THE MiC-iG'N DAILY MICHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 two _. ,. _. r- -- f ยข $ b) - - .ca Published every morning except- Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitledstothe use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone : 2-12 14. Representatives: College Publishers Representatives, Inic., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New, York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston;612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF. Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR..............FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY EDITOR.....................KARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR .................. JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR.................MARGARET O'BRIEN ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR......ELSIE FELDMAN NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, John W. Pritchard, Joseph W. Renihan; C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. REPORTERS: Edward Andrews, Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt, James, Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald F. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens, Donald Elder, Robert Engel, Ed- ward A. Genz, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, Alvin Schleifer, George Van Vleck, Cameron Walker, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White, Leonard A. Rosenberg. Eleanor B. Blum, Miriam Carver, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan. Frantees Manchester, Marie J. Murphy. Margaret C. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie West- ern and Harriet Speiss. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.............BYRON C. VEDDER CREDIT MANAGER.......... . ,. ...HARRY BEGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......DONNA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; ,Publications, Robert E. Finn. ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin- ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward. Betty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy Laylin, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seegfried, Kathryn Stork, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1932 Michigan Athletics, A Giant Corporation.. . M ICHIGAN has a great football .team. 55,000 people saw the Maize and Blue machine play Northwestern at the Sta- dium yesterday. More than $100,000 poured into the coffers of the Athletic Association. The Michigan athletic plant has become a giant corporation, with all of the executive boards, bond holders, and professional staffs of a great busi- ness enterprise. While we are not insinuating that Michigan football players are professionals, nevertheless, it is true that in many cases the Varsity serves as a "farm" for the "big leagues" in football. One has only to look at the number of former Michigan gridiron heroes who have graduated from the "minors" to the "majors" upon receiv- ing their diplomas to appreciate this situation. Only a few who have reached major positions in this way, either on coaching staffs or profes- sional teams, need be mentioned. This list in- cludes such names as Friedman, Kipke, Daniels, Gembis and Hewitt. While many of these men, it is true, took courses in physical education in preparation for coaching positions, nevertheless, it is very doubt- ful if they could have secured the positions they now hold without the prestige gained in /he "minors." Perhaps large gate receipts, tremendous run- ning expenses, and the popularity of the "farm" with the "big leagues" explains why football has been taken away from the students at the Uni- versity. - , Perhaps these also explain why students do not get the consideration at football games ten- dered to alumni, guests, and bond holders. Per- haps that is also'wiy students are rudely ejected by professional ushers when they attempt to take chairs in empty boxes, instead of their assigned places on the 10 and 0-yard lines. We are not condemning the Athletic Associa- tion. We realize that football supports many of the minor sports, and consequently must be man- aged like a big business. We also realize that the large gate receipts might well be mishandled un- der student supervision. We are merely making the point that football, as a sport, owes its popularity to students of uni- versities, such as Michigan, and, for this reason, it is with regret that we see that football has out- grown the University and, except for the actual players, University students are no longer an es- ;ential cog in the orporation and are treated accordingly, "w qrt rc To Be Commended.* RUE to its reputation of years' standing, the Oratorical Associa- tion this year is presenting a list of highly dis- tinguished speakers, each of whom has a notable $3.00, now can be obtained for $275; and the balance of the tickets sell for $2.50. This repre- sents a reduction of 12 to 14 per cent, and in- cludes all government taxes, The excellence of the program is attested by the lead-off speaker, Lowell Thomas, who is well- known for his travel and adventure books, and in addition enjoys so great a reputation as an his- torian of current events that his service in this capacity under various flags has culminated in the presentation to him of the Legion of Honor. Because of this presentation, which will take place on Oct. 22, the previously scheduled date for his lecture, the association has voluntarily released him from this contracted date, and has postponed his speech until Oct. 29, when he will lecture on "From Singapore to Mandalay." He will be followed on Nov. 10 by William Butler Yeats, who will discuss "The Irish Re- naissance." Next comes Frederick William Wile, newspaper correspondent, who will lift the veil from some of the more obscure political and social phenomena of our national capitol when he tells what goes on "Behind the Scenes in Washington," on Dec. 1. Will Durant, noted philosophical historian, who wrote the "Story of Philosophy" and various more recent works dealing with past and present phi- losophical subjects, will lecture on "The American Crisis," Jan. 11. Carveth Wells, whose humorous and startling monologues on the wonders of na- ture have delighted audiences all over the world, will present motion pictures of "Noah's Home Town" on Feb. 21. Dr. Raymond L. Ditmars, curator of the New York Zoological Park, will discuss nature in the raw from a slightly different angle when he pre- sents, on March 9, motion pictures of "Our Ani- mal Friends and Foes," the last picture of the series. The Oratorical Association has made itself known all over Michigan by its programs during the past years. It is especially to be compli- mented, however, for its courage and its confi- dence in University audiences as manifested by its 1932-3 billings and its startling reduction in prices. This confidence has been fulfilled thus far by the exceptional volume of mail orders received. An over-the-counter sale will be an- nounced soon, for the benefit of those who have been unable to get their tickets through the mails. It is assumed that a full house will greet every lecturer. Student Health DEFINING HEALTH Few words signify so much of importance to mankind as the word "Health." For a term of such significance, a clearly definable meaning seems desirable. At first thought the term has a definite meaning to most people, but in attempt- ing to state its definition the word "health" as- sumes many features of abstraction and rela- tivity. For the most part, people think of health in negative terms, such as, the absence of disagree- able sensations of pains, deformity, and disease. To speak of the absence of disease is to introduce another term eually difficult to define. The word "normal" frequently comes to mind in this connection, but it can be defined little better than as an average; it hardly means the desirable op- timum. Some of the most important recent develop- ments in the field of health have made a concep- tion of the word even more intangible. When we think of health in terms of soundness of body organs only, it is simple as compared with the situation where organ function is considered also. More recently a complex factor sometimes spoken of as "mental function" has been recognized as playing a part in individual health. This feature very frequently deals with the problem of personal feelings, emotions or reactions to situations. It certainly is the basis of much conduct and behav- ior as influencing or revealing personal health. While these later ideas have tended to make more complex a present definition or clear state- ment of the meaning of the word "health," they have at the same time added very much to the solution of personal life problems. These addi- tions to the interests of personal health have very much extended the scope of the physician or other health worker to include psychology, biology, soci- ology, child training, etc. The broader concepts of personal health and attention to the factors upon which it depends has transferred much health work from the phy- sician whose interests and training are not pri- marily health but specific processes of disease. With this increase in scope and the number of separate interests involved, it is possible that we should speak of health not as a single term but in a collective sense; physical health, emotional health, mental health, etc. The social point of view is introduced in a definition used by an author of a text-book on hygiene when he defines health as, "that quality of life which enables one to live most and serve best." Editorial Comment EDUCATION HOLDS AN INVENTORY American higher education, after an era de- voted to the expansion of physical facilities fost- ered by the boom years, appears to have paused for an appraisal of its aims and methods. Much constructive criticism in this field has come from Mr. Abraham Flexner, and now President Lowell of Harvard speaks his mind in an article ent i red "Universities, Graduate Schools, and Colleges" ap- pearing in a recent issue of the Atlantic Munthly. To President Lowell the principle purpose of a graduate school should be to produce outstanding scholars, who are best nurtured in an institution which arouses their intellectual enthusiasm bilt leaves them free to follow their own studies un- checked by restricting supervision. The graduate school fails to provide the proper environment, lie nite steps. The colleges should raise their stand- ards and give undergraduates the freedom from narrow restrictions which the mature student merits. With this fuller education provided by colleges graduate schools would not be crowded with so many men who merely want to round out their undargraduate work. Finally, the author recommends the formation of "Societies of Fel- iows," small groups loosely organized to permit individual freedom, but at the same time provid- ing reciprocal intellectual contact and stimula- tion. President Lowell's criticism of graduate schools as over-run with inferior men working merely for the prestige of a degree is undoubtedly to some extent true. The cure for this evil would seem to lie, however, in universities giving promotion to professors on a basis of teaching ability rather than on the possession of a Ph. D. Moreover, the charge that the graduate school hampers the de- velopment of the college, though probably true at smaller institutions, does not seem to apply at Princeton, where the four-course plan and com- prehensive examinations have gone far toward fostering a true university education. In his proposal for the establishment of "Soci- eties of Fellows," however, seems to lie the uni- que contribution of President Lowell's article. These groups might go far toward the develop- ment of the true scholar. Freedom,'isolation and stimulation of intellectuual contacts would com- bine to produce what the crowded graduate school cannot. To be sure, these "Societies" would have to be composed only by men most eminently quali- fied, but granting this standard was maintained, they should, as the author suggests, provide "a more stimulating atmosphere . . . and a more defi- nite independent opportunity to productive' pur- pose. -Daily Princetonian WE DEMAND A FACULTY FREE FROM INTELLECTUAL COWARDICE Not the least grave result to the recent political agitation for censorship of thought and teaching in the university, is an inordinate and, for the most part, unwarranted timidity which it has in- duced in those who should above all be willing to follow the truth wherever it may lead, Whereas, professors and teachers at Wisconsin may have felt no great danger hitherto in pre- senting the facts as they have seen them after careful study, now there has been noticed a mark- ed shyness, a cringing fear of expressing truths which may not coincide with some of the views now current. This self-censorship, we maintain, is far more important a phenomenon, far more dagerous a repression, than open censorship imposed from without, such as Mr. Chapple would institute. Now, we certainly would not imply that there is no real danger of the university being forced into an intellectual straight-jacket. Certainly, our va- rious perorations pointing out the immediacy of such censorship even in the free and' liberal state of Wisconsin have made our genuine concern quite clear. However, it is all too easy to allow this valid fear of repression to evolve into a phobia of self- restraint, of self-imposed restriction of thought, of intellectual shyness. And certain happenings in recent days have confirmed in our minds the sus- picion that such an unhealthy and positively dangerous condition actually exists on the campus and in the classrooms of the university. There need be no apology made for the truth. Freedom of thought is its own excuse for being. When professors, rendered timid and fearful and cowering by an unparallelled campaign of vicious propaganda, deem it manly or fair' to their own consciences to elect to public office a candidate who stands for everything to which they as pro- fessors should be opposed unalterably, then, we say, it is high time that we begin to express legi- timate fear. We as students demand the truth. We want to hear, not convenient truths, nor truths upon which everybody can agree, but honest expressions of honest opinion on the part of professors whom we respect. For, by compromising truth, by apolo- gizing for a difference of opinion, one renders it intellectually sterile. We demand a free faculty, freed both from Chapple repression from the out- side and intellectual cowardice from within. We want to learn, not to hide. Wisconsin Daily Cardinal SOUND FILMS A STEP TOWARD MODERNIZING EDUCATION Research indicates that most people have "vis- ual" memories, in that the impressions received through the optic centers are retained longer and more clearly than the impressions received through the other senses. The first Eastern' schools which tested motion pictures in classrooms found that pictures accelerate comprehension. By installing film sound equipment, the new Junior college takes a step forward in education, along with Harvard, and the Universities of Chi- cago and California, where films, it has been found, may successfully supplement present edu- cational technique. -The Minnesota Daily Campus Opinion BRING BACK DIAGONAL To The Editor: It is with great regret that many of us read in this morning's paper that the inimitable Diagonal has been discontinued. Since early last spring it has been an integral and vital part of your paper.' It has become a veritable institution, and now it is to be taken from us. The feature to which so many of us have turned in order to get in a pre- sentable frame of mind to take us through our early-morning classes is no more to be. And all because ther are those on the campus who cannot take a friendly dig. Yesterday morning we read a letter complain- ing of the tbloid nature of your column. This is true, as you explained at the very outset of the colimnn in question which appeared Thursday nioiinig. You announced at that time that this was merely a one-day policy, yet there are those who are so kcking iI sense of humor that they, cannot bear it, even for one day. In a univei'sity of this size, a feature of this sort plays a most inpo'tant part. Besides causing anmuemneiit, it deals with the intimacies of student life which make that life most interesting. 1 ihink that the objections to your column may be considered negligible, because for every pro- testor there must be almost a hundred enthusi- asts. Why not let those who' cannot take a "ride" send you their names so that you may avoid mak- ing fun of the sensitive ones. I T t hirik in.- m - #Pq1fi iro ,'nxinn.,-+ sally lea onlIP I I a I SUITS Miracleaned and Valeteria Form-pressed 35' Goldman Bros.' Paces are Called for and Delivered for Cash PLAIN COATS Miracleaned and Beautifully Hand-finished 5S0c rI WeMayNotB-"Willia Tells" In Shooting Apples But When It Comes to Hitting the Mark In Cleaning, Well Youti the J Udg9-e William Tell's skill wouldn't have won him much renown if he had used an unreliable bow and arrow. And no clean- er can gain prestige and popularity with unreliable, out-of- date equipment. Realizing this, we spent thousands of dollars to install Miraclean, because we knew that the Mira- clean standard of fresh lustrous, wholesome cleaning would instantly register with those who want the most for their money. And the result has proved we were right. 13 FREE ROUND TRIPS AND TICKETS to the OHIO STATE GAME Ask at any of the Goldman Bros. Conveniently Located Stores THEY on lETRESULTS! Dil 24214 Al!CHIGAN DAILY Classif ied Advertising 11 " Q/ gN' f Ha"l /F *-clea s'abrathof pring 214 South State -1115 South University Avenue - 113 East Liberty 701 South State Street, corner Monroe --703 Packard Phone 4213 I _. _ _ . PLAIN FELT 11 II 1 i