greek police
took him in custody. "The failure
of my company was not fraudulent.
"I have come to Athens purely
as a tourist. I find the climate de-
Sophomore Women Will
Elect Cabaret Committee
Sophomore women will meet at 4
p. m. tomorrow in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre to elect the central
committee for the annual sophomore
chabrent it was annonned vsterda v
Houses Gain
409 Pledges;
Approve New
'ystem Best,' Say Most
Fraternities; Advocate
Minor Changes In Next
Year's Regulations
150 More Pledge
Than Last Spring
Turner Predicts Possible
Adjustment In Silence
Period; 'Somewhat Un-
Wieldy,' He Believes
(A complete official pledging list will
be found on page 5)
Fraternities pledged a total of 409
freshmen last night, an increase of
150 over last year's class, according
to figures issued by the Dean of Stu-
dent's office last night.
The general consensus of opinion
among the fraternities is that the
rushing system now in force is the
best which has been tried so far. Al-
though some fraternities reported
that they would like to see a few
minor changes in the plans, most of
them preferred the system to any
other which has been enforced.
The average number of men who
were pledged this year is more than
six per house, while last year the
average was approximately four.
Nine houses were reported to have
received no pledges at all. Six of
these fraternities failed to file a
Three preference lists without
the names of the freshmen who
submitted them were received at
the office of the Dean of Students,
it was reported last -night by Ed-
win T. Turner, '33, president of
the Interfraternity' Council. As a
consequence, these freshmen could
not be pledged. This matter will
be adjusted if
will call today
Turner said.
the three freshmen
at the dean's office,
preference list,
an opinion last
rushing system,
turning to the
last spring.
When asked to give
night as to the new
only two favored re-
deferred 'pledging of
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 10. - (P) -
Benjamin Franklin was a pioneer ex-
ponent of indoor nudism, an old let-
ter discloses.
"The new system proved to be
much easier on both fraternities and
freshmen," was the opinion of Ed-
win T. Turner, '33, president of the
Interfraternity Council. "The chief
difficulty was found in the silence
period, which was a bit unwieldy
and hard to enforce. It is hoped that
there will be a change next year,
possibly a stipulation that the fresh-
men hand in their preference lists
A spokesman for Beta Sigma Psi
said that "the fellows think that the
old one couldn't have been any
worse," while one other house re-
ported that it would prefer to return
to the old "hot-box" system.
N. S. Potter, president of the Inter-
fraternity Alumni group, said that
from reports made to him by vari-
ous alumni representing many of the
houses on the campus, the new sys-
tem is far superior to that in effect
last year.
"It gives the freshmen a better op-
portunity to get acquainted with the
fraternity men," he said, "and like-
wise it gives the fraternity men a
better chance to know freshmen."
Financial Press Makes
Houses Less Exclusive
Michigan fraternities were deter-
mined this year to keep the wolf
from the door if freshmen could do
it, for a total of 1,555 names were
submitted on the fraternities' prefer-
ence lists. One house in particular
named more than 60 students thatt
would be acceptable. Six houses re-
turned no list at all.
Only 650 freshmen received bids,
the remainder of the 1,555 being du-
plicates. The average man thus was
invited to join -2.38 houses.
Three fraternities 'received no
pledges at all. One house got 19, four
got 16, two got 14 and one got 12.
The average number of pledges was
seven; 6.66 to be exact.
Out of the 650 students receiving
bids, 400 were pledged, 50 either
withheld their selections or submit-
Creaser And Steere Bring Back
Large Collection From Yucatan
Dr. Edwin P. Creaser of the zoology
department and Dr. William C.
Steere of the botany department ac-
companied an expedition to Yucatan
last summer on a scientific investiga-
tion which yielded a fruitful collec-
tion of plants, fish, crustaceans, and
lower animal life, it, was learned in
an interview.
The party headed by Dr. A. S.
Pearse of Duke University sailed from
New Orleans the latter part of May
and spent two months studying the
fauna in the "Cenotes" and "Agua-
das" around the regions of Chichen
Itzas and Merida, the capital of Yu-
catan, according to Dr. Creaser.
The Cenotes are well-like breaks in
evolution of forms of Crustaceans not
found before." Some of the peculiar
animals consist of blind shrimp and
Isopods, a fresh water turtle that
cannot walk on land and some long-
billed animals that quack like ducks.
The party made its headquarters at
the ruins of Chichen Itza, headquar-
ters also of the Carnegie Institute.
Dr. Creaser said that it was necessary
to obtain permission to explore the
Cenotes, some of which are held sa-
cred and to which it was impossible
to gain entrance. Others are utilized
by the native Mayan Indians as fish-
ing and water holes.
According to the scientists the fish-
ing in these pools, some of which are